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How did Satan get to the garden of Eden?


Well-Known Member
i feel sorry for you.

As I do for you; However,

2Tim.1:12, "For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day."

What hope have you?


Agnostic Theist
As I do for you; However,

2Tim.1:12, "For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day."

What hope have you?

Maybe God isn't how you imagine God to be? I picture a God who is all loving, who doesn't have just one set way in which to live. One that is not condescending, belittling, or that should be feared.

That, or maybe there is no God.


Well-Known Member
Maybe God isn't how you imagine God to be? I picture a God who is all loving, who doesn't have just one set way in which to live. One that is not condescending, belittling, or that should be feared.

That, or maybe there is no God.

It is your last statement which comes through in your posts.
The Scriptures are true in their protrayal of GOD. GOD is the epitome of all those character traits.(Love, Gracious, Forgiving, Long-suffereing, JUST, Merciful, etc.) God is LOVE in all sense of the word; and there is one standard for all beings to live by. When one LOVES GOD and one's neighbor in the Relationship of that LOVE, there is total harmony between GOD and ones self; and everyone with all others. GOD is true to HIS Word as well.
As 2Peter 3:9 states, "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance."

And Num.14:18, "The LORD [is] longsuffering, and of great mercy, forgiving iniquity and transgression, and by no means clearing [the guilty](those who refuse to Repent and submit their will to the Father), visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth [generation]".

Those who were disobedient/unbelieving wandered in the wilderness for forty years and died there ....Not being able to see the Promised land.


Agnostic Theist
It is your last statement which comes through in your posts.
The Scriptures are true in their protrayal of GOD. GOD is the epitome of all those character traits.(Love, Gracious, Forgiving, Long-suffereing, JUST, Merciful, etc.) God is LOVE in all sense of the word; and there is one standard for all beings to live by. When one LOVES GOD and one's neighbor in the Relationship of that LOVE, there is total harmony between GOD and ones self; and everyone with all others. GOD is true to HIS Word as well.
As 2Peter 3:9 states, "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance."

And Num.14:18, "The LORD [is] longsuffering, and of great mercy, forgiving iniquity and transgression, and by no means clearing [the guilty](those who refuse to Repent and submit their will to the Father), visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth [generation]".

Those who were disobedient/unbelieving wandered in the wilderness for forty years and died there ....Not being able to see the Promised land.
I love God, as well as my neighbor. Yet, I see God very differently then you do. I don't think the scriptures are 100% accurate. So what does that mean? If there is harmony between God and myself, yet I see God very differently then you, who are also in harmony with God, what can that possibly mean? Either God is more vast then you imagine, or one of us is wrong. I choose the former.


Veteran Member
As I do for you; However,

2Tim.1:12, "For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day."

What hope have you?

what are you scared of?


Well-Known Member
I love God, as well as my neighbor. Yet, I see God very differently then you do. I don't think the scriptures are 100% accurate. So what does that mean? If there is harmony between God and myself, yet I see God very differently then you, who are also in harmony with God, what can that possibly mean? Either God is more vast then you imagine, or one of us is wrong. I choose the former.

The scriptures declare GOD as the same yesterday, today, and forever. And Jesus is one with the Father and desires for all believers to be one with them. That isn't what I am understanding in above.

Like James stated, If it isn't right in a part, then the whole is wrong.
Again, there is a song which states, "I'm satisfied with Jesus, but the thought comes to me as I gaze on Calvary. Is my saviour satisfied with me?

What you are suggesting is contrary to Matt.7:21-23.


Veteran Member
The scriptures declare GOD as the same yesterday, today, and forever. And Jesus is one with the Father and desires for all believers to be one with them. That isn't what I am understanding in above.

Like James stated, If it isn't right in a part, then the whole is wrong.
Again, there is a song which states, "I'm satisfied with Jesus, but the thought comes to me as I gaze on Calvary. Is my saviour satisfied with me?

What you are suggesting is contrary to Matt.7:21-23.

self righteous __________ (fill in the blank)


Agnostic Theist
The scriptures declare GOD as the same yesterday, today, and forever. And Jesus is one with the Father and desires for all believers to be one with them. That isn't what I am understanding in above.

