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How much does the Christian God really love us?

free spirit

Well-Known Member
I didn't ask to play this game with god, but according to you the only to get out and live is to worship the one who without my permission forced me into his little game.

No thanks.

Scriptures appear like a puzzle because man shoved books together, while burning and banning other books that we used to worship, books that the church disagreed with, ones that allowed women to be priestesses for example. Ones that covered the childhood life of Jesus (when Jesus killed people). Maybe take a look at what the Romans banned and get back to me.

If god were all about love he could've made all of man perfect in heaven and skipped the games. But you'll say some men aren't worthy, well what makes them that way? God. And this game, without the game or God creating a person in sin we'd all be perfectly good enough for heaven.

It is not a game, but it is a filtering process. The end result is to get to maturity the full number of the sons of God, who have made themselves through repentance in the image of the only begotten son of God "Jesus"
eventually those sons of God will rule the universe with God in truth. You were borne because you have been invited, now is up to you to accept that invitation or reject it you are free to choose. A litle pain on earth is nothing compared to the eternal glory that awaits the sons of God.
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Active Member
If god were all about love he could've made all of man perfect in heaven and skipped the games filtering process (sounds like cattle). But you'll say some men aren't worthy, well what makes them that way? God. And this game filtering process, without the filtering process or God creating a person in sin we'd all be perfectly good enough for heaven.


godless wonder
It is not a game, but it is a filtering process. The end result is to get to maturity the full number of the sons of God, who have made themselves through repentance in the image of the only begotten son of God "Jesus"
eventually those sons of God will rule the universe with God in truth. You were borne because you have been invited, now is up to you to accept that invitation or reject it you are free to choose. A litle pain on earth is nothing compared to the eternal glory that awaits the sons of God.
Explain eternal glory?


Miss Independent
If god wants to punish me for him not answering my calls then i don't want to be with him, for ten seconds, let alone forever..

Now see if you are not managing to like God now where do you imagine he would be compelled to put you when this world is destroyed? On his lap, so that you can be tortured by his personhood everyday?:shrug:

What is wrong here is your view of God. All men persue happiness. God knows this because he made you. Since he made mankind he knows very well what can make us happy. And God did make Adam and Eve happy until Satan suggested they might be happier thinking God is a monster and holding out on them. (the tree of knowledge of good and evil). Mankind has been miserable ever since.
God designed it to where we ought to seek Him out, because in the process, we should grow in character, add value to this life and finally, live forever as us.

Some don't get that chance, like infants and children killed by disease, famine and natural disasters. Do they get a free pass into heaven? If so, why do they get to grow up in heaven without having to deal with the temptations and tribulations of this world while the rest of us poor ******** do? Why do some people randomly luck out and are born in areas where they believe in the right religion and others are damned by being born into cultures that worship false gods? If the christian god is real as portrayed in the bible then he plays favorites. Do you really think the biblical god is a good role model for how people should behave?
Mankind has been miserable ever since.

A world with harsh seasons and limited resources. Disease. Droughts and Famine. Natural disasters. A "loving god" that is no where to be seen when men kill each other over religion. god has done a good job in making us miserable all right.


Miss Independent
Some don't get that chance, like infants and children killed by disease, famine and natural disasters. Do they get a free pass into heaven? If so, why do they get to grow up in heaven without having to deal with the temptations and tribulations of this world while the rest of us poor ******** do? Why do some people randomly luck out and are born in areas where they believe in the right religion and others are damned by being born into cultures that worship false gods? If the christian god is real as portrayed in the bible then he plays favorites. Do you really think the biblical god is a good role model for how people should behave?

Is there anywhere on this planet that the wind does not blow? There isnt. Jesus said the wind blows wherever it will, you dont know where it comes from or where it is going, so it is with everyone that is born again. The wind can reach every culture every nation every tongue.

If an infant goes to heaven it is because of the mercy of God, same way we go to heaven. By his mercy.

Count it all joy brothers and sister whenever you are tempted! When you endure the temptation there is great reward. So why complain about the temptation? Just dont be the one who brings it because WOE to that one, it would be better to have a milstone tied around you neck......


Miss Independent
A world with harsh seasons and limited resources. Disease. Droughts and Famine. Natural disasters. A "loving god" that is no where to be seen when men kill each other over religion. god has done a good job in making us miserable all right.

If harsh seasons and limited resources, disease, droughts and famines could keep you out of heaven, Jesus would have said so. Its the drought in the heart that amplifies the thirst. 'If anyone is thirsty let him come to me'. Its the diseased in heart that he came to save 'I did not come for the healthy but for the sick'. Its the famine of truth that he came to relieve, 'I am the truth'.
Is there anywhere on this planet that the wind does not blow? There isnt. Jesus said the wind blows wherever it will, you dont know where it comes from or where it is going, so it is with everyone that is born again. The wind can reach every culture every nation every tongue.

