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Admiral Obvious
The hell did the ancient Egyptians use for dildos?
Apparently, stone:
Egyptian frescos dating from 3,500 BCE to 30 BCE depict nearly naked female dancers each carrying an oversized erect penis for the god Osiris. In the same time period, ancient Egyptian women believed they could improve their fertility by masturbating in moonlight atop the stone phallus of Amon-Ra, the Egyptian god of sun.

(Story has it that in the 1990s the Egyptian government began posting armed guards at some of the more popular Amon-Ra statues because Egyptian women were wearing down the statues stone cocks through centuries of use. However, since most archeological treasures are guarded in Egypt, armed protection specifically to prevent the wear and tear of stone **** is difficult to prove.)
What a tool
but then, page 189 of the book Everything you always wanted to know about sex* *but were afraid to ask By David Reuben, says clay:Interestingly enough, Mr Reuben also points out the mention of dildos in the Bible...Ezekiel 16:17


Depends Upon My Mood..
Apparently, stone:
Egyptian frescos dating from 3,500 BCE to 30 BCE depict nearly naked female dancers each carrying an oversized erect penis for the god Osiris. In the same time period, ancient Egyptian women believed they could improve their fertility by masturbating in moonlight atop the stone phallus of Amon-Ra, the Egyptian god of sun.

(Story has it that in the 1990s the Egyptian government began posting armed guards at some of the more popular Amon-Ra statues because Egyptian women were wearing down the statues stone cocks through centuries of use. However, since most archeological treasures are guarded in Egypt, armed protection specifically to prevent the wear and tear of stone **** is difficult to prove.)
What a tool
but then, page 189 of the book Everything you always wanted to know about sex* *but were afraid to ask By David Reuben, says clay:
Interestingly enough, Mr Reuben also points out the mention of dildos in the Bible...Ezekiel 16:17

But I dont understand can you please explain it to me.Why would a woman with eggs have sex with a dildo because you cant EVER PROCREATE that way?

Did a man put sperm in the dildo?

Or were they just missing the whole main purpose of sex even thousands and thousands of years ago?

I know what it is..Even though they KNEW there was NO way to procreate with a dildo they were still mainly driven to have sex with one because subconsiously they wanted to reproduce.

SOO that would mean we are ALL having sex for the "main purpose" even if we can NEVER have a baby the way we are having sex.(or with whom we are having sex).



Vile Atheist

Loud and Obnoxious
This reminds me of this video: YouTube - Canada: Friend or Foe to the USA?

Where the argument is that somehow Canada affects everything the United States does by being liberal and progressive and leading the US to "immorality and gay marriage". I really dislike that woman from Detroit in that video.

The leader of the Canadian Freedom Party is all like "Yeah, we're friends. We just believe in a person deciding what they should or should not injest in their bodies and who they can be married to." The woman from Detroit: "No, we're foes."....Okay...??

The whole time while watching the video as they were ranting about gay marriage being allowed in Ontario, I was wondering, "How does this affect them at all?"

Just as when I look at this exchange here, I wonder "Why should anyone care about whether or not two men or two women get married?" I think we should care if someone is being denied their rights...but if two men get married? So what? How does it affect anyone else but those two people?

It's people interfering in the lives of others with absolutely zero reason to.

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
But I dont understand can you please explain it to me.Why would a woman with eggs have sex with a dildo because you cant EVER PROCREATE that way?

Did a man put sperm in the dildo?

Or were they just missing the whole main purpose of sex even thousands and thousands of years ago?

I know what it is..Even though they KNEW there was NO way to procreate with a dildo they were still mainly driven to have sex with one because subconsiously they wanted to reproduce.

SOO that would mean we are ALL having sex for the "main purpose" even if we can NEVER have a baby the way we are having sex.(or with whom we are having sex).



the serious answer....

such attitudes such as sex is only for procreation

began their fervor around the 12th century, when Christians were rejecting the body and seeing sex as dirty.... Jews on the other hand embraced the body and sex and said genitals are good...u make more babies now....

