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Bodhisattva in Recovery
I must have missed this post earlier. Let's see now...

For a student of Seth - you have a long way to go my friend.
I see. Forgive me, but I am less than impressed with the judgment of someone who openly plagiarizes the work of another. Virtually none of these ideas are yours and I must say you are explaining them very poorly.

God is perfect - God is everything - all thoughts and beliefs.. all imagination... all worlds all dimensions... The perfection comes from being everything - where no times resides - where everything is happening NOW. The Truth is a combination of everything - because - there is nothing outside of God. People keep putting God in to human terms, they give him human thoughts, human emotions, human laws. While these are part of God - they are only part. When broken up in to pieces - each individual piece is not perfect.

I disagree. Each piece is perfect. No doubt your glass is half empty too. :flirt:


Active Member
Ymirgf: Conceptually I don't have much problem with this but there are aspects that make me uncomfortable.
1. "there is only one true God". This statement implies that other god concepts are false by introducing an unnecessary dualistic value. Truth is relative. If this is not what you are intending, I'd be inclined to word it differently.
2. "God is every Heaven & Hell". This disturbs me because it implies those heaven and hell worlds are real, in the conventional sense of the word, whereas we know absolutely nothing to support this premise. Your suggestion is therefore little more than speculative at best.

It could just be me, but it seems that you are stating that even flights of fancy or imaginary things are "part of god". That, imho, is not being especially realistic.

That being said, I agree that "god" is All That Is however we should not confuse fantasy for reality. That is a slippery slope that is very dangerous to go down.

Storm asked a very good question.
1. I stand by my words. Other God's are real - but - they are only 'part' of the God I speak of. Yes - I believe my God is bigger than your God.
2. Billions of people believe in a literal Heaven and Hell because their holy books say this is true - It is part of their faith. That is all of the support they need. And in the end - any talk of God is mere speculation.

It's a slippery slope with your view of reality. You say that you believe 'All That Is' is God - yet you place things like imagination outside of God. How can anything be outside of God if God is 'Everyhing' ? We are not speaking of the same God by any stretch of the imagination then.
Ymirgf: Fair enough, you are saying that we shouldn't really be listening to you. I can deal with that kind of honesty. I am a bit uncomfortable with the idea that we should pay exclusive attention to our "own inner Knowledge and Understanding". Call me silly, but I'd far rather people double-check what they think with that of others lest they go right off the deep end and sit merrily chatting to pink fairies riding lovely unicorns awaiting the arrival of the Flying Spaghetti Monsters for afternoon tea. But perhaps that's just me.

I never said to pay exclusive attention to your own Inner Knowledge and Understanding - I said "Do not put the words of 'Anyone' above your own Inner Knowledge and Understanding". Check with all you please - ask as many questions as you can. Your inner knowledge and Understanding is your direct contact with God. It was there before you are born and will be there after you die.
Ymirgf: Then you assert this unconscionable tripe, masked as wisdom.
Here your true nature shines through.
Ymirgf: Umm, what makes you think that Storm has not done just that... oh wait you explain the reason with this mindless nugget.
Mindless I see... The true nature of a man can not be hidden long - you glow like a firefly. You are a friend of Storm ? Please ask her why she ran from here with her tail between her legs. Storm was rude like you - and had very little to say.
Ymirgf: I beg to differ. One thing I have repeatedly stressed is that every person has a different way of looking at their experience. Just because someone has a deep mystical experience does not mean that they will be able to describe that experience worth a damn. Mystical experience does not enhance communicative abilities that did not exist prior to the event. My own experience in these matter dictates that what you are claiming is in fact false.
Sadly, this tactic was used by Muhammad. He also asserted that all prophets before him were talking about the same thing. It is a logical fallacy as it is an appeal to its own authority. The point being that anyone who disagrees is obviously incorrect. "So it is written", if you get my drift.
It might be more accurate to say that all parrots will say the same thing simply because they are working on borrowed understanding, or dare I say, plagiarized understanding that is expropriated for their own lofty ambitions.

I get your drift - you are convinced of your own dominance over me. Which I find quite amusing. I am 'obviously incorrect' you say... LOL. I guess that makes you the correct one.. right? I am not talking about the different ways people have at looking at their experience. I am speaking of much deeper knowledge that has been there since the beginning.
Ymirgf: In which case it doesn't really matter if one believes or not, now, does it? Once again, truth is relative and may or may not have any bearing on reality.
Not in Life after Death - it is one of those 'Ultimate Truths'.
Ymirgf: One the face of it, this answer would seem to be yet another reason why one should never smoke pot before posting on RF.
You do you not believe that everything is energy and that energy does not die ? This is pretty basic science. And for the pot comment - and others - you have now shown me that you are not even my equal - let alone my superior - which you believe you are.



