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Well-Known Member
Its sin as is any sex outside marriage.

You're not answering my question. I'm asking how you know it's a sin. I'm not asking you to tell me that homosexuality is a sin. I'm asking where Jesus condemned homosexuality.

If he never condemned it, why do you think he opposed it? What did he say or do which made you reach that conclusion?

There is all kinds of sin Jesus never spoke off in the Gospels

How do you know? What if Jesus did indeed speak of everything which he considered sinful?

In other words, aren't you putting words into Jesus' mouth? If he had wanted us to view homosexuality or abortion as sinful, wouldn't he have told us that it is sinful?

To me, it seems that you are trying to make Jesus dislike the things which you personally dislike.

Loving your neighbor includes telling him the truth so he can be saved Jesus said "the world hates me because I testify that its works are evil"

Why should I believe that you are the one person in the world who can explain Jesus' truth to me?

Other Christians tell me that Jesus approved of homosexuality.

Monotheist 101

Well-Known Member
Why don't you ask actual, living, breathing gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgendered if since pursuing same sex relationships if the level of evil has increased in their lives? And why does any discussion of same sex relationships automatically jump to anal intercourse as a description of these relationships are all about?

So....HEY! BISEXUAL WOMAN RIGHT HERE!! Ask me how my life has been since I accepted my orientation 20 years ago. And ask me what life was like BEFORE I accepted my orientation when I was trying to pray myself straight.

Im not saying your a bad person because of your sexual orientation...Im not even stating that homosexuality is wrong..I am openly discussing what I personally believe..

As for the ask gays lesbians advice..why should I ask anyone else when I can ask myself? ( I am BI, wouldnt mind a hot tranny or even a feminine guy provided I have enough drinks in me..) I have always had homosexual urges and feelings..Nobody can explain it better to me than what I can perceive for myself..The reason I also support the nurture argument as opposed to the nature one is that..IMO based on my personal experience I would not have had these urges if I wasn't molested by a pedo..

Please dont get me wrong Im not condemning anyone to Hell..I actually love hanging out with homosexuals..And going to the gay club here in Canberra...its called Cube..boy do the homosexuals know their music! :)

That being said on a personal level..I see nothing good I can take from it...so I personally believe it is wrong(just acting on the feelings and actually having intercourse not having those feelings or thoughts, If I were to believe that I would be a hypocrite)...I dont want to lie and state something that I dont believe, I want to be as honest and open about my beliefs as possible..
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Admiral Obvious
Your hatred of God,

makes you hate me

You are the same as me..

When you wrongly claim something you have no understanding of, I will defend my POV..
What have I wrongly claimed?
Your ignorance of evolution is apparent to any and everyone with even a general understanding of evolution.

You act like a smart *** with people of any faith..
Interesting how you single out theists when I do not...

you think your rejection of God makes you superior..
Here is a prime example of you making claims from pure arrogant ignorance.

it shows in your posts..that my friend.. is where racism stems from. If rejecting God will make me into a Hater like you..towards people of faith..I dont want to do it..Thats my choice..you have yours..but please stop acting superior because "YOU" think "YOU" made the right choice..
Perhaps you would do good to follow your own advice?
Or are you perhaps thinking that only theists are allowed to act superior because they think they made the right choice?
Or perhaps you think that only you are?

How will we ever understand eachother..
A big step would be for you to stop trying to cram me into the box you you have a cookie cutter sermon for.

when we are not even willing to listen to what the other is saying..
I am not the one telling you what you believe, what you think, etc.

you fail to look at the concept of God with duality..
Here is a prime example of you making assumptions out of pure ignorance and then attempting to present your assumption as truth.

Yet you have the audacity to accuse me of not even trying to understand your position?

there are always two sides to a story..
I disagree.
There are always at least three sides to every story: his, hers, and what actually happened.

how will you truly understand what another is saying/feeling if you arent even willing to try on their shoes..
Your blatant hypocrisy is actually quite refreshing.
It reveals that you are not as firmly set on your higher ground as you want everyone else to think.

may be you dont want to understand anothers perspective and your purpose on this forum is trolling around hating on believers of any faith..Youve already made up your mind and you mock anyone with faith...
Perhaps if you were to take the time to understand what is being said instead of being so quick to play the martyr...