Obviously it began ealier, but I'd argue this is the main root of the simplistic idea that male pee pee go in female hoo hoo and we make wee wee babbie machine...and all other use of wee wee and hoo hoo is wrong....

besides, dildos dont lose blood...


Can't brain. Has dumb.
This reminds me of this video: YouTube - Canada: Friend or Foe to the USA?

Where the argument is that somehow Canada affects everything the United States does by being liberal and progressive and leading the US to "immorality and gay marriage". I really dislike that woman from Detroit in that video.

The leader of the Canadian Freedom Party is all like "Yeah, we're friends. We just believe in a person deciding what they should or should not injest in their bodies and who they can be married to." The woman from Detroit: "No, we're foes."....Okay...??

The whole time while watching the video as they were ranting about gay marriage being allowed in Ontario, I was wondering, "How does this affect them at all?"

Just as when I look at this exchange here, I wonder "Why should anyone care about whether or not two men or two women get married?" I think we should care if someone is being denied their rights...but if two men get married? So what? How does it affect anyone else but those two people?

It's people interfering in the lives of others with absolutely zero reason to.

LOL The person doing the interview is terrible! She's not taking a neutral stance at all! How does she still have a job? It's not so much an interview as it is a chance to pretend to be superior to the other guy and gang up on him. I think he did fairly well though.

Vile Atheist

Loud and Obnoxious
LOL The person doing the interview is terrible! She's not taking a neutral stance at all! How does she still have a job? It's not so much an interview as it is a chance to pretend to be superior to the other guy and gang up on him. I think he did fairly well though.

Because of this video, I'm thinking of moving from Conservative to Freedom Party.

But they had total non-arguments addressing three issues. It wasn't difficult to take them down.

(1) - Canadian pot smokers wreak havoc in the US and American teens making their own decisions go to Canada to get baked.

Response: Canada has its own laws. If this salty battleaxe from Detroit doesn't like it, tough.

(2) - A gay couple can get married in Canada and they go back to the US to spread their immorality.

Response: So they're telling me that two American citizens need to go to Canada to have their rights protected?

(3) - Canada apparently dumps tons of trash in the US.

Response: Logically, the biggest source of Canadian trash would be our largest city, Toronto. But I know for a fact Toronto dumps its trash in an abandoned mine in Kirkland Lake, Ontario. So I have no idea what this woman is ranting about.

Furthermore, even if it were true, how does a fleet of Canadian garbage trucks make it across the American border every day to dump trash? It doesn't. Even if this was happening, the US and Canada would have reached an agreement where this could happen. Where the US receives (probably) financial compensation for it.

But even that is highly illogical when you consider that Canada is definitely not lacking in space to make another landfill...so why would it pay another country to accept its garbage when it can be dumped in the middle of nowhere in Canada at no cost to the Canadian taxpayer?

My favourite part was when she claimed the US was being dominated by Canadian "liberal" "immorality". In which alternative universe does she live? I wasn't aware people in Detroit were so profoundly ignorant as to the extent of America's global influence.

Canada: Middle Power
United States: Superpower

Canada: Bombarded with American media
United States: Bombarded with American media

Canada: Little diplomatic influence
United States: Why aren't you friggin' bowing yet?

...This woman must have smoked the liberal, immoral pot before she did this "interview".


Depends Upon My Mood..
Because of this video, I'm thinking of moving from Conservative to Freedom Party.

But they had total non-arguments addressing three issues. It wasn't difficult to take them down.

(1) - Canadian pot smokers wreak havoc in the US and American teens making their own decisions go to Canada to get baked.

Response: Canada has its own laws. If this salty battleaxe from Detroit doesn't like it, tough.

(2) - A gay couple can get married in Canada and they go back to the US to spread their immorality.

Response: So they're telling me that two American citizens need to go to Canada to have their rights protected?

(3) - Canada apparently dumps tons of trash in the US.

Response: Logically, the biggest source of Canadian trash would be our largest city, Toronto. But I know for a fact Toronto dumps its trash in an abandoned mine in Kirkland Lake, Ontario. So I have no idea what this woman is ranting about.

