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Homosexuals, should we accept them, are they really homosexual?


You have no idea how God feels about anything being little more than a worm with limbs.

No offence.

Compared to God, we are indeed like worms with limbs. But if we're all little more than worms with limbs, that means we're in the same boat. That means we're all equally pathetic before the glory of God.

I agree with the 'we're in the same boat' bit.

Some people are in the worm boat.

I'm in the Violet Yacht.
It's WAY WAY better than the worm boat.
Hi all! As for me, I have Bible's view of homosexuality. The Bible makes it clear that God designed sex to be engaged in only between a male and a female and only within the arrangement of marriage. (Genesis 1:27,28; Leviticus 18:22; Proverbs 5:18, 19) When the Bible condemns fornication, it is referring
to both homosexual and heterosexual. My personal view is that I don’t hate homosexuals, but I can’t approve of their conduct. I treat all people with
respect, regardless of their sexual orientation. That's why true Christians are not homophobic. They show kindness to all people, including those who are gay.- Matthew 7:12. The truth is that in order to exercise faith in Jesus the person has to conform to God’s moral code, which forbidscertain types of conduct—including homosexuality.—Romans 1:26, 27.

Mercy Not Sacrifice

Well-Known Member
Best way to answer all this is to see if it works the other way around.

So, some of you may be aware of Leviticus 18 22: "[FONT=arial, helvetica]Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination."

So does that mean you are allowed to be homosexual as long as you don't practice your sexuality?

And because everyone is a sinner we should treat them no differently, but then the Catholic church despise homosexuals, but not people who cheat on husband/wife.

Also I was told that homosexuals are confused and don't really have sexual feelings towards there own sex, but it's actually quite common for animals to practice homosexuality too.


So, some of you may be aware of 1 Corinthians 7:1--[FONT=arial, helvetica]"It is good for a man not to have sexual relations with a woman."[/font]

So does that mean you are allowed to be heterosexual as long as you don't practice your sexuality?

And because everyone is a sinner we should treat them no differently, but then the puritans despise heterosexuals, but not men who beat their wives.

Also I was told that heterosexuals are confused and don't really have sexual feelings towards the opposite sex, but it's actually quite common for animals to practice heterosexuality too.

(See how absurd it gets when you realize that heterosexuality and homosexuality are simply opposite sides of the same coin?)

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
You could say the exact same thing for European-Americans.
HA! Whites, be they European, American, or even Canadian, and sometimes Latinos if it's not too obvious they are Latino are treated with respect and dignity, more so if they are male, heterosexual, and often Christian. And have you noticed that black men who "act white" are put on a higher pedestal in society than those who "act black"?
Are you, are you really? Pretty sure? Apparently, you do not know anything about Jesus.
I'm pretty sure "fudge packing faggitry" is too degrading, too disrespectful, too hateful, too mean, and too obscene to come out of the mouth of the someone who is supposed to be without sin.

Homosexuality, like any trait, is ultimately genetic.
This claim cannot be 100% verified. For every study that shows a genetic cause, there is a study that shows environment. The best conclusion is that it is both, but to what extent is unknown. As with many other traits, such as personality, intelligence, delinquency, and essentially everything else, genetics lays the ground work, but the environment also plays a very key role in shaping one's personality (This does not mean the environmental causes can be controlled, and it terms of sexuality and gender identity the environmental factors likely play their role in the womb).
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Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
So, some of you may be aware of Leviticus 18 22: "[FONT=arial, helvetica]Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination."

So does that mean you are allowed to be homosexual as long as you don't practice your sexuality?

And because everyone is a sinner we should treat them no differently, but then the Catholic church despise homosexuals, but not people who cheat on husband/wife.

Also I was told that homosexuals are confused and don't really have sexual feelings towards there own sex, but it's actually quite common for animals to practice homosexuality too.


Why should one be concerned with what your book says?....... Not everyone is a follower of your scriptures so does that mean even though they aren't they should still be subject to it's laws and man's interpretation of it? If those in that circle cite that one "Old Covenant" law of theirs ans want to stand by it then why aren't they observing the other 600 plus laws...? Why the picking and choosing?
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Well-Known Member
Black men who act white are labeled as "Uncle Tom's" or "House n$ggers" by the left's media.

FYI, when I say "white" I am reffering to European-Americans, NOT JEWS. Even though the majority of them can certainly pass as white, they are not racially white. They are a parasitic people who have perfected the ability over millenia to blend in perfectly with their hosts. Not unlike the snakes from that show "V." If the Jews looked Arab or black, their authority over us would be in question; and probably not allowed.

1) :facepalm:

2) There are African and Arab Jews...


Well-Known Member
You're point? The African and Arab Jews don't run anything consequential, at least in the US. Their white-looking masks enable them to blend in perfectly with us. Not the case with Arabs or African Jews.

I'm just saying that cause you seemed to imply all Jews look "white".

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
FYI, when I say "white" I am reffering to European-Americans, NOT JEWS. Even though the majority of them can certainly pass as white, they are not racially white.
I didn't refer to Jews either, because the Jews are not a race, but rather a group of people who follow a religious ideology. And whites (males especially) have it pretty good in American society. That's why white men are paid more, promoted more often, have more respect in society, and have a social status all of their own. However, most men are completely oblivious to this.
And why does race even matter? After all, your precious Jesus was most certainly NOT a white man.


Done here.
Well I could see you're a lost cause then. I suppose you're a brainwashed leftist who adheres to evolution and despises anything white or Christian. It's really a waste of time trying to converse with such an individual; it's like expecting my dog to quote Shakespeare.
It's a waste of time for you to try to converse with any intelligent person. Why don't you crawl back under your rock and grunt along with all the other inbred racist morons?


Admiral Obvious
Well this forum doesn't allow me to post links until I have mustered 15 posts, so I'll have to improvise. Homos certainly are a protective class, as they are encouraged to show their pride, yet they were born gay, right? How come European-Americans cannot show pride? We had no control over our circumstances, yet we cannot show pride; we are immediately branded as "racists" or "bigots" and blackballed from society.
You will have to show an example of this as well.

Maybe I should amend my original statement, homos don't ASK to be a protective class, they are just given it. In my one time favorite program, they threw in gay scenes. The internationalists who own the media, are trying to forcefeed the homo lifestyle on everyone. If they must show this, they are totally free to, just create a seperate timeslot to do so, don't ruin a totally great program.
What are gays being "protected" against... Marriage?

Seems to me that you are merely trying to make more of something than there is by making more of something else than there is.