By "lower" I'm assuming you're referring to man's enlarged prefrontal cortex. How this makes us "higher" anatomically or physiologically, I've no idea.I believe in evolution but not that we evolved from lower life forms. Man was always man.
So where did this immutable "man" come from? We weren't here even five million years ago, -- though there were certainly a lot of other animals running around. Were we suddenly, magically poofed into existence at some recent point?
There is no mineral kingdom. You don't seem to understand taxonomy. And if you say evolution can occur within the animal kingdom, you're acknowledging the possibility of a flatworm (Animalia) evolving into a human (Animalia)We believe in evolution within the same kingdoms. For example animals can evolve within the animal kingdom, the mineral and vegetable kingdoms likewise and the human kingdom within the human kingdom but no cross migration
And yet, as Kirran pointed out, it has happened, and within an observable, human timescale, both in the lab and in Nature.Marco-evolution never happened and will not happaned.
Godobeyer, you're misusing the word "theory."Call it even "miracle of evolution", that will not change anything the reality that's it remain "theory"
In science, theory does not mean speculation or conjecture, as it does in common speech. A theory is not an incomplete fact.
In science, a theory is as robust a conclusion as is possible, and a "fact" is a theory with overwhelming empirical support.
I've sent you several links to articles discussing facts and theories, yet you continue to misuse the terms.