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Frustrated athiest asks why do you believe in God?


Well-Known Member
To do that one has to understand your axioms in logic.
No. You don't. Your ability to supply what you think is a sound argument, whether you are correct or incorrect, doesn't require any input from anyone else.

Considering your track record of claiming supporting logic and evidence for a position, and then squirming and dodging when asked to supply the logic and evidence asserted, you are simply adding one more incident in a long history of evasion and avoidance. Good for you. At least you are consistent.


Well-Known Member
Alright mate.

Now lets get on with your ad hominem that makes you happy. Go ahead. ;)
More evasion on your part. Plus a little quote mining.

And that can't be an ad hominem fallacy as refused to supply an argument, silly billy. :tearsofjoy:

rational experiences

Veteran Member
If a man who first theories by listening to his own voice. Any commonsense human would quote men by self the man theoried God science.

By belief ego I know everything.

Yet first that man plus brothers has motivation.

Built designed civilization separated self innocence mind by mind star fall. Abuse of humanity began.

All men brothers the group. Your self idea now I own everything. Was first already expressed by takeover before science.

Each one self leader wants to own god earth totally. As one of human life by nation DNA.

Idealised my type of human correct every other DNA should die. I would lead the earth. Own everything. Human sex just my DNA.

The fanatic thinker Idealised by man's memory.

So how does he take world control if not by using inventive reason?

God talk everything is energy...nuclear invention.

So he says my small population by texts is supreme to live on.

Reality says one brother nukes another end of life maybe or a one of type DNA human mutation might survive.

Maybe not.

God earth ideals.

So he knows moses said the inherited loss of life in nature existed as Eden.

What equated removed. So if he believes to invent it then thesis means exactly what humans express as biblical science belief. Holy dusts the nuclear energy of God.

As the thesis self warning self human greedy rich man's possession.

As it's real.


Well-Known Member
According to your way of thinking the higher power made sociopaths unable to feel empathy.

But that's OK because you haven't shown us your higher power exists outside of your imagination. So we look to science, facts, and reason for answers instead.

Answers to what though? Science and reason may be useful for making predictions about the behaviour of natural phenomena in the material world, but they have yet to offer anything by way of moral or spiritual guidance. And frustrating though this may be for the devoted follower of pure reason above all else, human beings continue to search for moral and spiritual guidance, and for that elusive meaning and purpose to which reason attributes no discernible value.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Maybe I should explain why I care what others believe. I think some religious practices are immoral, destructive, wicked.. etc.

I agree. And such practices should be stamped out. Deleted from the teachings.

Muslims believe homosexuality is an abomination.

So do many Christians, it's one of the hottest topics here on RF.

God, its that God "apparently" endorses slavery, murder, child abuse, etc. (Judaism, Christianity, Islam)

Yes, one of my arguments when a religionist attempts to force their faith on me. Again. The teaching should be erased from their holy books

rational experiences

Veteran Member
When a human does a summation the end was the beginning status. Hence you have to be of the mind to read it without want. To not imply it began as an end.

As a book that spoke the truth...NO MAN IS GOD.

Or can't you read?

It stated I am a biologist genetisist healer conscious psychic. The reviewer of words then data.

How and why a scientist satanist agreement theoried outcome from nothing to cause the nothing of God...Sion.

Was on earth a pre existing hole position of removed earths mass.


By factoring removing energy out of mass so mass not nothing left a hole as the term energy removed in total.

As space was nothing absolute.

He said I am made aware of my brother. As natural man owned a higher mind.

So he said if you give God which he described as spirit first....the gases cooling flow motion...DNA of life will be removed by the book status.


AI was replicating what had never existed relative to a non reaction. What a hole actually is first.

As when a human replicates a reaction it was new current and destructive.

It wasn't past it wasn't old it was new.

He knew what the book meant about life's removal. The book had never owned life. The inference was life existed at that moment exact.

Hence if you did change God humanity would be notified instantly of new biology sacrifice.

As we have been notified.

How you interpret words is determined theorising. And it's new. As the words written were exact only to the number quotient.

Hence if you began reading from the book instantly you were misquoting it.


Veteran Member
ISIS is like many other conservative groups in that they will assert their authority comes through God.
ISIS has no authority, which is why it has to use violence to assert it's will. Same as the klu klux klan, or any other fascist group. That they use the idea of God, and racial and political bigotry to excuse their violence and fascist agenda is irrelevant. Their claims about God are no more relevant than their claims about racial superiority or political security. It has nothing to do with anyone's actual faith in God. Any more than totalitarian dictatorships are "socialism" just because they call themselves that.

One black man robs a liquor store. Ten thousand black men do not rob any liquor stores ever in their lives. The man that robed the store says his God told him to do it. And you want to use him to claim that all black men and their gods are bad.

