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Florida: We'll take your trans kids in other states

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
One benefit of this kind of thing is in promoting the segregation of liberals and conservatives in America. Let red states become redder and blue states bluer. Let businesses recognize that they will be more stable opening in blue states as well. Let the Disney thing and the Atlanta all-star game moved to Denver in protest of Georgia oppressive voting laws be cautionary tales about doing business in states where governors are more into pandering and performative politics than governing.

And in the extreme, it prepares America for division into two countries. I realize that many would consider both of these undesirable - people who still hope for unity and reconciliation in America - but I don't see that happening. There comes a time when differences are irreconcilable, and "divorce," as Greene called, is preferable to more "marriage counseling." The Czechs and Slovakian seem to be happy as neighboring allies rather than sharing a government. How about the Bible belt outlawing just about everything it disapproves of like abortion, teaching black history, voting while black or brown, and LGTBQ support, and allowing people to have as many unregistered guns as they like in the hands of virtually anybody that wants one? That's how they want to live, so let them, but just not as neighbors or even fellow countrymen. From another country. What's the loss to the blue states? The gain is obvious and substantial.
The question is how would that work geographically?

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
The question is how would that work geographically?
Generally, the red states cluster in the South and Midwest plus some mountain states, which are contiguous. The blue states tend to cluster in the West, around the Great Lakes, and the Northeast, which are not contiguous. Something like the following, but after a time of migrating in anticipation of dividing. GA probably becomes red, for example:


The only way my family can have successful reunions is to not talk politics. It gets brought up a few times but shut down quickly. Only a few of my familiy knows how liberal I am. I'm willing to talk if others are, but most of them are republican, and my dad and stepmom have said things that suggest they are committed FOX viewers. I do not respond because I know from experience with conservatives on forums that the dispute will be over assumptions that are baseless (democrats are socialist, Biden is a puppet, Bernie is a nutcase, AOC is dangerous, woke agenda, etc.).

Fortunately, thanks to expatriation, I don't have to deal with that.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
The absurdity of red states is how their representatives will not ote for bills that spend money, like the infrastructure bill, or Medicaid, or food assistance, but then will eagerly accept the money they get and even brag about it to their constituents. I think bills should refuse money to districts that their representatives don't vote for. There needs to be consequences for political grandstanding.
At this point, yes. They want to have states that minorities flee and pay little money, absolutely vote against helping the poor as they crap all over them, and then get to have their hand out for money from those they demonize? And they want to say we're godless and they're more Christlike? Whatever.
It's clear De Santis wants to turn Florida into a shrine of Conservatorism...
Like a happy town...
In my humble opinion, of course.

But that doesn't mean that Floridian LGBTs will have less rights.
Yes, it does. Inherently this bill does mean legally minors with gender dysphoria cannot be treated for it and adults who have been treated for it cannot be parents.
That is not a happy town but a family destroying ****hole.
You presume that living with MAGA is a growing and learning experience. I don't. I have no interest in their opinions or what they want, and prefer to not see or hear them. I've been hearing them for years, and it's the same failed moral and intellectual garbage. What do you see from them on RF? Do you read those OPs seriously, like they might contain some new and important insight about Hunter Biden's laptop or something Kamala Harris said? How about this CPAC thing going on now? Are you tuning in looking for insightful conservative commentary from Trump or Greene or Gaetz? Not everybody has something to say worth hearing. And do you really want to share your world with them and their guns and their bigotries and their assaults on school boards and their voting?

You'd have people who are more compatible with one another clustering. That's the purpose. Tolerance does not include tolerating intolerance. People who prefer tolerant societies are happy to marginalize the intolerant, and I assume that the intolerant don't want to be with the mutually tolerant, either. The keep calling them woke.
Yup. They make it clear they don't want to live with others so why should they be tolerated? Why should others have to suffer living with them?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Florida, in all of DeSantis' amd the Republican's fascism, is now wanting to take children from parents who get medical care for gender dysphoria even if the child lives in another state. Or even if the parent is trans.
I see DeSantis making a very similar remark to whoever it was in I think Iran saying they don't have homosexuals. Well, no, you kill them so no. The American Taliban's version will be Florida doesn't have any transkids. We'll, no, because they've egregiously violated human rights in regards to seeking medical care that they are violating the rights of other states (just like the CSA in regards to runaway slaves).
Florida courts could take 'emergency' custody of kids with trans parents or siblings — even if they live in another state
People should know that while Pubs claim to be the party
of small government, this isn't so. While they'd shrink it
in some areas, they'd increase it in others, as we see with
abortion, sex transition, & censorship.


No religious beliefs
I've been saying for awhile the Union needs to end. Do a population exchange so everyone is where they want to be and then pull the plug so the Red States can't keep dragging down amd endangering the Blue States. It would also allow us to join the rest of the Western world and developed nations in the 21st Century. And Red States get their theocracy.

It's an attractive idea, but the logistics are horrible.

Red states are not all red and blue states are not all blue. In fact, (and I've tried to find some statistics that are presented exactly as I want without success) it looks as if around 22 States are very close to having equal populations. So how the heck do you move all these people around, even if they wanted to be moved? It gets better if you do it by counties, but that makes my second point even worse.

The red and blue States are not contiguous so we could not have two geographically separate countries by leaving the States as they are. The blues are in a worse position here. That would leave the new Red country able to blockade some of the Blue areas by refusing to allow land and air travel to them. So, lets just divide the country into two contiguous areas and move everyone as necessary. Anyone want the job of deciding where the boundaries should be drawn?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
It's an attractive idea, but the logistics are horrible.