Your ignoring my question. For example, the likely reason a Hindu is a Hindu is because he was born and raised with those beliefs. If the Hindu belief system is going to cause people distress and pain why doesn't god show them their beliefs are wrong if he is a truly loving god?

If an infant goes to heaven it is because of the mercy of God, same way we go to heaven. By his mercy.

Your ignoring my question again. Lets say a some twins were born with a crippling and horriblely painful aliment that is uncurable. one of the twins dies right away (getting a "free pass" out of a long life of unbearable suffering). The other twin survives and "enjoys" a long life of brutal suffering due to their aliment. Why did god randomly reward one twin by sparing them a pain filled life and punishing the other with a long pain filled life?

Count it all joy brothers and sister whenever you are tempted! When you endure the temptation there is great reward. So why complain about the temptation? Just dont be the one who brings it because WOE to that one, it would be better to have a milstone tied around you neck......

What reward? If everyone ends up in the same place why is living this life on earth so important? Seems like being made to live on earth is a punishment.
If harsh seasons and limited resources, disease, droughts and famines could keep you out of heaven, Jesus would have said so. Its the drought in the heart that amplifies the thirst. 'If anyone is thirsty let him come to me'. Its the diseased in heart that he came to save 'I did not come for the healthy but for the sick'. Its the famine of truth that he came to relieve, 'I am the truth'.

What about Natural disasters and your "loving god" that is no where to be seen when men kill each other over religion. If a god exists he is not a good parent, he is a dead beat dad.


Veteran Member
What about Natural disasters and your "loving god" that is no where to be seen when men kill each other over religion. If a god exists he is not a good parent, he is a dead beat dad.

heneni couldn't find scripture that can refute your dead beat dad argument...needless to say she doesn't want to use her own noodle to try to reason simply because that would be undermining gods infallible word...:facepalm:


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I didn't ask to play this game with god, but according to you the only to get out and live is to worship the one who without my permission forced me into his little game.>>>AntEmpire

You are absolutely correct! On the underlined part! That is why mankind is angry with God!
That is why you are angry with God.

But what would make one turn around from that anger?

Beat up someone that claims to be of God?

You know that did happen?

When Jesus came, mankind's anger was turned against Jesus, who claimed to be of God, so they beat Him up, sped on Him, crowned Him with thorns mocking Him, lashed Him 39 times with a whip, made Him carry His own cross and finally, nailed Him to the cross.

You suppose mankind's anger was then relieved?

Is there evidence that mankind has changed today?

A change in attitude towards God is called repentance.

Not blaming God for our existence, but rather blessing Him for it.

To live this life with God on our side is of a great benefit.

You would have to experience it to know what I mean.

Blessings, AJ


Active Member
You are absolutely correct! On the underlined part! That is why mankind is angry with God!
That is why you are angry with God.

But what would make one turn around from that anger?

Beat up someone that claims to be of God?

You know that did happen?

When Jesus came, mankind's anger was turned against Jesus, who claimed to be of God, so they beat Him up, sped on Him, crowned Him with thorns mocking Him, lashed Him 39 times with a whip, made Him carry His own cross and finally, nailed Him to the cross.

You suppose mankind's anger was then relieved?

Is there evidence that mankind has changed today?

A change in attitude towards God is called repentance.

Not blaming God for our existence, but rather blessing Him for it.

To live this life with God on our side is of a great benefit.

You would have to experience it to know what I mean.

Blessings, AJ

I'm not the one who blames god for anything. You are. You're the one who claims god created this processing station where his own creation would be tested. Well if your god was perfect, and wanted us to be perfect we would be. Your god either doesn't exist, isn't perfect, or isn't testing us.
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Active Member

If god were all about love he could've made all of man perfect in heaven and skipped the games filtering process (sounds like cattle). But you'll say some men aren't worthy, well what makes them that way? God. And this game filtering process, without the filtering process or God creating a person in sin we'd all be perfectly good enough for heaven.


Veteran Member
You are absolutely correct! On the underlined part! That is why mankind is angry with God!
That is why you are angry with God.

But what would make one turn around from that anger?

Beat up someone that claims to be of God?

You know that did happen?

When Jesus came, mankind's anger was turned against Jesus, who claimed to be of God, so they beat Him up, sped on Him, crowned Him with thorns mocking Him, lashed Him 39 times with a whip, made Him carry His own cross and finally, nailed Him to the cross.

You suppose mankind's anger was then relieved?

Is there evidence that mankind has changed today?

A change in attitude towards God is called repentance.

Not blaming God for our existence, but rather blessing Him for it.

To live this life with God on our side is of a great benefit.

You would have to experience it to know what I mean.