Like James stated, If it isn't right in a part, then the whole is wrong.
Again, there is a song which states, "I'm satisfied with Jesus, but the thought comes to me as I gaze on Calvary. Is my saviour satisfied with me?

What you are suggesting is contrary to Matt.7:21-23.
You don't seem very loving here, so does that mean your entire idea is wrong?

You're also judging others, which Jesus specifically speaks out against. So does that make you entirely wrong?

Also, what I'm suggesting isn't contrary to Matthew 7:21-23.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by waitasec
what are you scared of?

sincerly said:
That is a false assumption by You. Just as you claimed of Jesus.[/quote

as you assume i have no hope...

Another false claim----To the contrary, every person living has "hope" as long as one is alive.(Scriptural truth).

everything you claim to know about jesus is an assumption

Another false claim! There were many witnesses to HIS teachings and those were from the scriptures which are still being read and adhered to by Believers.


Well-Known Member
sincerly said:
The scriptures declare GOD as the same yesterday, today, and forever. And Jesus is one with the Father and desires for all believers to be one with them. That isn't what I am understanding in above.

Like James stated, If it isn't right in a part, then the whole is wrong.
Again, there is a song which states, "I'm satisfied with Jesus, but the thought comes to me as I gaze on Calvary. Is my saviour satisfied with me?

What you are suggesting is contrary to Matt.7:21-23.

self righteous __________ (fill in the blank)

No! Not "self-righteous"----any righteousness that I might have is imputed by the applied Blood of Jesus Christ in the Atonement of my Guilt of Sin. "self-righteousness is seen in those who Disbelieve.I John 1:8-10


Veteran Member
No! Not "self-righteous"----any righteousness that I might have is imputed by the applied Blood of Jesus Christ in the Atonement of my Guilt of Sin. "self-righteousness is seen in those who Disbelieve.I John 1:8-10


give me a moment to gather my composure after catching wind of your flatulence


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by sincerly
The scriptures declare GOD as the same yesterday, today, and forever. And Jesus is one with the Father and desires for all believers to be one with them. That isn't what I am understanding in above.

Like James stated, If it isn't right in a part, then the whole is wrong.
Again, there is a song which states, "I'm satisfied with Jesus, but the thought comes to me as I gaze on Calvary. Is my saviour satisfied with me?

What you are suggesting is contrary to Matt.7:21-23.

You don't seem very loving here, so does that mean your entire idea is wrong?

You're also judging others, which Jesus specifically speaks out against. So does that make you entirely wrong?

FB, Isn't the "Your don't seem" and "you are Judging"----Judging on your part??

What kind of judging is the context of Matt.7? Didn't Jesus say that one knows the tree by its fruit?? Aren't your posts the fruit of your mind?? Therefore, when you say/post----"That, or maybe there is no God." and that after your posted---""I don't think the scriptures are 100% accurate. So what does that mean? If there is harmony between God and myself, yet I see God very differently then you, who are also in harmony with God, what can that possibly mean? Either God is more vast then you imagine, or one of us is wrong. I choose the former."" What you are acknowlwdging is that you have the ability to edit the Scriptures to fit your own false understandings.
Agreed, there is a vastness to GOD. (Isa.40:28), "Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, [that] the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? [there is] no searching of his understanding." And men do choose falsely to satisfy their preconceived ideas/opinions. There is a creator GOD and the Holy Spirit wasn't erroneous in HIS inspiring of the Holy men to whom HE gave those messages.(Scriptures).

Also, what I'm suggesting isn't contrary to Matthew 7:21-23.

""Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."

Saying that the Scriptures are not accurate----therefore God is a liar, is not Love Or Believing; and that is compounded by "maybe there is no God".----because you would have to accknowledged being wrong concerning GOD's Justice in destroying the wicked.
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Agnostic Theist
FB, Isn't the "Your don't seem" and "you are Judging"----Judging on your part??

