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Have the Rich Gone to War Against the Poor and Middle Class in America?


Active Member
Price Responses to Minimum Wage Increases
Using a variety of government and private datasets, Aaronson and French show that prices do in fact rise in response to a minimum wage increase. Aaronson (2001) finds that minimum wage increases tend to raise prices. The magnitude and timing of these price increases is striking. Within three months of a wage hike, Aaronson finds that a 10 percent increase in the minimum wage resulted in a 0.4–0.7 percent increase in restaurant prices. Much of the increase occurred within the first month of the wage hike. In the fast food sector, prices rise 1.5 percent in response to a 10 percent increase.

Aaronson, French, and MacDonald (2004) utilize store-level Consumer Price Index (CPI) data generated by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) to separate firms by their relative use of low-skill, entry-level employment. A wage hike will particularly affect those firms employing a higher percentage of teenagers and other low-skilled employees. Using this new data, the authors find further evidence that prices rise following a wage hike. Tellingly, they also find that in areas where a greater number of employees earned the minimum wage, the price increases are larger than the overall results....

Output Prices and the Minimum Wage | EPI Study

This seems like you're agreeing with me...


Active Member
Do you not understand how much you get from welfare programs? I guess not, since your view of the world is obviously not constrained by facts. In most places, as a single male, you'd get maybe $400 to live on for the month. I don't know about you, but I don't know anyone who would want to live on that kind of money.

Did you read the rest of my post?


This seems like you're agreeing with me...

It seems like your response replicated Rick's in that you ignored what you quoted. When minimum wage is raised, the raise of prices is but a tiny fraction in comparison to how much the worker is now getting payed. Like Rick, you detest welfare because it spawns 'laziness' and is not the government's place to do so, even though our country is obviously based on French egalitarianism, and then detest a minimum living wage to the workers who must work or die, because it results in higher prices for you. Like I said, you want your cake and want to ingest it as well. You don't want to help people publicly or privately, even when the private help is ingrained in consumption.
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Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
It seems like your response replicated Rick's in that you ignored what you quoted. When minimum wage is raised, the raise of prices is but a tiny fraction in comparison to how much the worker is now getting payed. Like Rick, you detest welfare because it spawns 'laziness' and is not the government's place to do so, even though our country is obviously based on French egalitarianism, and then detest a minimum living wage to the workers who must work or die, because it results in higher prices for you. Like I said, you want your cake and want to ingest it as well. You don't want to help people publicly or privately, even when the private help is ingrained in consumption.

Dust1n, that is complete crap you are spewing. My employees make over triple what minimum wage is. My employees have health care while I myself do not.

I tithe 10% of my income to the church, visit people in the hospital and nursing homes. Donate time and food to the local food pantry, and support a battered women's shelter.


You think the government is the solution while I believe the government screws up all that it touches.

I believe if the minimum wage was a living wage, people would make life time careers asking people if they would like to super size their fries.

Minimum wage by design is suppose to start you out in the world of work and any competent person would want to advance their career as their life skills grow.

We all have to start somewhere and when we become discontent with our position and our pay, we should improve our skills and move up the food chain.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation

You've still never answered the question of why we're not in a better position right now, if churches and charities aside from the government are the way to end poverty. If the government isn't the answer, that would mean you think giving to your church and regular old charities can help all the poor in the country. Well, why aren't they doing a better job as it is, then?

You think the government is the solution while I believe the government screws up all that it touches.

Yes, you believe a lot of things that have no basis in reality. Last time I checked, the USPS, the military, medicare, medicaid and the VA were all doing quite well. Are there some problems with some government programs? Sure. Are you blowing those problems way the hell out of proportion? Definitely.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
The USPS and VA, Medicare and Medicaid doing well????? The military spending money WISELY???

Are you freaking KIDDING me?


The USPS is so strapped for money that they're strongly considering shutting down on Saturdays and cutting services while again raising prices.




The VA hospitals and services, while noble in concept, are still a joke when it comes to quality treatment CONSISTENTLY - though of course you can find good facilities scattered throughout the system, usually at large military bases.