I'm not going to continue discussing this kind of bigoted nonsense.
My point is that theists have whatever beliefs they have, whether very liberal like yours, or extremist. Liberal theists pose less a threat to the world and societies because of the mind of these people. Extremists will seek out more extremist religion because that is who they are as people. If any believer comes into an online forum and decides to debate their beliefs with the community, they will be exposed to questions they haven't asked themselves. The questions non-believers ask theists may or may not have been asked, but theists will for some reason (that isn't reason) remain loyal to their beliefs. It's notable that theists don't offer facts and a coherent explanation for why they believe. They may offer a reason, but these are never objective and factual. It is typically about their feelings. And they typically have a framework they picked up from other people, Christianity, Baha'i, Islam, Hindu, etc. Religious people aren't describing their own mystical experience from some meditation in the woods. So, we non-believers have questions, some very hard questions.
None of this has anything to do with faith in God. Nor with "believers and unbelievers". It's just people being people. The same people that gravitate toward extremist religion also gravitate toward extremist politics. And extremist racial bias. And extremist social and economic policies. Extremism and bigotry and violence and fueled by a desire to control other people by force is part of our animal nature. It's not a religious issue. Nor an issue of faith in God. Far more people use their faith in God to help them overcome these tendencies within themselves than ever use it to justify expressing those tendencies. But you just flat out refuse to recognize this fact. So I'm done debating it with you.
You have a bad habit of not listening to atheists when they explain their thinking.
I understand their thinking. And it's little more than bigoted BULLSH*T!
As I have explained religious behavior in the majority of humans is an evolutionary phenomenon. It's an innate impulse in most humans and they have this itch they want to scratch, and that is readily available with religion. It's not the same for everyone, there is a broad range of religions, and within religions there are options for liberals, moderate, and extremists. And this is all from God?
None of this even matters. We humans are what we are. Mostly that's good, but sometimes it's bad. Faith in God is a very common way that people choose to try and be better than their (animal) nature would otherwise dictate. But some people use their faith in God to embolden and excuse their animal natures, and to become worse, even, than they would otherwise be.

That's it. End of story. Faith in God is generally a very good thing for a great many people. Even though sometimes it becomes a very bad thing for a few people. But then the same is true of science, and politics, and commerce, and anything else we humans engage in. Because the problem is within humanity; not within God, or in having faith in God, or in religion, or in whatever other phony boogeyman you want to throw into this conversation.

It doesn't matter what anyone believes or disbelieves. All that matters is whether or not we're seeking to enable our 'animal nature', or trying to rise above it.
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Veteran Member
So could it be your impulse to believe in God is largely due to you being a human that evolved with a trait to conform to group norms and beliefs?
That's so irrelevant. We are a combination of our bio-evolution, and our cognitive choices.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Visions recorded by their recorded information are the messages I saw were defined by advice...inputted updated advice.... old ...
present and new in the vision.

I saw father's memory looking at mother emerging into the heavens walking out of spirit.

Her memory saw the spirit records that told the story of ancient origin life's destruction.

I saw it. Felt her emotional responses as I'm an adult woman.

I don't need anyone to state you must use the name God in teaching. I won't for correct teaching. God is a human scientists term.

I taught the eternal unconditional being is where we came from.

Father's memories make complete sense to me. My faith is in my humanity not a God.


Veteran Member
So you are saying that people in states of mental stress can benefit from religious thought? This is called a coping strategy which people do use in times of trauma and stress. It typically involved illusion or fantasy or visualizations. And you concede that people whose lives are stable don't have emotional and mental needs like from religion?
Nobody's totally stable. Some just think they don't need God because of arrogance. Most will pray at the point where thier life all starts going to hell...it happens to everyone eventually. We are all going to get sick and die. Scared people start to understand they control nothing in reality. Almost everyone talks to God eventually... but for some it starts too late.


Veteran Member
What is wrong with making the world a heaven if he can? And what is the fun in making people suffer? Look at Ukraine at the moment. And Ukraine is not the only one to suffer. All people suffer from something or the other - Covid-19 is an example. What fun did God get from unleashing such a disease on the world which has killed more than 6 million people till now? I bet most people who died were Christians. It is Sadism in form of tests.
Yes and suffering is due to sin. God didn't unleash covid. Sinful people did.
And he will make the world heaven for those who are his.


Well-Known Member
Some just think they don't need God because of arrogance.
Another certainly the religious "diagnosis". But what you call arrogance is really just your failure to be convincing. Why should I think that you know, or capable of knowing any of the things that you claim?

Most will pray at the point where thier life all starts going to hell...it happens to everyone eventually. We are all going to get sick and die.
This is that whole 'no atheist in foxholes' schtick. That is just a fantasy of the religious. There have been a handful of occasions where my life has been in peril. And there have been a handful of occasions where my life has started - as you put it - going to hell. In those times, it has never occurred to me to pray. Not even once. My reaction has always been to think about what needs to get done to change the situation. Or, if the situation was out of my control, how best to ensure that the people I love survive it.


Be your own guru
Yes and suffering is due to sin. God didn't unleash covid. Sinful people did.
And he will make the world heaven for those who are his.
You say humans were designed by your God and your God was satisfied with his creation. He spent the seventh day lolling around. Then how come people sinned? Surely, there is a design failure.
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Daniel Nicholson

Blasphemous Pryme
I can't agree with you more. The most important part of communication is speaking the same language.
If you can't understand someone, most probably, he doesn't understand you either.
In my POV, asking someone why you believe in god, requires a much deeper conversation.
So if you don't mind, I'd rather ask some questions before I can answer yours.

What do you mean by God? Religious God or the idea of God in its broader sense?

How would you describe randomness?

How do you describe energy?

How would you describe our (humans) existence?

I promise I will do my best through these questions to give you the most genuine answers I can.
I'm more interested in why people believe in the Abrahamic God of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Randomness? That which has no pattern I guess. Any pattern observed would be perspective bias or coincidental.
Energy are forces like electromagnetic, gravitational, nuclear, others we may not have discovered yet.
I'm not sure how I would describe our existence. Maybe you could ask a more specific question about existence?