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How hard is it to watch people heading for hell


Well-Known Member
I am curious about something. Would insanity make someone go to hell, even if that someone is a good person? Like if they go though something so terrible it breaks them down and leave nothing but insanity.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Maybe so, if there were any convincing evidences that there is a God, that we are sinners, and that sin demands apology.

But really, I think it is simply unhealthy to be so obsessed with sin. Life simply does not work that way. People are not some sort of fantasy goblins that will commit misdeeds if given half a chance just because they're like that.

Sometimes I simply don't understand why so many Christians attempt to believe than mankind is such a sorry bunch of people. There is much healthy joy and transcendence to be found within and outside, if we only allow ourselves. One shouldn't have to choose between accepting Jesus and accepting one's own potential for achieving happiness.

I wonder if it is because "happiness" is defined in such wildly different ways, Luis. Some people define happiness in terms of security. Others define happiness in terms of freedom. And obviously there are those who find happiness in the mix between the two.


Intentionally Blank
As a Christian it is very hard to watch people headed to hell. I want to grab them and shake them and tell them to wake up, you don't have to go there. That is one of the toughest things about being a Christian. I consider how C.S. Lewis had to do it, how Billy Graham has to do it, how John Wesley had to do it. That keeps me moving, keeps me knocking on doors, keeps me asking, prodding, urging, teaching, instructing, preaching, helping, giving, visiting. Within the first 5 minutes of meeting someone I can usually tell if they are headed to hell and I think to myself, what is the point of living for the devil?

I know. It upsets the crazy people too, when other people don't hear the voices.


Intentionally Blank
This is the scary part, everybody that is headed to hell is a mere fragile heartbeat away from an eternity in a fiery pit.

So what you're saying is that you actually think you know what's going to happen to us after we die?

*backs away slowly and quietly*


Intentionally Blank
It amuses me that they refer to it as 'good news'. "Believe in Jesus and get 'saved' or go to hell!" Who are they trying to kid?:facepalm:

Ha ha! "The good news is that you're going to burn in torment for eternity." "What's the bad news?"

Twig pentagram

High Priest
As a Christian it is very hard to watch people headed to hell. I want to grab them and shake them and tell them to wake up, you don't have to go there. That is one of the toughest things about being a Christian. I consider how C.S. Lewis had to do it, how Billy Graham has to do it, how John Wesley had to do it. That keeps me moving, keeps me knocking on doors, keeps me asking, prodding, urging, teaching, instructing, preaching, helping, giving, visiting. Within the first 5 minutes of meeting someone I can usually tell if they are headed to hell and I think to myself, what is the point of living for the devil?
Close your eyes then homie.


This is the scary part, everybody that is headed to hell is a mere fragile heartbeat away from an eternity in a fiery pit.

Ever hear of the self-righteous Pharisee and the sinful taxcollector?

The Pharisee prayed loudly and boasted in his tithes and service to God.

The taxcollector approached God in prayer, seeking God for healing.

Teacher, teach yourself.


Intentionally Blank
If you showed up at my home you would would find no alcohol, no cursing, no blasphemy, a cross on my mantel, lots of saying amen, a TVGuardian, internet filters, 25 or so Bibles, lot's of Christian literature and teaching materials, you might find me gone visiting the widows and sick. You would find a peaceful relaxed, loving atmosphere built on the golden rule, which is in the Bible by the way. And then I would ask you about our soul and where will it spend eternity.

If you showed up at my house, you would find a loving atmosphere built on the golden rule, you might find me out building houses for the homeless, AND games, books of every kind and description, projects underway, cooking, gardening, computers, my photos and cross-stitch on the walls, laughter, pets, passionate discussions, friends, family and fun.

Whose house would you rather visit?


Intentionally Blank
What you are doing is comparing human beings to other human beings. Ask them if they ever hated anyone, or lusted after anyone, or lied, stole, cheated, etc... You will soon find that they aren't as good as you thought. If they don't have representation when they stand before a Holy, wrathful and vengeful God they will be turned away and there is only one other place to go.

All humans have the ability and capacity to be good and kind, because they were created in the image of God, but they are also all filthy and guilty on the inside when compared to the Holiness of God.

God I hate Christianity. It's so disgusting.


Well-Known Member
If you showed up at my house, you would find a loving atmosphere built on the golden rule, you might find me out building houses for the homeless, AND games, books of every kind and description, projects underway, cooking, gardening, computers, my photos and cross-stitch on the walls, laughter, pets, passionate discussions, friends, family and fun.

Whose house would you rather visit?
Don´t make me come over. It sounds like fun where you live :D.


Stripling Warrior
There is nothing wrong with judging, as long as you are prepared to accept judgment yourself.
I agree but the judgment was a bit of a jab that left the question unanswered
Do you really feel that a person who calls themselves a Christian, and feels the need to boast of their piety, will save anyone from a supposed Hell?
Absolutly not, a person is solely responsible for their own eternal condition, Our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have simply given us the tools and directions to succeed and be eternally happy along with a command to share what we know so others might know of, and make use of, such information. Those with a message to share should convey it to those with an ear to hear and leave the rest to God.
The only one impressed will be those who are prone to self righteousness.
Wait just a minute, I know nothing of MoF's intent or the bulk of his past posts but two wrongs never made a right. I saw MoF's intent, perhaps he should have used an analogy instead of his own household but at least acknowledge the question and then scoff for the perceived offence later. This whole thing verged on becoming a slapping match and that serves no one. A great person of intellect and wisdom would never engage in taking useless shots designed to build their own position or hide their own lack of a solid foundation, quite the contrary; they would build on a good discussion realizing that nobody is perfect and that sometimes what someone says is not intended to convey the perceived undertone.

Listening to someone with a lot to say and nothing of value to convey gets real old real fast but that does not give license to react instead of act.


Stripling Warrior
If you showed up at my house, you would find a loving atmosphere built on the golden rule, you might find me out building houses for the homeless, AND games, books of every kind and description, projects underway, cooking, gardening, computers, my photos and cross-stitch on the walls, laughter, pets, passionate discussions, friends, family and fun.

Whose house would you rather visit?
BOTH! :yes:


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
I am curious about something. Would insanity make someone go to hell, even if that someone is a good person? Like if they go though something so terrible it breaks them down and leave nothing but insanity.

I suppose many Christians would say that yes, insanity leads one into hell because they can't properly accept Jesus.

I also say that it leads into hell, but because living in a world one can't make sense of is one of the aspects of the true hell.


Well-Known Member
I suppose many Christians would say that yes, insanity leads one into hell because they can't properly accept Jesus.

I also say that it leads into hell, but because living in a world one can't make sense of is one of the aspects of the true hell.
I realized this may be off topic, so I think I will start a new thread a bit later.

In any case, I just think it sound... I don´t know, unfair. Like if someone who only has one leg would have to compete with people who has two and still is blamed for not coming first.