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Gaza was before the war the greatest open-air prison


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
The universal call of all antisemites hell bent on eradicating Israel and every last Jew from the land.
Given that Palestinians are Semitic people,
there is no group more anti-semitic than
God's Chosen People in the Jewish State,
& Zionists who support the genocide.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
One thing I've noticed from looking at history is that, war seems to be a constant. Even if not between nations, it's between tribes, clans, gangs; there's a general tendency for people to fight to prove who's tougher and stronger. It's a test of power, another method of communication, or politics by other means.

For those under occupation and/or heavily oppressed, they are at a disadvantage when it comes to any kind of direct confrontation. War is a gamble, and if you gamble and lose, you lose big.

Despite all the posturing and facades of enlightenment and freedom, the truth is, America is a land full of warmongers. And gamblers, unfortunately. I think our political leadership has really gone awry in recent decades. These are not nice people. They're not swayed by protests for justice or pleas for compassion. They have too many irons in the fire and geopolitical entanglements to worry about. If it's any consolation, I think America has been screwing itself for quite some time and our day of reckoning may soon arrive.

I'm not saying that Hamas should or should not surrender, but war is a dirty business all the way around. I think peace is always preferable. But those who support peace are too few in number to make much of an impact on government policy.
The funny thing, That's this crimes done by people give us a headache by holocaust, they did same with Palestinians
Btw just yesterday the IDF terrorist, bombs tents of refugees Palestinians in Rafah.

This war show you the reality of Wests regimes which always claim human rights, and show reality of Israel again and again which is just criminal racist regime.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
The funny thing, That's this crimes done by people give us a headache by holocaust, they did same with Palestinians
Btw just yesterday the IDF terrorist, bombs tents of refugees Palestinians in Rafah.

This war show you the reality of Wests regimes which always claim human rights, and show reality of Israel again and again which is just criminal racist regime.
There's no limit to how many Palestinian innocent
civilians, including children, that Israel will kill just
to get a single Hamas target. They've no regard
for Muslim lives.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Wow what nice of them to give the Palestinians Gaza. The biggest open prison of the world.

If you consider that Gaza hasn’t any airport, any sea port, water and electricity that is in control of isreal. People in the West Bank being evicted of their homes. People are being thrown in prison without trial. Maybe you have a other definition of oppressed then me.

yea they did lived ME, part of that they lived under Islamic rule, don’t see your point.

Well first off there are still Jews living outside Israel in the Middle East
Secondly the reason why the jews migrated to Israel is not because they were driven away by the Muslims. They migrated because they wanted to live in a Jewish country
These claims of yours are factually incorrect.


Veteran Member
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Wests regimes
Islamic countries struggle like a cow in a hole. The West has weaknesses, but all these others are lethargic.

USA is not so mighty, but because it has banking and no religious rule it can prosper.

Gaza suffers not from bad situations but from bad religious laws. That place is insane.

As Turkey embraces Islamic sharia it becomes ever poorer. Atatürk's gift is forsaken.

Even with large stores of oil Saudi Arabia and the other Islamic countries just can't seem to prosper because of Islamic sharia and banking laws. Millions of tourists pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia, yet it struggles to thrive.

Israel has almost no land, dried up land and a lake that is useless for fishing and a bunch of do-nothing Hassidic men that don't work; but because its not Islamic it can still prosper. That's all. Israel's not terribly strong, but the competition doesn't even try. Its like they are running away from the ball.

This embarrasses the Islamic governments, so they provoke Gaza to embarrass Israel. Meanwhile Gaza is Islamic and also cannot prosper despite cash being pumped directly into it.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Israel attacked Palestinians first.
Beginning 70+ years ago.

Theres some really interesting history here,the grand Mufti of jerusalem Haj al Husayni who took part in the Armenian genocide, whos family traced back to Muhammed and leader of the Arab Palestinian movement and raised tensions and instigated the Jaffa riots of 1921 and the Hebron massacre of jews 1929,he also led the 1936-39 Arab revolt in Palestine that caused many jewish deaths and had to flee to Jordan because of his part in the riots and the murder of a British diplomat,Haj al Husayni took refuge with uncle Adolf Hitler and even had his own SS division, that operated in the Balkans.

The Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt Hassan al Banna famous quote
"Israel will exist and continue to exist until Islam obliterates it just as it obliterated others before it",,(i can see a trend here can you?),Husayni had strong links with the Brotherhood as did Yasser Arafat who was a relative of al Husayni,violence seems to run in the blood,so you say Israel started it 70 plus years ago isn't correct is it?.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Theres some really interesting history here,the grand Mufti of jerusalem Haj al Husayni who took part in the Armenian genocide, whos family traced back to Muhammed and leader of the Arab Palestinian movement and raised tensions and instigated the Jaffa riots of 1921 and the Hebron massacre of jews 1929,he also led the 1936-39 Arab revolt in Palestine that caused many jewish deaths and had to flee to Jordan because of his part in the riots and the murder of a British diplomat,Haj al Husayni took refuge with uncle Adolf Hitler and even had his own SS division, that operated in the Balkans.

The Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt Hassan al Banna famous quote
"Israel will exist and continue to exist until Islam obliterates it just as it obliterated others before it",,(i can see a trend here can you?),Husayni had strong links with the Brotherhood as did Yasser Arafat who was a relative of al Husayni,violence seems to run in the blood,so you say Israel started it 70 plus years ago isn't correct is it?.
That's a lotta non sequiturs.
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Veteran Member
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Premium Member
The funny thing, That's this crimes done by people give us a headache by holocaust, they did same with Palestinians
Btw just yesterday the IDF terrorist, bombs tents of refugees Palestinians in Rafah.

This war show you the reality of Wests regimes which always claim human rights, and show reality of Israel again and again which is just criminal racist regime.

I can see your point. I think that's what gets a lot of people about the West, including many Westerners. There's a certain hypocrisy and duplicity, and a strong disconnect between the public face exuding freedom, democracy, human rights, justice for all, etc. - and what they actually do in practice. We talk the talk, but we don't walk the walk. A lot of Americans have become aware of this, at least on some level, although they generally tolerated it as long as we remained the land of plenty, with nice homes and full refrigerators and plenty of gas to take us wherever we wanted (along with good-paying jobs to be able to afford it). Now that that seems to be in doubt, America's ability to influence the situation may weaken.

These are the kinds of situations that the UN was created to resolve, but the US has veto power to prevent the UN from doing anything which might damage American relations with Israel. If Biden wins, US policy towards Israel will likely remain the same. If Trump wins, then US policy may even be more pro-Israel than it is currently.

I can't explain why our government allows this or why it does what it does. (Well, I could, but it would take a while.) To put it in basic terms, by their actions and rhetoric, one gets the impression that our government is run by a bunch of muscle-headed, arrogant, egotistical blowhards who think that they should run the whole world. It's the same for other governments and factions, too. Just a simple fight for power, leading to the kinds of situations we have here - among too many other places in the world. Too many innocent victims are brutalized because of decisions made by people far away.


Veteran Member
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Should I take your dodging the question as a sign that you don't have an honest answer?
I'm not the one changing the subject. If it weren't for Gaza's bad religious laws it wouldn't have fallen foul of the UN's meddling, and it continues to be the pawn of the UN. The UN has been starving and prepping Gaza for war for those twenty years, meanwhile telling us its been feeding and educating using the funds given to it. You can only insist that Israel accept unlimited missile fire forever. That's your suggestion. Rev says Israel should stop oppressing Gaza. That's his suggestion. Mr. longname says the problem is western regimes. Nobody but me has made an actually helpful suggestion: get the UN out of there. I also made another suggestion in another thread that a different country take over in Gaza to restore stability, but nobody liked that. It might require actually caring instead of pretending to care. So we will leave this up to Israel, which is actually everyone's choice despite claiming to care.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
get the UN out of there
Sure, get rid of their schools and healthcare. What a great idea. These stupid and unfounded smears against the UN are simply to enable the genocide that is unfolding. The UN provides most of the aid to Gaza, runs their schools and staffs the hospitals. Saying you want the UN out is saying you want them to die, essentially. It's also creating dangerous circumstances for UN workers as they are being killed and the ultra-right Zioloons have been attacking UN buildings in Israel now. They set one on fire.

The UN has issues but it does represent the majority opinion of humanity on this issue. It's Israel and the US who are the pariahs here. They are even losing European support now, with 3 European countries recognizing Palestine.