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Hamas must be eradicated


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
This is not a war, this is butchery, a slaughter, a one sided beat down.
But it's easier to win a war, or in this case an extended
battle, by committing war crimes. Kill & maim more
people. Destroy their ability to live in their land. Risk
one's own soldiers less with indiscriminate bombing. .
War crimes are really efficient.

Little Dragon

Well-Known Member
But it's easier to win a war, or in this case an extended
battle, by committing war crimes. Kill & maim more
people. Destroy their ability to live in their land. Risk
one's own soldiers less with indiscriminate bombing. .
War crimes are really efficient.
When the IRA bombed Manchester London Liverpool and other English cities, the British did not call for Dublin and other Irish republic cities to be carpet bombed, to kill the IRA. Negotiations led to the Good Friday agreement.
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Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
When the IRA bombed Manchester London Liverpool and other English cities, the British did not call for Dublin and other Irish republic cities to be carpet bombed, to kill the IRA. Negotiations led to the Good Friday agreement.
Likely because they shared the same religion.


Staff member
Premium Member
When the IRA bombed Manchester London Liverpool and other English cities, the British did not call for Dublin and other Irish republic cities to be carpet bombed, to kill the IRA. Negotiations led to the Good Friday agreement.
I'd hardly model the British gov response to the IRA as a model to follow, but I guess the bar is pretty low with what people in this thread are willing to defend Israel for.

Ponder This

Well-Known Member
Israel can make a transparent news statement explaining that Palestine has been controlled by Terror for years , the people persecuted from within Palestine . They can explain that yes unfortunately some civilians may be accidently killed if they haven't moved out of the way like Israel explained to do . Freedom always comes with a cost of life unfortunately . In England many many years we overthrew our King at the times , think it was king James , that cost life but we became free .
To be fair, Israel has tried explaining that Palestine is oppressed from within, but this explanation has had little effect.
Perhaps, this is because protesters believe that Israel has oppressed Palestine for years and they don't appear to be convinced that the collateral death of civilians is justified even if accidental.
The situation also does not seem comparable to England gaining freedom from its King. It's not like France launched a full scale invasion of England and ousted England's King for them. It was England that resolved the question of its King.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Well that's a theory I don't share, given that the Roman Catholic V Protestant conflict is part and parcel of the the troubles in Northern Ireland.
This is a religious dispute between sects of the same
religion, ie, Christianity. I've never run across Christians
thinking that those of other flavors are less human.
Just that they're wrong.


Well-Known Member
Precisely. Slaughter HAMAS by all means, except those means and methods that result in indiscriminate or even the deliberate death of citizens.
As for flushing Palestinians out into the Sinai, as I've heard being openly discussed by Israeli policy makers. That is definitely also genocide.
They are human beings. Perhaps having empathy for the people could be saving the life of a new leader to help the rest overcome the hatred.

Little Dragon

Well-Known Member
This is a religious dispute between sects of the same
religion, ie, Christianity. I've never run across Christians
thinking that those of other flavors are less human.
Just that they're wrong.
Then you know very little about Christian schisms and how violent they can get.


Well-Known Member
Yes and no. Yes Palestine names a particular area. But what do you mean by locals? Israelis were local as well until the forced diaspora. Palestine isn't the state of Arab Palestinians which was suddenly taken away from those Palestinians that suddenly decided to collectively declare a national identity.
At one point Israelis were Palestinians in that sense as well.
And at one point all the local nation states had a piece. Including the Egyptians, Romans, Phoenicians, Canaanites, and other Semitic tribes, none of which were known as particular Palestinians that had a national identity.

Yes, yet everyone seems to conveniently forget that Jews were living within Palestine prior to the diaspora events and the UN mandate of a Jewish state. About better than 2000 years before.

Really? Pay attention to the pro-Palestinian protests. Its as if they believe the attacks happened without cause. Without cause because a lot of them are publicly and proudly celebrating not just a Hamas victory by brave and honorable Hamas warriors who only want their own state but their actively celebrating the way in which it was achieved and what it did to those it achieved it on.
I've also noticed even those humanitarians who are concerned with the Palestinian people ignore or downplay Hamas's part in starting this mess and continuously doing what they can to ensure a tragic Palestinian body count.
Over extended? The reality of the war is such that Israel has been put into a place of any response being tragic for the Palestinian people as a direct result of how Hamas operates or the equivalent of no response at all which would do nothing but encourage the likelihood of similar tragedies to happen in the future if not worse ones.
I don't think we fully realize the reality of wars in the middle east when the enemy has no concern for human dignity, rights, or decency to begin with.
If you try and fight a mud monster your gonna get muddy. That's the reality of the situation.