There is no compulsion on my side..but the way I was raised a smart-*** needs to be put in his place...
Thus the very reason I called you out on your claims from ignorance...

You seem to have no problems with doing others what you whine so excessively of others doing to you.

And here you are thinking you are some sort of moral high ground?
Why is it you want others to be the first to demonstrate this higher morality?

Whats more important on these forums..having discussion about peoples beliefs..or simply saying your wrong im right..what good does that do for anyone..
and yet here you are doing just that...
Even worse from you though is that you spend so much time ignoring the truth and replacing it with whatever fits your fancy and then you start claiming how you are not only right, but that you are also on some sort of higher moral ground.

I dont think I will reply to your posts anymore..every word you type oozes disrespect/superiority/Hatred...towards people of any faith...demonstrates how close minded you are..sorry to burst your bubble..your not as smart as you think..A child who is open to new ideas is smarter than you..you make a one sided decision and think everyone is stupid for not seeing what you see..how different is that from a person who blindly follows a faith and isnt even willing to look at the otherside..
You just can't stop yourself from dictating to others what they think, believe, etc. can you?
Guess if you only have one sermon, you must cram everyone into the box that sermon is for, right?

Peace and God Bless :)


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Im not saying your a bad person because of your sexual orientation...Im not even stating that homosexuality is wrong..I am openly discussing what I personally believe..

As for the ask gays lesbians advice..why should I ask anyone else when I can ask myself? ( I am BI, wouldnt mind a hot tranny or even a feminine guy provided I have enough drinks in me..) I have always had homosexual urges and feelings..Nobody can explain it better to me than what I can perceive for myself..The reason I also support the nurture argument as opposed to the nature one is that..IMO based on my personal experience I would not have had these urges if I wasn't molested by a pedo..

Please dont get me wrong Im not condemning anyone to Hell..I actually love hanging out with homosexuals..And going to the gay club here in Canberra...its called Cube..boy do the homosexuals know their music! :)

That being said on a personal level..I see nothing good I can take from it...so I personally believe it is wrong(just acting on the feelings and actually having intercourse not having those feelings or thoughts, If I were to believe that I would be a hypocrite...I dont want to lie and state something that I dont believe, I want to be as honest and open about my beliefs as possible..

I was never molested as a child. I've had electric, deep, and lasting attractions to both genders since around age 4 or 5.

I went through my own conflicted emotions and feelings regarding the theology I was practicing and believing at the time and what was communicated to me. It was particularly difficult due to the amount of shame and self-loathing I experienced over something I found myself utterly unable to change.

If you're happy with your life, more power to you. I choose not to view homosexuality the way you do because of the impact it has had on my psyche. I see homosexuality and bisexuality as beautiful, life-affirming, and glorious as heterosexuality. If I were to look at it and say, "Nothing good comes out of it", I know how that would put me back on the road where I nearly had a gun in my mouth. But since I think orientations other than heterosexuality are equally fascinating and beautiful because of loving relationships occuring in each, all those emotions of self-loathing have all but disappeared.

My favorite clubs I ever went to were always gay clubs too, btw. If ever I find myself in your part of the world, I might check out the club you mentioned.

Monotheist 101

Well-Known Member
Why don't you ask actual, living, breathing gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgendered if since pursuing same sex relationships if the level of evil has increased in their lives?

Your not having "homosex" with the intention of conjuring demons...download a few grimoires..I think the most popular one is the lesser key of solomon..light a few candles..or better sacrifice an animal..trying conjuring these entities..then you will see where I am coming from..

