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God existance in Islam


I posted a link for the information, from universcity of Texas , that is not credible source to you.


Stop it

That article has nothing to do with islam and is not in support of anything you state.

You quote mined it :slap:
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Active Member

Stop it

That article has nothing to do with islam and is not in support of anything you state.

You quote mined it :slap:

Do you have something wrong with your mind, does not the verse assert they feel the fire in the skin, and the link shows where the thermal nerves ends.
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Do you have something wrong with your mined, does not the verse assert they feel the fire in the skin, and the link shows where the thermal nerves ends.

What is the price of tea in China?

Mined by the way is something muslims do to fields to kill children with explosive devises.

Mind is where your thoughts come from.


Active Member
What is the price of tea in China?

Mined by the way is something muslims do to fields to kill children with explosive devises.

Mind is where your thoughts come from.

Thank you sweety for the correction, eventhough your hate for Islam shines through it.

But the fact remains.


Active Member
It wears the crown for king of terrorism and ignorance?

because you have not made any supporting facts that help you :slap:

You are good in trying to avoid the subject. Go back to my post and show me that information was known at the time of mohammed. if you can not, then points hold.


Your methodology factually pathetic

Your providing mythology as evidence

Try posting all credible sources, not just one you pervert due to fanaticism.

And quit posting by emotion, you embarrass yourself


I posted a link to my thread in place of our reasoning.

here is some link for you to check.

Aristotle's & Galen's Incorrect Embryology is Absent in The Quran [Hamza Tzortzis] - YouTube

And this link, it has a reference, please check the reference when in doubt.

Embryology and human creation between Quran and science

If you bothered to watch what I put it was a direct rebuttal to Hamza and it destroyed his claims.

Although I dislike PZ Myers in many ways, I think he is necessary at times like this. There's a clip where Hamza and his cronies confront PZ Myers in front of some atheist convention. PZ Myers proves them wrong in front of everyone.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msO...: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msOlpj886H4)

There is a lot of money being poured into these Muslim organizations from the Wahabbist oil states. It would serve the rest of us in the Western world to know that our politicians are in bed with these Wahabbist leaders.

How do you explain that there was no global flood with Noah and his ark? How do you explain that there was no Adam and Eve? How do you explain that mountains aren't pegs, but broad and flat?

Would you trust information that has some accurate and inaccurate things and then on top claim that it's from God? Is God that dumb to mix up the points on his OWN creation of the universe?
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Active Member
God is found in every religion. But not every religion worships a crucified God like in Christianity.

This man hates Islam, that I think he will go crazy trying to disprove it. yet I do not think he fully understand what people post to him,instead of giving a respond to what you say, He put labels, then answer with something of no value. this is also go for his companion.

I see no value in responding to any of his post, but sometime, I do , just to expose him.
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Active Member
If you bothered to watch what I put it was a direct rebuttal to Hamza and it destroyed his claims.

Although I dislike PZ Myers in many ways, I think he is necessary at times like this. There's a clip where Hamza and his cronies confront PZ Myers in front of some atheist convention. PZ Myers proves them wrong in front of everyone.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msO...: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msOlpj886H4)

There is a lot of money being poured into these Muslim organizations from the Wahabbist oil states. It would serve the rest of us in the Western world to know that our politicians are in bed with these Wahabbist leaders.

How do you explain that there was no global flood with Noah and his ark? How do you explain that there was no Adam and Eve? How do you explain that mountains aren't pegs, but broad and flat?

Would you trust information that has some accurate and inaccurate things and then on top claim that it's from God? Is God that dumb to mix up the points on his OWN creation of the universe?

My post is not about Hamza, I do not know the man, He put a valid point about few things in the link you posted.
I also gave you a link that has a reference for the info, which goes againest the link you provided.

It is not productive to jump from one point to the other, or overwhelm someone with too much info that takes time to read.

