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"Help us stop the IndoctriNation!"

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
You just validated that you have been indoctrinated. You stated that the ToE is scientific fact, when it is actually part fact and part speculation, philosophy and world view.

Incorrect. Evolution is strongly supported by logical deduction and an insurmountable mountain of evidence. It' the denial of such logic and evidence that's indicative of indoctrination.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
LOL, I can listen to :04 seconds of an evolution promoting youtube video and realize it is indoctinating people. I got you beat!

See, here you admit to arriving to a conclusion before an argument is even presented, which suggested that you've been indoctrinated.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
There is less God in school and more Atheists in our country today.

I'm not saying there is anything wrong with Atheists, I'm saying our children are not thinking for themselves. Many have been indoctrinated by a Godless agenda.

Only if you consider reason and knowledge to be a "godless agenda". More children are thinking for themselves now than have in the past, which is precisely why more are becoming atheists. Faith such as yours relies upon the opposite; indoctrination. Societies develop and advance. Deal with it.
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Well-Known Member
"I want to see a child in every public school in America who is trained as a witness for Jesus Christ."

"When you send that child off to school today you're sending theim into a pagan society."

"They are stealing our children"

"The public schools by law have been prohibited from teaching anything which is called sectarian, and sectarian means Bible believing Christianity."

"The government schools aren't going to say anything about god even though Christians believe that fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom."

"Horace Mann . . . rejected the very thing that teaches the sound philosophy of education: the word of god."

"If we want to see lasting cutural renewal what we have to see is a decrease in the number of students who are being indoctrinated by our Marxists educational system."


Your video has been removed, so I fear your point may be lost. Could you reiterate it please? (this is a serious request btw :) )


Empirical Curmudgeon
You just validated that you have been indoctrinated. You stated that the ToE is scientific fact, when it is actually part fact and part speculation, philosophy and world view.

Evolution is a Scientific Fact.
ToE is the Theory that explains the mechanisms and processes of that fact.
I'm not sure where you get the 'philosophy and world view' part from though. :sarcastic


Veteran Member
Your video has been removed, so I fear your point may be lost. Could you reiterate it please? (this is a serious request btw :) )
Here's a different version, although everything up to about 1:15 is the same.


Ad astra!
Communism, along with Representative Democracy, are political systems. Capitalism and Socialism are economic systems. Pure Socialism does not work but neither does pure Capitalism. What works best is a combination of the two which is what the US is currently running.

True, I am referring to the systems that surround them too, of course.


Well-Known Member
Thank you.

Am I correct in thinking you support the message in the video?

I am atheist, and believe that the class room is the last place any religion should be taught unless it is taught like history and the core values of all religions are taught for information only.

Can I ask what your concerns are that religion is not allowed to be taught in schools?


Veteran Member
Thank you.

Am I correct in thinking you support the message in the video?
No you are not.

I am atheist, and believe that the class room is the last place any religion should be taught unless it is taught like history and the core values of all religions are taught for information only.

Can I ask what your concerns are that religion is not allowed to be taught in schools?
In the United States we have separation of church and state, and this alone should be enough to prevent it. However, for some strange reason some Christian fanatics ignore this and whine on and on about the lack of Jesus in public schools.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
There is less God in school and more Atheists in our country today.

I'm not saying there is anything wrong with Atheists, I'm saying our children are not thinking for themselves. Many have been indoctrinated by a Godless agenda.

Now this gave me a chuckle......not because it's funny...no..because it's so ridiculous...

If there seems to be "more Atheist" is because we're not as silent as we used to be. If the church is loosing money givers...I mean members then it's not our fault.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
In our family we have protestants, catholics, JWs, pagans, baptists, bhuddists and one atheist. My kids get exposed to quite enough religion without having it cut into their practical education, thank you.

Same here. My son and one of my daughters are Agnostic. My other daughter is a Christian (baptist). My wife is a Christian (Methodist). I'm Atheist and I have Muslim family members as well...My kids were exposed to all religions. I actually encouraged them to get to know other religions.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
No, but teaching anti-religion or mocking religion is not either.

I work for a public school system and we have a healthy thriving nice size after school christian club. We have muslim students and no one care that they're muslim. Actually a couple of muslim students have a lot of christian friends. No one is teaching anti-religion. The majority of the staff is religious...you pick up on that when you're at their desk or in their office.


Well-Known Member
No you are not.

In the United States we have separation of church and state, and this alone should be enough to prevent it. However, for some strange reason some Christian fanatics ignore this and whine on and on about the lack of Jesus in public schools.

Thank you. I wasn't quite sure which side of the fence you sat.

I am in complete agreement with you.

I feel the same religious interference happens here in the UK, but unfortunately our govt has handed the schools over to religious institutions, which I do find very disconcerting.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
Only if you consider reason and knowledge to be a "godless agenda". More children are thinking for themselves now than have in the past, which is precisely why more are becoming atheists. Faith such as yours relies upon the opposite; indoctrination. Societies develop and advance. Deal with it.

You Atheist's crack me up when you say "get over it" or "deal with it".

I see this all the time, progressive biased teachers indoctrinating and many times in college challenging their students.

Conservative thought in many college classrooms is a straight ticket to a failing grade.

When either side tries to shove their opinion down an other's throat, there will be a backlash.

"In God We Trust", Repealing Row vs. Wade or just having public prayer at an event gets a progressives panties in a wad way more than this covert under the radar ridiculing of the religious conservatives in school rooms.

Myself, I say live and let live unless you really would prefer push comes to shove.


Well-Known Member
LOL, I can listen to :04 seconds of an evolution promoting youtube video and realize it is indoctinating people. I got you beat!

Is that the voice of a bitter creationist?

Indoctrination is teaching without question.
I fail to see where the indoctrination is.

If it were left to religion, the voice of science would have been smothered and we would still be writing on papyrus, and deciphering Coptic by candle light.

Man of Faith

Well-Known Member
Is that the voice of a bitter creationist?

Indoctrination is teaching without question.
I fail to see where the indoctrination is.

If it were left to religion, the voice of science would have been smothered and we would still be writing on papyrus, and deciphering Coptic by candle light.

LOL, the founders of modern science were shaped by a culture that had a predominantly Christian world view! Will the indoctrination ever end!