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God rejects homosexuals...this is a fact

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Actually for the most part drivers around here seem to be more curtious than not.(depending on the time of day..and exactly what city you are in ...LOL!)

I heard we are better than some big cities..(we arent in the top 10 list of the most viscious hate filled road rage drivers)



O man I hate driving in Dallas. If you think that Dallas drivers are curtious, you must think that Ft. Worth drivers are divine.


Depends Upon My Mood..
O man I hate driving in Dallas. If you think that Dallas drivers are curtious, you must think that Ft. Worth drivers are divine.

Well..It has changed over the past 27 years that I have lived here.And I'll admit I dont have to drive that much.I guess maybe I highlight the nice ones ..because I have been given the bird before and once I had a man approach my window and litterally snarl and shake his fist at me while calling me mean nasty names.

So I dont know..I guess like I said it depends on which city ..and what time of day it is.




Intentionally Blank
Nice try...but it won't work.

Something that was part of the Greek society was homosexuality, and it can't be possible that the Greeks didn't have a word to define it. At least use common sense combined with reality about this.

It appears that some homosexuals are trying hard to justify their pervert desires as acceptable by God and they try to deviate the meaning of the words found in the bible by giving their own deceived interpretations.

The bible is clear about it, homosexuality is an abomination to God, and Moses, the apostles and the same Jesus in the book of Revelation have declared homosexuals as deserving death and/or never inheriting the new kingdom.

At least, there are lots of homosexuals who are inn better position than the "religious homosexuals" because they simply say: "There is no God". These secular or atheist homosexuals are not hypocrite as the religious ones because they just get away of religion and live their life without conflicts against God...well, from their point of view, of course.

The so called "Christian homosexuals" lack of reasoning when they pretend that God is in their side, because God isn't. This thread is informing them that no homosexuals will inherit the kingdom of God regardless of how much faith or good works they do, and that the only possibility for them to be accepted in the new kingdom is to repent and stop being homosexuals.

Best wishes.

Do you know anything about it? Do you even know what word it is you're translating?


Intentionally Blank
btw, it's so nice how God placed drivingbackward on earth to let us know what He wants, isn't it.

But what if drivingbackward is actually a tool of Satan sent here just to steer us wrong? How can we tell?

Christian Pilgrim

Active Member
btw, it's so nice how God placed drivingbackward on earth to let us know what He wants, isn't it.

But what if drivingbackward is actually a tool of Satan sent here just to steer us wrong? How can we tell?

LOL... but you have to first believe that Satan is alive and well. Are you truly an atheist, or more like an agnostic?


But what if drivingbackward is actually a tool of Satan sent here just to steer us wrong? How can we tell?[/quote]
if it is contrary to the word of god(jesus new testament) then its wrong.


Intentionally Blank
My understanding is that Paul used the clearest possible terms.

Here's a good page that discusses the translation problems.
Regarding the Hebrew:
Two words which are often mistranslated in many places in the Hebrew Scriptures are:
  • qadesh means a male temple prostitute who engaged in ritual sex; it is often mistranslated as “sodomite” or “homosexual.”
  • to’ebah means a condemned foreign Pagan religious cult practice, but often translated as “abomination.”
Regarding Paul, and the Greek:

The original Greek text describes the second of the two behaviors as malakoi arsenokoitai. Malakoi means soft. It translated in both Matthew 11:8 and Luke 7:25 as "soft" (KJV) or as "fine" (NIV) in references to clothing. The meaning of arsenokoitai has been lost. Some sources in the early Church interpreted the phrase as referring to people of soft morals; i.e. unethical. That may well be the correct meaning, because presumably people from that era would have still known the meaning of the word arsenokoitai. Others in the early Church thought that it meant "temple prostitutes" - people who engaged in ritual sex in Pagan temples. Still others thought that it meant "masturbators." At the time of Martin Luther, the latter meaning was universally used. But by the 20th century, masturbation had become a more generally accepted behavior. So, new translations abandoned references to masturbators and switched the attack to homosexuals. The last religious writing in English that interpreted 1 Corinthians 6:9 as referring to masturbation is believed to be the [Roman] Catholic Encyclopedia of 1967. Each translator seem to take whatever activity that their group particularly disapproves of at the time and inserts it into this verse. To compound their error, they have not the decency to indicate by a footnote that the meaning of the word is unknown. One can be certain that "aresenokoitai" has nothing to do with same-sex activity; much Greek homosexual erotic literature has survived from the early centuries CE; none of it contains the word.

So it appears that the Bible does not in fact prohibit homosexuality.

Theologically, it seems more likely that God created each of us, and wants each of us to be true to the way He created us.

Christian Pilgrim

Active Member
But what if drivingbackward is actually a tool of Satan sent here just to steer us wrong? How can we tell
if it is contrary to the word of god(jesus new testament) then its wrong.

What's wrong with the Old Testament? Jesus and His disciples quoted the Old Testament as being authoratively as the Word of God. The New Testament is made up of quotes from the Old Testament. If you removed the Old Testament quotes in the New Testament, then the NT would shrink and be very small.
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Regarding Paul, and the Greek...

So it appears that the Bible does not in fact prohibit homosexuality.

