Everything you think you know about god is a product of lesser gods then. Man wrote the book that you base god off of. Can't deny this either.
Of course man wrote the book. I mean if God, being a spiritual entity speak to us in spiritual terms, we could not relate.
But as a man, He could.
Let's see if this one verse will help with the explanation: Heb 1:1
who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,
God spoke through mankind, who themselves were unlearned men, in divers manners and at sundry times, meaning when God knew the time was needful.
Mankind could not of itself know anything about the spiritual God, for mankind is a carnal creature, of flesh and blood.
Yet, revelation of the spiritual nature was given to mankind to write with whatever faults mankind had, meaning that there were no special qualifications.
The whole strategic plan of God was to establish the foundation by which He could liberate us from the penalty of separation from Him.
In order to understand what that means, one has to have knowledge of how it all started, beginning with Adam.
Then giving us the reason why Jesus had to come.
But, if the bible is discredited in whole, or parts of the whole, then the structure of God's plan can not be understood in simple terms.
Prophets were, in their own element trying to write down things they were inspired to write by only what education they had.
I mean, a rocket lunched today would be like a dragon breathing fire from it's tail, or a helicopter being like a scorpion, for lack of knowledge of what they really were.
But God, who has no time frame, orchestrated His message to us via all these men, learned and unlearned men, took care to make sure the message meshed together like a big puzzle into a clear picture of His works.
Many look at the pieces of this great puzzle and try to interpret a picture by just them.
While many others see many pieces of the puzzle fit together to see a clear view of what the big picture is all about.
If God intended us to all be perfect, then what would be the purpose of putting us through the trial?
So we were created less than God, a lesser god, imperfect, necessitating a perfect God to rescue us.
But not before the trial of life, so that through our suffering, we might learn to love, which is what God is all about.
It's OK to question God, doubt His word and or reject Him altogether.
That is a privilege He afforded us as free agents.
But let me testify, that having God in my life has been my steadfastness.
In the next verse Paul speaks of all non Jews, the Gentiles as not believing in God:
Rom 11:30 For
as ye in times past have not believed God,
yet have now obtained mercy through their unbelief:
You see, the Jews had the connection to God via Moses and the Prophets, and the rest of the world had nothing.
God in His plan blinded them in unbelief (Of Jesus) so that their unbelief would bring mercy to the rest of the world.
And so it is until this day. You and I have mercy granted us via Jesus the rejected of Israel, so that the gift of life be extended to us all as well.
Don't let the evil things of this world dissuade you to make a judgment that God does not exist, or that God is an unjust God.
That is way to easy to do.
Blessings, AJ