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HOW is the healthcare bill unconstitutional? Any explanations?


Well, that would be indirect democracy, to be more specific, and a very distant indirect democracy, at that. In any case though, the constitution is supposed to be the foundation for all subsequent democratic processes, so I think ideally there shouldn't even be a question of the constitutionality of a bill that's passed.

It's a politically strategic "questioning" on behalf of the Republicans. There's nothing questionable about this bill that is not equally questionable about all federal industry-regulating or public interest legislation passed by either party. It's also extremely hypocritical "questioning" in light of the thoroughly unconstitutional actions and legislation of the previous administration. If you're concerned about constitutionality you ought to be lobbying for the repeal of the Patriot Act and the prosecution of corporations and government officials involved in warrantless wiretapping.


Well-Known Member
It's a politically strategic "questioning" on behalf of the Republicans. There's nothing questionable about this bill that is not equally questionable about all federal industry-regulating or public interest legislation passed by either party. It's also extremely hypocritical "questioning" in light of the thoroughly unconstitutional actions and legislation of the previous administration. If you're concerned about constitutionality you ought to be lobbying for the repeal of the Patriot Act and the prosecution of corporations and government officials involved in warrantless wiretapping.

I agree with all of that. I have to admit though that I'm much less politically active these days. I've become very disillusioned with the prospect of making a positive political change if the proposed means of doing so is just ink on paper. So I just try to live by example as much as I can.


I agree with all of that. I have to admit though that I'm much less politically active these days. I've become very disillusioned with the prospect of making a positive political change if the proposed means of doing so is just ink on paper. So I just try to live by example as much as I can.

A good strategy. :) Be the change you want to see and all that.


Well-Known Member
Because it takes from the rich and gives to the poor and we cant have that can we.


Actually in the end I think it will take from the poor and give to the rich. You know all the pharmaceutical companies and all who are using their lobbyist to control congress.
It will put billions of dollars in the hands of a few.Using the poor is a nice market scheme to convince the cattle in America but does nothing to those who actually can see past the surface and have seen how passionate congress really is for the poor.
It will be the ultimate drug deal!
The all powerful drug industry will be pushing be drugs on everyone and even selling to the poor and the middleclass and up will be paying for it.Not only wiil it be sweet business for the drug dealer but it will also be forced and mandated by law that all purchase this merchandise now all dressed up in a nice pretty package for having compassion on the poor.
I guess all of the commercials that took over the television was not enough to full fill their greed.
Sounds like a one world order could very well be on the way???When our economy crashes and those around the world don't worry because there will be a power there to promise and hold us up?
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Well-Known Member
This new health care bill is unconstitutional because it is going to grant the Federal Government more authority over health care when the States are supposed to have more. I don't approve of the new bill anyway because all it is going to do is give more authority to the Federal Government, causing more corruption... like we need any more. I can guarantee that it is going to get to the point where shots are going to be mandatory. We aren't going to have any freedom on anything in the future. The larger the Government corruption grows, the less freedoms we are going to have on decision making for ourselves.

Something else that makes me angry is Obama trying to pass a bill on NO FISHING anywhere... this is supposed to save the environment. HA! Even though there is SO MUCH pollution in the air, our environment is already going down hill... Look at what acid rain does... Kills the reproductive organs in fish... haha What is the difference? Is Obama going to make any other laws that help make the environment better? DOUBT IT. He's just taking away our freedoms to fish. lol Just one more thing!


Well-Known Member
Something else that makes me angry is Obama trying to pass a bill on NO FISHING anywhere... this is supposed to save the environment. HA! Even though there is SO MUCH pollution in the air, our environment is already going down hill... Look at what acid rain does... Kills the reproductive organs in fish... haha What is the difference? Is Obama going to make any other laws that help make the environment better? DOUBT IT. He's just taking away our freedoms to fish. lol Just one more thing!
Like to hear more about this. Sounds fishy to me!:rolleyes: Maybe he doesn't want people to be able to provide food for themselves for the future upcoming events?
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Well-Known Member
Like to hear more about this. Sounds fishy to me!:rolleyes: Maybe he doesn't want people to be able to provide food for themselves for the future upcoming events?

lol there was like, a discussion from Obama that was "leaked" on the internet. If it IS true, it is such crap if you ask me. Only time will tell I guess. :p


Well-Known Member
Wow I googled it and you were right! What a joke.A man not smart enough to deal with such issues until second term doesn't deserve one. Let's get him out before he bans apple pies!


Well-Known Member
Maybe we need to start holding on to a few fishing rods along with our guns before they become outlawed in stores in case this is more than rumour.
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Forum Relic
Premium Member
Dezzie said:
Something else that makes me angry is Obama trying to pass a bill on NO FISHING anywhere... this is supposed to save the environment. HA! Even though there is SO MUCH pollution in the air, our environment is already going down hill... Look at what acid rain does... Kills the reproductive organs in fish... haha What is the difference? Is Obama going to make any other laws that help make the environment better? DOUBT IT. He's just taking away our freedoms to fish. lol Just one more thing!

Wow I googled it and you were right! What a joke.A man not smart enough to deal with such issues until second term doesn't deserve one. Let's get him out before he bans apple pies!

