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God/Yahweh/Allah I BELIEVE started as volcanic activity


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
The Illuminati is the Illuminati, whether still in existence or not, and a conspiracy is a conspiracy. What could be the motivation of naming a mountain in Sinai as the Mt Sinai? Is that a joke? What do you think the implications of Mt Sinai being in Saudi would be? Not only would it cause geo-political complications it would also mean the volcanic aspect would be discovered and that would lead to Islam also being exposed as a volcano cult. Israel is on the defensive and always has been. If the truth got out it also might become apparent that not only is Mt Sinai sited incorrectly but so too is Israel.

:facepalm: If Islam were a volcano cult, we'd know. Academics aren't stupid. After all, Scientology's secrets have gotten out by ex-members.

The 'wilderness of the Red Sea' is Sinai. They 'went through' the wilderness, most likely using the well trodden path going west to east along the trade caravan route and were led by the pillar of smoke by day and pillar of fire by night (volcano in Saudi). They then arrived at the sea, made a short crossing (which drowned the army) thanks to a tsunami due to seismic activity causing the sea to temporarily drain. They arrived on land that was not the wilderness of the red Sea....not Sinai.

'Pihahiroth' is speculated as meaning 'mouth of the gorges'. Could this be the name of the Northern end of the Gulf of Aqaba? So before Pihahiroth must be South of the mount of the Aqaba but next to the sea.

Now can you please tell me how they could have crossed a sea after going through the Wilderness of the Red Sea and still remain in the Wilderness of the Red Sea....Sinai.
You do realize that you posted the verses completely out of order, right?
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Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Besides, popular opinion has Islam as a Moon God Cult, just ask Jack Chick. :yes:

I actually checked Wiki for that, and apparently (take it as you will), the name "Allah" did apply to a Supreme Creator in pre-Islamic Arabia.

So... it seems that the whole "Moon God" thing may not be correct.


They 'went through' the wilderness

No they didnt

exodus never happened as stated.

it was a slow migration over a few hundered year from many areas in the levant not just egypt.

you have been told this before and just ignore facts to promote fantasy

Trey of Diamonds

Well-Known Member
I actually checked Wiki for that, and apparently (take it as you will), the name "Allah" did apply to a Supreme Creator in pre-Islamic Arabia.

So... it seems that the whole "Moon God" thing may not be correct.

That's not going to stop Jack Chick and his disciples. ;)

My personal opinion is that all modern religions have Pagan roots. Saying Islam is a Moon God Cult is the same as saying that Christianity is a Norse Yule Cult because we burn the Yule Log and eat sacrificial ham at Chrismas. Silly

The Fog Horn

Active Member
Riverwolf: If Islam were a volcano cult, we'd know. Academics aren't stupid. After all, Scientology's secrets have gotten out by ex-members.

Why would they know? It's another dimension of thought. It's so simple it's impossible to see. Those who know the most are the least likely to see it. You asked before why I have worked it out while experts have failed. They're in it too deeply. This takes a fresh pair of eyes. If you've been in it for too long you will never have a eurika moment. Only laymen's eyes with an honest desire for the truth and an inquisitiveness to find it would have a chance, not including the people who will eventually see if after a lot of bullying. You cannot compare Islam or Judaism to Scientology! The same theory applies....the longer it's been around (and the more deviated from the origins it becomes) the more difficult it is to work out.

You do realize that you posted the verses completely out of order, right?

No I didn't.
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It seems to me that if you actually read the whole thread you'd know why I think people have a strange belief in a volcanic activity god! If you cannot read an entire thread then why post on it? That is their whole purpose.
Well, it wasn't in your beginning posts, so I am supposed to read the whole 190 or so in the thread when I came on to it just because you hoped someone would ask?

Now I see your explanation in the 9th post.

And by the way, isn't the Rift Valley an earthquake fault, the continentual drift and all that? Are you sure it involved volcanic activity?


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Why would they know?

It's their own religion. You made the statement in the present-tense, thus implying that Islam is currently a volcano cult, which it most certainly isn't, nor was it likely ever one.

After all, if it was, why is God so often described as omnipresent? Volcanoes aren't omnipresent, and there's a very good reason why volcano gods don't really gain any popularity, while weather, sky, sun, moon, etc. gods do.

It's another dimension of thought. It's so simple it's impossible to see. Those who know the most are the least likely to see it. You asked before why I have worked it out while experts have failed. They're in it too deeply. This takes a fresh pair of eyes. If you've been in it for too long you will never have a eurika moment. Only laymen's eyes with an honest desire for the truth and an inquisitiveness to find it would have a chance, not including the people who will eventually see if after a lot of bullying. You cannot compare Islam or Judaism to Scientology! The same theory applies....the longer it's been around (and the more deviated from the origins it becomes) the more difficult it is to work out.

You do realize that the Academia isn't just made up of gray-haired old, jaded, men, right? It's made of people from all adult ages, including students with young, fresh minds and ideas.

These people have information that you're clearly lacking, and that most people also lack because it's not part of our normal studies. That makes all the difference.

Just because you have an eureka moment doesn't mean it's valid. I've noticed many, many things in the past that proved to be completely false.

No I didn't.