Active Member
Beaudreaux: No....I called your position illogical because you openly violated a first order logical principle: identity. To take a walk down memory lane (emphasis added)....
Again and again and again... If you call my my beliefs illogical - then you call me illogical. My beliefs are who I am.



Active Member
Understanding plagiarized?Understanding - is for all to share and learn. By your reasoning - all you have said has been plagiarized - for you had to learn from many different sources to develop your beliefs.

please please.......... plagerize.

saying 'the' is plagerizing......... can't get away from it!

Butt a fart is all mine!

What I have said in this thread is a combination of everything I have learned in my life
Who could ask for anything more?

This thread is a combination of 'Everything' I have read, written, painted, thought, imagined.... it is a combination of all music I have listened to, all movies watched, all conversations, all news programs... watching the world around me. You will see many ideas here - and many original thoughts that I have not yet heard before.

not sure what you meant on that last line but i will say........ much of what you read from me, has not been written before.

in some areas, the material is brand new and often before hitting 'submit reply' i will reread and copy the post and simply wonder............'where the heck did that come from?' Meaning, i know i wrote it, i am aware of what it means, but the order of words and what it covers i often surprise myself and pat 'us' on the back. (get an 'atta boy')

Perhaps what an artist might feel once finishing a painting and stepping back to look at what was born.

often to simply let go of self and just be (live) open up doors that can be experienced.... even without a buzz (boring i know but sometimes i wake up straight) :p


Well-Known Member
Again and again and again... If you call my my beliefs illogical - then you call me illogical. My beliefs are who I am.

I see. So it is impossible to have a civil discussion about beliefs then, because if I question the validity of your beliefs, I am questioning the validity of YOU. Every argument is an ad hominem attack.

Hey remember when you called all Jews and Muslims "spoiled rotten angry children"? Some people might think you were talking about their conception of God, but as you know if you call their beliefs spoiled rotten and angry, then you are calling THEM spoiled rotten and angry. Your true nature shines through with such a post.


Well-Known Member
you have now shown me that you are not even my equal - let alone my superior

OOH! Swat 'im, Judgement! Swat 'im!!!!!


Active Member
Conceptually I don't have much problem with this but there are aspects that make me uncomfortable.
1. "there is only one true God". This statement implies that other god concepts are false by introducing an unnecessary dualistic value. Truth is relative. If this is not what you are intending, I'd be inclined to word it differently.

Existence itself: all mass, all energy, all time: ONE

nothing is other, unless created and then still within. Nothing to debate!

2. "God is every Heaven & Hell". This disturbs me because it implies those heaven and hell worlds are real, in the conventional sense of the word, whereas we know absolutely nothing to support this premise. Your suggestion is therefore little more than speculative at best.

No it isn't. It is honest as the 'words' in which describe heaven and hell are created by man. The speculation is the that the 'utter' places (shambala) exist outside of the created idea............... .

That being said, I agree that "god" is All That Is however we should not confuse fantasy for reality. That is a slippery slope that is very dangerous to go down.
the reality of the statement "god' is All that is"........... is just about as perfect that can be written into words

it is that you like to argue versus sit and wonder or 'admit', even your comments are HIS (existence) before they even occur (as you are thinking about it before they make print)

to identify the 'good and bad' of them, then ask yourself, 'is the question to truly 'support life to continue' or just my own selfishness to see if i can trip up or corner a flaw..... (a 'loss to the common' for 'selfish desires')

SO your comments are YOUR life........ what YOU represent, what YOU are imposing to EXIST......... based on your choices, whether 'good or bad'

Who measures the differences? Time

the good will live

the bad will be extinct

it is why 'good' ultimately supports life................

and time will always vindicate the last word


Well-Known Member
Seth's one book - 'The Nature of Personal Reality' was very similar to the rest... I did however find it more profound. When I read it I knew it was true
Well, not REALLY true. Just true "for YOU."
I any case - you are an A$$... I dare you to keep coming at me.

Blow it out your A$$!
You are so mature and have achieved such an advanced state of spiritual awareness. People should be lining up to follow you as a spiritual leader. When you tell him to blow it out his A$$....I feel the wisdom that only comes from true knowledge of self.....

