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God rejects homosexuals...this is a fact

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Democratic Socialist
there is too a redneck god. you can find him at the bottom of every beer can. inside the barrel of every shotgun. and inside everyone of their otherwise empty heads.


Well-Known Member
Yep, that whole love me and only me or else tactic really makes me want to jump on the ol' Christian bandwagon. :sarcastic Kind of sounds like a timeshare salesman. "Love me and only me and you can earn points for the afterlife. Commit sins and you have to spend time in the less than upscale purgatory but confessing and asking forgiveness can take some of that time away and get your points back. Just sign here and my son will take you through the rest of the paperwork..."
Sorry they won't let me frubal you. LOL :D
Hey Drivingbackwards,

Welcome to RF! :)

It is refreshing to see someone who does not try to wiggle out of the Biblical mandates regarding homosexuality. Most of the Christians I dialogue with on RF try to say that Old Testament commands concerning homosexuals are to be disregarded. Disappointing.

So, how many homosexuals have you put to death? Do you know of any that you plan to stone? If not, I can introduce you to some and you can kill away.

Today is not that "simple". The laws of the lands are the ones which rule, but right after the Messiah is back, the story will be very different, that is for sure.

There is a wrong idea that homosexuality is rejected only in the Old Testament, because it is also rejected in the New Testament, plus, the book of Revelation in its last paragraphs didn't forget to mention that homosexuals won't inherit the new kingdom.

According to the prophecy it is suppose for our societies to decay so low as it happened with Sodom, so the entire earth must be purified with fire as fire destroyed Sodom.

Now well, if you are aware of the law of God -which still is in charge- the death penalty was ordered by the authorities not so by individuals taking the law in their own hands. By the way, I really love your sarcasm, you have made my night...Lol...

My regards.
Well, at least you're honest. Weird, though, how you probably also claim him to be "all-good" and "all-loving". That doesn't exactly work with "bigot". Oh well.

All loving???

Wait! Are you implying that because God is "all loving" actually God loves Satan as well?

Come on. At least show some maturity here. Read in the bible that God declares homosexual encounters as "ABOMINATION", and God won't love the ones who commit abomination, otherwise, why do you think that God ordered for homosexuals to be sent to death?

My regards.


Democratic Socialist
Today is not that "simple". The laws of the lands are the ones which rule, but right after the Messiah is back, the story will be very different, that is for sure.

There is a wrong idea that homosexuality is rejected only in the Old Testament, because it is also rejected in the New Testament, plus, the book of Revelation in its last paragraphs didn't forget to mention that homosexuals won't inherit the new kingdom.

According to the prophecy it is suppose for our societies to decay so low as it happened with Sodom, so the entire earth must be purified with fire as fire destroyed Sodom.

Now well, if you are aware of the law of God -which still is in charge- the death penalty was ordered by the authorities not so by individuals taking the law in their own hands. By the way, I really love your sarcasm, you have made my night...Lol...

My regards.

i guess your idea of god dosent require you to be a good person, just a bigoted person. do you come from texas? i know lots of christians like you, in fact, your the only kind of christian ive ever met

Jordan St. Francis

Well-Known Member
It is refreshing to see someone who does not try to wiggle out of the Biblical mandates regarding homosexuality. Most of the Christians I dialogue with on RF try to say that Old Testament commands concerning homosexuals are to be disregarded. Disappointing.

So, how many homosexuals have you put to death? Do you know of any that you plan to stone? If not, I can introduce you to some and you can kill away.
This is so tiring. I read this all time, its mere rhetoric or its based on a real lack of understanding. It's a fundamental tenet of Christianity that the Old Testament is revealed in the Old. Christians read the Hebrew Scriptures in light of the event of Jesus Christ.

In the Catholic Church, for example, the commandment "remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy" is not ignored- but the Sabbath day, in light of Christ, is Sunday! To miss holy mass on a Sunday is a mortal sin, yet the penalty is not stoning, as it would have been in ancient Israel.

You are trying to force people into a literal reading of the scriptures that have never existed.

