Hindus aren't the ones out there proselytizing, trying to change everyone else to their ways. Why? It's because we do accept people for who they are, their belief system. Proselytizing faiths, practically by definition, don't. Like I've said may times, what the world needs is mutual respect, not some prophet to save only the chosen people.
I don't like the word troll anymore than I like the word proselytize. They are both pejorative, vague terms that can mean a multitude of things, all with varying degrees of negative connotations. So to use either term is to have a dig at someone. So when you stop using the term proselytize, I will be more inclined to listen when you talk about mutual respect.
Interesting with my Baha'i friend and the JW, two faith adherents with belief systems that outwardly seem to utterly contradict and insult each other, yet for the most part as individuals they get on fine. We can too. We simply agree to disagree.