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Homosexual adoption - Abomination or not?

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Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Of course it is relevant - having one parent far outweighs a man-made contrived system.

Think of the spiritual, psychological, genetic and ancestral relationship garnered from this natural phenomena.

That is of infinite significance.

I fail to see how genetics, dead people and magic factor into a child/parent relationship.


Not just on things I have made up - there are many people with similar views.
A quick search on google has shown that approximately 40% of people in Western countries oppose gay adoption.

That is a large amount - it just happens that most people on this thread are in the 60% camp.

OK, so 40% of people in Western countries are idiots who base their opinions on made-up "facts"? Thank heavens the majority of people in Western countries don't share that intellectual defect. ;)

Me Myself

Back to my username
Not just on things I have made up - there are many people with similar views.
A quick search on google has shown that approximately 40% of people in Western countries oppose gay adoption.

Many people shared the view of the planet being flat, and yet that turned out to just be made up.

So this argument is null.


Why should you need to adopt if you are capable of having your own child?

It's a personal preference, not a "need". The world - overpopulated as it is - doesn't "need" any more people, so I consider it unethical to make more people. OTOH, many existing children "need" a loving, stable home. It is ethical to provide such a place for as many unwanted, abandoned or orphaned children as possible.


Admiral Obvious
Of course it is relevant - having one parent far outweighs a man-made contrived system.

Think of the spiritual, psychological, genetic and ancestral relationship garnered from this natural phenomena.

That is of infinite significance.
Which "man-made" system are you talking about?
Seeing as they are ALL man-made systems...


That is a valid and interesting point - the first one in a while from your camp.

However, it is too idealistic - people have an instinct to breed not adopt.

Speak for yourself. I have an instinct to adopt, not to breed. Maybe it's IQ-related.


Admiral Obvious
I have too many questions to answer to waste time discussing pointless issues regarding semantics, netiquette, language issues etc.. to get into this latest offering of yours.:eek:
YOU are the one who brought up same sex marriage.
then YOU are the one who whined about not getting off topic.
Now YOU are whining about others doing the very thing YOU are doing?


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
I admit it - I stopped reading the responses on this thread on page 13. I can't take any more of this foolishness!

Lord have mercy - just let people who are stable and able and willing and ready to love a child or children adopt them and get them out of the bleakness and sadness of foster care!
I well know a lovely young man who is married to a young woman at my temple. He is an agnostic, and was raised by two same-sex parents. And for someone who is now in his late 20's, married with a fairly good job, I have to say he is one of the few success children out there. :)

So I really do not think same-sex families can be harmful to children, especially when same-sex marriage in Canada already exists for a few years now. God loves all Eir children, even the ones that decide to love a spouse of the same-sex and fulfill family responsibilities in raising children. There's too much hate, violence, crime and other horrible things done to children; having them loved and raised in a home with loving parents is nothing more than Heaven's blessing. :)


MeMyself: That all may be true but it is for another thread.:)

anyway back to the topic:

I propose that two gay men cannot adopt a child but a lesbian couple can due to their inbuilt maternal instinct.

any views on this?

I propose that there are many good gay men out there with more maternal instinct in their pinkie fingers than some "mothers" have. Ever heard of Susan Smith????????
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