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God is not a man

Fearing God means you respect him and his power of authority. Psalm 111:10 The Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth forever. Psalm 112:1 Praise Ye the Lord. Blessed is the man that feareth the LORD. that delighteth greatly in his commandments.


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
I belong to the Jehovah Witness that God sent to me when I pray to him and asked him what religion he wanted me to belong to.
Thank you

I thought you might be

There used to be some who would set up shop in the central square in my town but I haven't seen them in a while


Veteran Member
Im confused, if God gives life to 1 million people, and takes it away from one, he is an evil tyrant for the 1, but gets no credit for giving life the to the rest?
Even at 4 a.m. the problem (s) with this
vIew is kinda obvious.

Can you figure them out?

Or, ftm, with the psychotic- type thinking attributed,
extra biblically, to " god" that goes into
how the babies and even the unborn were " bad" so," god"
was righteous in drowning them, cutting throats etc.

Also Ftm-
The whole "i killed my son to save you from me"
bit is, well...
Thank you

I thought you might be

There used to be some who would set up shop in the central square in my town but I haven't seen them in a while

Even at 4 a.m. the problem (s) with this
vIew is kinda obvious.

Can you figure them out?

Or, ftm, with the psychotic- type thinking attributed,
extra biblically, to " god" that goes into
how the babies and even the unborn were " bad" so," god"
was righteous in drowning them, cutting throats etc.

Also Ftm-
The whole "i killed my son to save you from me"
bit is, well...
I man does not obey God the creator of him God will destroy him and those who also do not obey him. Yes God is tryant to those who do not want to obey God and live their lives in sin that will lead to death forever.
And you're fine with that?????

You sound a lot like this:

I am fine with what every God says. God is the Creator and the destroyer of life. I fear God and keep his commandments and live a happy life among those who live sad lives because they live their own life without God and live in fear of someone breaking into their home, fear of someone killing them and living in proverity because they that is the life they chose.


Memorable member
Even at 4 a.m. the problem (s) with this
vIew is kinda obvious.

Can you figure them out?

Or, ftm, with the psychotic- type thinking attributed,
extra biblically, to " god" that goes into
how the babies and even the unborn were " bad" so," god"
was righteous in drowning them, cutting throats etc.

Also Ftm-
The whole "i killed my son to save you from me"
bit is, well...

If you are asking people who believe in God how they can accept God taking a life, they also believe God is the giver of life.
And if life is so great that it should not be taken, then give credit to the one who gave it. Not just blame when someone loses one.

If God creates 100 people, and 1 of them starts killing the other people, he kills 1 person, 2 people, 3 people and as he gets ready to kill the 4th person God orders one of the living people to kill him, saving the remaining lives, is God now a "tyrant"? Should he have let the killer continue to kill?


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
I am fine with what every God says. God is the Creator and the destroyer of life. I fear God and keep his commandments and live a happy life among those who live sad lives because they live their own life without God and live in fear of someone breaking into their home, fear of someone killing them and living in proverity because they that is the life they chose.
So..... might makes right?


Some sort of scholar dude who likes learning
To understand Righteousness and sin one has to study the Bible. When one understands that God is 100 percent righteous without sin one knows that he could not be a man. God can have no contact with sin. God had to Send his Son in the likeness of sinful man to take the fall. Romans 8:1 For God is a Spirit and those who worship God must worship him in Spirit. John 4:24
You would also have to understand that in the modern bible there are still multiple Gods and the Old Testament God IS NOT the New Testament God

The Old Testament God, “The creator” IS NOT God the Father or the God of Yeshua/Jesus

The TRUE God and context of the creator can be found in the Epic of Gilgamesh and the story of Adam and Eve and Noah

A hateful, vengeful, wrathful, judgemental God, that do any want humans to gain salvation, ever lasting life, or knowledge of good and evil

COMPLETELY different to God the Father or the God Jesus, an all loving God, who wants you to gain salvation, who wants you to discern good and evil, who wants you to attain ever lasting life


Some sort of scholar dude who likes learning
If someone kills someone that is a SIN. If someone has not killed someone but is on the verge to killing someone their thoughts are in a sin to kill and needs to be stopped so the child is safe. Their actions of wanting to kill someone will not be right with God. God will take care of them even if they go to jail.
It’s not actually

The Ten Commandments were translated incorrectly

It’s “Thou shalt NOT MURDER”

Meaning ethical killing is not considered sin, and unethical killing is considered a sin

Murder for the sake of it BAD
Killing for food, killing for self defence OK

Furthermore this all assumes that IS HUMANS can know the plans and behaviours of something of infinite mind and presence…

Pretty egocentric…

Also to consider is that Yeshua/Jesus in many texts considered sin to be man made


King Phenomenon
I think the almighty is sexless but his son is a man and since they’re so alike it just makes sense to refer to God as him. Plus I think God is living, so there’s that.


