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How are these Great Beings explained?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
How do you know that those so-called ' suckers' are being fooled? Maybe what is being shown them in scripture is truth.
Can you please start a seperate thread to debate Christianity as this thread is Baha'i centred?


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Sounds lovely. The Christian Bible states there is no male or female, all are one in Christ. Galations 3: 28 So where does that leave individuality?

I think being at one also can mean being in unity with. Just like husband and wife can be one but are different individuals at the same time.

I was very happy to read that I will still be me and not merged into some collective.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Sorry. I did not know that.

This thread i began is about all the Great Manifestations and asks what makes them great. It is not specifically about the Baha'i Faith so I was hoping that Christ, Muhammad, Buddha and other Prophets were mentioned and their lives and Teachings as well.

So any question related to God or any Prophet is acceptable here. Please feel most welcome to keep asking as difficult questions as you feel as we are all here to unconfuse ourselves lol have fun too.!!


Active Member
I think being at one also can mean being in unity with. Just like husband and wife can be one but are different individuals at the same time.

I was very happy to read that I will still be me and not merged into some collective.
You would not be happy to read 2Timothy. 4:3-4. In essence it states: people will not endure sound doctrine; but instead will believe words that they want to hear, from 'teachers' who know what words will 'tickle the ears'.


Active Member
This thread i began is about all the Great Manifestations and asks what makes them great. It is not specifically about the Baha'i Faith so I was hoping that Christ, Muhammad, Buddha and other Prophets were mentioned and their lives and Teachings as well.

So any question related to God or any Prophet is acceptable here. Please feel most welcome to keep asking as difficult questions as you feel as we are all here to unconfuse ourselves lol have fun too.!!
Thank you


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
You would not be happy to read 2Timothy. 4:3-4. In essence it states: people will not endure sound doctrine; but instead will believe words that they want to hear, from 'teachers' who know what words will 'tickle the ears'.

That's not referring to the Prophets of God or the Word of God which we believe in and follow.

All that comes from God's Holy Word is beloved.


Active Member
That's not referring to the Prophets of God or the Word of God which we believe in and follow.

All that comes from God's Holy Word is beloved.
The Timothy scriptures are in reply to someone saying they are happy they will still be themselves after death. And he states his happiness after I had said that Galations 3:28 states. There are no male or female, for all are one in Christ Jesus. People tend to believe what they want to believe. And those who preach and teach words aimed at pleasing the senses, are causing people to turn from sound doctrine.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
The Timothy scriptures are in reply to someone saying they are happy they will still be themselves after death. And he states his happiness after I had said that Galations 3:28 states. There are no male or female, for all are one in Christ Jesus. People tend to believe what they want to believe. And those who preach and teach words aimed at pleasing the senses, are causing people to turn from sound doctrine.
The Timothy scriptures are in reply to someone saying they are happy they will still be themselves after death. And he states his happiness after I had said that Galations 3:28 states. There are no male or female, for all are one in Christ Jesus. People tend to believe what they want to believe. And those who preach and teach words aimed at pleasing the senses, are causing people to turn from sound doctrine.

Galations is speaking about oneness in Christ meaning no discrimination between the children of God whether male, female, Jew or Greek who have accepted Christ. All one people and one family.

Timothy is speaking about people hankering after smooth talking preachers but don't really want truth. They love to be told that only they are saved, that they are God's chosen ones and are superior to others. So that's what they get told.

And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. 2Tim 4:4

It's not the Prophets of God that tell fables.


Non-Proselytizing Baha'i
Staff member
Premium Member
The difference is I feel its wrong to follow christ teachings without being part of his body which is the overarch message not just isolated practices.

You are free to pick and chose which beliefs you follow and which you don't because you do not consider yourself a Christian. I believe in Jesus and He said He was returning. I recognise Baha'u'llah as the returned Christ. I'm obliged to follow Him and His teachings. I don't need to call myself a Christian anymore. I'm a Baha'i, but I have abandoned Christ. You are right that I am no longer part of the church and have little interest in returning.

So I wouldnt call myself a Pagan Catholic (regardless of who says otherwise)

Fair enough.:)


Active Member
Galations is speaking about oneness in Christ meaning no discrimination between the children of God whether male, female, Jew or Greek who have accepted Christ. All one people and one family.

Timothy is speaking about people hankering after smooth talking preachers but don't really want truth. They love to be told that only they are saved, that they are God's chosen ones and are superior to others. So that's what they get told.

And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. 2Tim 4:4

It's not the Prophets of God that tell fables.
The word cannot be more specific in Galations 3:28. ' No male or female, all are one in Christ Jesus'. How much plainer can it be said?


Active Member
You are free to pick and chose which beliefs you follow and which you don't because you do not consider yourself a Christian. I believe in Jesus and He said He was returning. I recognise Baha'u'llah as the returned Christ. I'm obliged to follow Him and His teachings. I don't need to call myself a Christian anymore. I'm a Baha'i, but I have abandoned Christ. You are right that I am no longer part of the church and have little interest in returning.

Fair enough.:)
Every individual has the right to believe what they want, and to choose as they care to choose.


Non-Proselytizing Baha'i
Staff member
Premium Member
Every individual has the right to believe what they want, and to choose as they care to choose.

Thank you Evie. We may have different beliefs, or more in common than we both know. A starting point has to be respect and courtesy for one another regardless of differences. If our respective religions don't teach that, then what are we about?


Non-Proselytizing Baha'i
Staff member
Premium Member

The obvious common ground between Baha'is and Christians is we both believe in an eternal soul and how we progress in this world and the next depends how we are with God. If we are separated then that is like hell. If we are close then that is like heaven.


Active Member
Thank you Evie. We may have different beliefs, or more in common than we both know. A starting point has to be respect and courtesy for one another regardless of differences. If our respective religions don't teach that, then what are we about?
We are about exploring what is possible truth;


Non-Proselytizing Baha'i
Staff member
Premium Member
We are about exploring what is possible truth;

How long have you been a Christian? My ancestors were all Christian and I grew up Christian but became a Baha'i in my mid 20s. That was over 25 years ago.


Active Member
How long have you been a Christian? My ancestors were all Christian and I grew up Christian but became a Baha'i in my mid 20s. That was over 25 years ago.
I believe in the Bible as God's
Written Word. In Jesus and the Gospel. It is a way of life. I do not like how God's Word is used by many in a way that is beneficial to them in a lucrative sense. Just as it says in Isaiah. 56: 11 and 12. They are 'greedy dogs'. Times and places may change, but people never do. It saddens me that this is the case, but there it is. The Bible is it for me. The Bible states. 'Trust no man, not even a brother'. So much teaching that claims to be words given by God, but they are not in line with scripture. So to justify their words they say the Bible was written by men and is faulty. I believe that God would not have anything in the Bible He did not want there. And nothing be left out of it that He wanted in it. The form it is in is as God wanted it. So that is where I stand. Am I a Christian? A Christian is not someone who attends a Christian church and has to listen to words from the pulpit which are not Biblical. It is grievous to the Spirit. So I personally do not attend. I meditate on the scriptures.