The difference between an occultist and a regular homosexual is that the occultist has this knowledge I speak of...he is having homosex as part of the ritual...a regular homosexual probably doesnt believe in this "garbage" and has sex to fulfill his natural desire...either way..I have found that it is unfavourable...call me superstitious...or look up theosophy..the ancient knowledge that came down in ancient babylon (mesopatamia/present day Iraq) that has been guarded and concealed quite well..for centuries..


My favorite clubs I ever went to were always gay clubs too, btw. If ever I find myself in your part of the world, I might check out the club you mentioned.
Back when I used to be a DJ the best dancefloors I've ever moved were at gay clubs. The energy there was amazing.

Monotheist 101

Well-Known Member
I was never molested as a child. I've had electric, deep, and lasting attractions to both genders since around age 4 or 5.

I went through my own conflicted emotions and feelings regarding the theology I was practicing and believing at the time and what was communicated to me. It was particularly difficult due to the amount of shame and self-loathing I experienced over something I found myself utterly unable to change.

If you're happy with your life, more power to you. I choose not to view homosexuality the way you do because of the impact it has had on my psyche. I see homosexuality and bisexuality as beautiful, life-affirming, and glorious as heterosexuality. If I were to look at it and say, "Nothing good comes out of it", I know how that would put me back on the road where I nearly had a gun in my mouth. But since I think orientations other than heterosexuality are equally fascinating and beautiful because of loving relationships occuring in each, all those emotions of self-loathing have all but disappeared.

My favorite clubs I ever went to were always gay clubs too, btw. If ever I find myself in your part of the world, I might check out the club you mentioned.

Hey if you were questioning your will to live because of the shame etc...please by all means be homo..dont kill yourself :)

Personally it never got that bad for me...I was very confused growing up..and an outkast most of my school life...but once I had personally understood it to the best of my understanding..and was at peace with it..was when life got back to normal for me...(kind of like coming out..but not coming out lol)..my faith in God helps me deal with these emotions, urges..I have put my trust in him..I am not ****** off at him..for making me feel these emotions.. I believe this is the unique test that only I am going to attempt..and if spend my life pursuing good morals to the best of my ability than he is the Most Just and he knows what is in my heart..

I dont hate homosexuals..quite the contrary..I love them..they buy me free drinks all the time..provided I take my shirt off at their club..:D

I think Im lucky to also be attracted to women I dont think I could spend a life of celebecy... I actually prefer women..tried getting a blowie from a dude..didnt end well..with me puking..


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Your not having "homosex" with the intention of conjuring demons...download a few grimoires..I think the most popular one is the lesser key of solomon..light a few candles..or better sacrifice an animal..trying conjuring these entities..then you will see where I am coming from..

The difference between an occultist and a regular homosexual is that the occultist has this knowledge I speak of...he is having homosex as part of the ritual...a regular homosexual probably doesnt believe in this "garbage" and has sex to fulfill his natural desire...either way..I have found that it is unfavourable...call me superstitious...or look up theosophy..the ancient knowledge that came down in ancient babylon (mesopatamia/present day Iraq) that has been guarded and concealed quite well..for centuries..

I've had plenty of intimate encounters with other women over the course of decades.

No demons. Go figure.

Monotheist 101

Well-Known Member



You prove my point...So you dont think all humans are equal? Were you raised by Hitler?

Your ignorance of evolution is apparent to any and everyone with even a general understanding of evolution.

I have never stated evolution is "wrong" just that I disagree with it on a personal level..and not all evolution/change...Human evolution..I dont hold a young earth creationist view...I dont even believe Humans were put on earth when this earth was created..

Interesting how you single out theists when I do not...

All your arguments..or jibes or smart comments (not really) are directed at thiests..Just because you think evolution answers all your questions..

Perhaps you would do good to follow your own advice?
Or are you perhaps thinking that only theists are allowed to act superior because they think they made the right choice?
Or perhaps you think that only you are?

