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God/Yahweh/Allah I BELIEVE started as volcanic activity


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member

You have percieved imagination ONLY, to tie the two together.

Go study people that really worshipped volcanic deities and come back when you have half a education on the subject if you want to make any sort of a poor arguement.

You fail any connection trying to base reality from legends YOU DONT understand

Besides Pele, who are other known Volcano deities, anyway?


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
River....for your guess to be correct, Egypt would have to be the Wilderness of the Red Sea.

No, it didn't. The borders of ancient Egypt never extended more than a few miles beyond the Nile river, and the Gulf of Suez is about a hundred miles from that. That's PLENTY of wilderness space.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
After crossing the Red Sea, at the Gulf of Aqaba, they arrived in Midian. Even this Christian site shows Midian on the East of the Gulf of Aqaba. If they are right, you must be wrong.

Daily Bible Study - Midian

From that source:

Midian was a son of Abraham and his concubine Keturah (Genesis 25:1-6). His descendants, the Midianites, settled in the territory east of the Jordan River (see The Jordan Valley) and The Dead Sea (much of which was later occupied by Ammonites, Moabites and Edomites), and southward through the desert wilderness of the Arabah. During the time of the Exodus, their territory apparently also included portions of The Sinai Peninsula.

Seems like it agrees with me, not you.


Besides Pele, who are other known Volcano deities, anyway?

I googled them a few days ago to study up. Theres a few out there.

I didnt want to run with Pele because the cultures are so different. I was trying to keep it all in context but alot jump right into myhology that doesnt make a case for or against any simularities.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
I googled them a few days ago to study up. Theres a few out there.

I didnt want to run with Pele because the cultures are so different. I was trying to keep it all in context but alot jump right into myhology that doesnt make a case for or against any simularities.

Are there any known from that region that you could find?

The Fog Horn

Active Member
But what you're saying contradicts not only the Bible but Christian sites.

There doesn't seem much doubt about where Midian is....

bible midian - Google Search

Or where all the 'Wildnerness' is...

Take a look at this map that shows the 'Wilderness of Shur', 'Wilderness of Etham' and the 'Wilderness of Paran' all in Sinai. Only the Wilderness of the Red Sea is missing from that map....I wonder why....possibly because there is only one explanation for getting to the edge of it and crossing the Red Sea and that is that it is the Sinai Peninsular, which makes logical sense doesn't it?

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well there is a south american one


a Indonesian Volcano Culture

this one was close

Kabiri (Phœn.) or the Kabirim. Deities and very mysterious gods with the ancient nations, including the Israelites, some of whom - as Terah, Abram’s father - worshipped them under the name of Teraphim. With the Christians, however, they are now devils, although the modern Archangels are the direct transformation of these same Kabiri.

NOW the above one blows her guess out of the water completely, ancient hebrews had their own volcanic deity and guess what!!!! it wasnt elohom or yahweh


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
But what you're saying contradicts not only the Bible but Christian sites.

There doesn't seem much doubt about where Midian is....

bible midian - Google Search

Or where all the 'Wildnerness' is...

Take a look at this map that shows the 'Wilderness of Shur', 'Wilderness of Etham' and the 'Wilderness of Paran' all in the Sinai Peninsular. Only the Wilderness of the Red Sea is missing from that map....I wonder why....possibly because there is only one explanation for getting to the edge of it and crossing the Red Sea and that is that it is in the south of Sinai.

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No, more likely it wasn't called the wilderness of the Red Sea. After all, guess what? Yours seems to be the only translation that actually says that:

18 So God led the people around by the desert road toward the Red Sea. The Israelites went up out of Egypt ready for battle. (NIV)

18 but God led the people about, by the way of the wilderness by the Red Sea: and the children of Israel went up armed out of the land of Egypt. (ASV)

18But God led the people around by the way of the wilderness toward the Red Sea. And the people of Israel went up out of the land of Egypt equipped for battle. (ESV)

18 Hence God led the people around by the way of the wilderness to the
Red Sea; and the sons of Israel went up in martial array from the land of Egypt. (NASB)

18. So God led the people around [by] way of the desert [to] the Red Sea, and the children of Israel were armed when they went up out of Egypt. (CJB)

Seems like, based on all these translations, what the text is actually saying is that they went towards the Red Sea (or, as it's sometimes read, the Reed Sea), not along any place that's named "Wilderness of the Red Sea."


heres a good article on the subject OP should read

The Timeless Kabiri

ancient hebrews had volcanic deities and made no bones about it and didnt hide them in and above all NO imagination is needed.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Do you stand by your claim that the Wilderness of the Red Sea is in Egypt and that Midian is in the Sinai Peninsular?

Clearly you're not seeing what I'm saying.

There is no Wilderness of the Red Sea. That appears to be a mistranslation. Ancient Egypt also came nowhere close to the Red Sea; it wouldn't have even been on the horizon.
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The Fog Horn

Active Member
So all part of Sinai except the part that drops into the Red Sea is named as 'Wilderness .....' but you claim the Wilderness of the Red Sea is NOT the otherwise unamed part?


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
So all part of Sinai except the part that drops into the Red Sea is named as 'Wilderness .....' but you claim the Wilderness of the Red Sea is NOT the otherwise unamed part?

Wilderness simply refers to areas that aren't civilized or mapped (i.e., unnamed). It's not the name of a specific region.



Exodus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

that passage was written about 750 years after the migration of people started :facepalm:

The documentary model proposes that the four books (actually five - the models include Genesis) were originally four separate documents, treating the same subject (i.e. the Exodus) written at various times and combined by a series of "redactors", or editors, the last in about 450 BC. The "supplementary model" holds that that there was a single original document which was then expanded by "supplements", again with the end product emerging around 450 BC.

The "fragmentary" model proposes that the four books were combined by a single author from a host of "fragments", meaning small texts as well as oral traditions (sagas and folk-tales), again c.450 BC

PLEASE READ Archaeology

The archaeological evidence of the largely indigenous origins of Israel is "overwhelming," and leaves "no room for an Exodus from Egypt or a 40-year pilgrimage through the Sinai wilderness.


trust me I could go on