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How much does the Christian God really love us?

free spirit

Well-Known Member
How would you be any more or less limited than this world. You can lust and get angry and fight, I just wouldn't create a reward system for violence and greed.

Your rewards in my world would be expanding knowledge, creating your own space, creating art, music, conversation and even experiencing virtual worlds like this one we're in now.

Are you sure you are not a politician?


Active Member
Are you sure you are not a politician?

Just as much an as shole but no, I'm alittle young for that, and really I'd hate to get into that whole thing, I'm looking to move away from it, maybe make a community. I guess I'd be a politician then hahaha.


non-existential luminary
If you want to be a son of God you will have to conform to his character. That is not an ultimatums I see it as a choise, animals do not have that choise.
It is too bad YOU are not doing that.
And it is too bad that you cannot see that animals act JUST like humans, because human is a type of animal...
As much as I can tell that the person next to me stops to think, i can also tell that in animals.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
For those who believe in the free will arguement: What purpose does anger and hatred serve? Why would god endow us with the ability to feel anger and hatred?>>>JustWondering

Your ability to "Just wonder" should give you the clue!

Without the ability to love or hate, you could not judge the difference between good and evil.

Would you rather be that way? A robot?

Blessings, AJ
Your ability to "Just wonder" should give you the clue!

Without the ability to love or hate, you could not judge the difference between good and evil.

Would you rather be that way? A robot?

Blessings, AJ

So god gave us anger to help us create and recognize evil.


Miss Independent
We can compare the love of the Christian God to the love of a good parent.

Perhaps we ought to say a good parent would be God, instead of saying God ought to be what I consider to be a good parent?

But is the love of the Christian God unconditional? No. God's love is conditional. The New Testament tells us:
"For the Father Himself loves you, because you have loved Me and have believed that I came forth from the Father" (John 16:27)

Did you forget the verse that says 'while we were still his enemies God died for us'?

In other words, the Christian God's love for us is conditional on our belief in Jesus and us obeying his orders.

Its that hard to believe in Jesus? A man who laid down his life for you?

A good parent would do everything in his power to help his children.

And he did just that!

He could surely do much more to help the poor, the diseased, or the starving.

I dont want temporary relief and forfeit eternal glory.. not worth it.

Would a loving parent purposefully make his children sick? The Christian God creates us sick and commands us to be well. And then, he would only grant us eternal life (something that should be incredible easy to do for an all-powerful God) on the condition that we become enslaved to him!

Is there any finger to be pointed at adam and satan? Jesus died to liberate us from all suffering. In the age to come.

Remember, this is supposedly an all-powerful and loving God! Can't he grant everyone eternal life, unconditionally?!

Everyone will have eternal life. Its just what kind of eternal life do you want?

But he would do the most horrible things to children who disobey him.

He can do whatever he wants to do with me, I expect him to be a Father who makes sure I get the discipline i need to walk worthy of his kingdom. And to inherit such a great kingdom is no small matter and so neither should the discipline be wishy washy.


Active Member
There is a difference between wishy-washy discipline and eternal damnation.

The punishment should fit the crime, if god were just.

supernatural punishment for earthly actions :/
He can do whatever he wants to do with me, I expect him to be a Father who makes sure I get the discipline i need to walk worthy of his kingdom. And to inherit such a great kingdom is no small matter and so neither should the discipline be wishy washy.

Killing infants and small children through famine, disease, and natural disasters fulfills what purpose exactly?


Active Member
Killing infants and small children through famine, disease, and natural disasters fulfills what purpose exactly?

God doesn't make those, they are caused by free will!!!!!



Miss Independent
There is a difference between wishy-washy discipline and eternal damnation.

The punishment should fit the crime, if god were just.

supernatural punishment for earthly actions :/

It should be a crime to want to be miserable for all eternity. But somehow God looks unjust to give people what they want. And they dont want him.

God is not going to drag anybody by the hair into heaven.

This world is his and everything in it. It is going to be destroyed. When its gone so are all the pleasures it provides. What will be left? Nothing but a person and his unfullfilled desires for all eternity. If God fullfills your desires here and now then you will find happiness in him forever. If he offends someone here how then will they be happy with him for all eternity? They wont.

The weeping and gnashing of teeth for all eternity is not because people are sad that they are not with God, its because they are sad because what they found happiness in, i.e this world is gone. They wont be shedding tears for God they will be shedding tears for themselves.


Active Member
It should be a crime to want to be miserable for all eternity. But somehow God looks unjust to give people what they want. And they dont want him.