That's funny, because I googled "Obama to ban fishing" and the first three things that came up were three links debunking that claim as a BS rumor:

Obama Admin Jumps to Squelch Rumors of U.S. Fishing Ban - NYTimes.com

The Obama administration is trying to dash rumors that it planned to ban recreational fishing in marine waters and the Great Lakes in the wake of a series of Internet posts warning that such a prohibition was imminent.
ESPN Scaremongering: Obama To Ban Fishing?! | Mediaite

Here’s a new one that’s getting everyone on the Internet worked up: an ESPN blog today claimed that the Obama administration is very close to an initiative that could “prohibit U.S. citizens from fishing the nation’s oceans, coastal areas, Great Lakes, and even inland waters.”
Of course, this is a bunch of baloney, and a key tip-off phrase here should be the quote ” Big Green anti-use organizations.” Big Green, like Big Banks? Doubtful that the whole Green movement is on par with the other entities talking heads assign the “Big” label to. Also, the entire premise of Barack Obama banning any sort of recreational fishing is based entirely on the fact that the Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force is no longer accepting public input. So that probably means they are close to announcing some sort of initiative, whatever that may be. Limits on fishing in some overly-depleted areas? Maybe. But an outright ban on personal fishing? States makes enough money off of fishing licenses that this doesn’t even make any sense. It’s really the Big Fishing corporations that should be worried about this task force, not the everyman angler who goes out to catch a big one on Sundays.
ESPN.com Helps Launch False "Obama Wants To Ban Fishing" Rumor - Politics - Deadspin

Conservative websites are up in arms this week over the Obama administration's new plan to outlaw recreational fishing in America. It's an egregious abuse of executive power, slightly mitigated by the fact that it's not remotely close to being true.
And just so people can make sure I didn't cherry pick my "first three" links, you can check out what I pulled from google yourself:

obama to ban fishing - Google Search

If anybody here should be angry at anything, it should be themselves for not bothering to research things properly and spreading misinformation. :cover:


Well-Known Member
That's funny, because I googled "Obama to ban fishing" and the first three things that came up were three links debunking that claim as a BS rumor:

Obama Admin Jumps to Squelch Rumors of U.S. Fishing Ban - NYTimes.com

ESPN Scaremongering: Obama To Ban Fishing?! | Mediaite

ESPN.com Helps Launch False "Obama Wants To Ban Fishing" Rumor - Politics - Deadspin

And just so people can make sure I didn't cherry pick my "first three" links, you can check out what I pulled from google yourself:

obama to ban fishing - Google Search

If anybody here should be angry at anything, it should be themselves for not bothering to research things properly and spreading misinformation. :cover:
Well I kinda assumed it was rumor but yet again who controls mainstream news?
I thought he was going to have some use for his civilian security force after all?
Or maybe they will be used to hold your children down so they can get there shots or weekly dose of medicines?:D
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Forum Relic
Premium Member
Well I kinda assumed it was rumor but yet again who controls mainstream news?
I thought he was going to have some use for his civilian security force after all?
So when something you thought was true turns out to be the opposite, you just chalk it up to supposed "liberal media bias"? :cover:

Also, if you truly believe that Obama and the liberal media "control" google, why bother using it and try to pass your search results as evidence in the first place?


Forum Relic
Premium Member
Walkntune said:
I thought he was going to have some use for his civilian security force after all?
Or maybe they will be used to hold your children down so they can get there shots or weekly dose of medicines?
Do you really believe this, or are you just yanking my chain?


Well-Known Member
Do you really believe this, or are you just yanking my chain?

I believe you will loose all of your rights on how your medical issues will be dealt with and it will be controlled by what is more financially beneficial to the to big drug industry.
Your healthcare and benefits will be dealt with the same way Govy helped and dealt with Katrina?
Just expect healthcare costs to keep rising.
I have no idea what the civilian security force was needed for. Maybe you will elaborate.:shrug:

One thing I know for sure is that a house divided against itself is sure to fall!


Well-Known Member
So when something you thought was true turns out to be the opposite, you just chalk it up to supposed "liberal media bias"? :cover:

Also, if you truly believe that Obama and the liberal media "control" google, why bother using it and try to pass your search results as evidence in the first place?

I assumed it was fishy for those who only see surfacely and can't read into the humour.
I don't buy anything just because it is mainstream news no matter the party.Whenever they try to convince the herd I admit I do get suspicious.
I think republicans and democrats play against each other and a 3rd party is what is needed to get out of the mess.


Something else that makes me angry is Obama trying to pass a bill on NO FISHING anywhere... this is supposed to save the environment. HA! Even though there is SO MUCH pollution in the air, our environment is already going down hill... Look at what acid rain does... Kills the reproductive organs in fish... haha What is the difference? Is Obama going to make any other laws that help make the environment better? DOUBT IT. He's just taking away our freedoms to fish. lol Just one more thing!

You might want to double check that you have your facts straight before you waste too much energy on your anger. This sounds like BS to me.


Well I kinda assumed it was rumor but yet again who controls mainstream news?
I thought he was going to have some use for his civilian security force after all?
Or maybe they will be used to hold your children down so they can get there shots or weekly dose of medicines?:D

Are you kidding me? You think the government controls the mainstream news? It's the opposite, I'm afraid. The tail really does wag the dog.