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God rejects homosexuals...this is a fact

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ThrUU the Looking Glass


Well-Known Member
That's a completely untrue statement my friend. Did you see this backwards guy from the back-country try to post scriptures to justify his dark and evil hatred? By his style of writing, you now he is not the most literate person in the world. So, why do you think he knows the Scriptures, or if he knows God through the Lord Jesus Christ? But good try anyways. Let's fight one battle at a time.

Because I know the scriptures, and a lot of whats in the bible is actually pretty horrific.

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
Ok. Take tyour clothes out and look at yourself in the mirror. You are going to see a person with a determinate gender: masculine or feminine.

Go to the best lab and have some blood samples taken, and the results will be the same about gender: masculine or feminine.

Be consequence, if you are a man and you feel that you are a woman, such thoughts are part of your mind alone because physically you can be a masculine or feminine and your mind must agree with what your really are.

Another example, you are a human being but you feel that you are a zebra, of course that you can have such thoughts in your mind, but you will agree with me that such kind of thoughts really call for a treatment in a mental institution.

See?, when an individual acts against to what he/she is and lost his/her true identity outside his/her natural born body, come on, or he/she is a person who enjoys of great fantasies of he/she really requires of mental therapy.

Best wishes.

The problem with this line of thinking is when we look at the actual biology of "gender" and "sexuality."

There are folks who are intersexed, whose hormonal sex doesn't line up with their gonadal sex, whose gonadal sex doesn't line up with their genetic sex, whose genetic sex doesn't line up with their hormonal sex, and so on and so forth.

I mean, seriously, there is no black and white male/female dichotomy. A spectrum appears a better model from my perspective.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
The problem with this line of thinking is when we look at the actual biology of "gender" and "sexuality."

There are folks who are intersexed, whose hormonal sex doesn't line up with their gonadal sex, whose gonadal sex doesn't line up with their genetic sex, whose genetic sex doesn't line up with their hormonal sex, and so on and so forth.

I mean, seriously, there is no black and white male/female dichotomy. A spectrum appears a better model from my perspective.
Gay Men, Straight Women Have Similar Brains (National Geographic)

Christian Pilgrim

Active Member
But CP, many good people, Christians believe just as he does. They may not come on here and say so, but it's what they've been taught. I think it's good to have this discussion in a mature manner.

I guess that's a good point. There is great biblical ignorance in our generation, even in the professing church. What are the central messages of the Scriptures? Why did God send His Son into this world, and what was His mission, and did He accomplish what God intended Him to do? Just because groups like the KKK uses to Bible to support their evil beliefs, these groups do not give anyone excuses to nullify the truth of Biblical revelation. In only acknowledges the truth of spiritual warfare where Satan appears as an Angel of Light.

And what I do I will continue to do, in order to undermine the claim of those who would like to claim that in their boasted mission they work on the same terms as we do. For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds. - 2 Cor - Paul


Well-Known Member
This is so tiring. I read this all time, its mere rhetoric or its based on a real lack of understanding. It's a fundamental tenet of Christianity that the Old Testament is revealed in the Old. Christians read the Hebrew Scriptures in light of the event of Jesus Christ.
Well, tiring as it may be to you, when people say that homosexuality is a sin because the Bible says it is, then it is incumbent upon them to look at EVERYthing the Bible says about homosexuality.
In the Catholic Church, for example, the commandment "remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy" is not ignored- but the Sabbath day, in light of Christ, is Sunday! To miss holy mass on a Sunday is a mortal sin, yet the penalty is not stoning, as it would have been in ancient Israel.

You are trying to force people into a literal reading of the scriptures that have never existed.
Oh really??? Tell that to the ancient hebrews who were stoned to death as commanded by God. These were the laws God gave his people to live by. LIteral was all there was to it. Look, no one is happier than I am that Christians ignore this law today. But it is intellectually dishonest to condemn gays based on scripture and then claim that SOME of that scripture does not apply.
As to the OP, it does not even attempt to understand this most sensitive issue. There are valid hermeneutical questions, such as does the Bible have a concept of homosexuality, which at the very least are worth mentioning.
"If a man lays with another man as with a woman"....seems pretty clear to me. What are we missing?


Well-Known Member
Perverts are by millions while righteous can be count with the fingers of your hand only. Are you implying that because the perverts are greater in quantity such will make them be right in front of God?

Wrong! God is inclusive, not exclusive.

Lol, it is obvious that you don't know what God wants from us..

And you do?? I don't think so!:rolleyes:

Homosexuality hurts our society because such a perversion is a "contagious disease", and for this reason God ordered the killing of homosexuals in order to avoid the spread of this mental disease.

Today, what we need is to open more mental institutions and give the opportunity to homosexuals to have a treatment and become straight..