Again I ask you. How can you have a problem with his views when they are part of the Everything that is truth? Take a step back and see it all from a distance and you will see that his criticisms of you are not flaws because the flaws fade away when you look at the whole.
Last edited:


Active Member
Bishadi: not sure what you meant on that last line but i will say........ much of what you read from me, has not been written before.

in some areas, the material is brand new and often before hitting 'submit reply' i will reread and copy the post and simply wonder............'where the heck did that come from?' Meaning, i know i wrote it, i am aware of what it means, but the order of words and what it covers i often surprise myself and pat 'us' on the back. (get an 'atta boy')

Perhaps what an artist might feel once finishing a painting and stepping back to look at what was born.

often to simply let go of self and just be (live) open up doors that can be experienced.... even without a buzz (boring i know but sometimes i wake up straight) :p
Mornin Bishadi.... Agree - all my words are in my own original wording - however - within the billions of people and thousands of years of history out there - It is difficult to say things that are totally original, fresh and New. Even though my ideas are a combination of all I have learned - including the inner knowledge and understanding - I do believe I accomplished this NEW by putting it all together in a belief system that makes sense to me.


Active Member
Hey remember when you called all Jews and Muslims "spoiled rotten angry children"? Some people might think you were talking about their conception of God, but as you know if you call their beliefs spoiled rotten and angry, then you are calling THEM spoiled rotten and angry. Your true nature shines through with such a post.

perhaps he is aware that the three ladies are what begin the fireworks show (did you ask)

be certain as soon as ONE pops, few will be kissing the dirt, wearing stars or crosses

because much of the world's people are not going to be happy campers and the religious quacks won't be claiming hallelujah... as the gate will be leveled and the only things flying thru the clouds to rapture the day will be 'fireworks' and war machines

what enables the global 'judgment' is the knowledge granting equality and the true understanding of LIFE. (then "the first to last, last to first"/each become a judge and the upper end, don't read the memo's) (but you guys are getting it now)

and them who fib, decieve, rant about magical gods, will not be very well liked, because of what them "spoiled rotten angry children" had done to the world!

perhaps......... you are unaware of the last 70 years of oppression over religious beliefs

didn't you get the phone call (911)?


Active Member
Beaudreaux: I see. So it is impossible to have a civil discussion about beliefs then, because if I question the validity of your beliefs, I am questioning the validity of YOU. Every argument is an ad hominem attack.

Hey remember when you called all Jews and Muslims "spoiled rotten angry children"? Some people might think you were talking about their conception of God, but as you know if you call their beliefs spoiled rotten and angry, then you are calling THEM spoiled rotten and angry. Your true nature shines through with such a post.
You called my beliefs illogical - so - you called me illogical. (You - called - MY - Beliefs)

Not correct - I said that Yahweh and Allah behaved like "spoiled rotten angry children" - not the followers. (I called - their Gods out on some barbaric teachings)

You called me out. I called their Gods out.



Active Member
Beaudreaux: You are so mature and have achieved such an advanced state of spiritual awareness. People should be lining up to follow you as a spiritual leader. When you tell him to blow it out his A$$....I feel the wisdom that only comes from true knowledge of self.....

Again I ask you. How can you have a problem with his views when they are part of the Everything that is truth? Take a step back and see it all from a distance and you will see that his criticisms of you are not flaws because the flaws fade away when you look at the whole.
Blow it out your A$$! :icon_evil

I am no spiritual leader.. I am no preacher. I am just explaining my beliefs on a thread on a site.


Well-Known Member
You called my beliefs illogical - so - you called me illogical. (You - called - MY - Beliefs)

Not correct - I said that Yahweh and Allah behaved like "spoiled rotten angry children" - not the followers. (I called - their Gods out on some barbaric teachings)

You called me out. I called their Gods out.

In knocking their beliefs, you are knocking them. Isn't that one of the precious nuggets of knowledge we learned from you? There are no impersonal attacks. They believe in their Gods and they ARE their beliefs, just like you. When you criticize their God, you are criticizing them.


Active Member
Mornin Bishadi.... Agree - all my words are in my own original wording - however - within the billions of people and thousands of years of history out there - It is difficult to say things that are totally original, fresh and New. Even though my ideas are a combination of all I have learned - including the inner knowledge and understanding - I do believe I accomplished this NEW by putting it all together in a belief system that makes sense to me.

me not a belief kind of guy, either

my view is when answering questions..... just..... '''let it fly''

no name, no agenda... no biased intent

just be

and then afterwards often find the words, works, conveyances are beyond what i thought i could ever write...... me personally, i consider myself a pretty raunchy guy... many find me impatient with idiots

but i have knowledge that literally gives 'life' .... and finally coming to terms with knowing that

no magic, no miracles............ nothing more than knowledge and the math to back it up.

