It is UN's prison, and all the countries supporting these policies are to blame. Everyone has known for a long time that the support money contributed through the UN went directly to fat cats and to buy weapons and didn't help Gazans much at all. We also have been informed for many years that the UN schools were teaching the kids to be suicide bombers and warriors to die and go to heaven for the sake of fighting Jews and Zionists and Israelis and that the UN was pretending everything about this was unimportant, placing Gaza on a destiny to war. So perhaps we send 50$ to help Gaza and 49$ of it goes to buy weapons or to buy jewelry for some jerk in Sweden, and the UN blames poverty in Gaza on Israel then begs us for more money to help poor people in Gaza. Nobody is surprised, but I'm not buying UN garbage anymore. That coalition of dictators is a conspiratorial wolf that dresses itself up as a man wearing gold.
Israel withdrew from Gaza 20 years ago trying to do what the UN was asking for. UN demanded a 2 state solution, and Israel was supporting that plan. This was duplicitous of the UN, however. It had nefarious plans for Gaza's people to use them as disposable soldiers brainwashed victims. Why? Because Israel is unpopular with many UN countries, and the UN becomes a means to attack it passive aggressively. Gaza attacks, loses, refuses to surrender. This happens in cycles. Immediately after the attack freaking South Africa sues, a complex plan unfolds to force Israel to accept attacks on its civilian population. Obvious.