The US military - another noble CONCEPT - is incredibly wasteful when it comes to tax dollars.
Medicare and Medicaid fraud is so rampant it's a national disgrace. In fact, the fraud and waste is so pervasive that it's one of the main reasons for opposition to the universal healthcare bills. People want the government to prove it can run EXISTING programs better before it attempts a complete overhaul of a private industry.

Medicare Fraud: A $60 Billion Crime - 60 Minutes - CBS News


Battling the Medicare fraud 'epidemic' - Field Notes - msnbc.com

See the last link - even MSNBC can't deny the widespread idiocy, incompetence, and outright illegality of government programs and services.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
The USPS and VA, Medicare and Medicaid doing well????? The military spending money WISELY???

Are you freaking KIDDING me?


The USPS is so strapped for money that they're strongly considering shutting down on Saturdays and cutting services while again raising prices.




The VA hospitals and services, while noble in concept, are still a joke when it comes to quality treatment CONSISTENTLY - though of course you can find good facilities scattered throughout the system, usually at large military bases.


The US military - another noble CONCEPT - is incredibly wasteful when it comes to tax dollars.
Medicare and Medicaid fraud is so rampant it's a national disgrace. In fact, the fraud and waste is so pervasive that it's one of the main reasons for opposition to the universal healthcare bills. People want the government to prove it can run EXISTING programs better before it attempts a complete overhaul of a private industry.

Medicare Fraud: A $60 Billion Crime - 60 Minutes - CBS News


Battling the Medicare fraud 'epidemic' - Field Notes - msnbc.com

See the last link - even MSNBC can't deny the widespread idiocy, incompetence, and outright illegality of government programs and services.

Watch the Liberals ignore facts now.


Devotee of the Immaculata
Minimum wage by design is suppose to start you out in the world of work and any competent person would want to advance their career as their life skills grow.

We all have to start somewhere and when we become discontent with our position and our pay, we should improve our skills and move up the food chain.

This argument assumes that there are enough jobs that are more advanced and higher paying, as well as assuming that everyone has access to the education and training to qualify for those jobs. I am not convinced that either assumption is true.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
This argument assumes that there are enough jobs that are more advanced and higher paying, as well as assuming that everyone has access to the education and training to qualify for those jobs. I am not convinced that either assumption is true.

Yes, life is hard but not impossible. It took me almost 20 years to get an MBA.

Yes jobs are scarce, but this will not always be the case. Things will improve in the future, we have Barack Obama in charge. He is cleaning up the mess. :rolleyes:

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
The USPS and VA, Medicare and Medicaid doing well????? The military spending money WISELY???

Are you freaking KIDDING me?


The USPS is so strapped for money that they're strongly considering shutting down on Saturdays and cutting services while again raising prices.




The VA hospitals and services, while noble in concept, are still a joke when it comes to quality treatment CONSISTENTLY - though of course you can find good facilities scattered throughout the system, usually at large military bases.


The US military - another noble CONCEPT - is incredibly wasteful when it comes to tax dollars.
Medicare and Medicaid fraud is so rampant it's a national disgrace. In fact, the fraud and waste is so pervasive that it's one of the main reasons for opposition to the universal healthcare bills. People want the government to prove it can run EXISTING programs better before it attempts a complete overhaul of a private industry.

Medicare Fraud: A $60 Billion Crime - 60 Minutes - CBS News


Battling the Medicare fraud 'epidemic' - Field Notes - msnbc.com

See the last link - even MSNBC can't deny the widespread idiocy, incompetence, and outright illegality of government programs and services.

Thanks for that. Now, show me businesses that are doing better.


The USPS and VA, Medicare and Medicaid doing well????? The military spending money WISELY???

Are you freaking KIDDING me?


The USPS is so strapped for money that they're strongly considering shutting down on Saturdays and cutting services while again raising prices.




The VA hospitals and services, while noble in concept, are still a joke when it comes to quality treatment CONSISTENTLY - though of course you can find good facilities scattered throughout the system, usually at large military bases.