As to the OP, it does not even attempt to understand this most sensitive issue. There are valid hermeneutical questions, such as does the Bible have a concept of homosexuality, which at the very least are worth mentioning.
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Well-Known Member
All loving???

Wait! Are you implying that because God is "all loving" actually God loves Satan as well?

Come on. At least show some maturity here. Read in the bible that God declares homosexual encounters as "ABOMINATION", and God won't love the ones who commit abomination, otherwise, why do you think that God ordered for homosexuals to be sent to death?

My regards.
You don't by chance belong to the Westboro Baptist Church do you?:rolleyes:
Do you think it is possible for someone to work off a title? For example if someone murdered will they be a murderer from that day forth, regardless of whehter he/she repents and becomes a new person. Is the label of murderer something that is like a brand on the person. Something they can never escape even though they no longer murder.

Another example, lets say a man commits adultery, is he an adulterer for the rest of his life, or does he stop being an adulterer when he stops committing adultery?

The reason i ask is because, if god rejects the murderer or the adulterer forever and there is no way to be accepted then we have to establish whether gods rejection is final on the matter or not. Im sure you will agree that the rejection cannot be final.

The other reason im asking whehter you think once a murderer always a murderer even though it would become a repented murderer, is because the bible says that no murderer will INHERIT the kingdom, which is different to not obtaining salvation.

People who are alchoholics often refer to themselves as a recovered alcholic or you are a recovered drug addict and so forth. The label of drug addict and alcoholic seems to stick. The part of 'recovered' is added to it. So....do you think that god meant that a murderer, be that a repentant or non-repentant murderer will never inherit the kingdom.

I see inheritance as different to salvation.

They are the same thing, because only the saved ones will inherit the kingdom.

About your concerns with murderers and adulterers. The same Jesus showed what "repentance" and forgiveness mean to God, when he told the adulterer woman to go back to her house and "to sin no more."

This is to say, that if for the people you will be cataloged as a murderer, adulterer, child molester, or whatever even after you stop doing it, then God may forgive you forever if you don't do it anymore. This is the first step to receive the mercy of God: Repentance.

And repentance means not to commit the same sin anymore, but of course, some people has misunderstood the meaning of this word and they think that repentance means only "to say that they won't do it anymore" and commit the same sin later on in their lives. The deal is not to say it but to stop doing what is against the will of God.

Best wishes.

Trey of Diamonds

Well-Known Member
All loving???

Wait! Are you implying that because God is "all loving" actually God loves Satan as well?

Come on. At least show some maturity here. Read in the bible that God declares homosexual encounters as "ABOMINATION", and God won't love the ones who commit abomination, otherwise, why do you think that God ordered for homosexuals to be sent to death?

My regards.

There are a lot of abominations in the eyes of the lord. Blue Letter Bible - Search Results for KJV

Proverbs 6:12-16
A naughty person, a wicked man, walketh with a froward mouth.
He winketh with his eyes, he speaketh with his feet, he teacheth with his fingers;
Frowardness [is] in his heart, he deviseth mischief continually; he soweth discord.
Therefore shall his calamity come suddenly; suddenly shall he be broken without remedy.
These six [things] doth the LORD hate: yea, seven [are] an abomination unto him:
i guess your idea of god dosent require you to be a good person, just a bigoted person. do you come from texas? i know lots of christians like you, in fact, your the only kind of christian ive ever met

And what is your position about homosexuality?

Give at least one single reason justifying homosexuality as something good for society.

I can bet that there is nothing good coming from homosexuality, and only negative consequences are the out coming from homosexuality.

When God rejects homosexuality He is protecting us from this negative behavior and from its negative consequences.

The laws of God were made to protect us from sin, and I guess you are ignoring this fact.

Best wishes.


Well-Known Member
And what is your position about homosexuality?

Give at least one single reason justifying homosexuality as something good for society.

I can bet that there is nothing good coming from homosexuality, and only negative consequences are the out coming from homosexuality.

When God rejects homosexuality He is protecting us from this negative behavior and from its negative consequences.

The laws of God were made to protect us from sin, and I guess you are ignoring this fact.

