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Intentionally Blank
i know what the human body is ment for so does any educated person.(not to say that you are not educated.) when males have sex what do they produce when ejaculating? Why do women have periods? Why do women produce eggs? if not to produce babies. i would agree that by todays standards there is not one purpose to sex. by todays standards sex doesn't have to involve commitment. unfortunatly there is a main purpose to sex organs other than getting off, and of course ther is more things involved with have sex like and emotional connection.

You realize that nothing you said about women has anything to do with sex, right?


Originally Posted by ftv1975
i know what the human body is ment for so does any educated person.(not to say that you are not educated.) when males have sex what do they produce when ejaculating? Why do women have periods? Why do women produce eggs? if not to produce babies. .

Why is it that I can cum... reach sexual CLIMAX...
with NO "insertion" of any kind... with no "simulation" of "insertion" of any kind?

Even this is not "sex" in your mind?

(UV is too disenterested to bother go back looking for your "insertion" comments to quote)


Intentionally Blank
Warning: NSFW

hey you ask why we have a problem with it we tell you. you don't see hetros publicising there coming out in the open. why does the public need to know if your gay.

Yeah, you never see this:
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or this:

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Those heterosexuals are so discreet:

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You'll never see straight people doing something like this:

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or this:


You're constantly confronted by lesbian couples like this:

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Intentionally Blank
then tell me what is the point? in plain english. what is the point of having sperm? what is the point of having ovaries? How to procreation get accompished?

I think you're confusing reproduction and sex. I have sex without my ovaries being involved at all. Unless you only have sex once a month, so do you.


Intentionally Blank
Marriage is not coming out to me in the same way a person celebrates being homosexual. if you like being gay have at it. to say gay sex is the same as hetro sex is false.

Of course. In particular, lesbian sex is usually much better than straight sex.


Intentionally Blank
nope not against infertile couples or couples that aren't ready to have children or don't want them. infertility can be cured in most cases. in what way do i have double standards? a man man sexual relationship can never provide a baby. a womem women relationship can never provide a baby. contraceptive what a joke. self control best contraceptive.

Yup. Gay sex is not reproductive. Not a news flash. If you're trying to get pregnant, it's a drawback. If you're not, it's a HUGE advantage. If you don't know what I'm talking about, ask every woman here, and she'll tell you how fear of getting pregnant has affected her life.

Vile Atheist

Loud and Obnoxious
Yup. Gay sex is not reproductive. Not a news flash. If you're trying to get pregnant, it's a drawback. If you're not, it's a HUGE advantage. If you don't know what I'm talking about, ask every woman here, and she'll tell you how fear of getting pregnant has affected her life.

B-b-but abstinence is the best contraception!


Intentionally Blank
they haven't produced a baby by having sex and never will. :rolleyes:(refering to homo. sex) while adoption is good not the best way to raise a child in a gay relationship from my point of view.

Well since your point of view is not based in reality, we're really not too interested in it.


Intentionally Blank
from my point of view they wouldn't have the balance a male and female offer that i feel children need. not saying they can't be good parents just saying they can't provide the balance.

Well you're wrong. And before you go displaying your prejudice all over the internet, why don't you learn something about it?


Intentionally Blank
so you don't think a balance exists between a male and female.
I don't think children of different-sex parents fare any better than children of same-sex parents. In fact, having read the research, I know so.
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Only balanced INDIVIDUALS will bring balance to their partnerships/relationships.

Gender has nothing at all to do with balance.

Lopsided individuals will not suddenly reach eqilibrium
by pairing with someone else.

There will never be any TRUE and healthy balance in the relationship
or the home in general,
unless EACH individual is independently balanced.


Depends Upon My Mood..
Do you feel in order to prove love you have to have sex?

I used to.When I was young and dumb.

Now I dont.Now that I'm old and dumb.

Having sex isnt "proof"..Its something I want to do because I love .Andf Im with someone who also doesnt feel like they 'have to have sex" with me or else.

If I feel like I "have to " have sex for any other reason than Im horny(and or it just all raound sounds and feels nice and cuddly and warm like a TOTALLY good idea)...I dont have sex.

If I feel like I "have to " have sex to "prove anything" that sounds like "coersive sex" and my knees are locked together.

Even though I will admit my husband has taken my sex as a form of "proof" that I love and accept him ...Because the opposite of that is "withholding" and no sex at all would sort of be like "why dont you want me"?

I would feel the same way in a sexless love relationship.

We don't say "why dont you wan't to possibly procreate with me".Thats not even in the discussion .


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Depends Upon My Mood..
i would agree that by todays standards there is not one purpose to sex.

When exactly was it that there was only "one purpose" to having sex?I think it was quite longer ago than "today"

Are you talking about amebas and stuff like that?




Depends Upon My Mood..
I GET it!

What you are saying is that wanting and having sex is an "animal " drive to procreate even if you cant (and you know it)..and even if you take specific steps ON PURPOSE not to be able to procreate so you can have sex DELIBERATELY without the risk of procreating...you are really subconsiously only driven to have sex to maybe reproduce.

So there you have MOST people male and female havign sex for ALL the other "side reasons " for having sex and they are "imagining" its to spread their genes because in reality they know they cant.

HOW is that ANY different than two males or females having sex together?

Never mind..


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Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
When exactly was it that there was only "one purpose" to having sex?I think it was quite longer ago than "today"

Are you talking about amebas and stuff like that?



ancient egyptians had contraceptives....

which kinda negates the idea that sex for non reproduction...ie pleasure
is not new at all....


Depends Upon My Mood..
ancient egyptians had contraceptives....

which kinda negates the idea that sex for non reproduction...ie pleasure
is not new at all....

I think people more ancient than that had "dil dos" LOL!! But hey they didnt get the "main purpose"

