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How much does the Christian God really love us?


Active Member
Rehab is a modern word for repentance. No everyone can afford rehab, on the other hand repentance is free, and avalible to everyone.
Rehabilitation is a process of altering your destructive behavior, and moving toward a path of productive and meaningful life. No one can afford not to be rehabilitated, if one is on a destructive path, since continuing on this path would lead to complete self-destruction. At the same time rehabilitation require effort.

Merely saying that you're sincerely sorry, is not the same as making the effort to change your behavior. Being "repentant" without making the effort to change a destructive behavior is nothing but self-delusion. It is useless unless you alter the behavior, and remove the underlying causes for the destructive behavior. Since altering the behavior is the only thing that really matters here, it is clear that repentance on its own is utterly meaningless.

Natural Philosophy of Life offers a simple, elegant, and powerful alternative to religious dogma. This philosophy has a firm foundation in nature, science, and reason, and it is centered on the core values of honesty, generosity, equality, and
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free spirit

Well-Known Member
Rehabilitation is a process of altering your destructive behavior, and moving toward a path of productive and meaningful life. No one can afford not to be rehabilitated, if one is on a destructive path, since continuing on this path would lead to complete self-destruction. At the same time rehabilitation require effort.
Behavior is part of the soul, heal the soul and the path of self-destruction will disappear.

Merely saying that you're sincerely sorry, is not the same as making the effort to change your behavior. Being "repentant" without making the effort to change a destructive behavior is nothing but self-delusion. It is useless unless you alter the behavior, and remove the underlying causes for the destructive behavior. Since altering the behavior is the only thing that really matters here, it is clear that repentance on its own is utterly meaningless.
Obviously you do not know what real repentance mean, but I am no surprised by that because most Christians do not know hither. True repentance goes to the core of the problen and cancel it out of your life, however the problem does not go willingly so you have to struggle with it for a while, but if you persist victory is guaranteed.
Jesus struggled with temptation till is sweat became drops of blood.

free spirit

Well-Known Member
I'm simply stressing the point that you made a life changing decision at the age of 11...but you deal with what you have, and you already made your lemonade... i doubt now would be the time for you to make any life altering decisions. I guess i'll tell you some about my past. it all fit in around the age of 18, i took a philosophy class and was asked what else I knew for sure...I said, "only agnosticism is true because it is self proving". the teacher asked: "in what way?" and i responded, "because even if you are not sure that you are not sure, you are still not sure." he questioned my logic by asking whether such an infinate regresion was logically fair. and thus he silenced me, afterall he had just proven to me that I knew that I existed and I knew that I thought...by sheer definition. But later that day I asked myself, how do I know that I think...its becaue I think I think, and why is that? because I think, I think, I think...and so on. The teacher hadn't realised that if my logic was unfair, so was his. So It all narrowed down to that basic truth: I think that I exist, but i don't know anything else.
But when you really think about it, it all started from my witnessing of existance, that led to my conclusion so far.

Some Philosopher somewere once said: I think, therefore I am.
In other words you are aware in this place and time
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Active Member
Obviously you do not know what real repentance mean, but I am no surprised by that because most Christians do not know hither. True repentance goes to the core of the problen and cancel it out of your life, however the problem does not go willingly so you have to struggle with it for a while, but if you persist victory is guaranteed.
Jesus struggled with temptation till is sweat became drops of blood.
The question is not just whether you remove the destructive behavior, but also what do you replace your destructive behavior with. In the case of Christianity, you replace it with delusion (with "faith" without evidence). Which is just another form of destructive behavior.

Natural Philosophy of Life offers a simple, elegant, and powerful alternative to religious dogma. This philosophy has a firm foundation in nature, science, and reason, and it is centered on the core values of honesty, generosity, equality, and

free spirit

Well-Known Member
The question is not just whether you remove the destructive behavior, but also what do you replace your destructive behavior with. In the case of Christianity, you replace it with delusion (with "faith" without evidence). Which is just another form of destructive behavior.
You replace defeat with victory and the joy to live free again


Active Member
You replace defeat with victory and the joy to live free again
Except that you're not free. You have to accept the delusion of life after death, heaven, hell, and the rest of that nonsense.

If all you had was the joy to live free you wouldn't have to accept Jesus Christ as your savior.

