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How does your faith rationalize god allowing the existence of evil, death, and suffering?


“Strive always to excel in virtue and truth.”
John 3:13 explain that.

Okay so that verse.

Lets go a little earlier John 3:11:

Very truly I tell you, we speak of what we know, and we testify to what we have seen, but still you people do not accept our testimony.

John 3:12:

I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things?

John 3:13:

And no one hath ascended into heaven, but he that descended out of heaven, [even] the Son of man, who is in heaven.

Once again when talking about coming from heaven, it is saying the I am in a Symbolic way. We all came from heaven, we are all Sons of Gods, aka people who follow the commandments.

Not only this but the next verse proves Jesus was not crucified.

Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up,

so that everyone who believes in him will have eternal life.




“Strive always to excel in virtue and truth.”
Did you go find this on the Internet? Lol
Because you weren't providing answers before.

It does not matter if i did or not.

Either way, i went on the internet, yes to research those verses.

I was not providing answers before because i was not aware the point you were talking about but then i noticed.



There is no God but Allah
Evil exists simply to test man. It doesn't exist in the overall universal perspective. Evil is just matter colliding with matter, nothing more. We define evil because we are rational and conscious enough to understand pain and misery, and from these emotions we conclude a certain thing to be of an evil nature. But in the overall perspective, evil doesn't really exist. But that's besides the point.

We humans are conscious and rational enough to point certain things to be evil. However, given this level is understanding, evil can also be subjective. Some people may think a certain action is evil, or even a certain feeling, and others won't. So there are different levels of evil which we ascribe to. Most humans agree causing physical/emotional pain is evil, so this would be in the higher levels of evil which is agreed by all, and there may be some lesser evils, (like doing drugs), which some may consider evil and others not. So this is in the lesser level, meaning that not all humans share the same opinions about it.

All in all, these feelings and states exist simply to test the conditions of human beings. Evil doesn't exist because God is unable to prevent it, is not powerful enough to stop it, is not wise enough to know it exists, or is not loving enough to remove it. This basic argument that atheists like to prevent simply doesn't work when we consider the fact that evil is just a test.

Those who conclude that this life is the only life, they will fall in error, because they cannot rationalize why a God would allow evil in the only life we are given. Yet, those who know there is a life after this one, then it will be relatively simple to understand why He allowed evil (this condition), to exist in the first place.


bible reader
Okay so that verse.

Lets go a little earlier John 3:11:

Very truly I tell you, we speak of what we know, and we testify to what we have seen, but still you people do not accept our testimony.

John 3:12:

I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things?

John 3:13:

And no one hath ascended into heaven, but he that descended out of heaven, [even] the Son of man, who is in heaven.

Once again when talking about coming from heaven, it is saying the I am in a Symbolic way. We all came from heaven, we are all Sons of Gods, aka people who follow the commandments.

Not only this but the next verse proves Jesus was not crucified.

Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up,

so that everyone who believes in him will have eternal life.


Exactly one point is we believe Jesus died on an upright stake.

2. What do you do with all these passages
- John 3:11-13
-John 6:38
- john 6:62
- john 17:5
-john 1:1
- John 8:58


“Strive always to excel in virtue and truth.”
Exactly one point is we believe Jesus died on an upright stake.

2. What do you do with all these passages
- John 3:11-13
-John 6:38
- john 6:62
- john 17:5
-john 1:1
- John 8:58

Haha, the crucifixtion or otherwise known as crucifiction. LOL

Anyhow, i will expose this so called crucufiction.

Jesus was not crucified as i stated that the apostles thought he did. Which is why they believed they saw a Ghost, now you will say this is after Jesus was crucified.

Obviously the Qur'an is against it, but i will use your own Bible to prove that he still was not.

Remember i do not believe the Bible to be the Word Of God, it may contain certain portions, which we may consider to be the word of God, but it contains also the word of Historians, and Prophets.

Even though i do not believe the Bible is the word of God, which you probably do, i will still give you references from Bible that prove he was not crucified.

In 1 Corinthians ch.15 v.42-44:

So will it be with the resurrection of the dead. The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable;
43 it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power;
44 it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body.

