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How are these Great Beings explained?


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
The word cannot be more specific in Galations 3:28. ' No male or female, all are one in Christ Jesus'. How much plainer can it be said?

Here is the verse. It seems to be speaking about all believers who accept Christ are all one in Christ. It is saying that all the believers in Christ are one regardless of gender, Jew or Greek that all believers are one in Christ Jesus.

26 For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. 27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.


Active Member
Here is the verse. It seems to be speaking about all believers who accept Christ are all one in Christ. It is saying that all the believers in Christ are one regardless of gender, Jew or Greek that all believers are one in Christ Jesus.

26 For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. 27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.
You read it one way, and I read it another. My way of reading it should not affect how you read it, if you truly believe you are right in the way you are reading it. And your way of reading it will not affect how I am reading it, if I truly believe I am right.


Non-Proselytizing Baha'i
Staff member
Premium Member
I believe in the Bible as God's
Written Word. In Jesus and the Gospel. It is a way of life. I do not like how God's Word is used by many in a way that is beneficial to them in a lucrative sense. Just as it says in Isaiah. 56: 11 and 12. They are 'greedy dogs'. Times and places may change, but people never do. It saddens me that this is the case, but there it is. The Bible is it for me. The Bible states. 'Trust no man, not even a brother'. So much teaching that claims to be words given by God, but they are not in line with scripture. So to justify their words they say the Bible was written by men and is faulty. I believe that God would not have anything in the Bible He did not want there. And nothing be left out of it that He wanted in it. The form it is in is as God wanted it. So that is where I stand. Am I a Christian? A Christian is not someone who attends a Christian church and has to listen to words from the pulpit which are not Biblical. It is grievous to the Spirit. So I personally do not attend. I meditate on the scriptures.

The Bible is the inspired Word of God to me, and Isaiah is one of my favourite OT prophets. I like the parts that speak about prophecy peace.

Isaiah 2:2-5 and Isaiah 9:6-7 for example.

Hezekiah was a Godly King but it was ominous times for the Judeans and in the course of a 100 years Judea like Israel would become captive. Too much worshipping false gods and not disobeying the laws Moses brought. Isaiah 56:11-12 speaks of the hearts that have strayed.


Premium Member
I personally like the "many paths" idea.

As do I. But I also don't believe that all paths actually lead to the top, and prefer to say 'Maybe. Maybe not," about that sort of evaluation. None of my business, unless it's the one I'm on.

In mystic Hinduism, within the sushumna current where kundalini rises, there are 14 individual psychic nerve currents, each having an outward mystical system associated with it. I say this just to illustrate the depth of the paradigm I'm in.


Premium Member
Just came across this today. How do you see this about death.

"You will retain your individuality and will not be swallowed up in one vast spirit. Concerning the condition of the human soul after its ascension from the material world: the essence of the human soul is clarified from material substances and purified from the embodiment of physical things. It is exclusively luminous; it has no body; it is a dazzling pencil of light; it is a celestial orb of brightness." (Abdu’l-Baha, The Eternal Quest For God, p 218)

I have no idea how to interpret your prophet's words. That's for you to do. He's not my prophet.

In Hinduism, individuality is lost what Atman finally becomes Brahman, and before that, the soul body finds a new physical body repeatedly in the process called reincarnation.


Active Member
The Bible is the inspired Word of God to me, and Isaiah is one of my favourite OT prophets. I like the parts that speak about prophecy peace.

Isaiah 2:2-5 and Isaiah 9:6-7 for example.

Hezekiah was a Godly King but it was ominous times for the Judeans and in the course of a 100 years Judea like Israel would become captive. Too much worshipping false gods and not disobeying the laws Moses brought. Isaiah 56:11-12 speaks of the hearts that have strayed.
A true Christian will not be quick to believe words which are 'pleasing to the ear'; But will check it with the Written Word.


Active Member
I have no idea how to interpret your prophet's words. That's for you to do. He's not my prophet.

In Hinduism, individuality is lost what Atman becomes Brahman, and the soul body finds a new physical body repeatedly in the process called reincarnation.
Sounds lovely, but God's Word says there is no male or female, all are one in Christ Jesus. So much for individuality. Why are many humans so desperate to cling to their identity? The Egyptian Pharoahs are a prime example. Their mummified bodies are still being discovered. So if the body is in that mummified state wrapped in cloth, what body is in the afterlife?


Premium Member
Sounds lovely, but God's Word says there is no male or female, l are one in Christ Jesus. So much for individuality. Why are many humans so desperate to cling to their identity? The Egyptian Pharoahs are a prime example. Their mummified bodies are still being discovered. So if the body is in that mummified state wrapped in cloth, what body is in the afterlife?

We also believe that God and soul each have no gender. In reincarnation patterns, it's basically a 50-50 chance of which gender body you are going to receive. Certainly the karmas and experiences may differ by gender of a single lifetime. But that's all external stuff, attached to this one ego/personality of a single lifetime.

As Hindus, the day to day spiritual perspective is that we are souls, not bodies, not personalities. So it's 'I have a body' not 'I have a soul'. In reincarnation, the soul body, as well as the astral body (a duplicate of the physical body) is what moves into the in-between state, Slowly the astral body also dies, leaving the soul body left. That's what enters a new womb, and first forms a physical body, and slowly during physical life a new astral body duplicate of the new physical body.