No, but it does have everything to do with eliminating a sickening ideology whos publicly professed goal is to kill every Jew no matter where.

And yet its literally a Jewish state. Try telling that to the Jews themselves who identify Israel itself as their native land. But your technically right, just like America doesn't represent Christians but generally acts or purports to act in accord with general Christian moral values. Now try telling that to the radical Muslim world. Try telling that to Hamas. You know, the one that publicly asked for all Muslims to take up arms and kill all the Jews. Try telling that to the Palestinian protesters who attack Jewish couples in the wrong place at the wrong time just trying to get to synagogue.

What do you mean apartheid? There is 250,000 Palestinians living within Israel proper now. You'll have to clarify what you mean by oppression and how you mean they are being oppressed? What occupation are you referring to and how is it illegal?

My big toe. Multitudes of peoples throughout history have been oppressed and subjugated. Not many have produced the sickening ideologies of Hamas which by the way have been apparently embraced at least by many of the Palestinian protesters here in the states.
Oppression may breed resistance but in no way does it inevitably breed inhumane ideologies. That's just an excuse to blame others as justification for tolerance of the existence of such things.

And here it is again. This is how hatred begins. With the spread of misinformation or misrepresentation of some data. Wherever did you get the idea that Israel wants to eliminate Palestinians? You would think they would start within their own country with the 250,000 that reside there first. Just kick em out of the country proper as a starting point.
We create monsters where there are none and ignore the monsters that don't need creating.
Your reply covers many items. I want to focus on 1; empathy for others. The USA exist as a plethora of people and cultures. No where is there a singular identity of one type, race or culture. Freedom and that equality is the theme withstanding any creed. That is what makes US so much better than most.

Focusing on equality and that human capability to have empathy for the few that have not learned that nature of human consciousness, is what can and will help with the big picture.

Peace is the ultimate goal.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Then you know very little about Christian schisms.
Oh, I hear about them all the time.
(Eg, "Catholicism isn't Christian.")
I recognize a big difference between Christian
sects dissing each other, & the rift between
Judeo-Christianity & Islam. This has far more
animosity, & belief that the other is evil, ie,
a lesser human.

Little Dragon

Well-Known Member
Oh, I hear about them all the time.
(Eg, "Catholicism isn't Christian.")
I recognize a big difference between Christian
sects dissing each other, & the rift between
Judeo-Christianity & Islam. This has far more
animosity, & belief that the other is evil, ie,
a lesser human.
I agree there is a greater degree of separation, however history suggests that regardless, christians of different sects, can treat each other quite badly, to the point of murder and even genocide.


Well-Known Member
Oh, I hear about them all the time.
(Eg, "Catholicism isn't Christian.")
I recognize a big difference between Christian
sects dissing each other, & the rift between
Judeo-Christianity & Islam. This has far more
animosity, & belief that the other is evil, ie,
a lesser human.
The three religions of abraham are actually about the same foundations but the divide is based on who is the importance of having the authority.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I agree there is a greater degree of separation, however history suggests that regardless, christians of different sects, can treat each other quite badly, to the point of murder and even genocide.
Well of course.
The fighting is never so vicious as when
the stakes (ie, religious truths) are so low.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
If Israel needs help to capture and or kill Hamas, without leveling the city of some of the most poorest and brutalized people on earth, then it should ask.
Again, why does all of this fall on Israel? Why are Palestinians so poor? Because of blockades? Why the blockades? Because Hamas is constantly, week after week, month after month, year after year trying to smuggle arms into Gaza. Palestinians are poor BECAUSE OF HAMAS.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
This is not a war, this is butchery, a slaughter, a one sided beat down.
So again, is it your stance that weak militaries ought to be able to attack strong militaries and the strong ones have to fight with one hand tied behind their back?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Again, why does all of this fall on Israel? Why are Palestinians so poor? Because of blockades? Why the blockades? Because Hamas is constantly, week after week, month after month, year after year trying to smuggle arms into Gaza. Palestinians are poor BECAUSE OF HAMAS.

If so, then Hamas has partnered with Israel.