Best wishes.
God made homosexuals. God made you. God never ever wanted to protect anyone from sin or he wouldn't have started out putting temptation in the Garden of Eden. The Bible is a book written by men and it was men who decided homosexuality was wrong. There are no consequences of having homosexuals in our society, unless you count the consequence of having people like you bad mouthing them and making their lives miserable.


Democratic Socialist
And what is your position about homosexuality?

Give at least one single reason justifying homosexuality as something good for society.

I can bet that there is nothing good coming from homosexuality, and only negative consequences are the out coming from homosexuality.

When God rejects homosexuality He is protecting us from this negative behavior and from its negative consequences.

The laws of God were made to protect us from sin, and I guess you are ignoring this fact.

Best wishes.

lol, youve got to be the easiest target here. notice no other christians are here argueing your point with you? its because their ashamed of people like you. can you give 1 negative impact homosexuality has had on society? other than the ones religious people like you create. my position is the same as any sane person "whatever floats your boat so long as it dosent hurt the rest of us" and homosexuality has never hurt me, nor you. what good is coming from heterosexuality? unless you consider overpopulation a good thing.


RF Addict
OP I sincerely hope you one day have a child who turns out to be homosexual.

I remember reading this story once, and it quite struck me. Perhaps it might for you, too:

From Fundies Say the Darnedest Things:

Just recently my son Bobby came out to me. I had been worried for awhile. His teachers said most of his grades were slipping and he seemed depressed and withdrawn.

Bobby said he'd been hiding it for awhile because he was afraid I would reject him. I sat him down and told him that I loved him and that God loved him, but that his salvation was in danger if he did not resist his unnatural tempations. I told him how being gay would mean he would live a shorter life, and that if he couldnt change his orientation he could be celibate like most the ex-gays are. He started crying saying something along the lines of "I knew you wouldnt understand! You're just like everyone else!" before running to his room and slamming the door.

What did I do wrong? I dont want to lose my son, but I fear I already have. I talked it over with his therapist, who had the ludicrous idea that homosexuality was unchangable and that trying to repress could lead to lots of psychological damage (I've dropped him and will try to be finding another therapist with more moral beliefs). I wouldnt be surprised if he's the one who's feeding my son all the homosexual propaganda about how its 'ok' to be gay. That, or how homosexuality has engulfed the media, making it seem 'cool' and 'hip' and how they were just another oppressed minority. You didnt have to worry about seeing two men making out on tv at my age! I dont want to sound like a fanatic, but Im worried what other effects will come out of this increasingly secular, immoral society obsessed with filth.

Am I too late? Or is it possible to save my son

[Note: the boy eventually took his own life.]


Democratic Socialist
i dont know if id hope for that. guy like him might kill his son if he were gay. or kick him out at an early age when his son was unable to take care of himself
An amazing view on TV was to watch the US beauty contest where the California representative said with few words God's position about homosexuality which is against the millions of words of Christian preachers arguing that God "loves" homosexuals.

The girl is Right and the several preachers who say the contrary of her words are priests of Satan, because God rejects homosexuals.

It is clear in the Bible that homosexuals were ruling the city of Sodom. Note that in the biblical narration the homosexuals were in control of the city to the point of enjoying the freedom of demonstrating their homosexual desires plus trying to impose them with the attempt to rape the angels of God who stayed on Lot's house!

Such a "freedom" of the homosexuals is becoming also popular in today's society, to the point that to be against such a desire makes you to be known as a "bigot".

Well, if to be against homosexuality makes me a "bigot", then MY GOD IS A BIGOT AS WELL AND I STAND WITH MY GOD.

In the Old Testament God has expressed clearly that having homosexual encounters deserve the death penalty, and God calls homosexuals as "dogs". It is also clear that in the New Testament homosexuality is rejected by the new Christian assemblies having the apostle Shaul asking homosexuals to stop such a wrong choice.

To put more clear how homosexuality is a "no no" by all means, we can read in the book of Revelation that Jesus clearly states that no fornicators, no liars, no "dogs" (read homosexuals) will enter to the new city of God.

