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How are these Great Beings explained?

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
Baha'u'llah would agree:

"Religious fanaticism and hatred are a world-devouring fire, whose violence none can quench."

Eliminating Religious Intolerance
How were the religions of the world thought of by the God of the Bible? Aren't all of them presented as worshiping false gods and idols? So what does God do? He gets a chosen people that are told to go kill them. So what does Baha'u'llah teach about why God did that?

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
It is the core principle of all prophet based religions. If only everyone would listen to __________. It's actually quite weird, in my opinion, and reeks of intolerance.

The thing is bahai is not a exemption. Leave the line blank and work together. If you wany guidance, thats fine but if it conflicts with say pagan views there will not be world peace.

People will realize and indivisually many have realized peace. Youre just not giving them credit for individual world peace because youre waiting for humanity to have worls peace.

Its a joint effort. Bahaullah is not special in this effort.1


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I'm talking about the principles and teachings of Baha'u'llah. There are many. You will find that many of His Teachings revealed over a century ago were ahead of His time and thecwirld is still catching up to many of them now.

But this requires a knowledge of what His teachings are.
I have added some stuff. Sorry, could you reply to the full response if you can.:)

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
Inner peace perhaps.

How's this for peace:

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.

Matthew 10:34-36

That's really putting the cat amidst the pigeons, don't you think?
The "peace" Jesus is speaking of is a false sense of peace... the "peace the world brings"... the peace of mind thinking all is well because a person my have great wealth... But Jesus brings the sword of truth and cuts asunder those that are content with the things of this world.

How's that? Am I beginning to see the symbolism in the Bible or what?


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Unfortunately 'tolerance my way' is still intolerance. I agree with Twain. True tolerance is indifference.
That isn't enough. From indifference comes apathy. What is needed is engaged cooperative pluralism.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
You said "Any person with a spirit or soul can know God."

I don't believe that, at this moment. I explained why I didn't believe it. So you've assumed the role of teacher. That is what I am getting at. It would come across so much better if you prefaced it with 'I believe', or Bahai's believe. But you're continuously stating Baha belief as just plain fact. It isn't. It is YOUR belief. When you say stuff as though it was fact, it comes across as narrow, intolerant, and condescending, whether you intend it to be that way or not.

Please accept my sincerest apologies. I had no idea you took it that way which was never intended. Always I am only meaning it as 'I believe' or 'Baha'is believe' and not as a teacher or such.

Please accept my humblest apologies and please put it down to my western frankness. Thanks for telling me because I had no idea. It looks like I'm a bad communicator and will have to work on it.

Anytime I make you feel uncomfortable please feel most welcome to state it because the last thing I want is to condescend or upset anyone here.
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And aren't we in dire need of another Great Spiritual Teacher to revive us spiritually?
The problem is.. How will you recognise such a being ???

During the life-span of these great beings, majority of people treated them very badly.
Majority because, if this wouldn't have been so, then jesus would have never been hanged on cross.

For instance, you found such a great being. But what's the guarantee that others will not hang him to death ?

Cheers! :)


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
The problem is.. How will you recognise such a being ???

During the life-span of these great beings, majority of people treated them very badly.
Majority because, if this wouldn't have been so, then jesus would have never been hanged on cross.

For instance, you found such a great being. But what's the guarantee that others will not hang him to death ?

Cheers! :)

Excellent question! I thought of that too the other day. People await Jesus but have never seen Him so how will they know it's Him or not?

My understanding is it will be a spiritual recognition not a physical sighting as none of us know what He looked like. But we can all know the 'nature' of Jesus so when we come across it again we would know it.

I believe that we can't kill or hang God, only an earthly body so truth can never die just be suppressed for a short while.

There are many signs in the Bible about Christ's return that elaborate on how to see Him. We believe He's already come again. Thanks for the question.


Veteran Member
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Please accept my sincerest apologies. I had no idea you took it that way which was never intended. Always I am only meaing it as 'I believe' or 'Baha'is believe' and not as a teacher or such.

Please accept my humblest apologies and please put it down to my western frankness. Thanks for telling me because I had no idea. It looks like I'm a bad communicator and will have to woerld on it.

Anytime I make you feel uncomfortable please feel most welcome to state it because the last thing I want is to condescend or upset anyone here.
Thanks for that.
Saying "X is true" makes it a categorical statement and looks fundamentalist.
Saying "Bahai believes X to be true and for reasons Y, Z" makes it open to discussion and reflection from others.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Thanks for that.
Saying "X is true" makes it a categorical statement and looks fundamentalist.
Saying "Bahai believes X to be true and for reasons Y, Z" makes it open to discussion and reflection from others.

I really feel terrible but also extremely grateful as I had no idea and definitely am glad someone corrected me otherwise I would have unknowingly been making the same mistake over and over again.

There are some protocols that I am very ignorant of. So I want to be corrected. Thank you very much.


My understanding is it will be a spiritual recognition not a physical sighting as none of us know what He looked like. But we can all know the 'nature' of Jesus so when we come across it again we would know it.
No, we cannot know the nature of Jesus. Knowing the nature of Jesus = knowing the nature of God.
If we would have been familiar with the nature of Jesus, than there would have been NO need of Jesus. Because, Jesus is not the body, Jesus is Nature of God, or God itself.

If one is familiar with the nature of Jesus, than there's no need to learn/experience anything thereafter.

Chapter is closed.

There are many signs in the Bible about Christ's return that elaborate on how to see Him. We believe He's already come again. Thanks for the question.
But not found.
There are many Jesus out there, these days. :)



Premium Member
I really feel terrible but also extremely grateful as I had no idea and definitely am glad someone corrected me otherwise I would have unknowingly been making the same mistake over and over again.

There are some protocols that I am very ignorant of. So I want to be corrected. Thank you very much.

