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God rejects homosexuals...this is a fact

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Your interpretation of the bible words lead to love Satan as well because Satan is my enemy, and such is a "no no".

Let's meditate then on the words of Christ.

1Now when he saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, 2and he began to teach them saying:
3"Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
4Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
5Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the earth.
6Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.
7Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.

Are homosexuals incapable of being poor, mourning, being meek, or showing mercy?

I wonder how meek you think you are. :sad:


Look at this: a "believer" handling words of the judgment of God with no fear!
You can love someone without following him. Can't you love Satan in the sense that you hope that he turns away from sin?

I'll hope next time you reply my posting with sentences carrying reasonable meaning. How in the world you are going to "love Satan" in one way or another? Did the bible says that Satan will change his attitude at the last minute and God and Satan will enjoy together the eternity? Come on.

Is it? Or is that one of the parts of the Old Law that Christ tore down and nailed to the cross?

Are you implying that the law of God is not in charge anymore right after Jesus was nailed in the cross? So, this is why you justify that you can eat pork and shrimp. right?

Let me know the day you start to eat rats and flies.

Let me give you an example. You was born and since you were carried by your parents walking or driving in a car, you have never broke the traffic laws. You grew up and you never went over the speed limits and never received a single warning of traffic infraction in your life. You did followed the traffic law in a perfect way, and nothing exposed or hidden from you broke the traffic law. Congratulation! You have fulfilled the traffic law!

Now well, because you were capable of fulfilling the traffic law, does this mean that the traffic law is not in charge anymore?

Excuse me?

Are you saying that because you fulfilled the traffic law and you die, right after that nobody has to obey the traffic laws anymore?

I strongly think that you have been deceived, because such is not what the bible says about the law of God and the death of Jesus, because Jesus just fulfilled the law but the law is not abolished as the consequence.

BTW: what are God's commandments about revilers,

That is a good question, I'll hope you find the answer to it.

and how do you think they apply to your revulsion of homosexual people?

If homosexuality and homosexuals are an abomination to God, then they are also an abomination to me. Please, your commandment about revilers enforce it over God and over me...

I take God's side in this issue.

Best wishes.
Isn't it curious how one can get so far from the message of Christ when one focuses on the wrong thing?

Here's some free advice: using the Word of God in an attempt to destroy others is to abuse it.

Think of it as uniting the body of Christ with a prostitute.

The word of God is good for protecting us from sin and Satan.

If you feel hurt by the word of God, then you must review what part of your life is against Him

this is like to say that if you never commit any crime, then you can walk freely in front of a police officer in the street, but if you have been stealing or you killed someone, you always will be some kind of afraid every time you pass by near a police officer.

Read the bible one more time, and if something in your life is not in accord to what God says, then, you as a religious person must change, because God won't change and He will punish you otherwise.

Best wishes

Christian Pilgrim

Active Member
If homosexuality and homosexuals are an abomination to God, then they are also an abomination to me. Please, your commandment about revilers enforce it over God and over me...

There are six things that the Lord hates,
seven that are an abomination to him:
haughty eyes, a lying tongue,
and hands that shed innocent blood,
a heart that devises wicked plans,
feet that make haste to run to evil,
a false witness who breathes out lies,
and one who sows discord among brothers. - Proverbs 6

Maybe your continual evil attitude makes you an abomination to God?


you have never broke the traffic laws.

how did you know what the laws were ,did you guess, did you just drive how you thought was right. or did you read the handbook.


Well-Known Member
Really though, would anyone WANT to inherit the kingdom of God when it's run by a hate-mongering, hypocritical bigot?

That`s the whole point to me.

All the accepted theological concepts of "heaven" are directly contradictory to what I envision as "heavenly".

In other words the Abrahamic heaven is to me a hell which I never wish to endure.


Read the bible one more time, and if something in your life is not in accord to what God says, then, you as a religious person must change, because God won't change and He will punish you otherwise.

Unfortunately it hasn't done you much good.


you have never broke the traffic laws.

how did you know what the laws were ,did you guess, did you just drive how you thought was right. or did you read the handbook.

There's no such thing as traffic law in DFW - only suggestions.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
you have never broke the traffic laws.

how did you know what the laws were ,did you guess, did you just drive how you thought was right. or did you read the handbook.
But there is a consensus on what the traffic rules are.

There is not one, universal rulebook on how to live. Who would have made the rules anyway? Your hypothetical, unproven deity?

Christian Pilgrim

Active Member
Read the bible one more time, and if something in your life is not in accord to what God says, then, you as a religious person must change, because God won't change and He will punish you otherwise.

Best wishes

Okay, I will try to be nice. This is not the gospel of God's grace which transforms the sinner to the image of Jesus Christ through the power of the Spirit. You are way off the mark from the great good news of God. Do you want to start another thread to discuss the gospel of God? I know that I know, that you do not understand the gospel of God; therefore your faith is not based on the Biblical Jesus Christ. You have embraced a false gospel my friend which has no power to transform you or save you from the wrath of God.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.” - Romans 1:16-17
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Green Gaia

Veteran Member
That`s the whole point to me.

All the accepted theological concepts of "heaven" are directly contradictory to what I envision as "heavenly".

In other words the Abrahamic heaven is to me a hell which I never wish to endure.
Which is why I wonder why people come on here and post divisive things like the OP. It would seem to me that it drives more people away from religion than to it. In other words, they're shooting themselves in the foot with their self-righteous behavior.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
you have never broke the traffic laws.

how did you know what the laws were ,did you guess, did you just drive how you thought was right. or did you read the handbook.
I sure as heck didn't read an out-of date version of the Israeli driver's handbook to figure out how to drive here in Canada. ;)


Depends Upon My Mood..
Thank you for the link. I too had deep sinful prejudice on the issue before God opened my eyes on the issue, and exposed my own sinfulness on the subject. I really like this website:

GayChristian.Net: The Gay Christian Network


Thank you as well for your link.

I wasnt a homophobe by the time I read that letter to Louise(another member here posted it about a month or so ago)..but still I found it to be very inspirational and humbling and truly a blessing.

Everyone should read it.



Christian Pilgrim

Active Member
Which is why I wonder why people come on here and post divisive things like the OP. It would seem to me that it drives more people away from religion than to it. In other words, they're shooting themselves in the foot with their self-righteous behavior.

Self-righteous behavior is the big sin in the professing church. It is the sin of pride which unconverted Christians and converted Christians struggle with (Rom 7). The unconverted Christian does not know that he is deeply infected by self-righteousness. The converted Christian knows that he is full of self-righteousness, and by the grace of God... repents from it, but he will always struggle with it in this life.

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Depends Upon My Mood..
There's no such thing as traffic law in DFW - only suggestions.


Actually for the most part drivers around here seem to be more curtious than not.(depending on the time of day..and exactly what city you are in ...LOL!)

I heard we are better than some big cities..(we arent in the top 10 list of the most viscious hate filled road rage drivers)


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