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Active Member
Ymirgf: Sadly my friend, statements such as this do not bode well. My suspicion is that like many before you, you are unable to articulate your ideas in precise terms and get upset when others pick you up on it. Your own insistence that the Whole is perfect and that the parts are flawed seems not to apply to your own thinking. Why is that? If your theory is correct, since you are a part of the whole, then by default, your thinking is flawed too.
For a student of Seth - you have a long way to go my friend. I get upset when I am mocked for my beliefs - not when others are unable to understand what I say. If people do not understand.. they can continue to ask questions. But.. in many cases here the questions just stopped and the ridicule began.

God is perfect - God is everything - all thoughts and beliefs.. all imagination... all worlds all dimensions... The perfection comes from being everything - where no times resides - where everything is happening NOW. The Truth is a combination of everything - because - there is nothing outside of God. People keep putting God in to human terms, they give him human thoughts, human emotions, human laws. While these are part of God - they are only part. When broken up in to pieces - each individual piece is not perfect.


Active Member
Beaudreaux: Judgement, I really hope you decide to stay in this thread, because you are such a daily treat! :) I never know what ridiculousness is going to come out of your keyboard next.

You think people who disagree with you are foolish, tiny bugs with tiny, tiny brains that swarm around you and annoy you with their smallness and ignorance and you have to swat them away.... AND YOU THINK YOU DON'T HAVE A BIG EGO? :biglaugh:

I guess that makes sense. Egomaniacs never think they have a big ego. That would mean they are flawed in some way, and this is something they cannot see.
Yes yes.. more ridicule - meaning that I will have to do the same.

Wrong again - I do not feel that people who disagree with me are foolish. I believe that you are foolish - as well as anyone else that mocks in a debate. It is weak on many levels.

I am a Human being - I know full well that I am flawed and a sinner like everyone else.


Well-Known Member
why do you feel you are a sinner if god is everything does't that mean it was god who sinned?


Active Member
. The Truth is a combination of everything - because - there is nothing outside of God. People keep putting God in to human terms, they give him human thoughts, human emotions, human laws. While these are part of God - they are only part. When broken up in to pieces - each individual piece is not perfect.

but that was "perfect".

I am a Human being - I know full well that I am flawed and a sinner like everyone else.
me and your wife still have the hots for ya baaaaaby :flirt:

flawed, bald and of compassion for truth......... gets me hhhhhhot :ignore:

the 'honest' show us all, more 'perfection' than anything a human being can give

remember, being honest is not just 'A' rule.............. it is universal to ALL

and one of the greatest magic tricks a human being can perform is being honest over the needs of 'self'

can you walk on water? :bow:


Active Member
3.14: why do you feel you are a sinner if god is everything does't that mean it was god who sinned?
Hi 3.14... I was raised a Catholic - some things stay with you - and I hold great respect for Jesus Christ.


Well-Known Member
now we have HIS opinion from YOU
Well, he refused to summarize, so I went back through all his posts and did the best I could. If I left anything important out, or put too much in, please weigh in. Judgement will not be doing so, it appears.

how about sharing what items within you believe as true/false and why

might as well build from GOOD teachings and iron out the rest.

Excellent suggestion! There may be some middle ground. YOU should maybe be the one running this thread, IMHO. Let's start with the first tenet and go on from there.
  • The statement "The truth is a combination of everything" is troublesome to me. Please keep in mind that Judgement did not settle on a definintion for either "truth" or "everything" so I am using commonly accepted definitions of each. It either means "everything is true" which, of course it cannot be since there are many mutually exclusive postions. Or it means the truth is a combination of PARTS of everything (the love your neighbor parts of Christianity, the non-violence of Zen, etc.). It seems like that may have been what Judgement was saying, though he was anything but clear.
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Well-Known Member
Beaudreaux: Hey, for the record, the first personal attack between me and Judgement came from him.
Not correct.
Uh yeah. Correct. I called your position illogical then you accused me of running away and not having courage. Check the record, oh great one.


Active Member
Bishadi: me and your wife still have the hots for ya baaaaaby :flirt:

flawed, bald and of compassion for truth......... gets me hhhhhhot :ignore:

the 'honest' show us all, more 'perfection' than anything a human being can give

remember, being honest is not just 'A' rule.............. it is universal to ALL

and one of the greatest magic tricks a human being can perform is being honest over the needs of 'self'

can you walk on water? :bow:
Only in my dreams. In fact - in most of my dreams, instead of walking - I am floating from place to place. A wild feeling.

