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How are these Great Beings explained?


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Are all self- proclaimed prophets to be believed simply because of what they say they are? And use 'great swelling words' to cause people to believe them.

There are indeed self proclaimed prophets but then there are also the Ones God sends to humanity for our spiritual guidance.

We believe in and follow the God sent Ones.


Active Member
The Catholic teaching is that the bread and wine are consecrated to bring present the body of christ via Mass (the body of believers) who worship Christ. It is "when there is more than one, here I am" but Catholics do this by the physical Eucharist. A consecrated meal that people have done in the OT and NT as a means to bring bothers and sisters of christ together.

I gave references in #2405 to loverofhumanity of what the Church teaches in regards to statues and the Eucharist.

I was a practicing Catholic and to define what my relationship was with Christ by saying I pray to statues and believing that bread and wine are actually jesus' hair, bones, and dna is strange and an insult to me. Even an indoctrinated person may not get it especially depending on their age. I mean, I went to a Catholic retreat and one lady in her 50s was told not to read her bible. I'm not that old and the parishes I went to promoted bible study. Our parish has a full library.

So, using the people to blame the Church doctrine (which is based on scripture) is not a good way to prove Church teachings are false. You have to use Church doctrine and show where scripture conflicts with it to make me lift an eyebrow.

I read the full bible. I haven't seen a verse that conflict with Catholicism. Christianity is part roman faith. Protestants just broke off from it and disregard what the original Church already had and been practicing for years.
They broke off because Luther was in absolute disagreement with the teachings of the Catholic Church. He showed in his list of grievances that the teachings were NOT in the Bible. And there are scriptures which warn NOT to add to His Word. I did post them a few days ago. Proverbs: 30: 6. And Revelation 22: 18. Are 2 of them.


Regarding self proclaimed prophets... The imperative is to investigate them and see their "fruits". When Abdul-Baha was in Paris around 1911 He provided a model..

No one casts stones at a tree without fruit. No one tries to extinguish a lamp without light!

Regard the former times. Had the calumnies of Pharaoh any effect? He affirmed that Moses was a murderer, that he had slain a man and deserved to be executed! He also declared that Moses and Aaron were fomenters of discord, that they tried to destroy the religion of Egypt and therefore must be put to death. These words of Pharaoh were vainly spoken. The light of Moses shone. The radiance of the Law of God has encircled the world!

When the Pharisees said of Christ that He had broken the Sabbath Day, that He had defied the Law of Moses, that He had threatened to destroy the Temple and the Holy City of Jerusalem, and that He deserved to be crucified -- We know that all these slanderous attacks had no result in hindering the spread of the Gospel!

The Sun of Christ shone brilliantly in the sky, and the breath of the Holy Spirit wafted over the whole earth!

And I say unto you that no calumny is able to prevail against the Light of God; it can only result in causing it to be more universally recognized. If a cause were of no significance, who would take the trouble to work against it!

~ Abdu'l-Baha, Paris Talks, p. 104

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
My understanding is the body needs the spirit and cannot exist independently without it but that the spirit can exist independently of the body.

One proof if this is dreams. Sleeping on ones bed with the physical body at rest one can converse, travel, hear see and speak and even travel to distant lands. These are proofs that there is a life within us other than the body and independent of it.

If you dream then you know there are other worlds apart from this one.

Dreams aren't spiritual. What we experience etc in dreams are deform things we already experienced in everyday life. That's like saying when I creative write something that isn't distinguishable with a name it exists outside my experiences and other things that influence and define the art even if I can't categorize it.

I agree with some religions where the body and spirit are joined. When the body dies without good rest, it upsets the spirit. When you do rituals to heal the spirits then they can better rest and if they want take care of their loved ones. I mean, when someone dies, we can feel their presence around us. If spirits are separate from the body, they wouldn't influence us physically and psychologically. However, because spirit and body are connected, and family are one blood, they connect with us just as they did with their own bodies.

That's how we communicate or pray to spirits is because they communicate back with us through our bodies. To say they are separate is saying that I'm disattached to my family because my body died and I can't communicate with them anymore.

As for Catholicism, from what I experienced, it's not the same as above. They'd call that paganism or witchcraft. It's just how people connect to christ. If anything, out of statues, mary, and jehosaphat, if people want to criticize the Church, I'd focus on the Eucharist (consecrated bread and wine) because that is the only "object" that is worshiped.. Nothing else.

