Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
There are lots of authentic texts not included in your bible. Do you reject them? If so, does that clearly mean that you don't love God?Look, rejecting Jehovah God's son, any of God's inspired word including the Christian Greek scriptures, failiing to do the entire will of God, adhering to His commands and those of His son, clearly means that one does NOT love Jehovah God.
And before you begin to spout about agendas of pagan God-haters, let me enlighten you as to why your "Protestant bible" only has 66 books: because the original canon texts of the church were based on the LXX. Martin Luther cut the number back to only include the ones that are in the Jewish bible. So, the cue as to what was "authentic" and what was not was taken from a Lutheran (founder of a "Godless sect" called Lutheranism) and the "Godless Jews" who "reject God's Son." So... how does it feel to know that your "bible truth" comes from the very ones you so easily dismiss here?
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