There were no eye witnesses because look in Gospel Of Mark Ch.14 V.50

Then everyone deserted him and fled.

When Jesus was in risk, all the desiples left. All of them fled. It was from heresy that he was a spirit. That is what they thought.

Further one: Jesus himself says:

Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have."

He then proceeds to eat broiled fish, the next verse. He was trying to prove that he was not a spirit. They were overjoyed that he did not die physical in front of them and also ate fish. To prove he was a physical body and chewed in front of them. He was in flesh and bones, a physical body!


When Mary goes to the Tomb of Jesus on the third day.
Gospel Of John 20:1:

Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance.

Why did Mary Magdalene go to the Tomb on the third day? If Jesus was supposedly dead, why would she? The reply is given in Gospel Of Mark Ch. 16 V.1:

When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus' body.

To anoint him. Do Jews massage dead bodies on the third day? No. Do Christians massage dead bodies on the third day? No.

Do Muslims? No. So why is she going to the Tomb to massage him who has died on the third day according to you? Because she was the only one besides Joseph Of Armethia and Nicodimus who gave the burial bath to Jesus peace be upon him. And when Jesus body was brought down from the cross, she might have seen some life in the limb body. But naturally, she is not going to say he is alive. Otherwise, they will put him to death again. Seeing some life in him, she comes back on the third day after the Sabbeth day to look for Jesus alive.

She finds that the stone has been rolled away. In Gospel Of Mark Ch. 16 V. 4 and the other verse:

But when they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had been rolled away.

The Question is why was the stone removed and placed at the side? And winding sheets Unwound?

If Jesus was resurrected as a spiritual body, does a spirit require a stone of the entry of the stone to be removed. If it is a spirit, that could not have stopped him.
So the question is why was the stone removed and the winding sheets unwound? It is not required. If it is a physical body the stone had to be removed. The winding sheets, had to be removed.


Further if you read in Gospel of John Ch.20 V.15:

He asked her, "Woman, why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?" Thinking he was the gardener, she said, "Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him."

Mary supposed Jesus to be a gardener. Do resurrected bodies look like gardeners? NO. Jesus was disguised as a gardener because he was afraid of the Jews. A spiritual body need not to be afraid of the Jews because according to the Bible a man only dies once and after that is the day of judgement.

Jesus said in Gospel of John Ch.20 V.36 about spirtualized bodies.

If he is spiritualized why did he disguise himself? It is obvious, he was not. He says to Mary in the style of his talk that she notices him and she rushes towards him.
In Gospel Of John Ch.20 V.15-16-17:

He says do not touch me because he was a physical body. Imagine the physical pain he went through going through the emotion supposedly put on the cross and stuff.

However, But in Gospel of John Ch. 20 V.17: He said i have not yet ascended to my father. Meaning he has not yet been dead.

Jesus explicitly said that he was not yet resurrected proving that he was alive.

It is mentioned in Gospel Of Mark Ch. 16 V. 11:
When they heard that Jesus was alive and that she had seen him, they did not believe it.
They heard Jesus was alive from her.

Further, it is mentioned in Gospel Of Matthew Ch.12 V.38
Then some of the Pharisees and teachers of the law said to him, "Teacher, we want to see a sign from you."

People tell him to see a sign. They wanted a miracle.

Next 2 Verses:

He answered, "A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a sign! But none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah.

For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

He does not mention anything about the fish, or anything. But he said not sign shall be given to you but the sign of Jonah as Jonah was 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of fish so shall Son of Man be 3 days and 3 nights in heart of earth.

Jonah was alive. So, for Jesus to fulfill the prophecy he was alive too. When Jonah was alive that was a miracle of God, the same miracle will happen to Jesus when he is alive just as Jonah was. Sunday morning the tomb was empty. The sign says 3 days and 3 nights. As Jonah was, so shall the sun of man. Jesus was for 1 day and 2 night supposedly by the Christians. Is 3 days and 3 nights, the same as 1 day and 1 night? NO! The time factor was not fullfill. If that is what you believe.