Yes you did:

Exodus 13:18 But God led the people about, through the way of the wilderness of the Red sea: and the children of Israel went up harnessed out of the land of Egypt.
20And they took their journey from Succoth, and encamped in Etham, in the edge of the wilderness.
21And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night:
22He took not away the pillar of the cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, from before the people.
Speak unto the children of Israel, that they turn and encamp before Pihahiroth, between Migdol and the sea, over against Baalzephon: before it shall ye encamp by the sea.
9But the Egyptians pursued after them, all the horses and chariots of Pharaoh, and his horsemen, and his army, and overtook them encamping by the sea, beside Pihahiroth, before Baalzephon.
16But lift thou up thy rod, and stretch out thine hand over the sea, and divide it: and the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea.
29But the children of Israel walked upon dry land in the midst of the sea; and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand, and on their left.

In the order you posted: 18, 20, 21, 22, 9, 16, 29.

If you were meaning to change chapters, you need to indicate that you did so.
If I am right, and if Yahweh started off as volcanic activity then of course everything that followed was based on a misconception and our only logical conclusion should then be that there is no genuine Arabamic god. An empty box wrapped up beautifully is an empty gift, albeit pretty.

I've found another of you posts near the beginning. See above. Have I missed something in the over 100 more posts up until now? If not, I have to say I am perplexed with your reasoning. You are trying to prove "God" does not exist? Surely you know that it is impossible to prove a negative. You cannot even prove Santa Claus does not exist!
Let me illustrate the believer's response: "He was not created by volcanic activity anywhere; instead, he always existed and will always exist."
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The Fog Horn

Active Member
Well, it wasn't in your beginning posts, so I am supposed to read the whole 190 or so in the thread when I came on to it just because you hoped someone would ask?

Now I see your explanation in the 9th post.

And by the way, isn't the Rift Valley an earthquake fault, the continentual drift and all that? Are you sure it involved volcanic activity?

The answers are spread out throughout the thread. I've discussed the rift. Glad someone else has heard of it. Please take the time to go through the whole post as I am not going to repeat myself. :)

The Fog Horn

Active Member
Riverwolf....'why is God so often described as omnipresent? Volcanoes aren't omnipresent, and there's a very good reason why volcano gods don't really gain any popularity, while weather, sky, sun, moon, etc. gods do.'

Oh dear.....you of all people in this thread should have noticed I've covered this at least twice. Is no-one following my thoughts? Of course volcanoes are not omnipresent or omniscient or omnipotent. The Jews are not now cowering at the foot of a volcano and slashing the throats of lambs in lunatical fasion. They moved away from the volcanoes, probably because they were dying living at the foot of them. Did they stop worshipping the volcano or volcanoes when they left? No....they moved from one to the next and that is demonstrated in the Bible...one erupting volcano to the next. They clearly thought an erupting volcano was their god popping up and migrated towards them as they went off, and in the seismic rift they travelled along, there must have been a lot of potential eruptions to excite and attract them. What happened when they finally left the volcanic areas and found themselves in more habitable land, generations later? People do not drop their gods, even after overwhelming evidence proves they are none-existent. A lot of people would probably prefer to keep their god even if they've come to the conclusion the god does not exist. It's a comfort thing, much like heroin. Even dissenters can be silenced and their honest objections covered up and forgotten about after a generation or two. The Communists used that tactic by brain washing the youth to destroy any hand-me-down knowledge, as dd the Nazis. So they move to better surroundings that do not contain volcanoes and freaky natural occurances like natural flaming gas leaks, earthquakes, etc. Maybe the volcanoes stopped erupting. Maybe at the start there was a massive amount of seismic activity, possibly triggered by Santorini, and then it all died down. The priests, people able to execute Hebrews for disobedience or blasphemy (a very good tool for silencing objectors and therefore an ability to re-write history or alter the facts to suit), will not have wanted the religion to end. How many people working in the climate change industry want facts that contradict climate change to come out? Once the money making industry is created it's a bugger to stop. So they live in a nice place with no Yahweh. What do they do? Well, silly, Yahweh is not just one volcano, not even volcanoes, but he's everything and everywhere! Yes, spooky! That made you improve your behaviour didn't it? Did I mention he can read your thoughts too? He's a new and improved God.

When he could no longer be seen he had to be felt.

p.s. volcanoes are and always have been the most powerful natural thing on this planet. Power and might results in awe and submission....in anceint people. That's why the world has had several volcano gods. The people could see them, hear them, touch them, feel them and watch their intermittent anger boiling over while killing man woman and child. What better natural occurance could their be for god-fearing nomads?
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The Fog Horn

Active Member
Rivwerwolf.....I forgot to write in 'Exodus 14'....so the first run of verse number was E13 and then it became E14. Still in order just not labeled correctly.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
And yet with all of that, you're STILL either ignoring or not noticing that all this is moot, anyway, since the accepted stance is that the exodus never happened as written in the Bible.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Oh dear.....you of all people in this thread should have noticed I've covered this at least twice. Is no-one following my thoughts?

We can't follow your thoughts since they're in your head; you have to write them down.

And please break up your paragraph. Long paragraphs went out of style over a century ago.


exodus never happened as stated.

it was a slow migration over a few hundered year from many areas in the levant not just egypt.

you have been told this before and just ignore facts to promote fantasy

Lets not look at real evidence when we can run with imagination and fantasy :facepalm:

The Fog Horn

Active Member
And yet with all of that, you're STILL either ignoring or not noticing that all this is moot, anyway, since the accepted stance is that the exodus never happened as written in the Bible.

If all else fails, fall back on the good old reliable, 'Well it's all a load of rubbish anyway!'.

You think it is, almost all other atheists think it is, all theists think it isn't and almost none of you have worked it out. Or am I wrong? Do you have an explanation for everything? Have you ever known anyone who could explain it all in such simple terms? Have you ever worked out why the Bible (a very odd piece of fiction!) was written? No...you don't so stop being all high and mighty.