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How does homosexual activity benefit society?


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I have to announce all and it is a serious warning .....God perished a folk (society) and destroyed a city wholly because of homosexuality and now I waring all religions responsible if they legalize this abominable action publicly and this fatal action is done as usual, they must wait for a great disaster and torture from god for that society ....what I say is certain and I don't doubt in that occurrence.
What folk and what city? I'm fairly Biblically literate, but I don't recall such a thing.

What act is abominable? Marriage? Didn't Jesus condone marriage by performing his first miracle at a wedding feast?


That doesn't sound like a god to me. That sounds like a barbaric and heinous devil. Killing people and torturing over whom they love... really?

What is barbaric ? God's right and justice judging or " men leave women ( which are created for them naturally ) and go to men for sex unnaturally ?


Admiral Obvious
I have to announce all and it is a serious warning .....God perished a folk (society) and destroyed a city wholly because of homosexuality and now I waring all religions responsible if they legalize this abominable action publicly and this fatal action is done as usual, they must wait for a great disaster and torture from god for that society ....what I say is certain and I don't doubt in that occurrence.
seems to me that some people have their definitions of 'good' and 'evil' backwards....


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
What folk and what city? I'm fairly Biblically literate, but I don't recall such a thing.

He thinks he's talking about Sodom and Gomorrah. But homosexuality is not mentioned anywhere as being the sin of Sodom. It was inhospitality and unkindness in a harsh desert environment. It was also one of gang rape and violence. Conquering armies of ancient times often raped the men of the conquered cities as a show of domination. I doubt Genghis Khan's entire army was homosexual.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
What is barbaric ? God's right and justice judging or " men leave women ( which are created for them naturally ) and go to men for sex unnaturally ?

Justice is when the punishment fits the crime. And the notion that god murdered innocent people simply because of the orientation that he created them with is wholly disproportionate, especially considering that homosexuality harms no one. Fortunately, such barbarism was mere fiction and bares no reflection any real god.
Also, homosexuality occurs in nature, therefore is natural. Want to know what's unnatural? Your dogma and superstition.


Admiral Obvious
He thinks he's talking about Sodom and Gomorrah. But homosexuality is not mentioned anywhere as being the sin of Sodom. It was inhospitality and unkindness in a harsh desert environment. It was also one of gang rape and violence. Conquering armies of ancient times often raped the men of the conquered cities as a show of domination. I doubt Genghis Khan's entire army was homosexual.
but that does lead to the question of what makes for a homosexual/
i mean, i suspect that many of the men doing the raping were not attracted to other men sexually, but in fact were doing something that they felt/believed was the way it was done.

I guess my question is does the act alone make for a person being a homosexual or does there needs be something more to it?


Veteran Member
What is barbaric ? God's right and justice judging or " men leave women ( which are created for them naturally ) and go to men for sex unnaturally ?

what is barbaric is not being able to recognize that this hostility towards same sex marriage stems from a POV of being threatened..now why one would feel threatened about giving homosexual couples equal rights remains to be unanswered...nonetheless the barbaric stance of being threatened without just cause comes from insecurity...a false sense of insecurity.

as far as the homosexual community is concerned they have reason to be threatened and thusly insecure as their rights are taken away for no good reason...

don't you think that having a sense of insecurity which can be traced and therefore justified is more civilized then feeling insecure for absolutely no reason?

so if you have a reason as to why same sex couples should not have the same rights as heterosexual couples that would help us understand your POV...but using you little insecure god as a reason isn't a reason, it's just an excuse for bad behavior.
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Father Heathen

Veteran Member
seems to me that some people have their definitions of 'good' and 'evil' backwards....

Indeed. Take Sodom and Gomorrah fable as an example. Lot, a "righteous man of god", offered his own daughters (surely against their will) to be raped by the crowd to protect the angels. That's *** backwards. How was Lot any better than the crowd? If the angels were truly righteous, they would've offered themselves to protect the innocent girls. Or, you know, used their divine powers to subdue the crowd. Had the angels stood idly by, then they would been no better than devils.


New Jersey, New York, Washington DC, Washington State, New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut, Iowa (have I forgotten any?) are all just fine and dandy with gay marriage and civil unions. And the US was still standing when I looked out the window a few seconds ago.

Btw, maybe your God is that vicious; mine is loving, a good friend and actually a practical joker on His friends and loved ones. He drove His mother crazy as a toddler with His antics and mischief.

often human shelters to multiplicity and thinks this multiplicity prevent of god's reaction and hurting.Also God is not Just love rather he can be most awful avenger against human's guilt and crimes and if we want see this his aspect when a volcano is active and molten stones are flowing from it we must go near and listen what it is saying by roaring. Although the volcano is a very small instance about god's revenge.