I am..I am not on these forums to make someone believe or disbelieve or disrespect anyone...I am here to be as open about what I believe..with people who can relate with me to some extent. Im not certain I made the right choice..No one can be...unless we can comeback from the dead..that is the whole concept of having faith..it is a gamble that is personally worth taking for me..you have your choice

I am not the one telling you what you believe, what you think, etc.

Your making assumptions and judging me and my character based on my creationist belief..I can read between the lines..:)

Yet you have the audacity to accuse me of not even trying to understand your position?

You really havent..you will have tried to understand my position..when you put your evolutionary baggage on one side..and read the book im qouting from...if its too unbelievable read it as a work of fiction/fantasy..

I disagree.
There are always at least three sides to every story: his, hers, and what actually happened.

Again trying to be smart..your logic is flawed...how will you deduce what actually happend..you will listen to what he said and she said and based on the facts will reach a conclusion.."what actually happend" isnt going to come relate the story to you? What you should have said was..there is only One side to every story..the truth..what actually happend..how can the same story play out in more than one way in reality?..

Your blatant hypocrisy is actually quite refreshing.
It reveals that you are not as firmly set on your higher ground as you want everyone else to think.

I dont think Im on a higher moral ground..I just refuse to disrespect people based on what they believe..I dont think I am better than anyone..that includes athiests..I actually hold the belief that athiests are smarter than the average population..you refuse to blindly believe..I respect you for that..but unless you truly search for something..how do you expect to find it? And maybe someday you will understand what I mean when I say...faith has always been about believing in something that no one can or will prove...or disprove for that matter..

Perhaps if you were to take the time to understand what is being said instead of being so quick to play the martyr...

Im not playing the martyr..man you have weird perceptions of what threats are and what playing a martyr is..you will never understand where I am coming from..instead you have probably met a few Muslims or Believers (of any faith)who have shaped your opinions, Every person is the same (what we are made of) yet we are unique..

Thus the very reason I called you out on your claims from ignorance...

You dont like my disagreement with evolution..so you label everything I say as ignorant..regardless

You seem to have no problems with doing others what you whine so excessively of others doing to you.

when have any of my posts started with "wrong" "wrong" "wrong", I always make sure I include the words..I believe..IMO..my understanding..

And here you are thinking you are some sort of moral high ground?
Why is it you want others to be the first to demonstrate this higher morality?

I dont want anyone to demonstrate anything..rather have a constructive discussion..for that all of us need to have a high moral ground..how can we discuss it if we dont even respect eachother...there is no use of logging on to this website unless we have a sense of morality and show the willingness to listen..

and yet here you are doing just that...
Even worse from you though is that you spend so much time ignoring the truth and replacing it with whatever fits your fancy and then you start claiming how you are not only right, but that you are also on some sort of higher moral ground.

It may be the truth for you..Its not my truth..I have listened to your argument of evolution..i refuse to believe that I have no purpose other than promoting the capitalist system..I do ...it is reproduction (survival of the fittest), and passing down a torch of good values and morals to my kin.(My faith in a God and Judgement makes me question my actions/sins) It may not make sense to you but I believe it makes me a better person..than if I had adopted your outlook of life..

You just can't stop yourself from dictating to others what they think, believe, etc. can you?
Guess if you only have one sermon, you must cram everyone into the box that sermon is for, right?

Why are you taking it as a sermon..how is expressing my opinion the same as preaching and claiming authority over what the truth is...I havent done any of that...I am open about what I believe..to those who want to listen..



Monotheist 101

Well-Known Member
I've had plenty of intimate encounters with other women over the course of decades.

No demons. Go figure.

I think the concept I am talking about only applies to male..havent found anything of the sort concerning lesbians..I think it might have something to do with the act of physically penetrating, with an appendage i.e penis..no dildos..:)...and as part of the ritual..Its not like everytime someone has buttsex they conjure demons..It useless talking about this if you dont believe that their is intelligent life on this earth other than human beings..Personally I always found it very interesting and I looked into what anyone and everyone was saying on the subject..my interest in the occult brought me to Islam..I found all the answers I was looking for and the concepts in more detail in the Quran than any other book/religion...stuffs very real... you miss the point...your not trying to conjure demons, or eating excrement are you?