In conclusion, he was not crucified. 1) He was brought down the cross in three hours on it. 2) Jesus two crossmates were alive. 3)His legs were not broken. 4) The stone was removed and winding sheets were unwound proving he was alive. 5) He was diguised as a gardener because he was alive trying to be saved from the Jews. 6) The tomb was roomy and spacious. This was for Jesus as he was alive. 7) Jesus tells Mary not to touch him because he was a physical body and it will hurt him since he was on the cross for so long and was then brought down. He was in pain, proving that he was alive. 8) He said i have not yet ascended to my father, meaning he was alive 9) Mary was not afraid recognising Jesus (pbuh) 10) In the upper room, he showed his hands and feet to prove that he was not a spirit but a physical body and alive. 11) They were overjoyed to see him because they thought he was dead but he was alive. 12) He ate a piece of broiled fish and Honeycomb to prove that he was alive. 13) The disciples had heard from Mary that he was alive. 14) The sign of Jonah, as Jonah was three days and three nights, so shall the son of man. Jonah was alive, and so was Jesus pbuh. This was the answer of Jesus when asked for a miracle. So the miracle was that Jesus was alive and saved. So, in short Jesus peace be upon him was put on the cross but he did not die. If he is put on the cross and he dies, then he is crucified. But if he is put on it and not then he was NOT. So, you see Jesus was not crucified.



bible reader
It does not matter if i did or not.

Either way, i went on the internet, yes to research those verses.

I was not providing answers before because i was not aware the point you were talking about but then i noticed.

See you are quoting others work. I'm glad for your honesty, but if it's not coming from your own research than I don't want to waste my time. Just like there is people who speak garbage about the Qur'an so also about the bible.
Notice I have never tried to bring charges against the Qur'an based on others research. That's because they have hidden agendas.


“Strive always to excel in virtue and truth.”
See you are quoting others work. I'm glad for your honesty, but if it's not coming from your own research than I don't want to waste my time. Just like there is people who speak garbage about the Qur'an so also about the bible.
Notice I have never tried to bring charges against the Qur'an based on others research. That's because they have hidden agendas.

I have never said i quoted others work.


It is coming from my research, i am using the internet for the Bible.

You are given exposure, therefore you have no other thing to say.



“Strive always to excel in virtue and truth.”
See you are quoting others work. I'm glad for your honesty, but if it's not coming from your own research than I don't want to waste my time. Just like there is people who speak garbage about the Qur'an so also about the bible.
Notice I have never tried to bring charges against the Qur'an based on others research. That's because they have hidden agendas.

Btw brother, i am not talking trash on the Bible.

The Torah, Psalms, and Gospel was revelations brought down to the Prophets of a particular time period and group at the time by God.

Allah brought the Final Revelation the Qur'an, which is the truth.

So, the Bible is not trash, it is a great book, however the Qur'an is the last and final revelation that surpasses the Bible.



bible reader
I have never said i quoted others work.


It is coming from my research, i am using the internet for the Bible.

You are given exposure, therefore you have no other thing to say.

Hahaha I guarantee that you are looking at others work. We have seen those arguments don't you think.lol hahaha
I just hate that you change from one subject to the next. Hahaha


“Strive always to excel in virtue and truth.”
Hahaha I guarantee that you are looking at others work. We have seen those arguments don't you think.lol hahaha
I just hate that you change from one subject to the next. Hahaha

I am not changing any subject, in fact you are by saying i copy others when i do not.

Just because you cannot refute them does not mean you make suppositions.




bible reader
I am not changing any subject, in fact you are by saying i copy others when i do not.

Just because you cannot refute them does not mean you make suppositions.


This is how I know you are a one sided student.
1. Let me just say your explanation you are giving is super long. I read it, but you expect me to refute every single thing. My Internet is slow and I'm doing this from my phone. I know no excuses. But it takes me a while.
2. One thing you do is you brought up points that have been raised. These are not new arguments, these have been answered.
3. If you are a true student you will look at both arguments from scholars and then raise problems with the new information used.
4. If I answer every single one of your charges then what, you do not look at our responses. I think that is the biggest problem.
5. I can refute it, you are trying to show me. But nothing can convince me about the Qur'an. You claim he is a god of love, that is not the case, I will or would not give my son a terminal illness to test him and his family, innocent children. Your god I'm sorry to say is a tyrant.
6. Yes you switched from talking about Jesus pre human existence to this topic.


bible reader
I am not changing any subject, in fact you are by saying i copy others when i do not.

