Unveiled Artist
Veteran Member
Carlita I’m happy to delve deep into any question but one at a time as I find it ridicule to focus on multi question posts. So I will ask if we can address each question or issue fully rather than try and cover too much ground at once.
One of the things I learned from this forum and definitely adjusted was my understanding and belief as a Bahá’í in Hinduism.
The Hinduism that I belive in is the one which accepts that God sends Avatars to the earth to renew religion and we accept Krishna as one of them and the Bhagavad-Gita As His Holy Book.
My understanding is hinduism does not teach abrahamic god is the same as hindu god. Its bahai belief but why call it hinduism? Its more than the name. Its like calling myself Catholic all because I took the sacraments and only understand god by sacrament. But Im not catholic. I have to Practice to use that word. In my opinion, Im disrespecting the church if I did that thereby their god.
My question was unless you wanted to speak with those who agree with you, why end the discussion if we all said no?
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