My argument is simple. I presented few verses, that Science already talked about, which is not known to humanity at the time of Muhammed. to prove me wrong just present me with the source that this info. were mentioned
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My post is not about Hamza, I do not know the man, He put a valid point about few things in the link you posted.
I also gave you a link that has a reference for the info, which goes againest the link you provided.

It is not productive to jump from one point to the other, or overwhelm someone with too much info that takes time to read.

My argument is simple. I presented few verses, that Science already talked about, which is not known to humanity at the time of Muhammed. to prove me wrong just present me with the source that this info. were mentioned

You posted a video, I posted a shorter one which disproves Hamza. Here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OE2tFb0IsIs&list=PL6B9BA5EB6EF84DD9

That's a whole series where Hamza is disproven.

If Quran is the word of God, it should have everything proven.

I have disproven
a) Adam and Eve
b) Noah's ark
c) Mountain pegs

For the embryology
Greek and Jewish ideas about reproduction in the Qur

The Quran doesn't even mention the egg!!! The information is all wrong about gender allocation.
Are you that guillable?
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Active Member
You posted a video, I posted a shorter one which disproves Hamza. Here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OE2tFb0IsIs&list=PL6B9BA5EB6EF84DD9

That's a whole series where Hamza is disproven.

If Quran is the word of God, it should have everything proven.

I have disproven
a) Adam and Eve
b) Noah's ark
c) Mountain pegs

For the embryology
Greek and Jewish ideas about reproduction in the Qur

The Quran doesn't even mention the egg!!! The information is all wrong about gender allocation.
Are you that guillable?

Please do not jump, I did not ask you what did you disprove, will come to that later, first address my points.


God is a supreme being with life that is not proceeded by absence nor it is followed by an end, All the perfect and beautiful attributes belong to him. He has no gender, nor He is similar to anyone or anything. He is high above all his creations, yet He is with them through his abilities; hearing, seeing, knowing, for that being closer to them than their own jugular veins.

Well I feel this is a waste of time but I think the ignorance in the Muslim world is too much for me to ignore. First of all how, we will go on facts. I believe in God but my belief goes on faith and that's a very subjective thing, so let's go on facts.

You have no proof that everything beautiful is attributed to God. Cue in the problem of evil, if there is suffering and evil in this world and God is omnipotent, then God isn't beautiful but has some evil in him to create evil. The rest of your claims again have no proof because there is no objective proof of God. It all lies on the presuppostition that God created the universe in the beginning when the universe could have been created by a totally natural process. If you want to call this natural process God, then by all means do so but it wouldn't mean that this God has the attributes that you have defined.

The perfect fairness, is one of God's attributes, So for me to realize his existence, he did two things, He gave me the capability, through the brain, and the evidence to be realized by this brain, and only then if the evidence that can be realized by the human brain reaches me, I will be accountable, if I do not believe in it.

As part of his fairness, He send his message through someone, people know his integrity, and honesty, and He supports him with evidence that shows his truthfulness. Evidence that goes along with the knowledge of the people of his time.

Why does he need to send messengers? Why not just telepathically give us the knowledge? Heck why not just create us with the knowledge? Why create doubt? To test us? For what?

For example:

When He sent the prophet Moses pbuh, He supported him with signs for his truthfulness. Pharaoh believed that was a magic used; magic was used intensively at that time, So Pharaoh call upon the masters of magic to challenge Moses, once opponent on the stage, magicians realized that, it is no magic, but the truth. ( people of knowledge realize truth).

Lol what's the proof that any of this even happened aside from what one book written thousands upon thousands of years ago said?

So for the Arabs, prophet Muhammed pbuh sent to them, they call him before he was sent; the trust worthy, they never known him to lie ever. but what the Arab master at that time is the linguistic abilities of their language, they hung seven master pieces in their holy shrine to denote their linguistic abilities. So God spoke to them, putting his words above and beyond anything they knew, they never heard anything like it before, nor they were to be able to produce something like it after. proving to them what they hear is his own. not only that, He sent down his words as 6236 verse in random over period of 23 years, putting the ability of mankind to shame, as to produce something like it. in that, God told the mankind, this is my words, if in doubt, speak something like it.