Natural Philosophy of Life offers a simple, elegant, and powerful alternative to religious dogma. This philosophy has a firm foundation in nature, science, and reason, and it is centered on the core values of honesty, generosity, equality, and


non-existential luminary
I'm simply stressing the point that you made a life changing decision at the age of 11...but you deal with what you have, and you already made your lemonade... i doubt now would be the time for you to make any life altering decisions. I guess i'll tell you some about my past. it all fit in around the age of 18, i took a philosophy class and was asked what else I knew for sure...I said, "only agnosticism is true because it is self proving". the teacher asked: "in what way?" and i responded, "because even if you are not sure that you are not sure, you are still not sure." he questioned my logic by asking whether such an infinate regresion was logically fair. and thus he silenced me, afterall he had just proven to me that I knew that I existed and I knew that I thought...by sheer definition. But later that day I asked myself, how do I know that I think...its becaue I think I think, and why is that? because I think, I think, I think...and so on. The teacher hadn't realised that if my logic was unfair, so was his. So It all narrowed down to that basic truth: I think that I exist, but i don't know anything else.
But when you really think about it, it all started from my witnessing of existance, that led to my conclusion so far.

Some Philosopher somewere once said: I think, therefore I am.
In other words you are aware in this place and time
That some philosopher, somewhere, was Descartes in France, considered the father of modern western philosophy. My teacher was fully aware of him. The quote has many predecessors from older philosophers. A more complete form of the commonly used quote would be "I doubt, therefore I think, therefore I am."
however, The Danish Philosopher Søren Kierkegaard dismissed such an argument because you are assuming you are thinking, or more vaguely that there is something there other than current thought. thus only if thoughts exist can you exist. thus everthing rests upon your assumptions, and the only truth is that you don't know...like Socrates, the father of ALL western philosophy, said: "The only think I know for sure, is that I know nothing else at all."
agnosticismism is the primary truth.
the other two truths are axioms.
I am because I think.
I think because I am.
those arguments are illogical because they are a logical fallacy: CIRCULAR ARGUMENT, just like my teacher tried to show that agnosticism was: INFINATE REGRESION.
To say: "I think, therefore I am" would require you to know that you are thinking, and not that something else is thinking for you, or that you are more than that thought.
why do you think? because you think you think, etc. INFINATE REGRESION.

to be fair: IF you assume you think,
THEN you must assume you are agnostic.
AFTER THAT, If you define EXISTING as THINKING, you can assume you exist, if only as a thought.
not through logical progression, but by your standards of assumption.
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Veteran Member
No, she made a virtue of being poor, but she believed it was true faith.
The suicide bombers also have faith in God

but isn't that what we're talking about?
how does one know their faith is the true faith...
just because one is born in the middle east or in china or in india doesn't mean one is practicing the right religion.
no one knows....do they.
and to think that one does is highly unlikely

free spirit

Well-Known Member
That some philosopher, somewhere, was Descartes in France, considered the father of modern western philosophy. My teacher was full aware of him. The quote has many predecessors from older philosophers. A more complete form of the commonly used quote would be "I doubt, therefore I think, therefore I am."
however, The Danish Philosopher Søren Kierkegaard dismissed such an argument because you are assuming you are thinking, or more vaguely that there is something there other than current thought. thus only if thoughts exist can you exist. thus everthing rests upon your assumptions, and the only truth is that you don't know...like Socrates, the father of ALL western philosophy, said: "The only think I know for sure, is that I know nothing else at all."
agnosticismism is the primary truth.
the other two truths are axioms.
I am because I think.
I think because I am.
those arguments are illogical because they are a logical fallacy: CIRCULAR ARGUMENT, just like my teacher tried to show that agnosticism was: INFINATE REGRESION.
To say: "I think, therefore I am" would require you to know that you are thinking, and not that something else is thinking for you, or that you are more than that thought.
why do you think? because you think you think, etc. INFINATE REGRESION.
to be fair: IF you assume you think,
THEN you must assume you are agnostic.
AFTER THAT, If you define EXISTING as THINKING, you can assume you exist, if only as a thought.
not through logical progression, but by your standards of assumption.