I have the feeling that a believer in God who thinks that God loves homosexuals has been deceived by false preachers of God, because God is clear about this issue: No homosexual fits in the plan of salvation.

In order to fit in the salvation plan, the sinner must repent first, and to repent means to stop the wrongdoings and not doing them anymore. This mneans that while homosexuals keep doing their wrong sexual desires, they still are out of God's will, and the families or friends who "support" homosexual family members or friends are also part of the wrongdoings.

A true believer must take one side about this issue: or you are with God or you are against God.

I stand with what God has said and no human rights, human philosophy, and or human theories can overcome what God has said.

And, this is what FAITH is about: to stand with God regardless the opinions of humans challenging His words.

My regards.

why should people be rejected because of who they love? The Bible calls us to love. And these people are rejected because they love someone of the same sex? Love is love. The gender of the two people does not make it anything less than love.

Christian Pilgrim

Active Member
Hey drivingbackwards,

There are some things in Scripture that are crystal clear. There are other things that are less clear. The church throughout history has had correct interpretations and incorrect interpretations of Scripture, to justify what they believed at the time. For instance, some southern churches used Noah's account about his son Ham to justify black slavery in the United States. When you study the text, there is no biblical justification of oppression and slavery of Africans. It goes contrary to the golden rule of Jesus. Even the KKK has tried to use the Bible to justify their evil beliefs. It is the same with your position on homosexuality. Being born homosexual or hetrosexul has nothing to do with loving God with all of your heart, soul, strenght and mind. Here are three Bible passages to pray and mediate over. When you have a chance, please share how you understand these passages as related to your OP.

The disciples said to him, “If such is the case of a man with his wife, it is better not to marry.” But he said to them, “Not everyone can receive this saying, but only those to whom it is given. For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let the one who is able to receive this receive it.” words of Jesus Christ recorded in Matthew 19:10-12

Now before faith came, we were held captive under the law, imprisoned until the coming faith would be revealed. So then, the law was our guardian until Christ came, in order that we might be justified by faith. But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian, for in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's offspring, heirs according to promise. Gal 3:23-29

but Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. Early in the morning he came again to the temple. All the people came to him, and he sat down and taught them. The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in adultery, and placing her in the midst they said to him, “Teacher, this woman has been caught in the act of adultery. Now in the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. So what do you say?” This they said to test him, that they might have some charge to bring against him. Jesus bent down and wrote with his finger on the ground. And as they continued to ask him, he stood up and said to them, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.” And once more he bent down and wrote on the ground. But when they heard it, they went away one by one, beginning with the older ones, and Jesus was left alone with the woman standing before him. Jesus stood up and said to her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said, “Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more.” - John 8
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God made homosexuals. God made you. God never ever wanted to protect anyone from sin or he wouldn't have started out putting temptation in the Garden of Eden. The Bible is a book written by men and it was men who decided homosexuality was wrong. There are no consequences of having homosexuals in our society, unless you count the consequence of having people like you bad mouthing them and making their lives miserable.

God made homosexuals???!!!

Who told you such a lie?

Did God make burglars?

Come on, its is time to clear up the lies around.

God made MAN a WOMAN, and some men and women have become corrupt to try to change their sex or sexual desires to perform what God calls an abomination: sex between members of the same gender.

Now well, the bible indeed is a book written by men, and it is amazing the wisdom found in the laws "invented" by those men, because we are protected by those laws. Example, don't eat shrimp, and the reason is the high amount of bad cholesterol found in these animals. Don't eat pork, because the flesh of the pork has combined as one what is flesh and what is fat, and eating fat from animals is against your health.

The same with homosexuals, when two men have their pervert sexual encounter, their rectum bleeds and causes infections and diseases. You see, the muscles and ligaments of the anus are made in a way to let the excrement to go "easily" in one direction and to prevent foreign objects to enter to the body. For this reason the rectum bleeds when objects get into your body, because you are doing things which are anti-nature.

The laws of God are made to protect us and makes us healthy physically and spiritually.

Of course, if you don't believe in God then all what I say means nothing to you, but, this is a forum about Religion! Enjoy it!

Best wishes.
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