Now this attitude is straight out of the looney bin if anything ever was. Mental illness is not contagious (thank goodness). Homosexuals are not mentally ill so no, we don't need more mental institutions. It would be nice if we could open some deprograming institutions for people who have been taught intolerant tendencies because of their religions though!

And my suggestion here is what "love" means about homosexuals: giving them the opportunity to stop their wrongdoings.

Maybe you need to be given the opportunity to see how unloving your beliefs are about homosexuals.

Christian Pilgrim

Active Member
Because I know the scriptures, and a lot of whats in the bible is actually pretty horrific.

That's another thread. We need to understand Scripture verses within the context of the entire Scriptures. Of course what is written can be horrific, because humanity is in a cosmic rebellion against our Creator.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
I guess that's a good point. There is great biblical ignorance in our generation, even in the professing church. What are the central messages of the Scriptures? Why did God send His Son into this world, and what was His mission, and did He accomplish what God intended Him to do? Just because groups like the KKK uses to Bible to support their evil beliefs, these groups do not give anyone excuses to nullify the truth of Biblical revelation. In only acknowledges the truth of spiritual warfare where Satan appears as an Angel of Light.
I don't really know about Satan vs. Angel of Light stuff. Here's what I know: the Bible has been used against gay and lesbian people and to exclude us. I think all of us can acknowledge that. What I would really like to see from Christians is an acknowledgment of an honest difference of opinions amongst Christians on homosexuality and gay rights. I mean, we're not the boogie man. We're your neighbor, your child's teacher, your doctor. And we're not asking for special rights or for your to change your religion, just to be treated equally in the eyes of the law. But you know all this...
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Beloved, I am writing you no new commandment, but an old commandment that you had from the beginning. The old commandment is the word that you have heard. At the same time, it is a new commandment that I am writing to you, which is true in him and in you, becausethe darkness is passing away and the true light is already shining. Whoever says he is in the light and hates his brother is still in darkness. Whoever loves his brother abides in the light, and in himthere is no cause for stumbling. But whoever hates his brother is in the darkness and walks in the darkness, and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes. - 1 John

GayChristian.Net: The Gay Christian Network

Being gay or straight has nothing to do with knowing God through the Lord Jesus Christ. We are all born sinners into this world as children of disobedience, children of darkness, children of wrath, and children of light, regardless of our sexual preference. Do you understand the gospel of God's grace about His Son? If you are unable to love your Christian brothers and sisters who happen to be gay or a lesbian, then you my friend are still in darkness (child of the dark).

Did you read the book of Revelation?

In this book you can find out the last result of all the events where finally the selected by God will enjoy such a new (read transformed) planet earth after its purification by fire.

A new water coming from underground is mentioned again as you can read in the book of genesis, new trees will provide food to the people again, as you can read in the book of Genesis, but, who will not enter to this new kingdom?

Lets read it from the book of Revelation itself: "Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life." (Revelation 22:27)


"Outside are the dogs (read: homosexuals), those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood." (Revelation 22:15)

As you can observe, the same Jesus won't allow "dogs" (read: homosexuals/gays) to enter in the new kingdom. now, are you going to tell me that Jesus lives in "darkness" because he rejects them?!

I can wait for your explanation of why Jesus don't want gays to enter in his kingdom and show "love " for them at the same time.

I think that your interpretations of what Jesus said are twisted from what their real meaning is: You don't need to hate something in order to reject it.

I reject homosexuals the same way God does it, and you might consider yourself a Christian but I strongly suggest you to read the bible with an open mind and with wisdom, because God cannot contradict Himself, He is standing in one strong position about it and the apostles (read the letters of Paul asking homosexuals to change their wrongdoings) and Jesus himself are in complete agreement with God.

Best wishes.

Christian Pilgrim

Active Member
I don't really know about Satan vs. Angel of Light stuff. Here's what I know: the Bible has been used against gay and lesbian people and to exclude us. I think all of us can acknowledge that. What I would really like to see from Christians is an acknowledgment of an honest difference of opinions amongst Christians on homosexuality and gay rights. I mean, we're not the boogie mam. We're your neighbor, your child's teacher, your doctor. And we're not asking for special rights or for your to change your religion, just to be treated equally in the eyes of the law. But you know all this...

That's a very wise idea. But maybe if would be wise to start a new thread on what you posted. This is a terrible thread to discuss something so important. We should also acknowledge that the Bible has always been used incorrectly to justify evil. It is a historical fact. BTW... it's not us against them (Christians), because there are many Christians who happen to be gay or a lesbian who love and serve God whole-heartily.


Well-Known Member
Don't you have a soldier's funeral to desecrate?
Storm, there have been about 5 posts that I've wanted to frubal you for. I am not allowed to so here you go, frubals. Thank you for posting all the literature that you did.:)
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