Just because you cannot refute them does not mean you make suppositions.


I will repeat these are not new problems.
They were here before you were born so... way before 16 years ago.


“Strive always to excel in virtue and truth.”
This is how I know you are a one sided student.
1. Let me just say your explanation you are giving is super long. I read it, but you expect me to refute every single thing. My Internet is slow and I'm doing this from my phone. I know no excuses. But it takes me a while.
2. One thing you do is you brought up points that have been raised. These are not new arguments, these have been answered.
3. If you are a true student you will look at both arguments from scholars and then raise problems with the new information used.
4. If I answer every single one of your charges then what, you do not look at our responses. I think that is the biggest problem.
5. I can refute it, you are trying to show me. But nothing can convince me about the Qur'an. You claim he is a god of love, that is not the case, I will or would not give my son a terminal illness to test him and his family, innocent children. Your god I'm sorry to say is a tyrant.
6. Yes you switched from talking about Jesus pre human existence to this topic.

I just exposed your faulty thinking of Jesus existence and connection of divinity.

Brother, you say there are arguments from scholars, but can you give me them, i will give you all the time you need brother.

You can think it is not convincing but the day will come Paul Chavez, I am testifying to you right now Paul. Allah S.W.A.T will know that on this day, month, year, etc. That you were given the message repeatedly but refused it.

I will give you time to answer even with the slow Internet.

I answered all of your allegations, and i hope Inshallah that you accept Islam, you might hope i accept the tampered beliefs of Christians as well but you will know Paul Chavez, the day will come brother when everything will be testified, it will feel as if you were on earth for a mere hour.

He has legislated for you of the religion what He has instructed for Noah and what We inspired to you and what we instructed for Abraham, Moses, and Jesus: "You shall establish the religion and be not divided therein." 42:13

We will show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth. But is it not sufficient concerning your Lord that He is, over all things, a Witness?

:) Good luck.

"Abraham was neither a Jew, nor a Christian; but he was a monotheist submitter. He was not one of the Mushrikeen (those who set up partners with God)." 3:67

"The only religion approved by God is Islam (Submission)." 3:19


bible reader
I am not changing any subject, in fact you are by saying i copy others when i do not.

Just because you cannot refute them does not mean you make suppositions.


Ok first of all my phones Internet connection sucks.
2nd a takes a long time to type from my phone which is why I stay brief.
But here is an explanation.

Who is the ruler of the world?
Obviously we would both agree that God is the Sovereign.
1. The bible tells us who really rules the world.
1 John 5:19
2 Corinthians 4:4
John 14:30
Luke 4:6
Revelation 12:9

Now the question is why does god allow Satan to rule?
1. Genesis 3:1-5 this is vital for doctrine. God is the creator and sovereign of the universe and this is his creation so he has the right to rule, I'm sure you agree.
2. Satan in Genesis 3:4 he basically is calling the Sovereign of the universe a liar.
So 2 things were done:
- he called god a liar.
- he challenged gods right to rule. Remember everything god made was good genesis 1:31. So by challenging the perfect men he is challenging that what god created or the way god is doing things is wrong. Otherwise provide another explanation as to why.

3. So god had 2 options:
- destroy Satan and that will be the end of that, but that would leave Satan's challenge unanswered leaving room for future rebellion or
- by letting Satan remain god gives a time to prove satan a liar and that's why Jesus is so vital because he being the 2 perfect man or 3rd perfect person has answered Satan's challenge of a perfect man being able to remain faithful to god. Once Satan's challenge is answered once it will be answered for all time.

So god proving Satan a liar and showing that gods way is best, is why he allowed Satan to remain.

How do we know Satan thought that a man would not remain faithful?
Job 2:4 a man will give anything in exchange for his life.
Revelation 12:10 the accuser(satan) of our brothers has been hurled down who accuses them night and day.

