I believe the Son does not come into being until c 1 AD so the idea that a physical person is there at the beginning is a false concept. Even John rrecognizes that the Word became flesh and that the Word is God.
Thought is an attribute of the Spirit. The Word is an attribute of the Spirit.
I believe that is like asking what the difference is between my thinking and what I type. The difference is that thinking proceeds from myself and the thought typed then has an existence of its own. This is where I believe Hindus are confused because they view the creation and creator as one.
There are so many opinions about everything pertaining to God. That is the reason that God had His word written down, so when there is a question we can all go to the Bible for truthful answers.
Did you not read what the Bible says at Col 1:15, and Rev 3:14? It is recorded so that we can find the answer. It says here that Jesus is God's first creation. Phil 2:6, that Jesus was in the form of God, meaning that Jesus was created as a spirit person, the same as the millions of angels.
God transferred the life of Jesus into the womb of Mary and he then became a flesh and blood man.
At John 1:1 is is stated that Jesus is a God, but John did not mean that he was God The Father. Consider that Jesus said that the Father is greater than I am, John 14:28, also that his Father was both his father and his God, John 20:17. Jesus also stated that his Father is the only true God, John 17:1-3. So Jesus definitely knew that his Father was the only true GOD.
The Bible says that Jesus is a god, even a mighty god, Isa 9:6, but Jesus would be the first to tell you he is not The Father, The Almighty GOD. The term Almighty is mutually exclusive, only one, Ex 6:3.
Something to think about. There is a dictionary term, Dope Out!! This is what any person does when he tries to reason from his own knowledge.
Every person is so limited in knowledge that God had the Bible written so we could rely on the knowledge from God when trying to understand things, especially Biblical things, as Doctrines, Prov 2:1-9, 3:5,6, Gen 40:8. The Bible is always there and does not change as does men's ideas. The bible was inspired by God, and every answer we want is contained in it, 2Tim 3:16,17, 2Pet 1:20,21,Matt 6:8.
Do not have Sacred Cows, or Home Truths, that you would rather believe than what the Bible says, or in time you will be proved wrong, just like all Bible critics.