I think I am answering your post, but than again I myght not be, so what the use.

free spirit

Well-Known Member
but isn't that what we're talking about?
how does one know their faith is the true faith...
In Luke 10:30-36 We read, "A certain man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho; and he fell among robbers, and they stripped him and beat him, and went off leaving him half dead.
And by chance a certain priest was going down on that road, and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side.
And likewise a Levite also, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side.
But a certain Samaritan, who was on a Journey, came upon him; and when he saw him, he felt compassion,
and came to him, and bandaged up his wounds, pouring oil and wine on them, and he put him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him.
And on the next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper and said, take care of him, and whatever more you spent, when I return, I will repay you.
which of the three do you think proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell into the robbers hands?"
That man has the true faith because only he had compassion.

just because one is born in the middle east or in china or in india doesn't mean one is practicing the right religion.
no one knows....do they.
Everyone of this earth knows what is compassion
and to think that one does is highly unlikely

There is good and bad in this world, but only the bad gets reported. it is highly likely you have done a compassionate deed like the Samaritan and thought nothing of it. were there is compassion there is also the true faith the two goes togeter
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non-existential luminary
I think I am answering your post, but than again I myght not be, so what the use.
What you make of it.
In this case, i am assuming you are responding to my post, but i assume you are answering it wrong, if at all, with a diversion.
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Veteran Member
There is good and bad in this world, but only the bad gets reported. it is highly likely you have done a compassionate deed like the Samaritan and thought nothing of it. were there is compassion there is also the true faith the two goes togeter

compassion has nothing to do with religious faith...nothing at all.
you can say there are more religious charities but this only because there are more religious people than not.
if god were all of the sudden proven a myth somehow, do you think people will stop being charitable or empathetic towards one another? i seriously doubt it.
do you think the people would all of a sudden start to kill one another and steal and lie and cheat... anymore than they are doing right now? i highly doubt it. i think, people would start to pull together in the absence of religious faith, because the illusion that god is on "our"side is no longer there.. because we are on our side.

free spirit

Well-Known Member
compassion has nothing to do with religious faith...nothing at all.
you can say there are more religious charities but this only because there are more religious people than not.
if god were all of the sudden proven a myth somehow, do you think people will stop being charitable or empathetic towards one another? i seriously doubt it.
do you think the people would all of a sudden start to kill one another and steal and lie and cheat... anymore than they are doing right now? i highly doubt it. i think, people would start to pull together in the absence of religious faith, because the illusion that god is on "our"side is no longer there.. because we are on our side.

"God is on our side" is making use of God to do harm. It is obvious that you have been blinded by the hate that is in you. The only way to get rid of that hate is to forgive those who made you hate their evil character.

The following is something that I have written in my book "the way God told it"

(We define forgiveness as something we do to let the offender off from the consequences of the offence he has committed. For many people that definition can prove to be an insurmountable stumbling block as they reason to themselves, “I will never forgive him that! It was cruel, mean and she never said sorry, but even if they said sorry I cannot forgive what they did to me, not ever.” That thinking is the most common human response, for our heart harbours justifiable anger or revenge. What they are not realising is that their justifiable anger is preventing them from receiving the grace and peace that would be due to them if they just gracefully forgave that undeserving person. By maintaining the rage against the offender, unknowingly they punish themselves. Without a doubt they should meditate on what Jesus said and that is, “By the extent that we forgive, we will be forgiven in return.” We should also be aware that we are dealing with an inflexible spiritual power, put in place by our Lord, through which we can receive forgiveness and peace from God. For in the end, even the victims need to be forgiven by Him, because we all have sinned against the holiness of God. We should further consider that the offence that we have suffered has been hurting us for a long time through our memories, so in effect that person is hurting us still today. By letting that grudge go we will be releasing ourselves from its hurtful and tormenting power.)

In Luke 10:30-36 We read, "A certain man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho; and he fell among robbers, and they stripped him and beat him, and went off leaving him half dead.
And by chance a certain priest was going down on that road, and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side.
And likewise a Levite also, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side.
But a certain Samaritan, who was on a Journey, came upon him; and when he saw him, he felt compassion,
and came to him, and bandaged up his wounds, pouring oil and wine on them, and he put him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him.
And on the next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper and said, take care of him, and whatever more you spent, when I return, I will repay you.
which of the three do you think proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell into the robbers hands?"
That man has the true faith because only he had compassion.

You fail to see that a priest did not have compassion nor the levite, But they should have because they profess to be people of faith, it is obvious that their faith was not the true faith because they lacked the living substance of faith.
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Active Member
We are constantly reminded by devout Christians that their God has immense love for all his creation, and that we should believe in this God.

So how much does the Christian God really love us?

We can compare the love of the Christian God to the love of a good parent. A good parent would want his children to be righteous and successful. A good parent's love for his children is unconditional.

