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Homosexuality "Sick?"

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1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
correct, im agnostic. thanks for pointing that out a 5th time sherlock.

self proclaimed christians like dallas however do believe with absolute certainty that their god exists. and yet, somehow dallas thinks that her omniscient god wont notice her stance on homosexuality.
Call me odd, but I think I'll take Dallas' word over yours when it comes to what she thinks and believes.

show me where god personally approves of homosexuality anywhere in the bible. and ill admit defeat. heck, ill even appologize

please, oh please, show me where the bible approves of homosexuality.
It approves of love without exception:

1 John 4:16: God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him.

1 Corinthians 13:13: And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

Homosexual love is one form of love.

For a more detailed analysis of the Bible on homosexuality, I suggest you look at Appendix B here: A Letter to Louise
No, one doesn't. But one does have to actually understand, and a religion is what its adherents believe and do, not what you believe they must believe and do to be consistent..

false. christianity is defined by god/jesus. not by myself or other human mortals and the bible is the word of god. personally, i choose to believe its flawed and inconsistent in many ways. but the basic teachings are clear, and if someone chooses to be a christian, they have to accept all teachings especially the basic ones. because there can be no in between(bible says so) you cant be a half christian just like you cant be almost pregnant. either you are, or you are not.

The notion that Christianity is based on the Bible is a particularly stupid notion, notwithstanding the fact that it's affirmed by a number of Christian sects representing a relatively small percentage of Christians.

christianity is based on god, more specifically, the word of god, more specifically the bible. there is no circumventing.

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
You are wrong, cris. Chrisitianity is defined by those that claim the title of Christian.

As an agnostic, you can't really believe that "God" defines Christianity - you aren't even certain if He exists - much less what he defines.


Done here.
false. christianity is defined by god/jesus. not by myself or other human mortals and the bible is the word of god.
Nonsense. I didn't even believe that when I was a Christian.

christianity is based on god, more specifically, the word of god, more specifically the bible. there is no circumventing.
That's historically impossible, but thanks for playing. Please enjoy these lovely parting gifts.

Call me odd, but I think I'll take Dallas' word over yours when it comes to what she thinks and believes.

oh, but she can think and believe what she wants. its all fine by me

im just pointing out that by approving of homosexuality she is not true god fearing, bible loving christian.

she can make herself believe she is, but it still wont change reality.

It approves of love without exception:

1 John 4:16: God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him.

1 Corinthians 13:13: And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

Homosexual love is one form of love.

For a more detailed analysis of the Bible on homosexuality, I suggest you look at Appendix B here: A Letter to Louise

lol. if god, left it at that broad description, then fine, i would not object.

but god, through the bible CLEARLY condemns homosexuality saying it is an abomination!

show me where god approves of homo/bi sexuality..... SHOW ME!. i have brought forth my evidence"verse" you have yet to disprove it. simply give me a verse that contradicts my verse, and well call it a tie. give me two, and you win. till then. have a good one
You are wrong, cris. Chrisitianity is defined by those that claim the title of Christian. .

if that were true, then why jesus? whats the point? if you are a christian you believe that jesus came to spread/teach the word of god or god's will. spread the good news etc. and christians follow god/jesus' teachings, not their own.


Well-Known Member
you guys really think that just because i read the bible cover to cover, and provide verses, i am a believer? or that i actually follow those teachings myself? really?

im agnostic.

dallasapple considers herself christian. and im pointing out here hypocrisy.( you can not be in favor/support/defend/encourage homosexuality and be a christian at the same time). and i dont have to be a christian myself to do so. all i need is the bible book.
Oh....that would explain a lot. :)

However, as is the case with just about any belief system, there are a wide range of Christians out there. Not all Christians are fundamentalists, and not all of them believe the Bible is the inerrant Word of God.


Well-Known Member
Cris claims to be agnostic. He's just claiming autority over Dallas' and all other Christians' beliefs.
You are right as always. :) I figured it out when he posted as much.

It is odd to me that an agnostic would do such a thing. There are conservative Chritians, liberal Christians, Messianic Jews, Fundamentalists....so many variations that I find it interesting that an agnostic would insist on a particular standard for a belief he does not hold himself.


Well-Known Member
Leviticus 18:22, 24
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind, it is abomination. Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things

I'm sorry Cris, but you are not a true agnostic. A true agnostic does not know whether or not there is a God. You cannot quote scripture and still be an agnostic. I'm sorry.
First post here:

Okay, the thing i hate most about forums are ones you enter when they're already 5+ pages long (in this case 33). I'll just say this before I continue reading:
What! Do you not know that unrighteous persons will not inherit God's kingdom? Do not be mislead. Neither fornicators, not idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, nor men who lie with men, nor thieves, nor greedy persons, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit God's kingdom. - The first of the Corinthians, chapter six, verses nine and ten. (Bible)

Personally, I find homosexuals sick, and do my best to avoid them, I'm even uncomfortable with them with a TV screen in between.


Guardian of Asgaard
First post here:

Okay, the thing i hate most about forums are ones you enter when they're already 5+ pages long (in this case 33). I'll just say this before I continue reading:
What! Do you not know that unrighteous persons will not inherit God's kingdom? Do not be mislead. Neither fornicators, not idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, nor men who lie with men, nor thieves, nor greedy persons, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit God's kingdom. - The first of the Corinthians, chapter six, verses nine and ten. (Bible)

Personally, I find homosexuals sick, and do my best to avoid them, I'm even uncomfortable with them with a TV screen in between.

Im sorry but this is why our world is ******. Silly people who read their silly bible far too often and can't break away from their 2000 year old BS.
@Buttercup: Bigot, bigot, oh! Political Correctness, I need to remember that, nobody will listen to me if they see me as just plain rude.

@darkendless: Isn't this forum about religion?


Treasure Hunter
I don't think there's anything wrong with that; I know gay guys who think straight people having sex is the grossest mental image ever. To each their own! :shrug:

I think all secks is gross. My mom and I were arguing over whether gay people should be able to get married, and she said "doesn't that just make you want to puke though? To think about two women having secks? or two men?" and I told her, "thinking about anyone having secks with anyone else makes me want to puke." therefore, I think no one should be able to get married or have secks. (because if I wouldn't do it... no one should be able to...) :areyoucra


Well-Known Member
First post here:

Okay, the thing i hate most about forums are ones you enter when they're already 5+ pages long (in this case 33). I'll just say this before I continue reading:
What! Do you not know that unrighteous persons will not inherit God's kingdom? Do not be mislead. Neither fornicators, not idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, nor men who lie with men, nor thieves, nor greedy persons, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit God's kingdom. - The first of the Corinthians, chapter six, verses nine and ten. (Bible)

Personally, I find homosexuals sick, and do my best to avoid them, I'm even uncomfortable with them with a TV screen in between.

The Bible is not a sound proof of the sinfulness of homosexuality. It may have profound spiritual and philosophical aspects to it but it is not a unanimously accepted source of absolute authority. The only thing that validates the Bible is your own vision of it; since this is relative individualistically, it is not all encompassing evidence in the diversity of a public debate. And yes this is a religious web site where many shades of the rainbow converge.
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It was more of a: the people who view the bible as their guide through life will see what the bible says of it. Not one size fits all. I have no idea what other religious texts say, except maybe: some animals do it.
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