Also, Catholics know that they see actual bread and actual wine. I mean, I had seizures from going to Mass weekly and realize that I was drinking alcohol. Maybe people are ignorant or oblivious to it but if you asked them if what they think is jesus christ is actual bread, holding bread, and taste like bread, it may take them awhile, but they will admit it's bread "on the outside."

A theologian saint studied the Eucharist and said that the accidents are bread and wine but the substance (if I got the two right) are jesus christ.

Some people call it symbolism. Jesus actually appears when more than one person comes together so it's not. Mass is celebrated daily.. so..

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
They broke off because Luther was in absolute disagreement with the teachings of the Catholic Church. He showed in his list of grievances that the teachings were NOT in the Bible. And there are scriptures which warn NOT to add to His Word. I did post them a few days ago. Proverbs: 30: 6. And Revelation 22: 18. Are 2 of them.

Catholics have the same verses as protestant bibles. Protestants took out a lot from the original bible.

That, and Luther believed in Consubstantiation:

The doctrine that the substance of the body and blood of Christ coexist in and with the substance of the bread and wine of the Eucharist.​

I saw on a documentary or something that Luther was killed by his Catholic brother because Luther left the Church or something.

Also, remember, Roman Catholic doesn't speak for all Catholics.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
The Bible speaks of such 'swelling words'. A quick google and you will see it there in God's written Word.

These swelling words are referring to the religious leaders who always oppose God's Prophets and have even crucified them.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Dreams aren't spiritual. What we experience etc in dreams are deform things we already experienced in everyday life. That's like saying when I creative write something that isn't distinguishable with a name it exists outside my experiences and other things that influence and define the art even if I can't categorize it.

I agree with some religions where the body and spirit are joined. When the body dies without good rest, it upsets the spirit. When you do rituals to heal the spirits then they can better rest and if they want take care of their loved ones. I mean, when someone dies, we can feel their presence around us. If spirits are separate from the body, they wouldn't influence us physically and psychologically. However, because spirit and body are connected, and family are one blood, they connect with us just as they did with their own bodies.

That's how we communicate or pray to spirits is because they communicate back with us through our bodies. To say they are separate is saying that I'm disattached to my family because my body died and I can't communicate with them anymore.

As for Catholicism, from what I experienced, it's not the same as above. They'd call that paganism or witchcraft. It's just how people connect to christ. If anything, out of statues, mary, and jehosaphat, if people want to criticize the Church, I'd focus on the Eucharist (consecrated bread and wine) because that is the only "object" that is worshiped.. Nothing else.

Also, Catholics know that they see actual bread and actual wine. I mean, I had seizures from going to Mass weekly and realize that I was drinking alcohol. Maybe people are ignorant or oblivious to it but if you asked them if what they think is jesus christ is actual bread, holding bread, and taste like bread, it may take them awhile, but they will admit it's bread "on the outside."

A theologian saint studied the Eucharist and said that the accidents are bread and wine but the substance (if I got the two right) are jesus christ.

Some people call it symbolism. Jesus actually appears when more than one person comes together so it's not. Mass is celebrated daily.. so..

I think there's much more to dreams than what you're admitting. We travel, hear, see, speak without using the physical body. There's much more to it than what you're saying.

One can travel to places one has never been or seen and do things one has never done in ones earthly life. If it was all just a replay there wouldn't be new things.


Active Member
These swelling words are referring to the religious leaders who always oppose God's Prophets and have even crucified them.
Such 'swelling words' are used often by those endeavouring to seduce human minds into believing something. Something which more than likely is more beneficial to the speaker than the hearers who believe the words.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
They broke off because Luther was in absolute disagreement with the teachings of the Catholic Church. He showed in his list of grievances that the teachings were NOT in the Bible. And there are scriptures which warn NOT to add to His Word. I did post them a few days ago. Proverbs: 30: 6. And Revelation 22: 18. Are 2 of them.

I found this too so could not accept Catholicism as Christianity anymore. Churchism would be a more appropriate term but they go against many of the Bible's teachings. However they are good people mostly.


Non-Proselytizing Baha'i
Staff member
Premium Member
Are all self- proclaimed prophets to be believed simply because of what they say they are? And use 'great swelling words' to cause people to believe them.