God is not going to drag anybody by the hair into heaven.

This world is his and everything in it. It is going to be destroyed. When its gone so are all the pleasures it provides. What will be left? Nothing but a person and his unfullfilled desires for all eternity. If God fullfills your desires here and now then you will find happiness in him forever. If he offends someone here how then will they be happy with him for all eternity? They wont.

The weeping and gnashing of teeth for all eternity is not because people are sad that they are not with God, its because they are sad because what they found happiness in, i.e this world is gone. They wont be shedding tears for God they will be shedding tears for themselves.

No one wants to be miserable forever, and no one deserves to be tortured forever. Nothing anyone could do for an entire lifetime if deserving of eternal punishment. The only thing worthy of eternal punishment is eternally punishing.

I don't want to spend any time with someone who is okay with torturing people for eternity for not wanting to spend time with the someone.

God is completely capable of letting this world exist forever, it is his choice to destroy this place and torture those who don't agree with what some men wrote in a book. God has not made himself known, and yes I have been searching, and I have asked him to come into my heart, I felt nothing. So if god is there, I asked him to come into my heart. Whose fault is it that he didn't?

If god wants to punish me for him not answering my calls then i don't want to be with him, for ten seconds, let alone forever.

I predict you will say that my calls to god were not truly sincere, because if they were sincere god would've made himself known to me, thats what a believe would believe. I can't make you believe I was sincere when I asked god, but I was. He didn't answer, I believe it is because he isn't there, not because he doesn't care.
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Well-Known Member
Premium Member
So god gave us anger to help us create and recognize evil.

Silly.....God did not give us anger, hate or evil.....He gave us the ability for those things.
The only thing He gave us is LOVE, and regardless of what anybody thinks or says, His love is not deterred the least bit.

Love or hate comes by what one makes it to be.

Blessings, AJ


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
God is completely capable of letting this world exist forever>>>AntEmpire

Good! At least you believe there is a God!

God has not made himself known

He has made Himself known in a wonderful way.

He introduced Himself by Abraham, prophets and at the end, Jesus.

The question really is, can you accept that God did just that as stated in the bible?

If you can, then your faith in Jesus shall set you free!

yes I have been searching, and I have asked him to come into my heart, I felt nothing.

I understand that God knows the intents of our hearts and deals with us accordingly.

My suggestion to you is to trust that God will answer you as He promised.

Here a verse that will test your faith: Psa 104:27 These wait all upon thee; that thou mayest give them their meat in due season.

In due season shall you be renewed: Isa 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Blessings, AJ


Active Member
Good! At least you believe there is a God!

He has made Himself known in a wonderful way.

He introduced Himself by Abraham, prophets and at the end, Jesus.

The question really is, can you accept that God did just that as stated in the bible?

If you can, then your faith in Jesus shall set you free!

I understand that God knows the intents of our hearts and deals with us accordingly.

My suggestion to you is to trust that God will answer you as He promised.

I do not believe there is a god. I have been speaking hypothetically to show that the proposed god of the bible is of man's creation.

That is probably the worst possible way he could've made himself known. To a select few ancient men who already believed in him and had something to gain from claiming to get a message from god. Then to allow man to slap it together in a contradictory book and claim it to be the word of god.

If god knew the intention of my heart it was open, now not so much but he had years where i kept coming back still to get nothing from him. So I left the church because, no he did not answer as man promised he would.


Active Member
Silly.....God did not give us anger, hate or evil.....He gave us the ability for those things.
The only thing He gave us is LOVE, and regardless of what anybody thinks or says, His love is not deterred the least bit.

Love or hate comes by what one makes it to be.

Blessings, AJ

Silly..... God did not give us love.... he gave us the ability for love.
He gave us love as much as he did hate.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
as man promised he would>>>AntEmpire

Problem is that mankind can promise you nothing, for mankind is a lesser god.

One can not also Judge God by mankind either.

You can though judge God by Jesus.

For Jesus demonstrated all that God is: IE. the women caught in adultery, the women at the well, the healing of the centurions servant, the healing of the leapers, the healing of the lame man from birth, on and on.

The forgiveness of those who rejected Him, and crucified Him.

Jesus could, with the power of God escaped all His sufferings, and left us stranded but He didn't, and that is the good news, that God loved us so much that He suffered His Son to pay the price for our souls.

Now, mankind has conjured up all kinds of stories of God, of gods, myths and the non -existence of a God simply because of human understandings.

God designed it to where we ought to seek Him out, because in the process, we should grow in character, add value to this life and finally, live forever as us.