But is the love of the Christian God unconditional? No. God's love is conditional. The New Testament tells us:
"For the Father Himself loves you, because you have loved Me and have believed that I came forth from the Father" (John 16:27)
In other words, the Christian God's love for us is conditional on our belief in Jesus and us obeying his orders. And if we don't believe and obey? Then the Christian God will have the most horrible things happen to us:
"Their place will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur" (Revelation 21:8)
Is this how a good parent would treat his children? Would you want your child tortured for eternity if she disobeys your unreasonable demands? Of course not. A good parent would do everything in his power to help his children.

But does the Christian God do everything in his power to help his children? Not even close. After all, the Christian God is supposedly all-powerful. He could surely do much more to help the poor, the diseased, or the starving.

Would a loving parent purposefully make his children sick? The Christian God creates us sick and commands us to be well. And then, he would only grant us eternal life (something that should be incredible easy to do for an all-powerful God) on the condition that we become enslaved to him!
"But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life" (Romans 6:22)
Remember, this is supposedly an all-powerful and loving God! Can't he grant everyone eternal life, unconditionally?!

So how much does the Christian God really love us? Apparently the Christian God does not really love us that much after all. His love cannot possibly be compared to the unconditional love of a parent. And he wouldn't do everything in his power to help his children. But he would do the most horrible things to children who disobey him.

The Christian God does not love us like a parent loves his children, he loves us like a slave-master loves his slaves.


Geopolitics.us - Natural Philosophy of Life - a simple, elegant, and powerful alternative to religious dogma

You make many mistakes as you define the Christian God. The Bible does not teach that God's love is unconditional. That is what you teach the Bible says. You must obey God first, then God's love is unconditional.

You must accept that God is. then his love is unconditional.
God is a father does not mean he does not have conditions for children. You might be a child whose parents did not have conditions that you had to live up to but most of us had to obey our parents until we were wise enough to make decisions on our own. Most of us learned this fact of life. A few like you seem to be turned out to be oppositional to any authority that threatened to limit your hedonistic spirit.

Without having read any of the post in this thread, I venture to say that you raised the issue of homosexuality. If How I am incorrect here, I will certainly apologize, but with your penchant for pleasure as a measure of morality, I venture to think I am correct.

How much does God really love us? You fall under the category of people that Christ said to dust the dust off our feet concerning how much God loves you. See, the Bible does not say his love is unconditional. Too bad for you.

Also, too bad for you, you are in the category of people that Paul talks about in the Book of Romans. These people were atheist/agnostics. God played games with them because "they did not like to retain God" in their minds. God sent these people "strong delusions so they would believe a lie" and the purpose of the delusion was to damn them, You are not escaping God's resentment of you but you are escaping his love, according to the New Testament.

According to the New Testament you are not a child of God as yet. God is a good parent figure but he has no obligation to render parental guidance to you. Theologically speaking you will die while still in opposition to God and to your own salvation. According to the Bible, because of your opposition, neither God nor Christian are to be overly concerned about you. That also is part of his love to us and the rest of mankind Theologically, we both blow you off like dust on our feet.

Enjoy your own God, if you can find one.


Active Member
The name "Christian" implies the belief in the "Christ".

Therefore, anything dealing with Christ, no matter how diverse it may be, still alludes to the belief in Christ.

Anything about Christ, His origin, the origin of His God, our Father creator, has to be accepted, taken by faith..... period.

That is why there are differences amongst those professing.

It is like a father with six children for example, the children may not love their father in the same way, yet, they lo9ve their father in their own way.

Now, there may be some instance where one child may not want to acknowledge a father-ship relationship, such as an unbeliever, yet, the very fact of his or her existence is due to a creator God.

So, for the believer, there is ample information in the compiled story book,(Bible) some fact and some metaphoric, yet the whole is divinely inspired to make a very strong case for the existence of God, that is................if one has faith in God.

Faith (In God) then, is the ultimate sum of all that has transpired beginning with Abraham.

Apart from that, an unbeliever has no grounds to claim a non-existence of God.

The very fact of a very wondrously complex makeup of the animal kingdom, mankind, the world and everything in it, the universe and all that vast make up of the heavens is evidence of a creative being, a power, a mighty force can not be denied.

If anyone, really trying to make something of it as there not being a creator in all of this amazing existence, is the unbeliever.

Case in point: Up and until Abraham, there was no information, revelation of the existence of a God creator.

Therefore, because of the inner spiritual conciseness in mankind, and without any revelation to it's source, were led to make up their own belief via things, objects turned into gods.

