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God rejects homosexuals...this is a fact

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Well-Known Member
yes ..I use the word of god in all aspects of my life.
I have to say, that is admirable. So many people nowadays who claim to follow the Bible simply refuse to acknowledge its authority when it comes to homosexuality. I think they find the Bible's dictates on this to be too difficult to follow in modern times. Do you find it hard to follow what the Bible says about homosexuality? Do you think the current laws about homosexuality supercede the Bible's commands?

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
That's what I'm saying! :D But this backward's driving fellow keeps ignoring that question. All you have to do is to to the Blue Letter Bible and search on the word abomination and there's tons of examples but why is lieth with another man the only one still enforced?

I'm sure God doesn't mind his devout, faithful followers cherry picking for the sake of convenience. But seriously, when a book instructs you on how to sell your own daughter as a sex slave (Exodus 21:7-11), it probably shouldn't be used as a moral compass.


Intentionally Blank
And that whole genocide thing, I have a problem with that. But then, it's probably because I'm an atheist.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
I openly deny any god who feels human emotions like hatred, or labels things as abomination based on petty human-like discomforts.

Any hell is better than a heaven where such a demon awaits.

I won't be cast into the fire; I'll jump headfirst into it myself if God is like that.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
The title of this thread is pretty pretentious; "God rejects homosexuals...this is a fact"

It's not a "fact". It's, at most, a narrow interpretation of the doctrine of a specific faith.


That's easy. Conservative Christians are hypocrites. They don't mind prohibiting gay sex, because 97% of them are heterosexual. They don't like rules against eating shellfish or second marriages, so they ignore those ones. It's purely a matter of personal convenience.
all Christians are hypocrites. if I understand hypocrite to be someone that says one thing but does another. the bible says we are suposed to be holy, as a christian I am not holy.I can not live like the bible says but I press on to the goal,trying to do better.and on eating jesus said its not what goes in a man that defile him but what comes from within him. paul said food is nothing . food is so you wont die... romans 7 verse 3 says you can remarry.
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Green Gaia

Veteran Member
The title of this thread is pretty pretentious; "God rejects homosexuals...this is a fact"

It's not a "fact". It's, at most, a narrow interpretation of the doctrine of a specific faith.
That's what I keep saying, but he keeps ignoring that point. :shrug:

J Bryson

Well-Known Member
all christians are hypocrites. if I understand hypocrite to be someone that says one thing but does another. the bible says we are suposed to be holy, as a christian I am not holy.I can not live like the bible says but I press on to the goal,trying to do better.and on eating jesus said its not what goes in a man that defile him but what comes from within him. paul said food is nothing . food is so you wont die... romans 7 verse 3 says you can remarry.

Romans 7

1Know ye not, brethren, (for I speak to them that know the law,) how that the law hath dominion over a man as long as he liveth?
2For the woman which hath an husband is bound by the law to her husband so long as he liveth; but if the husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of her husband.
3So then if, while her husband liveth, she be married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress: but if her husband be dead, she is free from that law; so that she is no adulteress, though she be married to another man.

Yes, if your husband dies. Not in the event of divorce, though.

I'm wondering if God is rejecting you by now.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
romans 7 verse 3 says you can remarry.
...if your spouse dies. It doesn't permit remarriage after divorce.

But just so we're all on the same page, here's the verse, with the preceding verses for context:

1Do you not know, brothers—for I am speaking to men who know the law—that the law has authority over a man only as long as he lives? 2For example, by law a married woman is bound to her husband as long as he is alive, but if her husband dies, she is released from the law of marriage. 3So then, if she marries another man while her husband is still alive, she is called an adulteress. But if her husband dies, she is released from that law and is not an adulteress, even though she marries another man.

IOW, it prohibits remarriage after divorce as well: "a married woman is bound to her husband as long as he is alive". Can't get much clearer than that, I think.
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Christian Pilgrim

Active Member
jesus rejects no one

Please let me help you help yourself. I completely reject the OP statement and consider it to be completely false and a lie. Do you agree with my biblical discernment and answer in regards to this thread?

An amazing view on TV was to watch the US beauty contest where the California representative said with few words God's position about homosexuality which is against the millions of words of Christian preachers arguing that God "loves" homosexuals.

The girl is Right and the several preachers who say the contrary of her words are priests of Satan, because God rejects homosexuals.

It is clear in the Bible that homosexuals were ruling the city of Sodom. Note that in the biblical narration the homosexuals were in control of the city to the point of enjoying the freedom of demonstrating their homosexual desires plus trying to impose them with the attempt to rape the angels of God who stayed on Lot's house!

Such a "freedom" of the homosexuals is becoming also popular in today's society, to the point that to be against such a desire makes you to be known as a "bigot".

Well, if to be against homosexuality makes me a "bigot", then MY GOD IS A BIGOT AS WELL AND I STAND WITH MY GOD.

In the Old Testament God has expressed clearly that having homosexual encounters deserve the death penalty, and God calls homosexuals as "dogs". It is also clear that in the New Testament homosexuality is rejected by the new Christian assemblies having the apostle Shaul asking homosexuals to stop such a wrong choice.

To put more clear how homosexuality is a "no no" by all means, we can read in the book of Revelation that Jesus clearly states that no fornicators, no liars, no "dogs" (read homosexuals) will enter to the new city of God.

I have the feeling that a believer in God who thinks that God loves homosexuals has been deceived by false preachers of God, because God is clear about this issue: No homosexual fits in the plan of salvation.

In order to fit in the salvation plan, the sinner must repent first, and to repent means to stop the wrongdoings and not doing them anymore. This mneans that while homosexuals keep doing their wrong sexual desires, they still are out of God's will, and the families or friends who "support" homosexual family members or friends are also part of the wrongdoings.

A true believer must take one side about this issue: or you are with God or you are against God.

I stand with what God has said and no human rights, human philosophy, and or human theories can overcome what God has said.

And, this is what FAITH is about: to stand with God regardless the opinions of humans challenging His words.

My regards.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
That's what I keep saying, but he keeps ignoring that point. :shrug:

Of course; he's using the " if you can't address or rebut something, ignore it and that means it doesn't count" stratagy; :D

"The sky is orange with purple polk-a-dots"!

"Um, no it isn't, it's blue".

"Big, fuzzy, purple polk-a-dots in a deep orange sky"!

"No look; *points at sky* it's blue".

*stares straight ahead* "All I see is your finger, and your finger is evil, and most likely gay".

"Yeah, whatever, look at the sky".

"Yes your finger is most certainly evil (and gay)".


I have to say, that is admirable. So many people nowadays who claim to follow the Bible simply refuse to acknowledge its authority when it comes to homosexuality. I think they find the Bible's dictates on this to be too difficult to follow in modern times. Do you find it hard to follow what the Bible says about homosexuality? Do you think the current laws about homosexuality supercede the Bible's commands?
I find it hard to follow the bible about a lot of things.I understand what it says, its just hard to live by.current laws do supercede the bible. the bible has to be used as a whole. a lot of poeple will say ..the bible doesnt say a lot about some subjects. like marrage . but it doesnt say me and my wife cant have sex on the front pew sunday morning but through the entire bible ,you can see this would be wromg.
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