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God rejects homosexuals...this is a fact

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I have no expertise in the subject. However it does seem that go from soft e.g. weak/effeminate to a prohibition against certain sex acts is a stretch, don't you think?

What seems clear to me is that we have no clue what is being prohibited here, so it seems to me that Christians should stick to what Jesus said clearly and unambiguously, such as don't get divorced except for adultery, and leave the poor Gay people alone.

Well, in Greek literature malakai is used as "soft / weak / effiminate" in a sexual way. It was used to describe homosexual men in both a positive and negative light - that is, it's not a derrogatory way to describe homosexuality, like calling GLBT folks "dogs."

I wouldn't say "no clue."

Look (to quote Obama), there is elasticity in the text. Koine Greek is imprecise. But the usage in the New Testament fits the usage in Plutarch, where there is no question at all that he's talking about homsexuality and homosexual acts. That makes the argument that "we have no clue" considerably weak, because we do have clues.

What it does not do is set the meaning of the text or its application in stone. That's the key. We should not take a text and use it to abuse homosexuals. Christian theology has a richness to it that can be applied in a tasteful and dignified manner to GLBT folks.

Christian Pilgrim

Active Member
This would seem to be a strong argument in favor of same-sex marriage.

Now you see my point for the Christian who happens to be gay or a lesbian. In 1 Cor 7, Paul tells us it's better to be single. But if we do not have self control sexually, we should marry. Do you see why some churches perform same sex marriages? Christians who happen to be gay or straight, want to live a life pleasing to God out of there love for God in what He has done for them in Christ. For the Christian, marriage is a God honoring and obedient way to live out your Christian life.
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Intentionally Blank
We've been around this circle before - but just in case -

Paul: Sexuality and "Nature"

Some notes on Paul and homosexuality.

As I said, I have no expertise on the matter. I'm only quoting from some people who do. At a minimum, it's unclear. It's presumptuous bordering on heresy for people who know no more about it that I do, such as drivingbackward and gzusfrk, to pronounce on it as though they do. It seems to me, as I read their religion, that their God wants them to focus on their own sinful nature, and the items that are clearly set forth: love God, practice mercy, don't get divorced, and not worry about other people's possible but not clear minor infractions. It's a good thing I can make the distinction better than they, or I would really despise their religion. As it is I only despise those who distort it like these two agents of Satan.


Intentionally Blank
hebrews chapter 8 tells us that the old is dead we know have a new covenant,

Right again! So please stop quoting the Leviticus purity codes as though they had any relevance to this discussion, and correct mistaken people like drivingbackwards when they do.


As I said, I have no expertise on the matter. I'm only quoting from some people who do. At a minimum, it's unclear.

And it's a logical fallacy to move from "lack of clarity" to insisting that it doesn't or cannot be addressing something. Then we move on to what clarity means - that is, although Paul uses a word that (to my knowledge) is almost exclusively used to describe sexual acts, and in the context that he uses it, applies to homosexuality... an appeal to a lack of clarity on the basis that Paul does not describe the sexual acts in considerable detail is a pretty weak argument.

It's presumptuous bordering on heresy for people who know no more about it that I do, such as drivingbackward and gzusfrk, to pronounce on it as though they do. It seems to me, as I read their religion, that their God wants them to focus on their own sinful nature, and the items that are clearly set forth: love God, practice mercy, don't get divorced, and not worry about other people's possible but not clear minor infractions. It's a good thing I can make the distinction better than they, or I would really despise their religion. As it is I only despise those who distort it like these two agents of Satan.


Christian Pilgrim

Active Member
As I said, I have no expertise on the matter. I'm only quoting from some people who do. At a minimum, it's unclear. It's presumptuous bordering on heresy for people who know no more about it that I do, such as drivingbackward and gzusfrk, to pronounce on it as though they do. It seems to me, as I read their religion, that their God wants them to focus on their own sinful nature, and the items that are clearly set forth: love God, practice mercy, don't get divorced, and not worry about other people's possible but not clear minor infractions. It's a good thing I can make the distinction better than they, or I would really despise their religion. As it is I only despise those who distort it like these two agents of Satan.

This is wisdom that I completely agree on. This post is well written with clarity, honesty, and truth. Sometimes the truth hurts, but it’s good to discuss these things so we can see things more clearly. We need others to expose the big logs that all Christians have in their eyes (especially and including me). I personally tend to have costal giant redwoods.

Judging Others

“Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye. - Matthew 7
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picking on someone is contrary to the word of god, love one another.if you love those that love you this is ok. if you love those that dont love you or are in contrary to the word of god this finds favor with god.

Christian Pilgrim

Active Member
picking on someone is contrary to the word of god, love one another.if you love those that love you this is ok. if you love those that dont love you or are in contrary to the word of god this finds favor with god.

How does God call us to love others? In Ephesians chapter 4, the Apostle Paul tells us to speak the truth in love. What is your message of love?


Depends Upon My Mood..
Hey..whats going on here..are we still stoning gays or what??

Lets get to work ya'll stop goofing around.

You're straying off the path of the Lords work.


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Christian Pilgrim

Active Member
second john 1:6

2 John 1:6
And this is love, that we walk according to his commandments; this is the Commandment, just as you have heard from the beginning, so that you should walk in it.

That's a great verse. All regenerate Christians will grow in personal obedience in progression, by the grace of God through the power of the Spirit. What happens when you do not walk according to his commandments, because all regenerate Christians are sinners in process and sin in this life (Rom 7)?
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