Blessings, AJ

can't you see why unbelievers have such a hard time with believers?
lets take a look at 9/11, shall we?
were these hijackers believers?

how about mother theresa?
her faith perpetuated the needless suffering of millions of children who's chances of surviving past the age of 5 is close to nill.

lets look at the westboro baptist church
do you think they are justified doing these horrific acts in the name of god?

now lets think about same sex marriages
do unto others as you would have them to unto you
do you think your inalienable rights concerning a preference you are born with, like being left handed, should be subjected to others opinion?

if religious faith had no blemishes i wouldn't be complaining about it's hypocrisy. if religious faith was a beacon of goodness, i would be very attracted to it. but religious faith cannot be without blemishes and it cannot be a light in the darkness because it is man made...and ultimately mankind makes mistakes and as we have seen throughout history we learn from our mistakes or we are destined to repeat ourselves until finally know better


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
(1)Some don't get that chance, like infants and children killed by disease, famine and natural disasters. (2)Do they get a free pass into heaven? If so, (3)why do they get to grow up in heaven without having to deal with the temptations and tribulations of this world while the rest of us poor ******** do? (4)Why do some people randomly luck out and are born in areas where they believe in the right religion and others are damned by being born into cultures that worship false gods? If the christian god is real as portrayed in the bible then (5)he plays favorites. (6)Do you really think the biblical god is a good role model for how people should behave?

(1)Some don't get that chance, True, in that they might not make it to the age of accountability, which in my understanding is the point at which we become as like gods, rulers of our own desires.

(2)Do they get a free pass , absolutely, because they never had the chance to become as like gods.
When we do become as like gods, separation (Death) becomes the penalty.
This is the point (Anger) that many have against God, asking "Why did you place me here in this hell hole"? "I didn't ask to be born"!

(3)why do they get to grow up in heaven I don't believe they grow up in heaven, because I believe we are all of the same age, sort of speak. There is no time measurement in heaven, only here on earth.

And I believe that for those of us left here to endure suffering and pain, is because God wants us to learn to manage our godliness for the betterment of mankind.

Hence we try to make it a better place when a tragedy happens, and or try to take steps to protect ourselves and others from things we can control.

(4)Why do some people randomly luck out, I have this belief, that what ever goes up must come down.
So, if we were lucky to escape extreme suffering, as the "UP" side, then the "down" side would have to be the giving of ourselves (Compassionately)to those who are not so lucky.

Love is born from the trials of life.

(5)he plays favorites., I don't believe He does, in that He manages our training periods with obstacles, whether they be with people, animals,natural disasters, deceases.
In other words, using the natural turn of events as props.
I have allot more to add to this in my understanding of it, but would be to lengthy of an explanation.

(6)Do you really think the biblical god is a good role model for how people should behave?

Absolutely!!! In the Old Testament dispensation, meaning the covenant made by God with Israel by Moses, God made it impossible for mankind to achieve a state of righteousness that would equal to that of God's by giving them the Ten Commandments.

It was an impossibility, thus mankind was under condemnation from the day one was born, meaning as becoming as like gods.

The role model was that under all those circumstances, the condemnation of all mankind, God sent His Son with His (God's) righteousness upon Him to deliver us all from the condemnation, by condemning Jesus in our place.

Jesus then demonstrated to us what God is all about by submitting Himself under mankind's rule, allowing mankind to judge, condemn and place Jesus to death without so much as Jesus saying a word against us.

Jesus did ask the Father to forgive us, for we knew not what we were doing to Him.

If that is not a true example of love, then there is none.

Blessings, AJ


Active Member
Now see if you are not managing to like God now where do you imagine he would be compelled to put you when this world is destroyed? On his lap, so that you can be tortured by his personhood everyday?

Well I managed to not like god after he never anwsered my calls.
Lets see if I don't like him he's going to have satan torture me for eternity... how is that supposed to make me like him? I don't threaten the ones I love, I wouldn't torture anyone even if I hated them, let alone if they just didn't like me because I've been torturing people because they don't like me.

I asked god to be with me, if he actually existed I wouldn't have a problem being with him (how could I we'd all be made of him) so long as he isn't torturing all the Hindus in the world for being Hindu.

What is wrong here is your view of God. All men pursue happiness. God knows this because he made you. Since he made mankind he knows very well what can make us happy. And God did make Adam and Eve happy until Satan suggested they might be happier thinking God is a monster and holding out on them. (the tree of knowledge of good and evil). Mankind has been miserable ever since.

Bible quote where Satan said God was a monster?

Who created and placed Satan in the Garden? (God)
Who created man without the knowledge of Evil? (Man was without the knowledge that disobeying god was an act of evil, man didn't and couldn't know that satan was evil, that god was good, that disobeying god was evil without the knowledge of good and evil.)
Who created the tree of Good and Evil and placed it in the Garden? (God)
It was your god's will for mankind to disobey him, if it wasn't his will it wouldn't have happened.