I.e. Sun god, harvest god, etc.

The believer, has revelation identifying who this God really is, and one in which has been proven to have effected the lives of those who place their trust in Him.

There is no guess work involved in it, either one believes, has faith in God, or one doesn't.
There is no other option!

The God given ability to either accept or deny His existence, (Free and without eternal banishment) is a gift.

Our choice, take it or leave it!

Should one choose to take it, then there is a life changing experience of which to an unbeliever, would be a blessing missed out.

Blessings, AJ
A very good post brother but you are preaching good words in vain. This thread is clearly Christian bashing and will not tolerate God's love. It is a sad story of what the Bible really teaches.


Active Member
To the OP, I think this was a really well written article that briefly shows some of the flaws of the Bible in an easy to read format.

Of course their is going to be someone who chimes in with the Bible being a giant metaphor for ummm.... something.... that they can never figure out (Seriously, if you think its a metaphor then state what it is exactly). Which honestly if someone takes that route, then Jesus was a metaphor for a whale that eats on the third day of every week for 3 days and then rests.

Either way, even if someone goes that route, it just looks silly and makes your argument that much more convincing. Just the idea of something loving calling us "slaves" and "sheep" is quite telling.

If the OP knows what he is talking about when he tells you about the flaws in the Bible, you are safe to follow his example in life. But, if he is speaking from an oppositional attitude he gathers from childhood, then you are trusting in the solidarity of sand. My take is that he certainly knows little about the Bible.


Active Member
Well, we have more than the capacity to intelligently make decisions between what is morally right and wrong. We also have the capacity to make tools, to communicate symbolically through language, and so on.

Every additional capacity we have increases our potential for a better life, it doesn't decrease it. It allows us to have very complex societies, and diverse cultures.

It is perverted way of thinking to conclude that because we have these capacities we are actually worse off.

Other animals have other capacities that allow them to survive. In some terms other animals (or plants) are more advanced than us.

I understand where you're coming from. I'm familiar with the concept of being "Born Again."

But all this concept really means is that you must accept Jesus Christ as God, and the Bible as the Truth, and you cannot view the Bible or Jesus critically. Otherwise, you are not Born Again (with a living spirit and all that).

Since you consider Jesus to be God, and God cannot do evil, then any action Jesus or the Father do - by definition - cannot be evil.

And anything that is written in the Bible - by definition - cannot be contradictory. Even if something in the Bible is evidently contradictory - to your intellect, emotions, and senses - you must believe that it is not contradictory, because supposedly it "cannot be."

Do you see the inherent problem in this way of thinking?

Your "spirit" and belief have to override ALL your senses and intellect - because supposedly these are "of the flesh," and your "spirit" is superior to them.

Well, for me to accept this outlook on life, you'd have to present overwhelming and incontrovertible evidence to substantiate the claim that Jesus is indeed God, and that the claims made in the Bible are true.

Do you have any evidence to that effect?

Do you have evidence even for the existence of a spirit, outside of your imagination?

If you cannot view the actions of Jesus critically, then surely you'd say that Jesus' actions were all pure and good, and that there are no contradictions in the Bible.

But if you decide to actually use the capacities you have - intellectual, and others - you can clearly see that not all is so peachy in Jesus' actions.

Geopolitics.us - Natural Philosophy of Life - a simple, elegant, and powerful alternative to religious dogma
I understand where you're coming from. I'm familiar with the concept of being "Born Again."
Here is the problem. You do not define the born again experience the way Christians view the New Testament or in light of the way Christians view the Old testament. The premises used to interpret the Bible are different for you and look3467.

The way the Bible should be interpreted should be by the terms of the author or as you say, authors. What all authors in the Bible were seeking to find was information about God, known by all authors as dabar and in the New testament logos. God was never viewed as a man who could be understood fully by man. The Hebrew word dabaris used to mean over 2000 things about God in the Old testament and still counting. God has never been a figure that man had the mental capacity to define.

As man recorded facts in history God was obviously misrepresented. This explains many of the flaws you say exist in the Bible but these flaws do not mean these were flaws in God. The truth the Bible was trying to unfold or open up as you open a scroll was the truth about dabar. The more of dabar one understands, the more pure is life. Paul taught the Torah to Christians based on this fact.

