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Have the Rich Gone to War Against the Poor and Middle Class in America?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
What is sad is that many would rather live in the projects and do nothing rather than work. Being satisfied with something for nothing over working is the greatest disservice our country has ever gave folks.

5th generation wellfare recipients don't know any other way of life. :sorry1:



Admiral Obvious
Uhh, no, I got out - by my own hard work. But I had a work ethic to begin with. I figured out pretty quickly that to live solely on the dole is making a deal with the devil.

It gets you nowhere in the long run.
Yes, and you have very successfully proven my point.
Thank you.

Or perhaps you are going to argue that if the welfare system was set up to actually help people get off welfare that all the poor people would rather sit on welfare?

Sad really, that you got out of that situation and turned into a snob.
Guess money truly does corrupt the mind.


Admiral Obvious
I think you should have to take drug tests to receive welfare.
I think you should have to pass a drug test to be employed, to get welfare, to pick up your pay check. and that they need to include alcohol on the list of "no no" drugs.

I also think that you should have to pass the same test that immigrants have to pass in order to vote.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
I think you should have to pass a drug test to be employed, to get welfare, to pick up your pay check. and that they need to include alcohol on the list of "no no" drugs.

I also think that you should have to pass the same test that immigrants have to pass in order to vote.

I'll second all of this.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
And, Rick and Kathryn, suffice to say you guys should learn about the poor in this country before making all kinds of assumptions about them (and, Kathryn, that means learning about them, not spouting off about how you were poor once).


Well-Known Member
What kind of quality life do people living in projects and on welfare give their children? I can tell you - absolute CRAP.

I've been poor and I've been rich. Rich is better. And I earned every penny of it. Others can do the same. If they are truly incapable, via some sort of disability, then I will GLADLY pour my tax dollars into programs to their benefit.

Otherwise, get off your ***, take responsibility for your life and your actions, and get to work.

That is admirable that you picked yourself up by your bootstraps, question time did you live in a total bubble where you did not rely on friends, family or spouse? (it goes without question that you didn't rely on the government from your tone)

I'm not sure how you can take your subjective experience from knowing poor people who buck the system and extrapolate that to say that it's all a scam. But I'm not surprised making stereotypes on class is the new form of racism.

Also do you guys that truly believe that "people should help themselves" think that abolishing all social programs means less taxes for you? I guess it will give you more comfort to know that the little guy will get screwed worse than you while the super rich can buck the system with impunity through loop holes.

"Sorry kids mommy has to go work her third job at wallyworld, no dinner again tonight here's a rusty shank to fend off hobos and some bus tokens so you can get to the mission"


Admiral Obvious
What kind of quality life do people living in projects and on welfare give their children? I can tell you - absolute CRAP.
Nice subjectivity you got going there.
Not all people judge the quality of their of life based upon quantity...

I've been poor and I've been rich.
You seem to think that this statement makes you some kind of an authority on poor people, the projects and welfare.

...Others can do the same.
I do not deny that there are those who refuse to do anything about it.
However, in MY neck of the woods, this is the exception, not the rule you and Mr. RevRick are trying to make it out to be.

If they are truly incapable, via some sort of disability, then I will GLADLY pour my tax dollars into programs to their benefit.
Problem here is who gets to decide who is and who is not "truly incapable"?

Otherwise, get off your ***, take responsibility for your life and your actions, and get to work.
I really honestly wish it worked that easy.
If it did, I would have already been working at least two jobs.

Funny thing is that even the fast food (McDonald's, Wendy's, Arby's, etc.) are not hiring and every one who is hiring wants to pay minimum wage for people with degrees and years of experience.

So what you really need to do is tell the employers to get up off their arses and hire people.


I really honestly wish it worked that easy.
If it did, I would have already been working at least two jobs.

Funny thing is that even the fast food (McDonald's, Wendy's, Arby's, etc.) are not hiring and every one who is hiring wants to pay minimum wage for people with degrees and years of experience.

So what you really need to do is tell the employers to get up off their arses and hire people.

And not only that, but tell employers to pay a living wage, provide the full spectrum of benefits, job security, etc. etc. since everyone thinks the 'government can't do it.'


Active Member
I think you should have to pass a drug test to be employed, to get welfare, to pick up your pay check. and that they need to include alcohol on the list of "no no" drugs.

I also think that you should have to pass the same test that immigrants have to pass in order to vote.

I personally don't think that drugs should be illegal, which goes into a completely different issue of course, but if people receiving welfare checks are doing drugs than obviously the money isn't going to what it's supposed to be going to.
And it definitely isn't.


Active Member
That is admirable that you picked yourself up by your bootstraps, question time did you live in a total bubble where you did not rely on friends, family or spouse? (it goes without question that you didn't rely on the government from your tone)

I'm not sure how you can take your subjective experience from knowing poor people who buck the system and extrapolate that to say that it's all a scam. But I'm not surprised making stereotypes on class is the new form of racism.

Also do you guys that truly believe that "people should help themselves" think that abolishing all social programs means less taxes for you? I guess it will give you more comfort to know that the little guy will get screwed worse than you while the super rich can buck the system with impunity through loop holes.

"Sorry kids mommy has to go work her third job at wallyworld, no dinner again tonight here's a rusty shank to fend off hobos and some bus tokens so you can get to the mission"

It is such an ignorant assumption to say that people that don't agree with welfare are some kind of selfish evil being or something. It's really ridiculous actually. Could it not just be that we don't think it is the GOVERNMENT'S JOB?


Active Member
Funny thing is that even the fast food (McDonald's, Wendy's, Arby's, etc.) are not hiring and every one who is hiring wants to pay minimum wage for people with degrees and years of experience.

So what you really need to do is tell the employers to get up off their arses and hire people.

It may take a little bit of time to find a job, but there are people that have been unemployed for over a year saying that they've been doing "absolutely everything they can" to find a job, and it is just bull. If you really want/need a job, you'll find one. If you really want to try to get unemployment benefits, you'll complain.


Active Member
And not only that, but tell employers to pay a living wage, provide the full spectrum of benefits, job security, etc. etc. since everyone thinks the 'government can't do it.'

And make owners go out of business? Then will where the jobs be? Add to worker's salary, you add to the price of products, and then workers complain again that they need more money because prices on everything are raising. This is why the reason why the economy needs to be let alone and let it work itself out on its own. If you try to control one thing, you'll effect another which effects another.
Also, the problem with minimum wage is that it is simply not necessary. People are not going to work for $2 an hour, and if they want to, let them. But everyone else will go to jobs that pay more, and the rest of the businesses will have to raise theirs to keep up and get workers. A natural minimum wage will be formed on its own.


And make owners go out of business? Then will where the jobs be? Add to worker's salary, you add to the price of products, and then workers complain again that they need more money because prices on everything are raising. This is why the reason why the economy needs to be let alone and let it work itself out on its own. If you try to control one thing, you'll effect another which effects another.
Also, the problem with minimum wage is that it is simply not necessary. People are not going to work for $2 an hour, and if they want to, let them. But everyone else will go to jobs that pay more, and the rest of the businesses will have to raise theirs to keep up and get workers. A natural minimum wage will be formed on its own.

This is most disgusting paragraph I've ever read. Do you know how many American's died trying to get the minimum wage? I guess you don't believe anyone should be restricted to hire people more than 40 hours a week because, "No one will work over 40 hours a week." Your company should be forced to provide a living wage and benefits; if they can't afford all of it, they should be forced to provide as much as the company can. The average CEO makes 450 times the average page of his workers. He could be forced to AT LEAST provide a wage one can actually live off of and benefits. People will be forced to work to survive either way.