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How is it true "Jesus is God"?

When a believer says Jesus is God, what does it mean? Please do not repeat the scriptural evidence that proclaims it. If my salvation is dependent on believing it, I must know what it means. Who is the Jesus who is The God?

I think I want to add that for now, according to my own understanding, the man Yehoshua is god enough for me but I do not know how to understand he is The Father. How can I know he is the son and The Father? No scripture please.

you never would find in the bible that Jesus and God are the union or something like that.God is a Father because he has created everything and Jesus is an archangel who had a heavenly existence before he became a human
Would a person’s belief in Jesus be genuine if he did not worship the God whom Jesus worshiped, if he did not apply what Jesus taught as to the kind of persons his disciples should be, or if he did not do the work that Jesus commanded his followers to perform? We cannot earn salvation; it is possible only on the basis of faith in the value of the sacrifice of Jesus’ human life


Veteran Member
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dont know that. You are relying on testimony by people that were not eyewitnesses to the events, belonged to another culture, who did even live close to the geographic area in question.

I am not talking about the miracles attributed to him. I am talking about his words. His words are power. They have transformed me.


I am not talking about the miracles attributed to him. I am talking about his words. His words are power. They have transformed me.

No his words probably have not.

Th eunknown authors who never knew Jesus however sem to have worked for you. Thats great, thisisnt about discrediting religion.

This is about understanding how the religion factually came to be, and how these people defined what you call god.


Your not making any sense at all. Stop the nonsense.

Yahweh was a Canaanite deity.


Yahweh, prior to becoming Yahweh the national god of Israel and taking on monotheistic attributes in the 6th century BCE, was a part of the Canaanite pantheon in the period before the Babylonian captivity. Archeological evidence reveals that during this time period the Israelites were a group of Canaanite people.

Yahweh was seen as a war god, and equated with El. Asherah, who was often seen as El's consort, has been described as a consort of Yahweh in numerous inscriptions.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yahweh_(Canaanite_deity)#cite_note-1

Telling me to stop the nonsense? I'm making plenty of sense. What am I saying that's not making sense? The fact that what you're saying is not solidly concrete and is questioned and that there's a huge talk page archive on this subject because of the issues and uncertainties being aggressively and erroneously played as verified fact that happens to suit various agendas?

What nonsense? We don't know the answer. But this is Outhouse who thinks whatever Karen Armstrong or Israel Finkelstein theorizes is 100% defacto truth. This is the same Outhouse who deliberately refuses to address the vats talk pages on this Wikipedia article he keeps pasting acting as if its an unchallenged, 100% verified assertion and then gets hostile and says "There's no debate" at the slightest questioning of the position, have you even read the talk page archives? This is one of the most glaring examples of Wikipedia's murkiness when it comes to particularly controversial articles. The nonsense that needs to stop is from you!

Do you even understand what I said?

I said that they very well could have said the Israelite deity was a "lesser deity" in their particular Pantheon. We also don't know if YWH is the same being as YHWH. We don't know know if YWH has the same meaning in translation as YHWH.

Edit: You are quoting from a different article than the usual Yahweh article you quote from.

Perhaps you might have missed this:

Yahweh was seen as a war god, and equated with El.

Did you read that? Equated with El.

Let me show you that again.

Yahweh was seen as a war god, and equated with El.

EQUATED WITH EL? Oh, isn't that so much different than your usual stance that it was a lesser deity in their pantheon?

How does that work out with your stance?
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Stop the nonsense. Provide sources or concede.

All deities evolve with the changing culture.

Yahweh was also a war god within Israelite culture, and equated with El in the Israelite culture around 800 BC who is hanging with his consort Asherah

El was Yahwehs father in the Canaanite culture, and that evolved into Israelite culture.

History of ancient Israel and Judah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Israelite monotheism evolved gradually out of pre-existing beliefs and practices of the ancient world.[71] The religion of the Israelites of Iron Age I, like the Canaanite faith from which it evolved

was based on a cult of ancestors and worship of family gods (the "gods of the fathers").[73] Its major deities were not numerous – El, Asherah, and Yahweh, with Baal as a fourth god, and perhaps Shamash (the sun) in the early period.[74] By the time of the early Hebrew kings, El and Yahweh had become fused and Asherah did not continue as a separate state cult


Veteran Member
Premium Member
We are not talking about The Father we are talking about the son of The Father.

I will share my epiphany I had today.

Some say the man called Jesus was not human but divine. But what if he was human? If he was a human man and a part of humanity and you have taken his humanity away you have eliminated the human man for the worship of the divine being, what is another word for eliminating a life form?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Another thought I had stemming off that;

I believe the man called Jesus was human 100% and he was special, one of a kind, who was actually conceived and sent by God. His being human shows humanity what humanity is capable of. His being The God really doesn't do much, does it?

I will repeat that I believe he is divine in that he was sent by The Divine. It is not possible for us to be sent by The Divine. But it is achievable for a man or a woman to be sent by the divine, the resurrected Yeshua. But the only way it is achieved mentally is to believe Yeshua is human like us. That is why I believe the trinity can be and is misleading. It just proves The God can do anything. Isn't it important to realize man can do more than man is doing?


Pronounced Shee-ra-noo-ee
Premium Member
We are not talking about The Father we are talking about the son of The Father.