Veteran Member
If you are asking people who believe in God how they can accept God taking a life, they also believe God is the giver of life.
And if life is so great that it should not be taken, then give credit to the one who gave it. Not just blame when someone loses one.

If God creates 100 people, and 1 of them starts killing the other people, he kills 1 person, 2 people, 3 people and as he gets ready to kill the 4th person God orders one of the living people to kill him, saving the remaining lives, is God now a "tyrant"? Should he have let the killer continue to kill?
Youre just repeating your chant.


Veteran Member
I have nothing to do with the military. or politics or the world. God's world is not about fighting or killing each other because they cannot have what they want. Gods world is about love and getting along with each other. Using bombs, guns, destructive machines to kill and hurt others only bring more hate and violence to the world that it continues to do. Faith and love to God is the only way to peace!!!!!!
So someone attacks me, intending grievious bodily
harm, " faith and love" will result in us being pals

Go ye forth as a young female, and see how that works out.

Yours is the worst advice, ever.


Veteran Member
God is not a man

It can never be, right, please?
If it is G-d, He never ever can be a man; if it is man, it can never ever be G-d, understand?

112:2 Say, ‘He is Allah, the One;
112:3 ‘Allah, the Independent and Besought of all.
112:4 ‘He begets not, nor is He begotten;

Original Arabic narration/text from Muhammad's time is below:-
112:2 قُلۡ ہُوَ اللّٰہُ اَحَدٌ ۚ﴿۲
112:3 اَللّٰہُ الصَّمَدُ ۚ﴿۳
112:4 لَمۡ یَلِدۡ ۬ۙ وَلَمۡ یُوۡلَدۡ ۙ﴿۴

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
To understand Righteousness and sin one has to study the Bible. When one understands that God is 100 percent righteous without sin one knows that he could not be a man. God can have no contact with sin. God had to Send his Son in the likeness of sinful man to take the fall. Romans 8:1 For God is a Spirit and those who worship God must worship him in Spirit. John 4:24
Whew. I was worried you might have looked under his kilt.


Veteran Member
God is not a man
God had to Send his Son
G-d never ever had a wife , so G-d never ever had a son, please, right?
It must be a Pauline fake tenet and an accusation against (Jesus)Yeshua- the truthful Israelite Messiah, please, right?:

72:2 Say, “It has been revealed to me that a company of the Jinn listened, and they said: ‘Truly we have heard a Qur’an that is wonderful,
72:3 ‘It guides to the right way; so we have believed in it, and we will not associate any one with our Lord.
72:4 ‘And we believe that the majesty of our Lord is exalted. He has taken neither wife nor son unto Himself.
72:5 ‘And it is true that the foolish amongst us used to utter extravagant lies concerning Allah.

Original Arabic narration/text from Muhammad's time, is below:-
قُلۡ اُوۡحِیَ اِلَیَّ اَنَّہُ اسۡتَمَعَ نَفَرٌ مِّنَ الۡجِنِّ فَقَالُوۡۤا اِنَّا سَمِعۡنَا قُرۡاٰنًا عَجَبًا ۙ﴿۲
یَّہۡدِیۡۤ اِلَی الرُّشۡدِ فَاٰمَنَّا بِہٖ ؕ وَلَنۡ نُّشۡرِکَ بِرَبِّنَاۤ اَحَدًا ۙ﴿۳
وَّاَنَّہٗ تَعٰلٰی جَدُّ رَبِّنَا مَا اتَّخَذَ صَاحِبَۃً وَّلَا وَلَدًا ۙ﴿۴

وَّاَنَّہٗ کَانَ یَقُوۡلُ سَفِیۡہُنَا عَلَی اللّٰہِ شَطَطًا ۙ﴿۵


Veteran Member
And you're fine with that?????
JWs are fine with anything that is taught to them by the Governing Body of their church, even if it is completely ridiculous.
It pains me to see how their beliefs are based upon a complete misinterpretation of the Bible.


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
JWs are fine with anything that is taught to them by the Governing Body of their church, even if it is completely ridiculous.
It pains me to see how their beliefs are based upon a complete misinterpretation of the Bible.
Yes, that is very much the impression I have formed over the years


Veteran Member
God is not a man

"JWs are fine with anything that is taught to them by the Governing Body of their church, even if it is completely ridiculous."
Yes, that is very much the impression I have formed over the years
It is ,in a way, similar for all the Saulines/Paulines aka Christians to believe whatever the Nicene Council decided for them, even if it is completely ridiculous, right?

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