Furthermore, even if it were true, how does a fleet of Canadian garbage trucks make it across the American border every day to dump trash? It doesn't. Even if this was happening, the US and Canada would have reached an agreement where this could happen. Where the US receives (probably) financial compensation for it.

But even that is highly illogical when you consider that Canada is definitely not lacking in space to make another landfill...so why would it pay another country to accept its garbage when it can be dumped in the middle of nowhere in Canada at no cost to the Canadian taxpayer?

My favourite part was when she claimed the US was being dominated by Canadian "liberal" "immorality". In which alternative universe does she live? I wasn't aware people in Detroit were so profoundly ignorant as to the extent of America's global influence.

Canada: Middle Power
United States: Superpower

Canada: Bombarded with American media
United States: Bombarded with American media

Canada: Little diplomatic influence
United States: Why aren't you friggin' bowing yet?

...This woman must have smoked the liberal, immoral pot before she did this "interview".

Thats ridculous..

Or Im naive..

And you are right,..If the Canadians are dumping trash on U>S soil the U<S knows about it then they are being paid.(a kick back)

Otherewise they would be shot.:yes:



Vile Atheist

Loud and Obnoxious
(1) - Canadian pot smokers wreak havoc in the US and American teens making their own decisions go to Canada to get baked.
With regard to this, I have two personal anecdotes. When I'm done telling both, I'll tie it all in.

The Pigeon River border crossing into the US (Minnesota) is notorious around here for being manned by the most a**hole US Border Guards.

When I was in Grade 11, I was in the high school band and we spent a weekend in Minneapolis to compete in a high school band competition. Because of the reputation of the US Border Guards, our band conductor kept calling the border office, asking for what documents they needed, got them to clarify on rules like what is allowed in what isn't allowed out, etc.

Since we were a large group (~100 people) we forwarded all our information to them in advance to make sure the process was quick and efficient. All we needed to bring was a piece of photo ID to get across the border.

When we got to the border, the band conductor told us all to shut up and be on our best behaviour. Nobody made a peep and we were all respectful, co-operative, and courteous to the US Border Guards.

Now maybe this is the norm in the US, but in Canada, cops and border guards and law enforcement in general would never think of unholstering their gun in the middle of a bus full of terrified and completely compliant high school kids. These Border Guards did. They unholstered their guns (there were two of them) and walked down the aisle of the bus in a ready-to-shoot-and-kill sort of pose. As if they were going to draw their weapons at any moment as they were getting all our photo ID.

Especially with the tighter laws lately, I don't think I'm too keen on visiting the US any time soon, especially not through the Pigeon River border crossing.

The second anecdote is this. I have a friend who immigrated here from China when he was 4 years old. His family would often take family trips in the car. Very nice people, not into drugs or any sort of crime and you wouldn't expect that by looking at them. These Border Guards did.

The first couple times they went across the border, they were treated harshly. But this one incident made them absolutely refuse to go in that direction ever again.

They approached the crossing and were told to get out of the car. The guards began to search every inch of their car. They ripped open the seats, looked under the car, under the hood...they tore the car literally apart. They demanded to see their insurance papers and other documentation to prove the car wasn't stolen.

From then on, this family - the Zhangs - were forced to drive around the Canadian side of Lake Superior to Sault Ste. Marie to cross at the border where they experienced fewer problems.

My Chinese friend thought it was discrimination and I'm going to have to agree with him on this one. I know of white people going across that border to gamble in Grand Portage and not one I know has had their car torn apart like that.

So why do I bring up these two stories? If they let a harmless, hard-working Canadian family through on the condition they tear apart their vehicle and demand lots of documentation....and they let a harmless couple of busloads of high school kids going to a band competition who already forwarded appropriate documentation in advance across the border....

What on EARTH makes this woman think that a Canadian teen, stoned off his a** is going to make it across the border no problems, especially to wreak havoc? And Christ forbid a "visible minority" Canadian teen. That sucker has no chance! At Pigeon River, at the very least.
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Active Member
Only balanced INDIVIDUALS will bring balance to their partnerships/relationships.

Gender has nothing at all to do with balance.