Were you there in a time machine to view this? How do you someone didn't make this all up?

Arab as the master of their language, they conceded that it is not in their ability to produce something like it. (people of knowledge realize truth).

But God is a just and merciful, since only few beside the Arabs know the Arabic language, He put other evidence in his book for the non Arab to realize that it is from him.

in this verse God said for punishing the unbelievers, is to replace their skin for them to feel the punishment. If Muhammed went on saying, disbeliever will be thrown into fire, then the message will suffice, but in going in details about a knowledge that not possibly known at that time, is a sign for the future generations to realize that it came from a divine source. the following is from University of Texas about the skin:


You say God is merciful and then put a quote about hellfire and punishment? :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

Anyways it's kinda obvious to anyone that the skin is necessary for feeling. Pain theory has been theorized by the ancient Greeks for a long time. That verse has NO MENTION of nociceptors. It simply talks about how the skin is responsible for feeling because when we get burned it hurts our skin. It's such a messed up quote that it boggles my mind how you think your god is merciful, when he continuously replaces the skin.

How is it possible for someone lived in the 7th century knows this phenomena. it is nothing, but God way of telling generations to come, this book came from a divine source.


WTF? This makes ZERO sense

At the time of revelation, it may only suffice for them to know, relying on anything other than God, is a weak position, that may not last for long. but for someone in our time, to reflect on the information that is given, as the female spider usually has the web as a means of support, the use of the correct gender, and the purpose of the usage of its web, will find it, an astonishing confirmation of the divine origin of this book.

I could have made the list much longer, but I will leave it to Dr. Gary miller, to in light you with his insight about the subject, so Please take your time to listen to him in the following link.


From all the above, a reasonable mined, has no choice but to concede that God exist, and the Quran is a book of revelation.

For ever Gary Miller there are millions of scientists who see the Quran as a book of fables and myths. My God your ignorance is more astounding that I ever imagined before.


Active Member
Well I feel this is a waste of time but I think the ignorance in the Muslim world is too much for me to ignore. First of all how, we will go on facts. I believe in God but my belief goes on faith and that's a very subjective thing, so let's go on facts.

You have no proof that everything beautiful is attributed to God. Cue in the problem of evil, if there is suffering and evil in this world and God is omnipotent, then God isn't beautiful but has some evil in him to create evil. The rest of your claims again have no proof because there is no objective proof of God. It all lies on the presuppostition that God created the universe in the beginning when the universe could have been created by a totally natural process. If you want to call this natural process God, then by all means do so but it wouldn't mean that this God has the attributes that you have defined.

Why does he need to send messengers? Why not just telepathically give us the knowledge? Heck why not just create us with the knowledge? Why create doubt? To test us? For what?

Lol what's the proof that any of this even happened aside from what one book written thousands upon thousands of years ago said?

Were you there in a time machine to view this? How do you someone didn't make this all up?

You say God is merciful and then put a quote about hellfire and punishment? :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

Anyways it's kinda obvious to anyone that the skin is necessary for feeling. Pain theory has been theorized by the ancient Greeks for a long time. That verse has NO MENTION of nociceptors. It simply talks about how the skin is responsible for feeling because when we get burned it hurts our skin. It's such a messed up quote that it boggles my mind how you think your god is merciful, when he continuously replaces the skin.

WTF? This makes ZERO sense

For ever Gary Miller there are millions of scientists who see the Quran as a book of fables and myths. My God your ignorance is more astounding that I ever imagined before.
I will tackle the verses, that is enough to show you that you are in the wonder land.
"You say God is merciful and then put a quote about hellfire and punishment? "

mercy does not conflict with punishment for mistakes. your Parent have mercy for you, yet they can punish you for mistake.
"Anyways it's kinda obvious to anyone that the skin is necessary for feeling. Pain theory has been theorized by the ancient Greeks for a long time. That verse has NO MENTION of nociceptors. It simply talks about how the skin is responsible for feeling because when we get burned it hurts our skin. It's such a messed up quote that it boggles my mind how you think your god is merciful, when he continuously replaces the skin."