Blessings, AJ


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Silly..... God did not give us love.... he gave us the ability for love.
He gave us love as much as he did hate.

God gave us love without measure, and in that love allowed us to be who we are without penalty of eternal annihilation because of our being gods.

Otherwise, you and I would never have existed to chat on this forum.

Yes, we have the ability as gods to know good and evil.

The difficulty is in managing them for the good.

Blessings, AJ


Active Member
Problem is that mankind can promise you nothing, for mankind is a lesser god.

One can not also Judge God by mankind either.

You can though judge God by Jesus.

For Jesus demonstrated all that God is: IE. the women caught in adultery, the women at the well, the healing of the centurions servant, the healing of the leapers, the healing of the lame man from birth, on and on.

The forgiveness of those who rejected Him, and crucified Him.

Jesus could, with the power of God escaped all His sufferings, and left us stranded but He didn't, and that is the good news, that God loved us so much that He suffered His Son to pay the price for our souls.

Now, mankind has conjured up all kinds of stories of God, of gods, myths and the non -existence of a God simply because of human understandings.

God designed it to where we ought to seek Him out, because in the process, we should grow in character, add value to this life and finally, live forever as us.

Blessings, AJ

Everything you think you know about god is a product of lesser gods then. Man wrote the book that you base god off of. Can't deny this either.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Everything you think you know about god is a product of lesser gods then. Man wrote the book that you base god off of. Can't deny this either.

Of course man wrote the book. I mean if God, being a spiritual entity speak to us in spiritual terms, we could not relate.

But as a man, He could.

Let's see if this one verse will help with the explanation: Heb 1:1 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,

God spoke through mankind, who themselves were unlearned men, in divers manners and at sundry times, meaning when God knew the time was needful.

Mankind could not of itself know anything about the spiritual God, for mankind is a carnal creature, of flesh and blood.

Yet, revelation of the spiritual nature was given to mankind to write with whatever faults mankind had, meaning that there were no special qualifications.

The whole strategic plan of God was to establish the foundation by which He could liberate us from the penalty of separation from Him.

In order to understand what that means, one has to have knowledge of how it all started, beginning with Adam.

Then giving us the reason why Jesus had to come.

But, if the bible is discredited in whole, or parts of the whole, then the structure of God's plan can not be understood in simple terms.

Prophets were, in their own element trying to write down things they were inspired to write by only what education they had.

I mean, a rocket lunched today would be like a dragon breathing fire from it's tail, or a helicopter being like a scorpion, for lack of knowledge of what they really were.

But God, who has no time frame, orchestrated His message to us via all these men, learned and unlearned men, took care to make sure the message meshed together like a big puzzle into a clear picture of His works.

Many look at the pieces of this great puzzle and try to interpret a picture by just them.

While many others see many pieces of the puzzle fit together to see a clear view of what the big picture is all about.

If God intended us to all be perfect, then what would be the purpose of putting us through the trial?

So we were created less than God, a lesser god, imperfect, necessitating a perfect God to rescue us.

But not before the trial of life, so that through our suffering, we might learn to love, which is what God is all about.

It's OK to question God, doubt His word and or reject Him altogether.

That is a privilege He afforded us as free agents.

But let me testify, that having God in my life has been my steadfastness.

In the next verse Paul speaks of all non Jews, the Gentiles as not believing in God:

Rom 11:30 For as ye in times past have not believed God, yet have now obtained mercy through their unbelief:

You see, the Jews had the connection to God via Moses and the Prophets, and the rest of the world had nothing.

God in His plan blinded them in unbelief (Of Jesus) so that their unbelief would bring mercy to the rest of the world.

And so it is until this day. You and I have mercy granted us via Jesus the rejected of Israel, so that the gift of life be extended to us all as well.

Don't let the evil things of this world dissuade you to make a judgment that God does not exist, or that God is an unjust God.

That is way to easy to do.

Blessings, AJ


Active Member
I didn't ask to play this game with god, but according to you the only to get out and live is to worship the one who without my permission forced me into his little game.

No thanks.

Scriptures appear like a puzzle because man shoved books together, while burning and banning other books that we used to worship, books that the church disagreed with, ones that allowed women to be priestesses for example. Ones that covered the childhood life of Jesus (when Jesus killed people). Maybe take a look at what the Romans banned and get back to me.

If god were all about love he could've made all of man perfect in heaven and skipped the games. But you'll say some men aren't worthy, well what makes them that way? God. And this game, without the game or God creating a person in sin we'd all be perfectly good enough for heaven.