Your source does not appreciate a very important disctintion in the Greek - it means "soft" in the effiminate sense of the word.

The "soft clothing" in the king's houses are the clothes that the male members of his harem wear.

Christian Pilgrim

Active Member
Here's a good page that discusses the translation problems.
Regarding the Hebrew:

Regarding Paul, and the Greek:

So it appears that the Bible does not in fact prohibit homosexuality.

Theologically, it seems more likely that God created each of us, and wants each of us to be true to the way He created us.

God does prohibit homosexuality and hetrosexuality sex outside of marriage in the Scriptures.


Intentionally Blank
They asked a similar question to Jesus and Jesus always said that his words weren't his but that he was giving the message sent by God.

I read the bible and I just spread out what the bible says.

So, there are lots of people telling you that the bible clearly states that being homosexual is an abomination to God and you still don't get it?
Apparently those people don't know what they're talking about, however.

I have been honest from the very beginning and my words are based 100% in what the bible states about homosexuality. I don't understand what other kind of discussion you want to take.
Unless you're fluent in Koine Greek, you don't even know what they Bible states.

btw, where does the Bible prohibit lesbianism?


What's wrong with the Old Testament? Jesus and His disciples quoted the Old Testament as being authoratively as the Word of God. The New Testament is made up of quotes from the Old Testament. If you removed the Old Testament quotes in the New Testament, then the NT would shrink and be very small.
hebrews chapter 8 tells us that the old is dead we know have a new covenant,


Intentionally Blank
I'll hope next time you reply my posting with sentences carrying reasonable meaning. How in the world you are going to "love Satan" in one way or another? Did the bible says that Satan will change his attitude at the last minute and God and Satan will enjoy together the eternity? Come on.

Are you implying that the law of God is not in charge anymore right after Jesus was nailed in the cross? So, this is why you justify that you can eat pork and shrimp. right?

Let me know the day you start to eat rats and flies.

Let me give you an example. You was born and since you were carried by your parents walking or driving in a car, you have never broke the traffic laws. You grew up and you never went over the speed limits and never received a single warning of traffic infraction in your life. You did followed the traffic law in a perfect way, and nothing exposed or hidden from you broke the traffic law. Congratulation! You have fulfilled the traffic law!

Now well, because you were capable of fulfilling the traffic law, does this mean that the traffic law is not in charge anymore?

Excuse me?

Are you saying that because you fulfilled the traffic law and you die, right after that nobody has to obey the traffic laws anymore?

I strongly think that you have been deceived, because such is not what the bible says about the law of God and the death of Jesus, because Jesus just fulfilled the law but the law is not abolished as the consequence.

That is a good question, I'll hope you find the answer to it.

If homosexuality and homosexuals are an abomination to God, then they are also an abomination to me. Please, your commandment about revilers enforce it over God and over me...

I take God's side in this issue.

Best wishes.

I gather that you keep kosher then?


We can't dismiss malakai as "soft" and therefore "not homosexual."

Plutarch, for example, uses the same words that Paul does:

Moralia 751c “But to consort with males (whether without consent, in which case it involves violence and bridgandage); or if with consent, there is still weakness (malakia) on the part of those who contrary to nature allow themselves in Plato’s words ‘to be covered and mounted like cattle’- this is completely ill-favored favor."

Christian Pilgrim

Active Member
hebrews chapter 8 tells us that the old is dead we know have a new covenant,

Hebrews is the fullfillment of the foreshadows and types of Christ in the Old Testament. God is immutable. What is hidden in the Old Testament is revealed in the New Testament. To understand the New Testament, we use the light in the Old Testament as a general rule. Both the Old Testament and New Testament points to the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. All scripture is God-breathed... When Paul wrote this, the New Testament was not even completed at the time.

All Scripture Is Breathed Out by God

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work. - 1 Tim


Intentionally Blank
But what if drivingbackward is actually a tool of Satan sent here just to steer us wrong? How can we tell?
if it is contrary to the word of god(jesus new testament) then its wrong.

Ding ding ding! Thanks, gzus. Apparently drivingbackward is a tool of Satan and should be disregarded, as he violates the words of Jesus with every post.
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1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
if it is contrary to the word of god(jesus new testament) then its wrong.
Well, that's easy enough then. Hate is a bad fruit. Drivingbackwards preaches hate, therefore he gives us bad fruit. And as Jesus tells us in the New Testament, we can recognize false prophets by their fruit, for a good tree does not bear bad fruit.


Apparently drivingbackward is a tool of Satan and should be disregarded, as he violates the words of Jesus with every post.

A crucial part of his penance will be listening to Willie Nelson.

No one can throw stones after that.


Intentionally Blank
Your source does not appreciate a very important disctintion in the Greek - it means "soft" in the effiminate sense of the word.

The "soft clothing" in the king's houses are the clothes that the male members of his harem wear.

I have no expertise in the subject. However it does seem that go from soft e.g. weak/effeminate to a prohibition against certain sex acts is a stretch, don't you think?

What seems clear to me is that we have no clue what is being prohibited here, so it seems to me that Christians should stick to what Jesus said clearly and unambiguously, such as don't get divorced except for adultery, and leave the poor Gay people alone.
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