Not sure if that was clear.


Active Member
I have no idea how to interpret your prophet's words. That's for you to do. He's not my prophet.

In Hinduism, individuality is lost what Atman finally becomes Brahman, and before that, the soul body finds a new physical body repeatedly in the process called reincarnation.
The Bible states. There is one death, and then the judgement. Hebrews 9:27. Exact wording is: 'And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgement.'
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Premium Member

The Bible states. There is one death, and then the judgement. Hebrews 9:27. Exact wording is: 'And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgement.'

I'm not a Christian, and this is or approaches proselytizing.

I believe you have the right to believe whatever you wish, as do I, as do our Bahai friends.


Active Member
I'm not a Christian, and this is or approaches proselytizing.

I believe you have the right to believe whatever you wish, as do I, as do our Bahai friends.
I absolutely do not try to cause anyone to believe in what I have to say. I am asked questions and I answered them. I was requested to back them up with scripture, so I do. And I comment on the religious beliefs of others as they do my belief. It is never my intention to try and make anyone believe as I do. This can be easily proven. My first question to the Forum when I joined was as follows: Could it be possible that all religious beliefs have a reason for their existence? And God did not prevent the system of religious beliefs from forming for that reason? Personally, I believe there is a reason for ALL religious beliefs to be in existence. The most formidable being the Christian belief.


Premium Member

I absolutely do not try to cause anyone to believe in what I have to say. I am asked questions and I answered them. I was requested to back them up with scripture, so I do. And I comment on the religious beliefs of others as they do my belief. It is never my intention to try and make anyone believe as I do. This can be easily proven. My first question to the Forum when I joined was as follows: Could it be possible that all religious beliefs have a reason for their existence? And God did not prevent the system of religious beliefs from forming for that reason? Personally, I believe there is a reason for ALL religious beliefs to be in existence. The most formidable being the Christian belief.

What was the question you answered in post 2711?

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Yes you learn from practice but you must first have knowledge or be conscious of what it is you are attempting to do. First there is the knowedge that you want to show compassion then you develop the will power to do it then lastly you act and then learn from the result.

It's a process that begins not with the action first but with knowledge then volition, then last of all the action then the feedback.

Do you understand what I am saying?

That first knowledge is the practice.

I can sit among Catholics, stand up and and down with the congregation, and know Catholicism in and out... but I don't know Catholicism because that knowledge is in the experience. The action not before it.

I knew Catholicism when I actually went through the year act of gradualling being part of The Church. It wasn't a "I believe no. Good! I'm saved."

Do you understand: Action IS the compassion. Shortest sentence possible.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
You read it one way, and I read it another. My way of reading it should not affect how you read it, if you truly believe you are right in the way you are reading it. And your way of reading it will not affect how I am reading it, if I truly believe I am right.

Thats very civil and decent. I think we all know some truth that we like to share and by sharing we put together the pieces better hopefully.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Do you understand what I am saying?

That first knowledge is the practice.

I can sit among Catholics, stand up and and down with the congregation, and know Catholicism in and out... but I don't know Catholicism because that knowledge is in the experience. The action not before it.

I knew Catholicism when I actually went through the year act of gradualling being part of The Church. It wasn't a "I believe no. Good! I'm saved."

Do you understand: Action IS the compassion. Shortest sentence possible.

I'm talking here about behaviour, virtues, actions.

We either act on instincts and feelings or we 'choose' to be generous or compassionate or kind. We first make a 'choice' in our minds or hearts then we proceed.

You choose your destination first then hop in your car and drive to it. You don't just jump in your car not having any knowledge of where you're going!!

It's first to know or make a conscious decision then to act.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Come on, really?
You are free to pick and chose which beliefs you follow and which you don't because you do not consider yourself a Christian. I believe in Jesus and He said He was returning. I recognise Baha'u'llah as the returned Christ. I'm obliged to follow Him and His teachings. I don't need to call myself a Christian anymore. I'm a Baha'i, but I have abandoned Christ. You are right that I am no longer part of the church and have little interest in returning.

The Church meaning the body of christ-the brothers and sisters who believe the same as you do and visa versa. The Church means the People of Christ not a building or denomination.

If you are not one with that body, then I don't see how that's being part of the body of Christ when Christ in scripture says for you all to come together to make him present in his Church (the Mass/the People coming together).

that and...

That is why I am not Christian because it is wrong to pick and choose beliefs. I don't have a religion (a practice with like-minded people) for that very reason. But picking teachings from Christ, reinterpreting them through Bahaullah's eyes, not wanting to be part of his body, then recognize yourself as christian regardless if you name yourself christian or not staggers me.


Active Member
Something to consider. Someone was querying why God would not keep humans from making wrong choices which lead to self- recrimination, guilt, remorse and other forms of mental self whipping. And I answered that would any person want them self or their children to lead a life that is 'programmed'. To live a 'puppet' type of existence, wherein a master puppeteer was governing one's every move via strings attached to a person. That is the alternative to being free to choose. Even though human nature deems that mistakes are inevitable, the free way is God's way. He provided a way out of our tormented existence resulting from wrong choices. All we have to do is accept it.