:bow: back at ya my friend.


Well-Known Member
but that was "perfect".

me and your wife still have the hots for ya baaaaaby :flirt:

flawed, bald and of compassion for truth......... gets me hhhhhhot :ignore:
:eek: Geeze guys, get a room!

the 'honest' show us all, more 'perfection' than anything a human being can give

remember, being honest is not just 'A' rule.............. it is universal to ALL
Not according to your idol, here. He says unversal truth is not to be found in this realm.
can you walk on water? :bow:
Believe me, he thinks he can.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
I believe.... God is bigger than most religions realize & there is only one true God. God is every Atom & Molecule & Quark, God is your PC and the desk it sits on, God is Me & You, God is all of our thoughts, God is every Heaven & Hell... every religion, God is the Trees & Rocks & Oceans, God is the Earth & Solar System, God is the Galaxy & Universe - every Universe and every dream, God is - All That Is. Debate anyone?
Conceptually I don't have much problem with this but there are aspects that make me uncomfortable.
1. "there is only one true God". This statement implies that other god concepts are false by introducing an unnecessary dualistic value. Truth is relative. If this is not what you are intending, I'd be inclined to word it differently.
2. "God is every Heaven & Hell". This disturbs me because it implies those heaven and hell worlds are real, in the conventional sense of the word, whereas we know absolutely nothing to support this premise. Your suggestion is therefore little more than speculative at best.

It could just be me, but it seems that you are stating that even flights of fancy or imaginary things are "part of god". That, imho, is not being especially realistic.

That being said, I agree that "god" is All That Is however we should not confuse fantasy for reality. That is a slippery slope that is very dangerous to go down.

Storm asked a very good question.
Storm said:
How do you know? Can you even conceive the size of the cosmos, much less what might lie beyond its borders?
Your answer was very telling.
Do not hold the words of ‘anyone’ above your own inner Knowledge and Understanding. Be wary of anyone that tells you their way is the only way and that you will be brutally punished for veering from the path.
Fair enough, you are saying that we shouldn't really be listening to you. I can deal with that kind of honesty. I am a bit uncomfortable with the idea that we should pay exclusive attention to our "own inner Knowledge and Understanding". Call me silly, but I'd far rather people double-check what they think with that of others lest they go right off the deep end and sit merrily chatting to pink fairies riding lovely unicorns awaiting the arrival of the Flying Spaghetti Monsters for afternoon tea. But perhaps that's just me.

Then you assert this unconscionable tripe, masked as wisdom.
Time to take a fearless ride inside your own inner knowledge and understanding.
Umm, what makes you think that Storm has not done just that... oh wait you explain the reason with this mindless nugget.
Inner knowledge is the same for all - it does not differ from person to person.
I beg to differ. One thing I have repeatedly stressed is that every person has a different way of looking at their experience. Just because someone has a deep mystical experience does not mean that they will be able to describe that experience worth a damn. Mystical experience does not enhance communicative abilities that did not exist prior to the event. My own experience in these matter dictates that what you are claiming is in fact false.

Sadly, this tactic was used by Muhammad. He also asserted that all prophets before him were talking about the same thing. It is a logical fallacy as it is an appeal to its own authority. The point being that anyone who disagrees is obviously incorrect. "So it is written", if you get my drift.

It might be more accurate to say that all parrots will say the same thing simply because they are working on borrowed understanding, or dare I say, plagiarized understanding that is expropriated for their own lofty ambitions.

Life after Death is Inner knowledge - it is true whether or not you believe it to be true in your lifetime....
In which case it doesn't really matter if one believes or not, now, does it? Once again, truth is relative and may or may not have any bearing on reality.
Our very 'consciousness' is energy - and - that energy can not and will never die.
One the face of it, this answer would seem to be yet another reason why one should never smoke pot before posting on RF.
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Active Member
Beaudreaux: Uh yeah. Correct. I called your position illogical then you accused me of running away and not having courage. Check the record, oh great one.
Your self professed logic astounds me. You called me illogical because you didn't understand me - said you were unable to debate in this thread because of that - but - you believe I as the one that threw the first insult.

Keeping mocking - I am waiting for others to finally see your true nature.


Active Member
Ymirgf, .... Unconscionable tripe ? Mindless ? I shouldn't smoke pot before I post here ? LOL!

I am leaving for now so I will answer your nonsense tomorrow. You are no different than several others here.


