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God is a person

Wannabe Yogi

Well-Known Member
me too...

Marx stated: "Communism begins from the outset (Owen) with atheism...

Vladimir Lenin "A Marxist must be a materialist, i. e., an enemy of religion, but a dialectical materialist, i. e., one who treats the struggle against religion not in an abstract way, not on the basis of remote, purely theoretical, never varying preaching, but in a concrete way, on the basis of the class struggle which is going on in practice and is educating the masses more and better than anything else could."

North Korea is officially atheistic...

so, do you prefer the morals of atheistic countries?

No I prefer to live in a country that is secular that allows you to believe what you what. Religious states don't have that great of track record either.
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Wannabe Yogi

Well-Known Member
there was a time when families / church groups took care of one another, and a time where people kept what they worked for...

Yes, they took care of you if you were white. In the South in the 1920s 30% of white males were a member of the kkk and 1/3 of all pastors.

Children had malnutrition and blacks were hung from trees.

Oh don't all of us just wish for the good old days.


See how people took pride in their work.

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Well-Known Member
The point I am trying to make is if someone says that there are more Atheists in this country and they live better than the Christians in that country, that doesn't mean anything when the Atheists are living like believers. They are living like there is a God.

What tripe!

There are requirements that are needed for people to live together and flourish. They are obvious to believers and to non-believers. Even the scam artists that invented religions have seen that those requirements are desirable and have built them into their religions.

Both believers and non-believers are living like humans. The believers have merely burdened themselves with some extra taboos.

The arrogance of the religious is beyond bounds.


Depends on what causes the rage/hatred... If someone rapes/kills your daughter/wife/husband/son, yes, you should be enraged.
I would be enraged and let the rage pour from every pore of my body. Because I'm human. Do you agree with this: "and if a man smite you on one cheek, SMASH him on the other!"



Resident Liberal Hippie
You are forgetting one thing, in the Atheist worldview there is no foundation for personhood. There is no foundation for someone to say I am a peson in the Atheist worldview. Matter does not have personhood. Hence if you are saying that humans put personhood onto God you must first borrow from the Christian worldview in accepting that humans are people and not animals.

So you must first debunk your worldview in order to say that humans put personhood onto God. I think you just confirmed in a round about way that there is a God.

  1. There is no 'Atheist Worldview" other than a lack of belief in god(s).
  2. I am not an Atheist. (But do not mind being grouped with them.)
  3. Why a "Christian Worldview", why not Hindu? Pagan? Or even Deist?


We already went over this, Atheists don't live like there is no God, not one of them. They all live like there is a foundation for morality, logic, personhood and meaning and purpose in their lives. You even admitted yourself that every community that you go to you accepet that rape is absolutely immoral in all situations. The Atheist worldview is morals should be up to society and there are no absolute morals. So you don't live like an Atheist none of them do.

If no atheist has ever "lived like there is no god" then how in the world could YOU know what it looks like to live like an atheist? There isn't a sample to observe and draw conclusions from, so how could you know? Are you just making up your own definitions on how a person lives like an atheist?
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Veteran Member
"How wondrous is the unity of the Living, the Ever-Abiding God--a unity which is exalted above all limitations, that transcendeth the comprehension of all created things.... How lofty hath been His incorruptible Essence, how completely independent of the knowledge of all created things, and how immensely exalted will it remain above the praise of all the inhabitants of the heavens and the earth!" - Baha'u'llah

"Immeasurably exalted is God above all
that we may conceive of the Revealers of His Cause,
and immensely glorified is He
beyond all that they may mention in His regard!" - Baha'u'llah

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Intentionally Blank
The concept of person is far too broad to account for anything. Legally a corporation meets the requirements to be a person.

So here is a question for consideration that gets down to the very core of the matter. Is G-d a (or the) man of holiness?


Actually, I think the question that gets to the core is, is God?

Man of Faith

Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what country you're from. I am in the United States. Maybe you are too, or maybe you're from somewhere else.

In the history of the US, slavery was considered acceptable and legal. The Bible was sometimes used as justification for this. There was a time when women could not vote. There was a time when alcohol was legal, and then a time when it was not, and then a time when it was legal again. There was a time when there was no economic safety net for people. There were/are times when the country's highest office has allowed torture to occur. There were two instances where nuclear bombs were dropped on civilians. A debate is currently raging whether homosexuals should be able to serve openly in the military and/or to marry each other and receive legal benefits as a married couple. There have been several wars for which it has been debated if there was any point to them at all.

Where is the foundation for morality?

Christians worked to end slavery, get women the right to vote, try to keep alcohol at bay, help others with their mission work, helped to end torture, made peace and friends with those we used to bomb for self-defense, and try to show that homosexuality is immoral, there are your morals.
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Man of Faith

Well-Known Member
It's a false comparison to compare countries that force any particular viewpoint to countries that allow freedom of viewpoints.

There are secular countries, like Sweden, where religion does not have a strong influence on the population and yet the population flourishes. In fact, sometimes it flourishes above and beyond any religious country.

All countries force their particular viewpoint onto it's citizens. The US forces individual freedom and liberty onto the Communists and Socialists that live here. The viewpoint of Atheism as observed from the past is Communism and Socialistic governments with dictators because the individual isn't more valuable than the collective. Nobody wants to live in a country that is based on Atheism, not even Atheists, except the people that are in control.

If you want individual freedom and liberty then move to a country that has freedom of religion and act like a believer, not an Atheist.
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Man of Faith

Well-Known Member
[quoteOriginally Posted by Man of Faith]
Should I get rageful when someone tries to hurt my child, or just say ho hum, thats nice? Which one is better?[\quote]

If an enlightened person comes upon a man beating a puppy, she feels compassion for the man, and for the puppy.

Here is the issue my friends. In response to my post about hurting or abusing a child, an Atheist compared that to a puppy. This is why nobody, not even Athiests should want to live in a country that is based on Atheism.