Well. It depends doesn't it? If it's a significant percentage, than you people (you less supportive people) might have a point about same sex only bathrooms. Right?
Again, what do you consider a significant percentage?
To give perspective, should we do away with airline safety regulations because the accident rate of flights is "only" 0.000414%? Or is the rate low because of safety regulations?
According to RAINN, 15% of reported SA occur in public spaces, 10% in enclosed public area like a parking garage and 8% on school property. Since assault typically entails cutting off the victim from escape, it's unlikely bathrooms are somehow not being trespassed. And, this is with same-sex restrictions in place, it's not unreasonable to recognize those numbers would increase with license to enter without the current expectations and women admonished not to be wary.
Is your argument that some "low percentage" = an acceptable number to disregard the issue of women's safety and concerns.
Perhaps the solution is to make mens bathrooms unisex rather than women's rooms.
If we're to go to the length of restricting the freedoms and liberties of others. It makes sense that we weigh the risks and problems involved?
What restrictions? Trans persons have used public toilets all along and commonly without incident.