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Hamas must be eradicated


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Secondly, Israel has a powerful military, replete with tanks and F16s and cruise missiles etc, Hamas does not. The imbalance demands that the more powerful actor assume the most responsibility.
So did the Allies win WWII too decisively?
Really? Palestinians haven't voted since 2006.
How many Germans in WWII were opposed to the Nazis? Some of course. Some of them were killed by Allied bombs. Should the Allies have held back, been more "proportional" ?


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
The allies were fighting a military and industrial superpower.
Israel is not facing such a comparable adversary..
I thought you were worried about disproportional civilian casualties? Perhaps I got that wrong..

Little Dragon

Well-Known Member
I thought you were worried about disproportional civilian casualties? Perhaps I got that wrong..
More than 10,000 Palestinians are missing or dead. Compare that to the loss to Israel, of under 2000. Israel is far from done. Talk about proportionality to the dead.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Israel has a duty under the Geneva Conventions. To act with restraint.
Did the Allies act with restraint? Should they have?
More than 10,000 Palestinians are missing or dead. Compare that to the loss to Israel, of under 2000. Israel is far from done. Talk about proportionality to the dead.
Yes, and in WWII it wasn't 5:1 it was more like 50:1. Were the Allies wrong?


The hopeful or the hopeless?
Back in the apartheid era, nobody suggested that black Africans be moved to other countries. During the troubles, nobody suggested that Irish republicans or loyalists be dumped into someone else's country. No, we seem to reserve this particular hypocrisy for the Palestinians.
Who do you think the Palestinians are? They didn't exist with a nationalist identity until after Israel was established. Where do you think they came from? Weren't they themselves the result of Arab expansion and conquest?


The hopeful or the hopeless?
Israel has a duty under the Geneva Conventions. To act with restraint.
I'd say Israel has the capability to indiscriminately destroy the entirety of the Gazan population but they haven't. So what do you mean by restraint? Not act if it means collateral damage? As if that were possible, especially against a foe without conscience. Wouldn't that merely encourage such atrocities and responses to happen again and again?
From what I've been seeing via Hamas's own videos and Israeli video and news outlets Israel at least has some modicum of understanding of the consequences of civilian casualties and have at least established some attempts to moderate such inevitableness. Hamas on the other hand seems to be doing all it can to render those attempts ineffectual or unsuccessful despite what the consequences to its own people are.
In some cases it seems Hamas has actually assassinated their own people for trying to take advantage of Israeli safe passage guarantees. They've also apparently stolen civilian fuel deliveries meant for hospital use.
The U.S. dropped two bombs on Japan resulting in hundreds of thousands of deaths. Mostly it might be said, civilian. Yet most post WWII analysts I've read have defended the act as saving more lives than those lost...including Japans own people's.
So its hard to put these things into perspective.


The hopeful or the hopeless?
Who decide wrong or right ?
after I see crimes done by USA,and Israel, I doubt who was wrong . Nazi or Allies.
God decides right or wrong and it is my belief that God instilled into humankind an innate sense of that right and wrong.
I've no argument against the fact that the USA and Israel have committed humanitarian crimes. But to my knowledge neither of those countries have made committing humanitarian crimes a national policy which it would seem some countries have done. Neither of those countries for example have called for exterminating a particular religion or nationality or peoples as a publicly announced national policy like some predominately Muslim countries have. I don't know if that's a reflection of a particular type of Islam or a merely a reflection of a nations adopted ideology or a particular minorities rule over the many or what?


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Israel has a duty under the Geneva Conventions. To act with restraint.
The sad reality Israel is superieur country, because it's under USA protection . not under UN laws.
Israel comit crimes because USA allows.
I believe Israel is taken control USA policy since long time,not inverse.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
God decides right or wrong and it is my belief that God instilled into humankind an innate sense of that right and wrong.
I've no argument against the fact that the USA and Israel have committed humanitarian crimes. But to my knowledge neither of those countries have made committing humanitarian crimes a national policy which it would seem some countries have done. Neither of those countries for example have called for exterminating a particular religion or nationality or peoples as a publicly announced national policy like some predominately Muslim countries have. I don't know if that's a reflection of a particular type of Islam or a merely a reflection of a nations adopted ideology or a particular minorities rule over the many or what?
God in Judement day will decided right and wrong ,Actualy we here in Muslim world have no more trust in West claims about human rights and democracy.all become bull****. Gaza genocide,show real face of West .
I know people don't agree what happening , but nothing they can do,Israeli lobby much bigger take full control on Western media.


Well-Known Member
You'll have to elaborate. What do you mean remove all Palestinians from Palestine?
The land mass between syria and egypt is palestine.

The locals, are the palestinians. Israel exists within palestine.
Wasn't Israel established to be a Jewish state?
Sure the UN established a Jewish state within palestine.

United Nations Resolution 181, resolution passed by the United Nations (UN) General Assembly in 1947 that called for the partition of Palestine into Arab and Jewish states, with the city of Jerusalem as a corpus separatum (Latin: “separate entity”) to be governed by a special international regime. The resolution—which was considered by the Jewish community in Palestine to be a legal basis for the establishment of Israel,
The part that sickens me is that Israel is being condemned for responding to not just an attack, but an attack whose methods deliberately embrace sick and inhumane treatment of their enemies.
Israel is not being condemned for responding to the atrocities of HAMAS but for the over extended retaliation.

I know what HAMAS did was horrid, what is sick is watching Jews all over the world being abused for what israel is doing which has nothing to do with Jews or judaism.

Israel DOES NOT represent the JEWS of the world.

What i have been debating with an israeli defender is that the apartheid, oppression and illegal occupation is wrong and has been wrong for decades.

That long held divide is what created the monsters called HAMAS. And the attempt of trying to eliminate palestinians from the region will create even more monsters.

Little Dragon

Well-Known Member
So its hard to put these things into perspective.
Not really. Israel has a large sophisticated military, supported at land and sea by the might of the US armed forces. Hamas, a terrorist organisation, that holds the people of Palestine hostage, un-elected and unrepresentative and unaccountable, is not a military power. The people of Palestine, have no army or navy or airforce to fight back with. Not that they started this war, Hamas did, and now, Israel is acting as if it has a right to **** on the Geneva Conventions.
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Little Dragon

Well-Known Member
I believe Israel is taken control USA policy since long time,not inverse.
I am not so sure about that. I believe Israel does have a lot of influence in Washington, but not control. Instead, the US has much vested geopolitical interest in Israel and the region as a whole.

Little Dragon

Well-Known Member
Gaza genocide,show real face of West .
Western governments maybe. However mass demonstrations have been occurring in many western capitals, including mine, London, where recently many thousands marched in solidarity with Palestine. Last Saturday I think? All kinds of people were there, socialists, atheists, human rights activists, christians, muslims, sikhs, hindus, jews and many others.

Little Dragon

Well-Known Member
Israel is not being condemned for responding to the atrocities of HAMAS but for the over extended retaliation.
Precisely. Slaughter HAMAS by all means, except those means and methods that result in indiscriminate or even the deliberate death of citizens.
As for flushing Palestinians out into the Sinai, as I've heard being openly discussed by Israeli policy makers. That is definitely also genocide.

Little Dragon

Well-Known Member
God decides right or wrong and it is my belief that God instilled into humankind an innate sense of that right and wrong.
A theological claim. In the scope of international conflict and war, we have the Geneva Conventions and other international treaties to determine right from wrong.