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Gods Kingdom is now ruling. Are you one of its citizens?


Jesus in me
what do you think the Lords prayer is asking for when Jesus said:

Let your kingdom come!

what was he talking about?

I believe since the spiritual kingdom was already present that it meant to pray for the physical kingdom that comes at the end of time.


Jesus in me
Why would Jesus hide ? If he is there then he should do what he have to do.
I just see more wars and more corruption.

He is here and He is working. Jesus doesn't make wars and does not particpate in corruption so it ought to be deducible that there is an agent of evil that does those things.


Jesus in me
Several initial thoughts:
Wasn't He supposed to return in the clouds and be seen by all? Weren't there supposed to be angels and trumpets and much ballyhoo?

He's ruling as an eminance grise? Whose His front man?

If the war, strife and starvation in our present world is any indication, He doesn't seem to me doing much of a job.

I beleive this will happen in the future and usher in the physical Kingdom of God.

I believe He is not acting that way but it might seem that way.

Everyone who receives Jesus as Lord and Savior.

I believe those things get more press and the things that Jesus does, do not.


Jehovah our God is One
We're not supposed to concern ourselves with figuring out the time of Armageddon.

armageddon is one of the actions Jesus will take after being enthroned in the kingdom.

We are supposed to keep watching for the reality of that kingdom.

Matt 24:42 Keep on the watch, therefore, because you do not know on what day your Lord is coming.
43 “But know one thing: If the householder had known in what watch the thief was coming, he would have kept awake and not allowed his house to be broken into. 44 On this account, you too prove yourselves ready, because the Son of man is coming at an hour that you do not think to be it.

If people are unaware of the when the Kingdom begins its rule, how on earth will they be ready for when Armageddon strikes?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
armageddon is one of the actions Jesus will take after being enthroned in the kingdom.

We are supposed to keep watching for the reality of that kingdom.

Matt 24:42 Keep on the watch, therefore, because you do not know on what day your Lord is coming.
43 “But know one thing: If the householder had known in what watch the thief was coming, he would have kept awake and not allowed his house to be broken into. 44 On this account, you too prove yourselves ready, because the Son of man is coming at an hour that you do not think to be it.

If people are unaware of the when the Kingdom begins its rule, how on earth will they be ready for when Armageddon strikes?

"Jesus will take" sounds like he will cause it.
From the Reasoning Book

Definition: The Greek Har Ma·ge·don′, taken from Hebrew and rendered “Armageddon” by many translators, means “Mountain of Megiddo,” or “Mountain of Assembly of Troops.” The Bible associates the name, not with a nuclear holocaust, but with the coming universal “war of the great day of God the Almighty.” (Rev. 16:14, 16) This name is applied specifically to “the place [Greek, to′pon; that is, condition or situation]” to which earth’s political rulers are being gathered in opposition to Jehovah and his Kingdom by Jesus Christ. Such opposition will be shown by global action against Jehovah’s servants on earth, the visible representatives of God’s Kingdom.
(rs pg 44)


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I hear someone saying "armageddon will strike, you should be ready for it" and "armageddon is one of the actions Jesus will take".

I am aware Revelations says it is the expressions inspired by demons that gather the kings of the Earth to armaggedon. It says nothing about Jesus being there. Why am I to suppose Jesus will be gathered there too? If I am to be gathered to Jesus I should be there too with Jesus.


Church of Christ
I believe since the spiritual kingdom was already present that it meant to pray for the physical kingdom that comes at the end of time.
I believe it refers to the growth of God's kingdom after it's fulfilled arrival at Pentecost Luke 9:27. And according to John 3:5, one enters the kingdom from them on via water baptism in Jesus's name John 3:5/Acts 2:38.


Bible Believer
I believe it refers to the growth of God's kingdom after it's fulfilled arrival at Pentecost Luke 9:27. And according to John 3:5, one enters the kingdom from them on via water baptism in Jesus's name John 3:5/Acts 2:38.

Dear e.r.m., You are correct IF you are speaking to a Jew, but you are sneaking in an addition to believing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which is by Faith, which is a Gift of God, NOT of works (baptism in your group's water) lest any man should boast. Eph 2:8-9 If mankind could have been saved by being baptized in water, Jesus would NOT have had to die. Would He? God Bless you.

In Love,


Be your own guru
Jesus promised that he would return with the power of Gods kingdom. A lot of christians i imagine are still waiting for that to happen.
I think it has happened in Iraq and Syria, thanks to Caliph Ibrahim (if he is alive). Power of Allah's Kingdom.


Well-Known Member
Jesus promised that he would return with the power of Gods kingdom. A lot of christians i imagine are still waiting for that to happen.

But what if someone told you that it has already happened and Jesus is already here ruling and changing the world?

What would be your initial response??

More Jehovah witness propoganda...I thought that Christ was to return in 1914? Or was that just one of many false prophecies by the Watchtower?


Veteran Member
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More Jehovah witness propoganda...I thought that Christ was to return in 1914? Or was that just one of many false prophecies by the Watchtower?

According to the Watchtower Jesus did return in 1914 and according to them his power IS the Watchtower. Saved by a magazine they are! How cute!