Just show me where they say the pain is in the skin, give me the link to that.

WTF? This makes ZERO sense
This is not good enough, bring your prove.
"For ever Gary Miller there are millions of scientists who see the Quran as a book of fables and myths. My God your ignorance is more astounding that I ever imagined before"

Talk about the point he raised, not about him.

All you have given me is your opinion about what i posted, you refute a claim by giving evidence to show it is false.
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mercy does not conflict with punishment for mistakes. your Parent have mercy for you, yet they can punish you for mistake.

There's a difference between punishment and abuse, your god practices sadistic abuse.

Just show me where they say the pain is in the skin, give me the link to that.

First of all pain is in the BRAIN, not in the skin. And even so the subjective experience of pain, which is a quale, is unknown because it lies in the field of consciousness. Nociceptors are in the skin, which is not what the Quranic quote states, it states that pain is in the skin. So you are WRONG and the Quran is WRONG.

Pain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Spinal cord fibers dedicated to carrying A-delta fiber pain signals, and others that carry both A-delta and C fiber pain signals up the spinal cord to the thalamus in the brain have been identified. Other spinal cord fibers, known as wide dynamic range neurons, respond to A-delta and C fibers, but also to the large A-beta fibers that carry touch, pressure and vibration signals.[49] Pain-related activity in the thalamus spreads to the insular cortex (thought to embody, among other things, the feeling that distinguishes pain from other homeostatic emotions such as itch and nausea) and anterior cingulate cortex (thought to embody, among other things, the motivational element of pain);[53] and pain that is distinctly located also activates the primary and secondary somatosensory cortices.[54] Melzack and Casey's 1968 picture of the dimensions of pain is as influential today as ever, firmly framing theory and guiding research in the functional neuroanatomy and psychology of pain.[/quote]

If your god was so smart he would have simply said that hellfire is planting electrodes in a brain in a vat and continuously recreating the perceptions of pain.

You're grasping at straws and failing to convince even the most ignorant person. Is the education so bad in your country or are you just really brainwashed?


Active Member
There's a difference between punishment and abuse, your god practices sadistic abuse.

First of all pain is in the BRAIN, not in the skin. And even so the subjective experience of pain, which is a quale, is unknown because it lies in the field of consciousness. Nociceptors are in the skin, which is not what the Quranic quote states, it states that pain is in the skin. So you are WRONG and the Quran is WRONG.

Pain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Spinal cord fibers dedicated to carrying A-delta fiber pain signals, and others that carry both A-delta and C fiber pain signals up the spinal cord to the thalamus in the brain have been identified. Other spinal cord fibers, known as wide dynamic range neurons, respond to A-delta and C fibers, but also to the large A-beta fibers that carry touch, pressure and vibration signals.[49] Pain-related activity in the thalamus spreads to the insular cortex (thought to embody, among other things, the feeling that distinguishes pain from other homeostatic emotions such as itch and nausea) and anterior cingulate cortex (thought to embody, among other things, the motivational element of pain);[53] and pain that is distinctly located also activates the primary and secondary somatosensory cortices.[54] Melzack and Casey's 1968 picture of the dimensions of pain is as influential today as ever, firmly framing theory and guiding research in the functional neuroanatomy and psychology of pain.

If your god was so smart he would have simply said that hellfire is planting electrodes in a brain in a vat and continuously recreating the perceptions of pain.

You're grasping at straws and failing to convince even the most ignorant person. Is the education so bad in your country or are you just really brainwashed?[/QUOTE]
Something is wrong with your quote.
This is my reply to you:

I did not ask for defintions, I know you reconize the pain in the brain, but if you remove the nerve that carries the signal, you will not feel it.

Just show me an old book that says the pain in the skin.

Please do not lie, the verse is posted up, it did not say the pain in the skin, it says , the skin is replaced for them to feel the punishment.
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