The US military - another noble CONCEPT - is incredibly wasteful when it comes to tax dollars.
Medicare and Medicaid fraud is so rampant it's a national disgrace. In fact, the fraud and waste is so pervasive that it's one of the main reasons for opposition to the universal healthcare bills. People want the government to prove it can run EXISTING programs better before it attempts a complete overhaul of a private industry.

Medicare Fraud: A $60 Billion Crime - 60 Minutes - CBS News


Battling the Medicare fraud 'epidemic' - Field Notes - msnbc.com

See the last link - even MSNBC can't deny the widespread idiocy, incompetence, and outright illegality of government programs and services.

Easy, cut the defense budget in half, and you could fund all those things 4 fold. Or better yet, tax the uber wealthy more. Then you get your tax breaks, etc.


Well-Known Member
Seriously, out of all things to complain about, the USPS? I have yet to find a private post service that can match the price and quality of service I get from the USPS. Whenever I need to send a package, I'm given the choice of sending it via USPS at a reasonable price (and Saturday deliveries are nice), or paying out my *** for Fedex or UPS. The USPS isn't perfect but it's far from being any sort of failure. Besides, it's in the constitution.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Here are the top 100 companies to work for, according to Forbes and CNN, as of Februarly 2010:

100 Best Companies to Work For 2010: Full list - from FORTUNE

If you will look into these companies, you will find that they pay well, manage their resources well, and have sterling reputations with their customers, vendors, and creditors. Many of the companies on this list are very large.

None of them is government owned or managed. They are private industries.


Thanks for that. Now, show me businesses that are doing better.



Dust1n, that is complete crap you are spewing. My employees make over triple what minimum wage is. My employees have health care while I myself do not.

I tithe 10% of my income to the church.

Well I see one solution to this problem.

What kind of business do you own?

...visit people in the hospital and nursing homes. Donate time and food to the local food pantry, and support a battered women's shelter.



You are right, fix wasteful programs. This requires (especially not privatizing) an educated public to demand useful programs and to rid it of corruption.

You think the government is the solution while I believe the government screws up all that it touches.

Question? So what government programs do you support, what part of government remains after you have dismantled it Rick?

I believe if the minimum wage was a living wage, people would make life time careers asking people if they would like to super size their fries.

And you would prefer them to make less than a living wage working lifetime dead end jobs asking people serving people who lives incredibly

Minimum wage by design is suppose to start you out in the world of work and any competent person would want to advance their career as their life skills grow.

That's minimum wage's design? Could you point me to a reference to some sort of 'fast food charter'?

We all have to start somewhere and when we become discontent with our position and our pay, we should improve our skills and move up the food chain.

Man, you make it sound like utopia!

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
Here are the top 100 companies to work for, according to Forbes and CNN, as of Februarly 2010:

100 Best Companies to Work For 2010: Full list - from FORTUNE

If you will look into these companies, you will find that they pay well, manage their resources well, and have sterling reputations with their customers, vendors, and creditors. Many of the companies on this list are very large.

None of them is government owned or managed. They are private industries.

I'm glad they're doing so well. Now can you show me some businesses that are doing better than the aforementioned government programs? (And no, "doing better" does not mean "making more money".)


I'm glad they're doing so well. Now can you show me some businesses that are doing better than the aforementioned government programs? (And no, "doing better" does not mean "making more money".)

Yea, it wouldn't make much sense to see non-profit programs on Forbes list.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
The companies profiled on the Forbes report made the Top 100 companies to WORK for - not the MOST PROFITABLE list.

This is because of the way they treat their employees, as well as the way they manage their assets and liabilities - because the way they manage those indicates the stability of the company, and the stability of the employees' jobs and future with the company.

In other words, unlike the US Government - they can't just go print more money or raise taxes. They have to actually manage their assets and liabilities and stay in the black.

And as we all know - our government is so far in the red that our great grandchildren will still be paying for present day mismanagement.