I will share my epiphany I had today.

Some say the man called Jesus was not human but divine. But what if he was human? If he was a human man and a part of humanity and you have taken his humanity away you have eliminated the human man for the worship of the divine being, what is another word for eliminating a life form?
Believing that Jesus is God does not take away His humanity. In fact, the first Christological heresy fought by the Church was Docetism, which taught that Jesus' humanity was only an illusion. The Church has always defended Christ's humanity. We believe that Jesus is 100% God and 100% man.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Believing that Jesus is God does not take away His humanity. In fact, the first Christological heresy fought by the Church was Docetism, which taught that Jesus' humanity was only an illusion. The Church has always defended Christ's humanity. We believe that Jesus is 100% God and 100% man.

You missed the point. If Jesus is our brother and not our Divine Father then it follows that we will be able to do the things he did. If Jesus is God then it remains for God to do the things that Jesus did. Is anyone else 100% god? No, I don't think so. Then the lesson taught is lost.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
You missed the point. If Jesus is our brother and not our Divine Father then it follows that we will be able to do the things he did. If Jesus is God then it remains for God to do the things that Jesus did. Is anyone else 100% god? No, I don't think so. Then the lesson taught is lost.
The theological fallacy in play here is that Xy is all about the goal. Heaven. the Brass Ring.

It isn't.

Xy is about the journey toward and the aspiration to Christ. If we had already attained Christhood, we would no longer need Jesus. He would be a redundant cog in an unnecessary machine. We would have completed the Tower of Babel, and eaten of the fruit of the Tree of Life.

Jesus is a perpetual example of what we may aspire to become. Our "goal" is not "to get to heaven," but "to travel the road of life in transformation."


Veteran Member
Premium Member
The theological fallacy in play here is that Xy is all about the goal. Heaven. the Brass Ring.

It isn't.

Xy is about the journey toward and the aspiration to Christ. If we had already attained Christhood, we would no longer need Jesus. He would be a redundant cog in an unnecessary machine. We would have completed the Tower of Babel, and eaten of the fruit of the Tree of Life.

Jesus is a perpetual example of what we may aspire to become. Our "goal" is not "to get to heaven," but "to travel the road of life in transformation."

Yes. But you seem to be saying it is for the one who is on the journey. I believe it is for the ones you meet along the way, like he lived.

Jesus made life tolerable for other people while he lived. Believing Jesus is not God makes it possible to believe we can also make life tolerable for other people along the way.


Fatalist. Christian. Pacifist.
The ruling force above all others, is God. The God of Christ holds, and can give mankind power. In the midst of this power is forgiveness. And not only forgiveness, but repentance to the point of perfection, in the godliness set apart for mankind.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Yes. But you seem to be saying it is for the one who is on the journey. I believe it is for the ones you meet along the way, like he lived.

Jesus made life tolerable for other people while he lived. Believing Jesus is not God makes it possible to believe we can also make life tolerable for other people along the way.
We're all on the journey. Yes, we seek justice and show mercy to the least among us. Every time we do that, we do what Jesus did. Every time we do what Jesus did, we bring God to those most in need.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
We're all on the journey. Yes, we seek justice and show mercy to the least among us. Every time we do that, we do what Jesus did. Every time we do what Jesus did, we bring God to those most in need.

It is where we differ. Some people cannot care less about justice and mercy where it does not concern them. Those kind of people are not on the journey imo. Faith is not a possession of all.
2 Thessalonians 3:2


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
It is where we differ. Some people cannot care less about justice and mercy where it does not concern them. Those kind of people are not on the journey imo. Faith is not a possession of all.
2 Thessalonians 3:2
Everyone is on the journey, because the journey is life, itself. Some are on a difficult path, but all are on the journey. Where paths cross is where we do ministry.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
And some are on a uncomplicated, undemanding, uninvolved, untroublesome, and not difficult path and their wish is that it will remain that way. To remain in one place is not also going on a journey. How are they journeying?


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
And some are on a uncomplicated, undemanding, uninvolved, untroublesome, and not difficult path and their wish is that it will remain that way. To remain in one place is not also going on a journey. How are they journeying?
We all journey through life, because one of the basic tenets of life is that things change. Life is change. Death is stasis.


Jesus in me
When a believer says Jesus is God, what does it mean? Please do not repeat the scriptural evidence that proclaims it. If my salvation is dependent on believing it, I must know what it means. Who is the Jesus who is The God?

I think I want to add that for now, according to my own understanding, the man Yehoshua is god enough for me but I do not know how to understand he is The Father. How can I know he is the son and The Father? No scripture please.

I believe you find that out by asking Him to be Lord and Savior.

I believe it means whatever Jesus says God is saying and whatever Jesus does is God's will.
Peace to all;

I wonder why John would want us to know the following and to repeat it THREE times: (

#1 -- John 1:18, "No man hath seen God at any time, ...."

#2 -- 1 John 4:12, " No man has ever seen God; .... "

#3 -- 1 John 4:20, " .... for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?

Again, peace be with you.

John 14:1, Jesus said, "Let not your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe 'also' in Me."
God and His Son loves you, and I do too!
Whatever is the overflow of the heart, is what comes out of the mouth.