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
I think many expect the New Humanity, New Creation, New Age, God's Kingdom to come with a magic wand waving it into existence in an immediate and totally obvious manifestation. And many see this through the lens of their own religion and according to their own theology.

What if they are all basically right once you get beneath their theological differences?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I think many expect the New Humanity, New Creation, New Age, God's Kingdom to come with a magic wand waving it into existence in an immediate and totally obvious manifestation. And many see this through the lens of their own religion and according to their own theology.

What if they are all basically right once you get beneath their theological differences?

To believe God has a day to make it happen is to ignore the possibility we might make it happen. It is God who said TO US (Gen 1:26) "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

We won't do it does not mean now God will do it.


Veteran Member
Jesus promised that he would return with the power of Gods kingdom. A lot of christians i imagine are still waiting for that to happen.

But what if someone told you that it has already happened and Jesus is already here ruling and changing the world?

What would be your initial response??
Couldn't care less. Fictions aren't worth my time. And even if I did, what are the credentials of this "someone" that merit my attention? A lot of people claim a lot of things are true, especially in religion.
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Ooooo now that is deep. Very deep :D

JW's never said Jesus was to return,as in to earth,in 1914.Thats a misconception on the part of those who do not know the entire truth.JW's believe that Jesus Christ came to rule as King of Gods Kingdom in 1914.This rule is in heaven,not on earth.The reason JW's believe this is because of what Gods Word says about it in the 2,520 year prophecy mentioned in the book of Daniel.

The 2,520 year prophecy states that after this period of time is when Jesus Christ will sit on the throne of Gods Kingdom.According to the 2,520 year prophecy in the book of Daniel this began with the last king appointed being Zedekiah.He was dethroned by King Nebuchadnezzar in 607 B.C.E. Jerusalem was under Babylonian control since 618 B.C.E. but Jerusalem fell in 607 B.C.E.

So,God said that there would be no more kings appointed to sit on His throne.Gods throne became vacant, and the line of kings who descended from David was interrupted.This 2,520 prophecy, better known as the Gentile Times prophecy, is the period of time that no kings appointed by God would rule as Gods representatives.Gentile kings would rule.

So if you go 2,520 years into the future from the year 607 B.C.E. you come to 1914 C.E. 606+1914=2,520
From October 607 B.C.E. to October 1 B.C.E. is 606 years. Since there is no zero year, from October 1 B.C.E. to October 1914 C.E. is 1,914 years. By adding 606 years and 1,914 years, we get 2,520 years.

Ok,so now we have the end year of the 2,520 year prophecy being 1914 A.D. or C.E.
One might say,so what,what does that prove? What event of great significance 
happened in the year 1914? WWI.There had never in the history of the world been a war that involved the entire globe.The world was at peace for a very long time and out of nowhere World War I erupted, literally over night.It started with the assassination of 
Archduke Ferdinand,heir to the AustroHungarian Empire.He was shot to death along side his wife on June 28th 1914,by Serbian nationalist,in Sarajevo Bosnia.

This is what sparked WWI.

WWI also introduced military warfare never ever seen before like:Submarines,Tanks,Airplanes,Machine guns,Flame throwers,Chemical's etc..

WWI happening tells us something.It also happening at the end of the "Gentile Times" prophecy proves something.It shows how Jesus Christ has taken control of the 
Kingdom of God ,and is reigning King on Gods throne.It coincides with what is spoken of in Revelation 12:9 about satan and his demons being cast down to earth.

It also says in 12:12 "Woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, knowing that he has only a short time."

It also says this in 1 Peter 5:8 "Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

So we have the end of the 2,520 year prophecy ending as WWI is starting.God stated that at the end of this 2,520 prophecy is when Jesus Christ would begin ruling as King.

There has been more blood shed in the 20th century than all other 19 centuries combined.Satan the devil has been cast down to earth and this happened when Jesus Christ took the throne.According to Gods Word in the holy scriptures this only happened after the 2,520 prophecy has been fulfilled.This occurred in 1914.


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Daniel 2:44

The fact is there has never been a kingdom of man that does not trample God's kingdom a little or a lot.

It is what perhaps the writer meant by this:

in the days of those kings [the kings of Bible lore] God shall set up a kingdom [Messianic] that shall ever destroy [by having in subjection all that lives upon the Earth].......all these [man's] kingdoms [which are targeted for destruction] will break it to pieces to consume it BUT [no matter what] IT shall stand forever.

If the truth really is Messiah is for destroying opposition to God the one telling it (me) is causing a reason to war against it. Selah

Was it not a secret?

They want it translated. Haha

The setting up was since Abraham. "All the nations of Earth will bless themselves by means of Abraham because of the fact he listened to God". Since Messiah the kingdom of God is firmly established FOREVER. No one can destroy it EVER. Destroy the Earth? Yes, they can and it appears they will. I wonder what would cause that? RESISTANCE. They don't even know. It's resistance for the fun of it. Nations by their very sovereign nature are AGAINST God's rule. It is what Daniel (poor thing) was TRYING to say.
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Veteran Member
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They make Daniel say God's kingdom is for destroying everything opposed to God. I think God's kingdom is for changing everything opposed to God. Daniel didn't mean there would ever be a last nation. (that is why I say "poor thing")