We've been through all this before, about 1000 posts ago. You made the same apology then too. I understand that it is your belief, and you should be able to have your belief. Perhaps you haven't encountered many people with the "I'm right and you're wrong attitude'. I honestly don't know what causes people to speak so matter-of-factly about their belief. Within a Bahai DIR, it works fine, but within interfaith discussion, it ruins it for everyone.

But once again, thanks for the apology. I hope we can remain somewhat civil.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
All of them? Surely not. For example polytheists disagree on how many gods there are and atheists, agnostics and most Buddhists do not accept the existence of God. Christians do not accept the principle of continuing emanating and Jews and Muslims consider prophets to be simple humans whom God has favored, nothing else. What is the agreement about? Now do not say world peace! Everyone desires peace before something else takes greater precedence.

Atheists and humanists would say abandoning religion and using logic and empericism as the guide to life will create world peace.

Jainas would say following their dictum of strict non violence and pluralism regarding truth will create world peace.

Buddhists would say the same. They may point to Asoka. SoKaGaKa will go further.

Amish and Quakers would say their way of practicing Christianity, if followed by all will create world peace.

Any Gandhian and would point to undoubted success of ahimsa and satyagraha as tried and true ways to promote peace. Who can deny its impact in India, US, South Africa and now in Myanmar?

I am happy to see that Bahai seek peace and harmony and prioritize it. But what is it that you have that other ideologies I mention do not that supports your claim that only the Bahai can deliver world peace and all of us should acknowledge the primacy of your teachings over others? I do not see anything special here that holds my attention. I mean if everybody followed the Golden rule at all times even then there would be world peace. I can start a follow the golden rule drive and proselytize on that alone correctly claiming, if successful, there would create world peace. So what's so special about your beliefs that would make it the only one that can usher world peace?

Many thanks for adding to your post. Firstly, Baha'is do not believe they are better or their Faith superior to anyone else's Faith or belief. We believe fully in ahimsa and non violent methods to establish peace.

Baha'is believe that all people are born good and all are equal human beings with none superior to any other including races, nations and religions.

We believe that humanity, with all its diversity, requires a force powerful enough to unite and meld us into one family all working for the common good and only religion has proven itself to have such an influence over hearts and minds to be able to transform society and the individual.

We believe that today, more than ever, we need this power and potency to revive and resuscitate humanity spiritually.

Past religions did address the problems of their age but only referred to another Great Teacher when speaking of the future which is our time. They basically foretell that at the end of the age God will send someone Who will bring us together. We believe that One is Baha'u'llah.

We believe that the Words. Life and Teachings of Baha'u'llah have a special potency powerful enough to transform this world and its peoples into a paradise.

I tried to make it as short as possible but this is such an immense topic with so much at stake.
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We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
We've been through all this before, about 1000 posts ago. You made the same apology then too. I understand that it is your belief, and you should be able to have your belief. Perhaps you haven't encountered many people with the "I'm right and you're wrong attitude'. I honestly don't know what causes people to speak so matter-of-factly about their belief. Within a Bahai DIR, it works fine, but within interfaith discussion, it ruins it for everyone.

But once again, thanks for the apology. I hope we can remain somewhat civil.

I believe I'm trying to learn. We Baha'is are far from perfect as you can see from just myself.


Veteran Member
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Many thanks for adding to your post. Firstly, Baha'is do not believe they are better or their Faith superior to anyone else's Faith or belief. We believe fully in ahimsa and non violent methods to establish peace.

Baha'is believe that all people are born good and all are equal human beings with none superior to any other including races, nations and religions.

We believe that humanity, with all its diversity, requires a force powerful enough to unite and meld us into one family all working for the common good and only religion has proven itself to have such an influence over hearts and minds to be able to transform society and the individual.

We believe that today, more than ever, we need this power and potency to revive and resuscitate humanity spiritually.

Past religions did address the problems of their age but only referred to another Great Teacher when speaking of the future which is our time. They basically foretell that at the end of the age Gid will send someone Who will brung us together. We believe that One is Baha'u'llah.

We believe that the Words. Life and Teachings of Baha'u'llah have a special potency powerful enough to transform this world and its peoples into a paradise.

I tried to make it as short as possible but this is such an immense topic with so much at stake.
Cool looks promising. Will reflect and reply.


The more I read this thread, the more I see Abrahamic exclusivism.

Baha'i Faith also has a strong Zoroastrian source which is not Abrahamic... Also consider that we recognize there have been other Manifestations prior to the accepted list of Prophets in the Bible..

And now regarding thy question, "How is it that no records are to be found concerning the Prophets that have preceded Adam, the Father of Mankind, or of the kings that lived in the days of those Prophets?" Know thou that the absence of any reference to them is no proof that they did not actually exist. That no records concerning them are now available, should be attributed to their extreme remoteness, as well as to the vast changes which the earth hath undergone since their time.

(Baha'u'llah, Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah, p. 172)

But Bahai is the best? Or the only really accurate one?

Baha'i Faith is only the most recent... and we recognize the same Light in the past revealed religions. We also accept that in no less than a thousand years another Manifestation will appear.


Non-Proselytizing Baha'i
Staff member
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How were the religions of the world thought of by the God of the Bible? Aren't all of them presented as worshiping false gods and idols? So what does God do? He gets a chosen people that are told to go kill them. So what does Baha'u'llah teach about why God did that?

Good question. We would need to consider specific instances. Probably the most common concern is the genocide of the Canaanites and Amelikites by the Israelites. The Christian apologists appear to have plausible arguments from the penteuch as to why God chose to use the Hebrew people to bring God's judgement. The arguments are essentially they were very immoral and had been warned by God to change their ways. I'm unable to find anything in the Baha'i writings that elaborates.