What kind of power does Satan have?
Job 1:15 attacked using ungodly people
Job 1:16 fire from heaven (which they "thought" was from god)
Job 1:17 again influenced human beings
Job 1:19 he used natural disasters
Job 1:17 infirmities were used.
All these things people thought were from god, but it was Satan the whole time accusing him and people today.
Also Job could not answer the charge fully because he was not perfect.

which is why Jesus was essential
1. Jesus remained perfect without sin (1 Peter 2:22-24) Jesus came to fulfill the law Matthew 5:17
2. A perfect man fulfilling gods law proves Satan a liar to this charge Job 2:4
3. We not being perfect cannot prove this charge because we don't have the capacity, but Jesus was perfect paid for our sins Romans 5:12,18
4. Jesus did so much for us.

so in a nut shell:
1. God intentionally creates everything good.
2. God is not responsible for evil or suffering, it is our own actions, and satan is the ruler of this world.
3. Satan challenged gods rulership and called god a liar. So 2 scenarios to handle the situation.
4. God does not try nor does he himself try anyone.

This makes absolute sense to me.


“Strive always to excel in virtue and truth.”
This makes absolute sense to me.

God is All-Merciful, Satan use to be among the best of believers but then he trampled and messed his life up, disobeying God.

He challenged God, since Allah is Most Merciful he postponed his Hell-fire till the Day Of Judgement.

Jesus was there for a particular time period and group.

He was a mighty messenger and spread what God told him.


bible reader
I just exposed your faulty thinking of Jesus existence and connection of divinity.

Brother, you say there are arguments from scholars, but can you give me them, i will give you all the time you need brother.

You can think it is not convincing but the day will come Paul Chavez, I am testifying to you right now Paul. Allah S.W.A.T will know that on this day, month, year, etc. That you were given the message repeatedly but refused it.

I will give you time to answer even with the slow Internet.

I answered all of your allegations, and i hope Inshallah that you accept Islam, you might hope i accept the tampered beliefs of Christians as well but you will know Paul Chavez, the day will come brother when everything will be testified, it will feel as if you were on earth for a mere hour.

He has legislated for you of the religion what He has instructed for Noah and what We inspired to you and what we instructed for Abraham, Moses, and Jesus: "You shall establish the religion and be not divided therein." 42:13

We will show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth. But is it not sufficient concerning your Lord that He is, over all things, a Witness?

:) Good luck.

"Abraham was neither a Jew, nor a Christian; but he was a monotheist submitter. He was not one of the Mushrikeen (those who set up partners with God)." 3:67

"The only religion approved by God is Islam (Submission)." 3:19
Again it's no problem to me you have a god who is an evil tyrant throwing people into everlasting torment. That is really funny that you think that is a quality of a loving god.

Again its not about me showing you, it's the fact that the resources are out there and your not looking at them.

Like I said there is no problem for me rejecting a god who throws people in hell fire and tests his human creation with sickness and death.


bible reader
God is All-Merciful, Satan use to be among the best of believers but then he trampled and messed his life up, disobeying God.

He challenged God, since Allah is Most Merciful he postponed his Hell-fire till the Day Of Judgement.

Jesus was there for a particular time period and group.

He was a mighty messenger and spread what God told him.
Like I will say once again.
I am not willing to accept a loving merciful god will test us with death and sickness on purpose and create you children to die. And then throws us in hell fire for eternity for a life we only lived for a short period of time.
It may be fine for you to accept that, but that is a wicked thing to do.


Veteran Member
Like I will say once again.
I am not willing to accept a loving merciful god will test us with death and sickness on purpose and create you children to die. And then throws us in hell fire for eternity for a life we only lived for a short period of time.
It may be fine for you to accept that, but that is a wicked thing to do.

Hi Paul. I would like to prod a bit further about the bible since thats the basis of your theology. We Muslims believe in revelations that came before the Quran. There are 3 mentioned in the Quran by name, Injeel, Zaboor, Torah.

You believe Jesus was created before any creation etc etc. But do you find that kind of teaching in all the gospels? Now we believe Mark was the first in theological studies. Well there are many reasons but nevertheless, Mark to John the theology has evolved. Make an honest exploration.