Some of the reasons you do misinterpret the Bible is the beliefs that people have about God that the Bible does not support. Hell is such a belief. The Bible does not support eternal torture. Many will disagree with this statement but there are many who find this concept of hell fire as unreasonable, including the OP as he uses this concept against the Christian belief system. For this reason, and for Biblical reasons, the 7th Day Advintist Church are the best defenders of the the best defenders of the true Biblical concept of hell and death. For sinners there is no eternal hell but eternal death. The advantage a Christian has over death is eternal life through Christ.This is what many Christians believe. Me too and I am a United Methodist.

When correctly viewed one can see the purpose of God more clearly. This explains the flood, which the OP uses to condom God. But man took the incorrect path and the flood was a path correction and not an eternal punishment because no such thing exist. The flaws in the Bible to which the OP refers are the flaws in man and the corrections were necessary.

The end of time in the Bible will come suddenly. The dead in Christ will rise quickly and the dead ones in sin will stay dead eternally. No punishment for eternity, just dead forever. That is what the Bible teaches.

Another big mistake is that God can be found in any book. When God is discovered He is always discovered by natural theology. The purpose of the Bible is not to prove anything. Its purpose is to confirm our faith in dabar and logos.

But all this concept really means is that you must accept Jesus Christ as God, and the Bible as the Truth, and you cannot view the Bible or Jesus critically. Otherwise, you are not Born Again (with a living spirit and all that).
No where in the Bible does the Bible say this as above. It is easy to make stuff up and then use it against the Bible But the truth is still there for all to see.


Active Member
That's not the response I was hoping for. I was referring to the level of credulity needed to adopt such a belief system and worldview.

Just to illustrate this point, here's a little thought experiment:

I presume you believe we have a body, soul and/or spirit, correct?

Now suppose someone comes to you (and other people too) and claims to be the Father God. He performs all sorts of "miracles".. healing the sick, turning water into wine, etc. (you know, the sorts of things most magicians/illusion artists can do, only he's a bit better than average).

Now, this Father God claims that you don't only have a body and spirit, but there's also a fourth dimension to you - your "Essence." Now, he says that the flesh is corrupt, and the spirit is purer, but he says that even the spirit is a bit corrupt because it interacts with the flesh. He then claims that only your "Essence" is truly pure.

He then proceeds to explain his new theology. He also explains that if you believe in Him, not only will your spirit live forever in heaven, but your Essence will become a God, and you will be able to create your own universe - this is how much the Father God loves you! He let's you become a God in your own universe.

But if you fail to believe in this Father God, your Essence will be tortured forever in all the hells of all the worlds that other people's Essences create.

Now, you start to see that there are some perceived contradiction between this new theology, and the Bible. But then he claims that you cannot truly understand this theology because you are not yet born (for a third time) of the Essence.

Since your Essence is purer than the spirit, your Essence OVERRIDES all your senses and intellect, AND your spirit. So if you perceive any contradictions, it is because you weren't born of the Essence.

Of course, all this really means is that you cannot criticize this "God" or his theology, because if you do then your Essence is dead, and you will suffer in all these newly created worlds..

Only if you believe in this Father God will you be able to become a God in your own universe.. after your die.

And how can this Father God demonstrate that he speaks the truth. He says he doesn't have to demonstrate it, you will "feel" it.

Then he also dies, or gets burnt alive, or something like that supposedly demonstrates his eternal love, and then is "resurrected."

Now, millions of people who want to become gods flock to this Father God. Until yet another person comes and claims you don't only have a body, soul, spirit, and essence, but that there's a fifth dimension to you as well. He then proceeds to describe that he's such a loving God that he would give you even greater rewards... after you die.

Now, how would you go about refuting their claims?

Don't you see that all these "Gods" speak to your vanity, when they offer their incredible (yet imaginary) rewards that come after death?

At what point are you going to say: "I don't need your fantastic rewards (and threats), I'm fine with the real life I have, and that's all that is necessary" ?

And at what point are you going to say, "No! We don't have this Nth dimension to us. We are quite complete without this extra illusory dimension, and we don't need this illusory dimension to go into any fantastic place after we die" ?

Geopolitics.us - Natural Philosophy of Life - a simple, elegant, and powerful alternative to religious dogma

The orthodox Bible belief about man is that God created him from the dust of the earth. God breathed into this dust and it became a living soul. The soul was not separated from the body. the body and spirit (breath) was the soul. When you died (the body) the soul was dead also. That is the value of the Christian resurrection. The soul and body comes alive again eternally. All that stuff above is non sense Biblically speaking.