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Well-Known Member
God defines our purpose it is up to us as individuals to decide whether or not to follow in that purpose. bioligical body or mind (Hmmm) which defines purpose. both i would have to say. sorry for taking so long to reply.
No worries. Personally, I believe it is the mind that defines our purpose. I know that I for one do not think of my biology when I look at my future, I look at what I want to do with my life. Does that mean my life can become meaningless? Even if I would find purpose in it?


Wonder Woman
The purpose of sex...the purpose of sex...blah blah blah. How about this for the "purpose" of sex:

The purpose of sex it to share oneself with another in order to feel loved, feel good, and have a pleasurable intimate experience with each other. Reproduction can be a SIDE EFFECT of said sex and as such, people either take methods to try to prevent this possible side effect or will go out of their way in order to get said side effect to occur.

How about them apples? Like how they taste? Nice and juicy enough for you? Yes? No? Either way, take a big ol' bite and don't talk with your mouth full.


Well-Known Member
The purpose of sex...the purpose of sex...blah blah blah. How about this for the "purpose" of sex:

The purpose of sex it to share oneself with another in order to feel loved, feel good, and have a pleasurable intimate experience with each other. Reproduction can be a SIDE EFFECT of said sex and as such, people either take methods to try to prevent this possible side effect or will go out of their way in order to get said side effect to occur.

How about them apples? Like how they taste? Nice and juicy enough for you? Yes? No? Either way, take a big ol' bite and don't talk with your mouth full.
Which was a bit what I was meaning when I asked for the definition of the word purpose. Purpose is a human concept, thereby the purpose of sex is basically what we make it. I am not saying that our bodies came from nothing, I am just saying there is a difference between purpose and, in lack of better way to put it, functional purpose.

Vile Atheist

Loud and Obnoxious
nope not against infertile couples or couples that aren't ready to have children or don't want them. infertility can be cured in most cases. in what way do i have double standards? a man man sexual relationship can never provide a baby. a womem women relationship can never provide a baby. contraceptive what a joke. self control best contraceptive.

So you are not against infertile couples (who can never produce children). And which I would like to see your source where it says infertility can be cured in most cases.

But you are against gay people (who can never produce children).

...And you don't see a double standard?

And by the way...self-control is the best contraception? Yeah lol....see how that works out for you, bud.


Done here.
from my point of view they wouldn't have the balance a male and female offer that i feel children need. not saying they can't be good parents just saying they can't provide the balance.
I've noticed, too, that some heterosexuals are so stunted in their mental and emotional development and so constrained by artificial gender roles that no two of them of the same sex would be capable of bringing up happy and healthy children. Happily, gay people are rarely subject to this affliction. As far as that goes, it's not as common among straight people as some seem to think.


Done here.
"huge service to the community" if you say so. i am not sad that they won't produce babies. it is just that they don't fit the main purpose in sexual intercourse. gay sex is a false statement to human reproduction. it isn't false with infirtile people because of the fact that man and women can produce babies.
Not if they're infertile. You really haven't thought this out at all, have you?


Done here.
The purpose of sex it to share oneself with another in order to feel loved, feel good, and have a pleasurable intimate experience with each other.
Even fundamentalists would know that if they read their Bibles. God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone," not "The man needs a way to reproduce."


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
This talk of there being a balance between men and women is idealism. Such a balance appears to be the case only if you do not look closely enough at the similarities and differences between men and women.

Vile Atheist

Loud and Obnoxious
You know, my momma always said ya gotta try new things before you knock them.

ftv....perhaps finding a suitable man to....broaden your horizons...would make you more informed? ;)


Well-Known Member
so you don't think a balance exists between a male and female.

What do you mean a balance between male and female?

Usually when people mean balance where no actual quantifiable variable can be measured the term balance is New Age nonsense. Such as the balance between good and evil and other non-wisdom.

So tell me what this balance is between male and female.

I wonder when one factors in the infertility rate of men and women as well as adding in intersex on top of the percentage of individuals with sexual attraction towards the same sex, a natural attraction, one wonders if this supposed God who created a balance isn't the world's biggest fool or most inept engineer. Because if there is to be a "balance" this so called designer did a half-assed job of it.

As far as the "balance" of a man and woman as parental figures I merely point to the long human history of extended families. In which children were raised by a varying number of males and females, direct and indirect relatives, in large communal societies and the notion of leaving the nest, living with one other person and producing a child in a neat 1950's idyllic lifestyle is the iconoclasm that doesn't seem to be working out so well when we try to force or coerce others to adhere to it.

Balance? Not between men and women, good and evil, the Earth and whatever (Al Gore?), etc. Only the Law of Thermodynamics implies any type of balance of energy and matter in the Universe. Something tells me certain posters are using too much energy for the wrong reasons. Perhaps they are out of balance.


Intentionally Blank
ultimately that is what homosexuals are doing when having sex they are trying to produce whether they realize it or not. the whole purpose of having sex is to produce babies.

I feel so sorry for ftv, don't you? This type of poster always reveals more about themselves than they do about gay people.


Intentionally Blank
Facts About Infertility:
  • It's a myth that infertility is always a "woman's problem." Half of all cases of infertility result from problems with the man's reproductive system.
  • The best protection against infertility is using a condom while you are not attempting to conceive a child. Condoms protect against sexually transmitted diseases, a major cause of infertility.
  • Of couples that seek medical treatment for infertility, 20 percent conceive before the treatment actually begins. One reason may be that anxiety about infertility may have contributed to the fertility problem, and contacting a doctor provides emotional relief.
  • Fifty percent of infertile couples conceive within two years of starting treatment.
  • A woman's temperature rises about 1 degree Fahrenheit during the days she is ovulating (producing eggs). By taking her temperature every morning with a special thermometer, a woman and her partner can chart the rises and falls in her morning temperature. They can then plan intercourse for the days she is ovulating--her most fertile time.



Intentionally Blank
Adoption is great and is best provided in a balanced family meaning male and female family.
This is a lie.

I get tired of people slandering me. It's immoral. It's morally wrong. Stop doing it. Would you like it if someone did it to you? You are morally obligated to make some effort to find out the facts before spreading insidious lies about entire groups of people to which you do not belong.

Do you enjoy it when people tell lies about Mormons? Did you know that all Mormons are idiots who are so stupid they actually believe the baloney in the Book of Mormon? Did you know that Mormons believe that there are innumerable Gods, and they want to become a God?

Did you enjoy that slander? Neither do I. Stop doing it. Thank you.


Intentionally Blank
the main purpose being to have children through the love a male and female couple have with one another.

And who put you in charge of deciding the purpose of my sex life? I'll make a deal with you. I'll allow you to decide the purpose of your pitiful sex life, and you allow me the same respect, O.K.?


Intentionally Blank
i have given you plenty of direct statements like them or dislike them it is not my problem i am only giving my view on the subject. if you want me to insult you i am not going to do that. ask me a question and i will anwser no problem.

Too late, you already did. Worse, your insults were lies. What does that make you?


Intentionally Blank
no less bizarre then your opinion. what standards are you talking about? do you have standards? what are they?

I do:

And finally, love.

I'll take mine over yours any day. However, I will respect your right to yours, primitive though they may be.