Well, the possibility that she never brainwashed herself seams completely relevant to the discussion. A good thing that she chose not to Blashpheme the Truth of her Agnosticism that she was born with. The Agnosticism that God allows us, in ITs divine grace, to be born with. It is an odd argument to make, the argument that you must truely believe in order to truely believe and see the truth...all that following such desire-filled advise seams to lead to is delusion. Who would want to live their lives, sulking around for forgiveness from the most petiest of possible wrong doings? It is clearly a sad delusion that Christians live...that must be why they find joy in contradicting eachother and making hypocrites out of themselves. That, or they must find solice in their believe that they can commit any horrible transgresion and still be forgiven from all fault and punishment. I mean truely, there is no sense of self-control in Christianity; its all about retrospectively sulking for a second and then BAM you're forgiven because you have convinced your self that you are. Its amazing that such logic continues to survive and thrive actually, but i guess people find ways to fullfill their desires, pety as they may be.
: see? I know more about your kind than you know about yourselves too.
Many many many assumptions here. Where to start?
Brainwashed - does one have to be brainwashed in order to believe in something bigger than themselves? No, I beg to differ. I believe in God, He believes in me - and for that matter, I believe He believes in each of us.
Blasphemy - blasphemy can only be performed by someone who has known God, felt His presence, and says He's not real. But, as I said earlier, even that has loopholes. For instance, Peter denied Jesus three times. Do I believe Peter is in Hell? No, not a chance. The bottom line is, it is not for me to say whether someone else is doing wrong. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Some people say and do things in this forum that make me sick, so I have to say I feel that those things are wrong - but that is thru my own personal relationship with God that I can feel that way. Not from a Book, albeit the foremost written authority in my religion.
Contradict - I don't have to contradict anyone on this earth. Earthly opinions are meaningless to me. Is some priest or preacher going to get me into Heaven? No. Do I find joy in this? I find a peace like I've never had. If I wait and rely on God to let me know what to do, things work out so much better in my life. Having said that, I enjoy this forum because I do learn about other peoples beliefs and I'm not closed off to changing my views on certain things.
Horrible Transgression - no, we get punished - in our life here or the next. It's not for me to figure everything out - the hows or whens. I believe the beauty of it is, that no matter how bad you talk about God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit - He will forgive you. Jesus said as He was being beaten, regarding His accusers, "Father forgive them for them for they know not what they do."
Sulking around - I don't sulk around for the petty wrongdoings of my day. I ask for forgiveness and guidance to do better tomorrow. And the things I know I've done that are wrong, well its thru God telling me. I believe my conscience is my Father talking to me. It has never led me wrong.
And I do believe God will turn you into a reprobate mind. I don't believe you can keep sinning and BAM you are forgiven. I believe God will try and try and try, more than I ever would - to get your attention. To show you things and you can deny Him so much or continue with evil and wicked sins(to me these are violent acts, things involving children, serial killers) that He will stop trying for you anymore. But, I believe He looks at you like His child. I have children, I cannot imagine what they would have to do for me to turn my back on them.
Do you really believe that you know more about "our kind" than "we" do? I don't know what "my kind" is, but I believe one thing... I know more about myself than you do and God knows EVERYTHING, about both of us.