Though the Quran talks of Injeel, Zeboor, Torah, the bible does not claim to have them. Many Christians claim that the Injeel is the New Testament, the most arrogant theory. None of the gospels claim to be THE GOSPEL. There are four books, written by some authors, anonymous, named Gospel of Mark and so forth. They never had names, never claimed authorship. But they have been canonised however. Do you understand? You are basing your theology on books that dont even have an author.

You are accusing Jabar of quoting other peoples work, but you are basing your salvation on people you dont have even a clue of. Mark didnt write Mark. John didnt write John. There are so many issues that you ignore because you just cant allow yourself to think otherwise. Bible writers have been trying from the beginning to deify Jesus. They even added their own words to make him exalted. Even the trinity was a concept they tried their best to add to the bible. Example 1st John 5:7 which was removed because it was forgery. All gospels had forgeries. I mean obvious, evident forgeries.

There is no prostitute narration, there is no talking in tongues, there are no handling snakes and drinking poison. All fake. Did Jesus get angry with the leper or did he feel compassion towards him? Someone has changed it in one manuscript.

I saw you accuse Jabar of finding stuff on the internet and copying others work. I dont say he did, but even if he did so what?

You claimed that you go to Papyrus to read the bible, you dont stop at reading a translation. Which Papyrus do you read. Tell me.


bible reader
Let's just again say for a minute once again you are right.
You are looking at some scholars that are muslim, and again some that are atheist. Those are the scholars you are quoting from.
This is why I believe muslims lack in debating. You guys use your own arguments, like for example hear oh Israel Jehovah is one Jehovah. But that just show that you do not understand the argument.
What I was telling Jabar is we also have answers to those charges you are bringing.
A good argument invalidates the defense made.
just the fact that Jabar looked at an argument one sided being that there are also response to those charges, what do you think that shows me?

When I picked a topic to discuss it was the most important I think, some scholars are not doing well on, and it was like you said theodicy.

Again you are defending Jabar which blasphemed your god saying we are tested by god.
Last edited:


bible reader
Hi Paul. I would like to prod a bit further about the bible since thats the basis of your theology. We Muslims believe in revelations that came before the Quran. There are 3 mentioned in the Quran by name, Injeel, Zaboor, Torah.

You believe Jesus was created before any creation etc etc. But do you find that kind of teaching in all the gospels? Now we believe Mark was the first in theological studies. Well there are many reasons but nevertheless, Mark to John the theology has evolved. Make an honest exploration.

Though the Quran talks of Injeel, Zeboor, Torah, the bible does not claim to have them. Many Christians claim that the Injeel is the New Testament, the most arrogant theory. None of the gospels claim to be THE GOSPEL. There are four books, written by some authors, anonymous, named Gospel of Mark and so forth. They never had names, never claimed authorship. But they have been canonised however. Do you understand? You are basing your theology on books that dont even have an author.

You are accusing Jabar of quoting other peoples work, but you are basing your salvation on people you dont have even a clue of. Mark didnt write Mark. John didnt write John. There are so many issues that you ignore because you just cant allow yourself to think otherwise. Bible writers have been trying from the beginning to deify Jesus. They even added their own words to make him exalted. Even the trinity was a concept they tried their best to add to the bible. Example 1st John 5:7 which was removed because it was forgery. All gospels had forgeries. I mean obvious, evident forgeries.

There is no prostitute narration, there is no talking in tongues, there are no handling snakes and drinking poison. All fake. Did Jesus get angry with the leper or did he feel compassion towards him? Someone has changed it in one manuscript.

I saw you accuse Jabar of finding stuff on the internet and copying others work. I dont say he did, but even if he did so what?

You claimed that you go to Papyrus to read the bible, you dont stop at reading a translation. Which Papyrus do you read. Tell me.
You can try to disprove the bible all you want but I cannot serve a god who:
1. Is personally testing us.
2. When we fail puts us in torture for eternity, for what we did a short period of time.
3. Who created us to die and suffer initially.

Rationalize that any way you want but majority of muslims accept things as tests from god. I will not worship a god like that.