So how can we tell?

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

Matthew 7:15-16


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member

Such 'swelling words' are used often by those endeavouring to seduce human minds into believing something. Something which more than likely is more beneficial to the speaker than the hearers who believe the words.

Yes more than likely we won't see the one speaking those words sacrificing his life for the good of others.


Non-Proselytizing Baha'i
Staff member
Premium Member
Dreams aren't spiritual. What we experience etc in dreams are deform things we already experienced in everyday life. That's like saying when I creative write something that isn't distinguishable with a name it exists outside my experiences and other things that influence and define the art even if I can't categorize it.

Dreams can be very spiritual and Peter spoke of these at Pentecost.

But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel;
And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams

Acts 2:16-17


Active Member
There are indeed self proclaimed prophets but then there are also the Ones God sends to humanity for our spiritual guidance.

We believe in and follow the God sent Ones.
The prophets in God's Written Word are to be believed and accepted because the ARE in the Written Word. And any argument as to the books of the Bible being put together by human hand in assembling the Bible as we have it is not a valid argument. Because God would have caused His Bible to exist in the way it exists. No human could have put in or kept out anything Unintended by God. This is the absolute core belief which God looks for in those who claim to be believers in His Word. The Living Word. Jesus. The Written Word. Do not add to it or diminish from it.
Last edited:

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
I think there's much more to dreams than what you're admitting. We travel, hear, see, speak without using the physical body. There's much more to it than what you're saying.

One can travel to places one has never been or seen and do things one has never done in ones earthly life. If it was all just a replay there wouldn't be new things.

All of that is in our minds-the neurons in our brains that sends information back and forth. There's nothing wrong with that. I don't see it as mysterious or spiritual since I don't divide the two with the body and earth etc.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Dreams can be very spiritual and Peter spoke of these at Pentecost.

But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel;
And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams

Acts 2:16-17

We can see or interpret dreams as spiritual but the definition and nature of dreams are from the brain not from a spirit. We can interpret dreams however our religion says. If going by "science" there is a difference between belief and facts.

Nothing wrong with that.


Active Member
So how can we tell?

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

Matthew 7:15-16
The only place where absolute truth is to be found is in God's Written Word. No falseness exists. And the common argument of it being full of contradictions is from a human point of view. Who can know the mind of God? Who can say what is and what isn't in the Written Word of the Almighty God? God knows why His Bible exists in the form that it does. Not to question it, but to believe it.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
All of that is in our minds-the neurons in our brains that sends information back and forth. There's nothing wrong with that. I don't see it as mysterious or spiritual since I don't divide the two with the body and earth etc.

You don't see how you can walk, talk, hear and speak without using you eyes, ears, tongue or feet?

Tahirih met the Bab in a dream and became His follower in it but never actually met Him personally. She dreamt of His Words in a dream, then when she read them in the waking world she automatically accepted Him.

The resurrection of Christ was an actual vision not a physical reality as was the spiritual vision on Mount Tabor.

And you are saying dreams and visions are irrelevant? Strange indeed.


Non-Proselytizing Baha'i
Staff member
Premium Member
The only place where absolute truth is to be found is in God's Written Word. No falseness exists. And the common argument of it being full of contradictions is from a human point of view. Who can know the mind of God? Who can say what is and what isn't in the Written Word of the Almighty God? God knows why His Bible exists in the form that it does. Not to question it, but to believe it.

The problem comes down to interpretation though. For example if you discuss religion with the Jews on this site they will all tell you with absolute sincerity and conviction that not one verse in the Hebrew bible refers to Jesus.

One Christian has a belief about the bible that contradicts another. Then we have a war between the Protestants and Catholics. Then how many protestant sects agree with each other. It comes down to interpretation again.


Non-Proselytizing Baha'i
Staff member
Premium Member
We can see or interpret dreams as spiritual but the definition and nature of dreams are from the brain not from a spirit. We can interpret dreams however our religion says. If going by "science" there is a difference between belief and facts.

Nothing wrong with that.

Sometimes science and religion go hand in hand. Daniel in the OT, as with Joseph were both famous for their interpretation of dreams. It was at least in part a spiritual phenomenon.

What Do Baha’is Know About Dreams?