“Humanity does not suffer from the disease of wrong beliefs but humanity suffers from the contagious nature of the lack of belief. If you have no magic with you it is not because magic does not exist but it is because you do not believe in it. Even if the sun shines brightly upon your skin every day, if you do not believe in the sunlight, the sunlight for you does not exist.”
― C. JoyBell C.
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Active Member
“Humanity does not suffer from the disease of wrong beliefs but humanity suffers from the contagious nature of the lack of belief. If you have no magic with you it is not because magic does not exist but it is because you do not believe in it. Even if the sun shines brightly upon your skin every day, if you do not believe in the sunlight, the sunlight for you does not exist.”
― C. JoyBell C.

Technically, using this persons logic, magic is available to everyone ever whether they believe in it or not, because the last part of that statement is false.

whether you pretend to believe in sunlight or not, it's ultraviolet radiation will burn your skin if you don't take sunlight in moderation, if you stare at it, it will blind you, if you're blind the heat will warm you... and so on, regardless of your beliefs.

forgot to add, it's fine that the last part is wrong, because I think I wouldn't mind going out for some magic demon raising buttsex.. but does it work on women too? or just men? because I don't know if my girlfriend would want me having buttsex with men, but then I'm not certain she'd let me have buttsex with her either...

err and I should have said fiance, it's hard to distinguish between the two differences sometimes because the only difference is we will be married one day... which was pretty much the premise of starting the relationship anyways.
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Monotheist 101

Well-Known Member
forgot to add, it's fine that the last part is wrong, because I think I wouldn't mind going out for some magic demon raising buttsex.. but does it work on women too? or just men? because I don't know if my girlfriend would want me having buttsex with men, but then I'm not certain she'd let me have buttsex with her either...

Im not making this up..there is plenty of information on it...but there is a problem in your case...it requires the same sort of faith..which requires you to believe in something you may never be able to prove in a scientific manner..how are you going to replicate a personal spiritual experience?..

The Wickedest Man in the World

Theres plenty of books, everyone has their own perception of this phenomena..


Active Member
Im not making this up..there is plenty of information on it...but there is a problem in your case...it requires the same sort of faith..which requires you to believe in something you may never be able to prove in a scientific manner..how are you going to replicate a personal spiritual experience?..

The Wickedest Man in the World

Theres plenty of books, everyone has their own perception of this phenomena..

I'd imagine some spiritual experiences would be almost drug-like, everyone seems to have a unique experience when doing drugs, but the effects really are similar if not the same in most cases, it's just really difficult to explain what you're experiencing when you're unable to think clearly. the only semi-unexplainable thing I've done yet is rebirthing-breathwork, no ones done enough research on it to really understand why it makes all of your muscles turn hard as rock until you're crippled in a practical sense (for a few hours before it wears off) but apparently it has something to do with a buildup of carbon dioxide in your bloodstream and how it interacts with your muscles.

Either way, you can still record everything that happens in someones body during these spiritual exercises and attempt to use that information to attempt to duplicate the effect. If it doesn't work, there are several other methods to try before giving up and proclaiming it unverifiable.

Monotheist 101

Well-Known Member
Either way, you can still record everything that happens in someones body during these spiritual exercises and attempt to use that information to attempt to duplicate the effect. If it doesn't work, there are several other methods to try before giving up and proclaiming it unverifiable.

You might be able to record the chemical changes in the body..how are you ever going to replicate or record what I percieved(see/hear/experience) while in that state..


Active Member
You might be able to record the chemical changes in the body..how are you ever going to replicate or record what I percieved(see/hear/experience) while in that state..

Brain scans have been getting more and more accurate as of late, they wont see exactly what you saw heard or experienced, but they'll be able to tell exactly what was happening in your brain at the time and find out if they can get that exact same effect again in a different person, which would scientifically prove that its something we can all experience.