this 'I' has actually done the work

not many can say that and be honest about it but i can (not a physicist on this earth hold candle to what light i bring)

from how your brain works to what gravity is and how to live forever

its all basic by understanding 'life'....... as strange as that sounds, it is true

by knowing the rules, then every pursuit of knowledge any human being can choose falls into place............. it is weird to say the least!

that is why i am so impressed with you...... you've been tasting it, without having the full frame and that is perhaps why i have been learning for you

your awareness comes from 'no self' and of submission to existence, whereas my pursuit began with pursuing reality in the nuts and bolts..... i began as a science nut and keeping my feet flat on the ground.... i was my own worst critic.... such that if i was not convinced, then do more work......... it is only recently that i have realized....... OH NO...... me doing the work the whole taco stand is awaiting. I had no idea what the promise i made meant, but i do now!

but still learning.........

so el' teacher give it up, .............. give me what is in your head

tell me more............ screw the unevolved, either they want to know of they don't, i could care less.........

within months, this whole world is in for a bunch and most really have no idea

i suggest, any who are being exposed; follow what you have inside and be absolutely honest with yourself.......... otherwise your already dead.

nothing more perfect than absolution!

and by the way, no matter what all the beliefs say.... me not the forgiving type, so be responsible or ooooops!


Well-Known Member
Blow it out your A$$! :icon_evil
Your true nature continues to shine through. Anger.....lots of pain and anger.... Tell me about the place that all comes from. Who hurt you?
I am no spiritual leader..
Thank goodness you realize this. There is a lot of anger in you and so you lash out when people do not give you the affirmation you crave and did not get elsewhere. Something very bad happened....unburden yourself.


Active Member
if you all haven't noticed

i have been talking about how cool i am

did i mention my good looks

trying to stop you 2....... who are both teaching me.........so shut up

build and forget the personal BS

you guys are not what we are here for, we are here sharing knowledge, that hopefully can assist others (me likes to learn)............. so stop the crap

and get with the teaching otherwise you both go on detention

(student telling the teachers off........ cool ..... ) :slap:


Active Member
Could be true, an ancient name of god was "Atum", atum - Atom
Atoms are God.

and atoms and energy (light/sun) enable life
The One True God is our Sun

Training to be a Science Teacher, Cant Wait to Teach

my kind of people

life from atoms and energy is the reality mentioned in the quran about the 'second creation'...........

light is the energy between all mass; the life of matter

think of light as the tap upon a pond, when good associations combine, the waves will increase their combined potential and last longer

try the idea and see

for chemistry, look into lavoisier....

and thanks for the 'intent' of giving (teaching).........

p/s ... open up a thread and let's go over what ever you think the children need to understand 'life'.............


Well-Known Member
build and forget the personal BS

you guys are not what we are here for, we are here sharing knowledge, that hopefully can assist others (me likes to learn)............. so stop the crap

and get with the teaching otherwise you both go on detention

(student telling the teachers off........ cool ..... ) :slap:
lol! :) You're a good guy Bishadi. I would love to have a civil discussion with Judgement, but he does not believe this is possible. He believes any criticism of his position is a criticism of HIM. He is unable to separate the two and he is VERY angry. I truly believe that something happened to hurt him in a way that has damaged his capacity to discuss ideas without making it all about him.

Again, I had a feeling that this is how things would devolve and I offered to leave the thread, but Judgement asked me to stay and, typical of his pathology, implied that I was a coward if I did not.

At any rate, you are making a LOT more sense than him and you seem to be able to discuss ideas without taking it personally, so by all means, let's keep a dialogue open. :)


Active Member
Beaudreaux: In knocking their beliefs, you are knocking them. Isn't that one of the precious nuggets of knowledge we learned from you? There are no impersonal attacks. They believe in their Gods and they ARE their beliefs, just like you. When you criticize their God, you are criticizing them.
You attacked me directly. I attacked God's directly. Some, like Poli, accept the OT and all of it's words - the good and the horrific. I will criticize anyone that thinks killing each other for working the Sabbath or being disrespectful of ones parents or for adultery or believe slavery is ok. I have no problem criticizing beliefs that I find barbaric. If these are in fact their beliefs - yes - I will criticize.

Others consider the OT just OLD and follow the expanded consciousness of the NT - where you will not find such horrific violence. I believe a good number of these people would also criticize these teaching if they actually thought about them. As well as many of the followers of the OT.

You criticize me because I do not fit in with your logic - I accept that and fought back. I criticize the teachings that call for the killing of people for nonsensical reasons.