What kind of judging is the context of Matt.7? Didn't Jesus say that one knows the tree by its fruit?? Aren't your posts the fruit of your mind?? Therefore, when you say/post----"That, or maybe there is no God." and that after your posted---""I don't think the scriptures are 100% accurate. So what does that mean? If there is harmony between God and myself, yet I see God very differently then you, who are also in harmony with God, what can that possibly mean? Either God is more vast then you imagine, or one of us is wrong. I choose the former."" What you are acknowlwdging is that you have the ability to edit the Scriptures to fit your own false understandings.
Agreed, there is a vastness to GOD. (Isa.40:28), "Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, [that] the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? [there is] no searching of his understanding." And men do choose falsely to satisfy their preconceived ideas/opinions. There is a creator GOD and the Holy Spirit wasn't erroneous in HIS inspiring of the Holy men to whom HE gave those messages.(Scriptures).
I'm not judging you at all. I'm just pointing out that you are judging others, and not really showing love. If you saying that I'm purposely editing Scripture is a pretty big judgement here. I could say the same about you, but I think such polemic really is a waste of time.

Also, I can state that there may be no God, because I recognize that there is no evidence for God. And thus, my belief in God is based on nothing more than faith.
Saying that the Scriptures are not accurate----therefore God is a liar, is not Love Or Believing; and that is compounded by "maybe there is no God".----because you would have to accknowledged being wrong concerning GOD's Justice in destroying the wicked.
You just took a huge leap here. I never implied that God is a liar. Saying the scriptures are not accurate, is not calling God a liar. It is recognizing that God did not write the scriptures at all. He may have inspired the various works of the Bible, but in the end, it was humans who wrote it down. And humans have problems, and don't always listen exactly to what God says.

So maybe instead of trying to preach to everyone, and having this idea that you're superior, as that is how it is coming off, you may just want to back off a little.


It is recognizing that God did not write the scriptures at all. He may have inspired the various works of the Bible, but in the end, it was humans who wrote it down. And humans have problems, and don't always listen exactly to what God says.

Oh, so god is so weak he cant influence people to record his message accurately??????????????????????

thats all your saying there, and I dont buy it.


Well-Known Member
I'm not judging you at all. I'm just pointing out that you are judging others, and not really showing love. If you saying that I'm purposely editing Scripture is a pretty big judgement here. I could say the same about you, but I think such polemic really is a waste of time.

FB, what is the "pointing out", but a judgmental act?? Didn't I post what you had written/opined? Didn't I give scripture for that which I based my answers upon?? Therefore, the "judgment" was by the Scriptures----The messages of the Holy Spirit.

Also, I can state that there may be no God, because I recognize that there is no evidence for God. And thus, my belief in God is based on nothing more than faith.

Not only can you, but you did. And whether or not any one who doesn't believe that there in no Creator GOD---their belief is ultimately based upon "faith", also.

You just took a huge leap here. I never implied that God is a liar. Saying the scriptures are not accurate, is not calling God a liar. It is recognizing that God did not write the scriptures at all. He may have inspired the various works of the Bible, but in the end, it was humans who wrote it down. And humans have problems, and don't always listen exactly to what God says.

Then The serpent didn't lie when he said, "ye shall not die" nor when he said "ye shall be as gods". "May have"?? The Holy Spirit is God---and since HE knows the hearts and minds, you are saying that those Scriptures which are true were purposefully given to persons who would distort them. Also, that doing such was acceptable to HIM.
This post of yours is a testimony to the fact of your last sentence.--""humans have problems, and don't always listen exactly to what God says.""

So maybe instead of trying to preach to everyone, and having this idea that you're superior, as that is how it is coming off, you may just want to back off a little.

FB, I'm subject to the same Scruptures/information as to the correct relationship to the Creator GOD as everyone else. GOD is Superior. Jesus didn't say, "back off", but HE gave a Commanding: "Go ye and teach"..."whatsoever I have told you".
That serpent was telling Eve to "back off" of that which GOD had said and listen to his "lust of the flesh", the lust of the eyes" and "the pride of life" which are contrary to GOD'S Obey and live.