Active Member
Well, he refused to summarize, so I went back through all his posts and did the best I could. If I left anything important out, or put too much in, please weigh in. Judgement will not be doing so, it appears.

Excellent suggestion! There may be some middle ground. YOU should maybe be the one running this thread, IMHO. Let's start with the first tenet and go on from there.
  • The statement "The truth is a combination of everything" is troublesome to me. Please keep in mind that Judgement did not settle on a definintion for either "truth" or "everything" so I am using commonly accepted definitions of each. It either means "everything is true" which, of course it cannot be since there are many mutually exclusive postions. Or it means the truth is a combination of PARTS of everything (the love your neighbor parts of Christianity, the non-violence of Zen, etc.). It seems like that may have been what Judgement was saying, though he was anything but clear.

i opened a thread for the first 'tenet' (sounds almost biblical :cover:)


Well-Known Member
Ymirgf, .... Unconscionable tripe ? Mindless ? I shouldn't smoke pot before I post here ? LOL!

I am leaving for now so I will answer your nonsense tomorrow. You are no different than several others here.
Yes. All of US are the crazy ones.....


Active Member
:eek: Geeze guys, get a room!
bet he 'costs' too much

Not according to your idol, here. He says unversal truth is not to be found in this realm.
yet experiencing

remember, the whole of beliefs says the same thing, so a humility to be unaware, yet aware is not from accepting that his way is perfect but being honest with what HE is experiencing without having the 'last word' to perform. (only one person has that just yet)

still being responsible for what/who HE can (he is honest with himself) and representing so

Believe me, he thinks he can.

practically does, and will live in "his contributions" for being just that straight....

we all can be 'confusing' or misunderstood as well even learn how to avoid both, when trying to convey information, and articulating with others.

we each growing

and for all of us to play together, then we all get a weee bit better

i just REALLY appreciate the awareness and how much material information conveyed between each on this thread

the judge has been the best i have seen in years.... but i will say, i am much better looking......


Well-Known Member
Your self professed logic astounds me. You called me illogical because you didn't understand me
No....I called your position illogical because you openly violated a first order logical principle: identity. To take a walk down memory lane (emphasis added)....
Originally Posted by Judgment
Correct - If the followers of Allah believe he is the one true God- it is true for them.
Correct - If the 'Truth' is a combination of 'Everything' - then both can be true.
Well, I don't know what else there is to say here. Your worldview is illogical. I do not say that as an insult. It is what it is. A keystone of your worldview is a first order logical contradiction which means that reasoning cannot be applied to understand it. I am fully aware that there is a whole world of mysticism out there that claims that logic and reason are not appropriate tools for understanding the universe, but that just isn't my cup of herbal tea. :)

Best of luck to you.
Please gnote the conspicuous absence of a personal attack. I did gnot attack you personally, but addressed only your position and made every effort to do it in a polite way. Here is how the great Judgement responded to the gnat.
Judging by your questions, you are unable to understand the concept of a God that does not fit in with your already made up conclusions.
I prefer you stay and continue to challenge - but - I have found that people with their minds already decided prefer to belittle and then to run and hide. I'll be here if you are able to gain any courage. :)

Gnotice the difference? The award for first stone thrown in this debate goes to the Godlike Judgement.

Keeping mocking - I am waiting for others to finally see your true nature.

I'm gnot afraid of people gnowing my true gnature. I think your elusive answsers and hostility to those who disagree with you speaks for itself.


Active Member
No....I called your position illogical because you openly violated a first order logical principle: identity.
that was harsh

his 'identity' offered an opinion (he represents himself)

but i know of 'identity' as well to remove self (identity) than much of what was mentioned about God being 'all of it' applies truer then of the opinions labeling 'identities' (good and bad)...........

see how that works?


Well-Known Member
that was harsh

his 'identity' offered an opinion (he represents himself)

but i know of 'identity' as well to remove self (identity) than much of what was mentioned about God being 'all of it' applies truer then of the opinions labeling 'identities' (good and bad)...........

see how that works?
I wasn't talking about his "identity" as in who he is. I was talking about a logical prinicple called the principle of Identity. It is expressed as:
Meaning that everything is itself. From that we can logically derive that nothing is not itelf. For example a statement that is TRUE, cannot also be FALSE because it would violate the principle of Identity. This is what Judgement's position does when it says that mutually exclusive positions are bothy right.

My criticism was of his viewpoint, not him.