Trey of Diamonds

Well-Known Member
but that does lead to the question of what makes for a homosexual/
i mean, i suspect that many of the men doing the raping were not attracted to other men sexually, but in fact were doing something that they felt/believed was the way it was done.

I guess my question is does the act alone make for a person being a homosexual or does there needs be something more to it?

We have a thread on the topic.


Father Heathen

Veteran Member
often human shelters to multiplicity and thinks this multiplicity prevent of god's reaction and hurting.Also God is not Just love rather he can be most awful avenger against human's guilt and crimes and if we want see this his aspect when a volcano is active and molten stones are flowing from it we must go near and listen what it is saying by roaring. Although the volcano is a very small instance about god's revenge.


Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
What is barbaric ? God's right and justice judging or " men leave women ( which are created for them naturally ) and go to men for sex unnaturally ?

What's barbaric? The whole God killing people and torturing people over whom they happen to love and be intimate with.

Please let me know: how do homosexuals harm God in any way whatsoever?

Is God really that weak?


Well-Known Member
Throughout this thread we've seen that reparative therapy clearly isn't working. Nor is it helping individuals like themselves, but helping them dislike others that suffer from the same...."condition"...as they do.
Additionally, it causes confusion and (intentional or not) hypocritical claims.
Yet people continue to go to this “therapy” because society tells them they aren’t normal; they aren’t right. No big surprise as society can be quite cruel. But what’s surprising, at least to me, is the “you must change” mantra coming from the religious groups. Religious groups that should be telling people “god loves you – come to him as you are” and letting the individual and god determine what’s right and what’s wrong.
But there’s no control in doing that. There’s no joy they can get by making people do their bidding. There’s no love in condemning people for something they know little to nothing about. That’s abuse of glorified authority. Until people start standing up to these bullish groups and forcing them into their place (leaders within the community, not dictators and legal counsel), more people will miss out on a wonderful life and, instead, turn to a life of depression, guilt and constant disappointment. Then, who exactly is to blame?


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
but that does lead to the question of what makes for a homosexual/
i mean, i suspect that many of the men doing the raping were not attracted to other men sexually, but in fact were doing something that they felt/believed was the way it was done.

I guess my question is does the act alone make for a person being a homosexual or does there needs be something more to it?

There's certainly more to it than the sex act. I can have sex with a woman, but it doesn't make me straight. Attraction and physical and emotional reaction is key in determining homo- or heterosexuality.

Those acts of rape by conquering armies are not unlike prison sex. It's situational homosexuality. Situational sexual behavior - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Given a chance however, those men who rape other men will preferentially have sex with women.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
often human shelters to multiplicity and thinks this multiplicity prevent of god's reaction and hurting.Also God is not Just love rather he can be most awful avenger against human's guilt and crimes and if we want see this his aspect when a volcano is active and molten stones are flowing from it we must go near and listen what it is saying by roaring. Although the volcano is a very small instance about god's revenge.



What folk and what city? I'm fairly Biblically literate, but I don't recall such a thing.

What act is abominable? Marriage? Didn't Jesus condone marriage by performing his first miracle at a wedding feast?

Sodom and Sodom population.Now ,they are hundreds meter under ground


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
What is barbaric ? God's right and justice judging or " men leave women ( which are created for them naturally ) and go to men for sex unnaturally ?
Science has determined that homosexual attraction and subsequent behavior is natural. Just like science has determined that the sky is not a rigid dome covering a disc-shaped earth (also what the Bible says). The Bible does not speak to the science of creation, nor does it speak to the value of sexual orientation.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
I have not heard of Genghis Khan's soldiers raping men before. Is this historical?

Genghis Khan was just an example. I don't know if his armies did this. War rape - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia It seems it wasn't only in antiquity this happened.

The rape of men by other men is also common in war. A 2009 study by Lara Stemple[15] found that it had been documented in conflicts worldwide; for example, 76% of male political prisoners in 1980s El Salvador and 80% of concentration camp inmates in Sarajevo reported being raped or sexually tortured. Stemple concludes that the "lack of attention to sexual abuse of men during conflict is particularly troubling given the widespread reach of the problem".[16][9] Mervyn Christian of Johns Hopkins School of Nursing has found that male rape is commonly underreported.[17]
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