Lopsided individuals will not suddenly reach eqilibrium
by pairing with someone else.

There will never be any TRUE and healthy balance in the relationship
or the home in general,
unless EACH individual is independently balanced.
so do you feel that men and women are the same and the only difference is the physical?


Active Member
Well you're wrong. And before you go displaying your prejudice all over the internet, why don't you learn something about it?


Why Children Need a Male and Female Parent Glenn T. Stanton

  • “The cooperative input and influence of a male parent and a female parent is essential for proper child development.
  • “As fathering expert Dr. Kyle Pruett of Yale Medical School explains in Fatherneed: Why Father Care is as Essential as Mother Care for Your Child, “fathers do not mother.” Psychology Today explains, “fatherhood turns out to be a complex and unique phenomenon with huge consequences for the emotional and intellectual growth of children.” A father, as a male parent, brings unique contributions to the parenting project.
  • Likewise, a mother, as a female, uniquely impacts the life and development of her child, as Dr. Brenda Hunter explains in her book, The Power of Mother Love: Transforming Both Mother and Child. Erik Erikson, a pioneer in the world of child psychology, explained that father love and mother love are qualitatively different kinds of love. As cited in Kyle D. Pruett, The Nurturing Father, (New York: Warner Books, 1987), p. 49.
Mothers and Fathers parent Differently
  • Dr. Pruett: By 8 weeks of age, infants can tell the difference between a male or female interacting with them. This diversity, in itself, provides children with a broader, richer experience of contrasting relational interactions—more so than for children who are raised by only one gender. Whether they realize it or not, children are learning at earliest age, by sheer experience, that men and women are different and have different ways of dealing with life, other adults and children.
Mothers and Fathers Play Differently
  • Fathers tend to play with, and mothers tend to care for, children….Fathers encourage competition; mothers encourage equity. One style encourages independence while the other encourages security….Both provide security and confidence in their own ways by communicating love and physical intimacy.
Fathers Push Limits; Mothers Encourage Security
  • Either of these parenting styles by themselves can be unhealthy. One can tend toward encouraging risk without consideration of consequences. The other tends to avoid risk, which can fail to build independence, confidence and progress. Joined together, they keep each other in balance and help children remain safe while expanding their experiences and confidence.
Mothers and Fathers Communicate Differently
  • Father’s talk tends to be more brief, directive and to the point. It also makes greater use of subtle body language. Mothers tend to be more descriptive, personal and verbally encouraging.
Fathers and Mothers Prepare Children for Life Differently
  • Dads tend to see their child in relation to the rest of the world. Mothers tend to see the rest of the world in relation to their child.
Fathers Provide a Look at the World of Men; Mothers, the World of Women
  • Girls and boys who grow up with a father are more familiar and secure with the curious world of men. Girls with involved, married fathers are more likely to have healthier relationships with boys in adolescence and men in adulthood because they learn from their fathers how proper men act toward women. They also learn from mom how to live in a woman’s world. This knowledge builds emotional security and safety from the exploitation of predatory males.
  • Mothers help boys understand the female world and develop a sensitivity toward women. They also help boys know how to relate and communicate with women.
Fathers and Mothers Teach Respect for the Opposite Sex
  • FACT: A married father is substantially less likely to abuse his wife or children than men in any other category. This means that boys and girls with married fathers in the home learn, by observation, how men should treat women.
  • The American Journal of Sociology finds that, “Societies with father-present patterns of child socialization produce men who are less inclined to exclude women from public activities than their counterparts in father-absent societies.” Scott Coltrane, “Father-Child Relationships and the Status of Women: A Cross-Cultural Study,” American Journal of Sociology, 93 (1988) p. 1088.
  • Girls and boys with married mothers learn from their mothers what a healthy, respectful female relationship with men looks like.
When we disregard the gender distinctions of parental influence as unimportant or unnecessary, we seriously diminish the proper development of children. Kids need the active participation of a mother and a father, and both parents need to be true to their gender designs. Both bring different and equally important things to the parenting project. We impoverish children and society when we deny our kids the influence of a mother and father, because we limit their development into full, healthy adults.