Red states are not all red and blue states are not all blue. In fact, (and I've tried to find some statistics that are presented exactly as I want without success) it looks as if around 22 States are very close to having equal populations. So how the heck do you move all these people around, even if they wanted to be moved? It gets better if you do it by counties, but that makes my second point even worse.

The red and blue States are not contiguous so we could not have two geographically separate countries by leaving the States as they are. The blues are in a worse position here. That would leave the new Red country able to blockade some of the Blue areas by refusing to allow land and air travel to them. So, lets just divide the country into two contiguous areas and move everyone as necessary. Anyone want the job of deciding where the boundaries should be drawn?
They're already enacting legal barriers to prevent people traveling to enjoy what's legal in another state, so the travel concerns are already being erected.
Amd, yeah. It would be a bumpy, rpugh, turbulent ride. But it's smoother nevertheless than letting the entire nation fall to fascism.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
People should know that while Pubs claim to be the party
of small government, this isn't so. While they'd shrink it
in some areas, they'd increase it in others, as we see with
abortion, sex transition, & censorship.
They really just need to focus on emphasizing how they are the party of Conservative Evangelicals who can be described as the American Taliban.

wandering peacefully

Which way to the woods?
Florida, in all of DeSantis' amd the Republican's fascism, is now wanting to take children from parents who get medical care for gender dysphoria even if the child lives in another state. Or even if the parent is trans.
I see DeSantis making a very similar remark to whoever it was in I think Iran saying they don't have homosexuals. Well, no, you kill them so no. The American Taliban's version will be Florida doesn't have any transkids. We'll, no, because they've egregiously violated human rights in regards to seeking medical care that they are violating the rights of other states (just like the CSA in regards to runaway slaves).
Florida courts could take 'emergency' custody of kids with trans parents or siblings — even if they live in another state
Just like when they stole Native American children from their parents. Cuz they needed to change them to fit their own agenda and what was normal. So sad some percentage of this country never does change. So sad to go backwards again. I believe we should allow Texas, Arizona, Florida and another select few, to succeed from this nation. Then they can be on their own and everyone who feels the same about human rights can congregate within those areas. We can help them build a wall.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Just like when they stole Native American children from their parents. Cuz they needed to change them to fit their own agenda and what was normal. So sad some percentage of this country never does change. So sad to go backwards again. I believe we should allow Texas, Arizona, Florida and another select few, to succeed from this nation. Then they can be on their own and everyone who feels the same about human rights can congregate within those areas. We can help them build a wall.
****, I'll be first in line to help build that wall to keep them in there.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
You'd prevent refugees from escaping?
This is why we do a population exchange. Of course people will want in and out, and this way it can happen.
Other than that, yeah, let finally have their wall and shut up about it thinking they're keeping everyone out.

Sand Dancer

Crazy Cat Lady
Just like when they stole Native American children from their parents. Cuz they needed to change them to fit their own agenda and what was normal. So sad some percentage of this country never does change. So sad to go backwards again. I believe we should allow Texas, Arizona, Florida and another select few, to succeed from this nation. Then they can be on their own and everyone who feels the same about human rights can congregate within those areas. We can help them build a wall.
Many of us Floridians do not want to live that way.


No religious beliefs
They're already enacting legal barriers to prevent people traveling to enjoy what's legal in another state, so the travel concerns are already being erected.
Amd, yeah. It would be a bumpy, rpugh, turbulent ride. But it's smoother nevertheless than letting the entire nation fall to fascism.

A "rough bumpy ride" is an understatement.

If half the population of one State wanted to move to another State and vice versa, how do you handle the housing? The property values tend to be much lower in red States, so those moving from the red State would not be able to afford a house in the blue State and the blue state person would gain a lot on his move. Of course the housing market wouldn't stand up to that level of disruption, so it would all have to handled at a government level, and now you have two independent governments that have to agree. What would almost certainly happen is that most people wouldn't be able to move, so you'd end up with the both countries having populations that voted somewhat more red or blue than they already do. So now we have both countries trying to impose their own brand of politics while they still have a significant opposition to it.

How about industry? Blue people probably hold more skilled jobs than red people. So suddenly a business in a red State loses half its staff, and those are the ones in positions that are more difficult to fill. Does the company move too? But what if the business needs to be where it is?

Now lets talk internationally. China would immediately take advantage of the disruption and retake Taiwan, among other things. And that's just one thing that would result in the most powerful country in the world falling into disarray. Only the Blue country would care, but would they be able to do anything? What would happen to the armed forces? Would they be divided? What about the currency? The dollar pretty much defines much international trade. Would there be a Red dollar and a Blue dollar, with different exchange rates? Would overseas investors lose confidence and immediately withdraw their investments?

Do I need to go on?


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
And it ignores all the evidence that extends all the way down the animal kingdom that same sex relationships exist.

And it falsely blames lesbians and gays of being motivated by fear.
That is why we should be cannibals because it extends all the way down to the animal kingdom. And, like the black widow, women should kill there husbands after they are impregnated... is that what you are saying?


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
So what?

You whine all the time about protecting kids.

It's kids here. Minors. Right?

They can wait until they are a proper age for these kind of decisions unless you advocate child abuse.
I think this is logical and, actually, it is what Florida wants. They aren't saying "you can't", they are simply saying that adult decisions that have life-long effects should be made by children when they are adults and not before.

Trans is a really new event and in such a short period of time we already have lawsuits against those who effected surgical transitions and more and more trans who are now attempting to de-transition because they were too young to know what they were doing.